19: Rescue
My eyes tried to force themselves open as the feeling of my body bobbing up and down woke me up. The first thing I saw was a yellow, spotted tie.
"Nanami?" I breathed out as my face pressed against his chest. He was carrying me in his arms, holding me tightly as he ran.
Every inch of my body ached, and with every step he took, a sharp pain shot through my head. I felt so cold, but my body was soaked with sweat, my hair sticking to my face.
I wanted to push it away, but my arms refused to move, no matter how hard I tried. They were so heavy. I was rendered completely helpless.
"Hold on. We're almost there."
My eyes slowly adjusted to the world around us as he continued to push forward. There was no mistaking that we were back at Jujutsu High.
The last thing I could remember was leaving after learning about my parents and my clan, but I couldn't remember how long ago that was or what happened after.
As we entered the main building, Nanami slowed to a walk, and began hectically barging into various rooms. My only half-conscious body still just slumped up against him.
"Fuck!" he groaned out, causing me to be just slightly more alert. I don't think I've ever heard Nanami swear. "Where is everyone!?"
I wasn't sure what triggered it, but as we walked into the infirmary, a flood of memories returned to me. I recalled seeing Geto, my parents, Satoru.... Satoru.
"I'll be back," he said gently as he set me down on a small cot.
"No!" I instantly yelled out and grabbed his arm. My eyes were wide with shock and horror. I couldn't control myself as tears began to flow, chills rushing across my body, my breathing picking up to a rapid pace now.
He stroked back my sweaty hair and whispered, "It's ok, Y/n. You're safe now. I'm just going to get help."
"No, please," I begged him desperately. "Please, Nanami. Please don't leave me."
I was terrified to be alone, my mind racing endlessly as I tried to comprehend anything that had happened in the last 48hrs.
"Shit," he mumbled as he stared back at me, finally realizing the near-death state I was in. He looked around frantically as he tried to figure out what to do next.
If he didn't get medical help I'd definitely die from the internal injuries Geto's technique caused, but he was too nervous to leave me alone, worried that the terror of being by myself would push me over the edge.
"Itadori!" he called out as a blurb of pink hair walked by the open door.
"Eh?" he poked his head in looking confused. "What's up Nanami?"
"Go get Ieiri! Then tell Gojo to get over here!" he demanded.
Yuuji's eyes widened as they landed on my pale, fragile body. "Y-y/n?" he stuttered out.
"Now!!" Nanami yelled again. "Ieiri first, then Gojo!"
"Ah, right!" he called as he took off, his loud footsteps echoing through the empty corridor.
Nanami sat on the bed next to me, holding me as I continued to shake in his arms. My eyes felt heavy, and there was a darkness calling to me.
"You have to keep your eyes open, Y/n. Stay with me," he said gently as he continued to stroke my cheeks softly, using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the sweat from my forehead.
I fought so hard to listen to his fading words, but slowly my body refused to obey, and I slipped back into the void.
**Satoru POV**
"Gojo! Gojo-Sensei!!" I heard Itadori yelling my name, sprinting after me. He sounded concerned, but I didn't have to energy to really care.
I was sure it was just something trivial and annoying like always. Nobara probably stole his headphones again or something.
The first years hadn't known about Y/n leaving. I didn't know what to say honestly. It had only been a day or so since she took off. I checked everywhere for her, but she was no where to be found.
She was gone again, disappearing as quickly as she came, and I had no one to blame but myself—just like before.
I kept walking, making him chase after even further. If it was that important to him, he'd catch up.
"GOJO-SENSEI!!" he screamed, this time in a way that caught my attention just slightly. "IT'S Y/N-SENSEI!!"
I froze as he spoke her name, and quickly turned to look at him. His face plastered with an expression of horror. A million thoughts raced through my mind, as the pit in my stomach grew.
Please, Y/n. Please don't be dead.
"What happened?" I ran to meet him halfway.
"S-she's in the infirmary," he stuttered out of breath. "Nanami was with her. It didn't look good."
No, no, no... What happened? Y/n, please don't tell me you did anything stupid.
Before Itadori was able to get another word in, I took off, leaving him dazed and confused. I don't think my body had ever moved this quickly as I sprinted to her.
I burst through the doors of the infirmary, and my mouth gaped open as I stared at Y/n laying unconscious.
Her skin was pale. Her clothes and long hair soaked in sweat. Her face was sunken in, and large dark circles hollowed out underneath her eyes.
It hadn't been that long since I last saw her, but she looked completely different. Almost like she was an ill, starving child. Every part of her looked frail as if she would break just by being touched.
"W-what..." I trailed off as I walked over to her, ripping off my blindfold. It was already being soaked with tears, I couldn't help it.
"Stay back," Ieiri demanded as she shot me a glare.
"Nanami?" I huffed out as I looked at him for some type of answer.
He just shook his head, "I'm not even sure... It was Geto."
Every part of me tensed as I heard his name. Seeing her like this, now it made perfect sense.
He found her before I could. How is that even possible?
"Ieiri," I called through a clenched jaw, trying to force away the overwhelming feeling of anger. "Can you save her?"
"Gojo-sense!!" Itadori rushed into the room, Megumi and Nobara right behind him. "What happened!? Is everything ok!?"
"Out! All of you!!" Ieiri snapped at the interruption. "I need to focus!!"
My eyes landed back onto Y/n as Nanami stood and came to my side. "Come on," he said softly. "She'll be ok. Ieiri just needs to work."
I nodded silently, not bothering to stop the soft tears as I broke my gaze away from her, replacing my blindfold as we walked out of the room.
The students all looked at me with such shock as they witnessed the emotion, and they all took a last glance at Y/n before Nanami shut the doors.
"You three," Nanami pushed up his glasses as he looked at them. "Give us some space. We'll update you on everything when we can."
They all nodded silently before leaving us to sit outside the room and wait for Ieiri to finish.
After taking a moment to collect myself, I finally spoke up, "What happened? Where did you find her?"
"She was where she always goes," he stated plainly, and I couldn't help to raise any eyebrow at him.
"Are you sure you're a prodigy? You're rather clueless."
"Really Nanami? Now isn't the time."
He sighed, "She was at the cafe where you two met. I knew she'd go there before she left Japan, so I waited. I missed her go inside, but I saw as she ran out with Geto following."
"He disappeared right as I showed up, but he had already trapped her."
I threw my head into my hands as I thought over everything he said. I can't believe I didn't think about checking that shitty tea house... How stupid of me.
"How long do you think he was planning that?" I asked him.
He sat back and crossed his arms, "He must have been watching her for some time."
"And us," I added.
"Yes, and us."
I groaned as I leaned my head against the wall behind us. The rage was returning, and I let myself punch the wall, "How the fuck did this happen!?"
"She's a fighter, Gojo. She'll be ok."
I ran my hands through my hair, "How can I protect everyone except her? The person I love more than anyone in this world? I don't deserve her, Nanami."
Unexpectedly, Nanami reached over and patted my shoulder softly, "I've heard her say the same thing about you, but you're both wrong."
I smiled softly because that was the closest thing to comforting I've ever heard Nanami say or do. He was trying, and I was more than grateful.
We were complete opposites, but he was my closest friend, and he always wanted me and Y/n to finally be happy together.
"You're a good friend," I mumbled softly, feeling a little awkward at the sentiment.
He nodded as he relaxed back into his chair, and I followed suit. We sat there in silence for what seemed like hours.
I jumped to my feet as Ieiri exited the room and watched as she immediately lit up a cigarette before she even looked over at us.
"Is she ok?" I finally asked.
"She's stable," she huffed as she blew out a puff of smoke. "I'm not sure what she'll be like when she wakes up, but you can go in and sit with her if you want."
I pulled her into a hug as she just stood there. "Thank you, Ieiri," I said as I broke apart and went into the room.
Nanami stayed behind and they began to whisper to each other, but I didn't care what they were talking about. All I wanted was to be next to Y/n.
I pulled a chair up to her bed, and grabbed her hand softly, kissing it before intertwining my fingers with hers.
She already looked so much better than she did when I first got here, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.
I carefully pushed the hair out of her face before caressing her cheek, "I love you so much, Y/n. I'm so sorry I let this happen to you."
I saw this pic and SHED LITERAL TEARS for what could've been😩🥺 Junpei was tooooo pure and so mf adorable. jjk been out here really destroying my soul since day 1.
if u don't read the manga, you should. i don't even read manga like that but i love jjk so much.
anyway, here's one for all the dead homies *pours out a shot*
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