Chapter 1: the friendship and end of it of Arthur and Lewis
hello hello my beanie weenie readers thank you so much for reading this love chapter it's a bit funny cause this isn't the first time I ship these two I used to write a love novel of these two back in my high school years but anyways I hope you all enjoy and this drawing isn't mind it belongs to so enjoys enjoy the friendship chapter and also this was when Lewis was still alive of course
Arthur and Lewis were best friends from childhood to college and had enjoyed each other's company and had been friends for a long time never having a girl in their lives, Arthur enjoyed making things with Lewis as the two were really close and soon after a few years Lewis had met Vivi in college the same one where Arthur and Lewis were at and soon Lewis was spending more and more time with Vivi and well Artrhur felt lonely but it didn't stop him with hangout with of course, soon the 3 became friends but Lewis and Vivi became really close to each other which made Arthur worry before but he didn't want to ruin his friend's relationship and soon Mystery came into the picture and Arthur and Mystery were closed bud as well soon years had past and they all were friends except Vivi and Lewis they were really really close to each other soon one day Vivi started a mystery club and the 4 go on many adventures trying to solve mysteries here and there, everything was good they had lots of fun and more, soon Arthur and Lewis were at a Cafe getting some coffees for their ride to another scary place with Vivi and Mystery the dog, the two males talk and joke about things as they wait for their orders of the coffees, Lewis noticed some circles under Arthur's eyes as the short male laughs at the joke Lewis made, the tall male looks at Arthur with worry on his face knowing Arthur did had sleeping problems since Arthur has Insomnia (which is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. You may still feel tired when you wake up, but anyway back to the story), soon the coffees were called by the name of Lewis since he was the one who was paying for them, Arthur helps Lewis carry the hot drinks to the Mystery van where Vivi and Mystery were waiting for them, soon Mystery was having his puppuccino, Vivi having her Double Chocolatey Chip Crème Frappuccino, Lewis having his Hot Butterbeer Latte, and Arthur just having his black coffee with 2 lumps of sugar and half of half and half creamer, the short male drinks his drink slowly savoring it for the ride to their next location of doing mysteries, the 4 talks as always on the road as Arthur was sitting in the back with Mystery listening to the two's conversation since Lewis and Vivi were really close of a couple, and Arthur gives Mystery pets as he listens and joins the conversation once or twice and stays silent for the rest of the ride, soon the 4 got to their stop which was cave that Vivi found to be haunted as the 4 get out of the van and of course Arthur being a scary cat as he was tried to stay in the van but were stopped by Vivi and Arthur, the two give the short male a confindent smile to help their friend not be afraid as Mystery stays with Arthut the whole time feeling something was off about the caves, there were two that lead somewhere as the gang split up, leaving Lewis, Arthur, and Mystery by themselves, but Lewis walks through the first cave and it lead to a deep end and down below was filled with sharp rocks and bats came out as the 3 didn't know a green fog was crepting up behind Arthur, Arthur felt his body felt weird and soon felt his right arm turning green and it had an eye on it which spooked the short male.
Arthur: L-Lewis I think w-we should get out of here!
Arthur said stuttering as Lewis looks behind and sees his short friend having his right side turning green and behind Arthur and Lewis knew it, Arthur felt his body having a mind of its own and he went right at Lewis, his best friend and soon Lewis was pushed off pf the edge, as Arthur looked in shock before tears rolling down his face and tried to grab Lewis's hand but it was too late the tall male fell down and paired right into the spike rocks behind as Lewis had a look od betrayal in his eyes that Arthur couldn't unsee and soon as he turned around and saw a mystery creature behind him that almost look like Mystery but soon the green hand tried to attack and hissed and the mystery creature lunched and ripped Arthur's right arm off and Vivi same in after hearing the scream of Arthur's scream and another one she never heard before and she found Arthur on the floor bleeding and a mystery creature holding a green arm which moved away when dropped and the mystery creature comes over and touch Vivi's head and she passed out , and soon everything went black * time skip* Arthur woke up in to a hospital bed and sees Vivi were there Arthur felt his right arm was gone and he saw it was as Arthur gets up from the hospital bed but was stopped by Vivi wanting to know what happened, but Arthur tried to explain what happened and soon heard the words he never thought he would hear from Vivi
Vivi: who's Lewis, Arthur it has been only you, me, and Mystery I never heard someone named Lewis or had someone on our team
she said as Arthur tried to recollect his thoughts but soon passed out again and soon a funeral was made for lewis as the family came along with other friends even Arthur who felt guilty that his only best friend was killed by his own hands, he stayed like this blaming himself for everything but didn't know that someday he would face Lewis again in a way he never thought Lewis was cable of
end of Chapter 1
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