Chapter XXXI - Are you gonna stay...
06.May – Qualifying Day
I don't know why I took Vasseur's words so hard. Rather, I was offended by his behavior, by the fact that he allowed himself to enter my personal space, by the fact that he forced me to limit my contacts with people who made me feel good. But why? What was wrong with being friends with your coworkers? And why did he even think it was a romantic relationship, why did he think I would start a relationship with one of them? I had the question "Why" so many times that my head was going to explode. I needed to talk to someone. Immediately.
So, as soon as I got back to the hotel, I called my mom. Her face appeared on my phone screen and her smile worked like a salve to my soul.
- Hello, podium cutie! – she greeted me cheerfully. – How are you?
She and my father were the first to congratulate me after the podium in Baku, they of course constantly followed my performance as a strategist, no matter that I did not have the opportunity to practice my profession often. And podium cutie was the way she used to call me after the most successful weekend in my career.
- I'm fine, mother - I forced a smile, but the woman immediately recognized that something was wrong.
- Honey, when you try to lie, at least do it well... – she shook her head. – Tell me what's going on?
- I don't know if I can take it here anymore, mother... – I sighed. – I didn't tell you before because I didn't want to sound slobbery, I didn't want to show that I have a problem, but everything is escalating so quickly...
- What are you talking about, Tesoro? – my mother got worried. – Did someone hurt you... After all, you work with men and...
- No, no, mother... – I said quickly. – Most of the men here are really respectful... The problem is with my boss. He treats me terribly, he wasn't giving me the permission to work so far... Of course, the times I told you about our performance I was a part of it I didn't lied to you... And recently this problems stopped. I thought everything would get well now, but... But now he's trying to get into my private life.
- What do you mean? – she frowned.
- He forbids me to get closer to the people in the team – I replied hesitatingly.
- And how exactly do you get closer to them? – the woman raised her eyebrows. – And with who?
- Mother, I am trying to be friends with everyone, it doesn't matter that many of the people from the crew are still looking at me as if I am a worm... – I explained. – I have a few people here with whom I am closer, but purely within the limits of friendship...
- Lisa, I want you to think carefully about whether you yourself are convinced of what you are telling me... – my mom said seriously.
- What do you mean? – my eyes got wider.
- Sometimes it's not bad to admit if you have feelings for someone... – she said
- Mother, I am sure of myself – I said. – I have no feelings for anyone. Just friends...
- With both drivers, also the reserve ones and the mechanics? – the woman asked again.
- Yes, mom! – I rolled my eyes.
- Then you don't have to worry about Vasseur trying to forbid you getting closer to your teammates... – she said in a suspicious tone.
I laughed in disbelief.
- Mom, I am complaining to you that I am treated worse than a monkey in a circus, and you question me whether I have feelings for someone or not!
- My luce del sole, I know that you will find a way to smash them, and you will not give in to them. You never bow down, even if it costs you everything! – she smiled conspiratorially. – Therefore, now tell me who is the person for whom Vasseur scolded you.
- There is no specific person... – I looked away, but in my mind immediately came thoughts about Charles.
- Your aunt says there is... – the woman laughed.
- Oh, yeah, she saw it in the coffee! – I said mockingly, rolling my eyes.
- No, she saw you while you were on Capri – my mother smiled. – A woman's eyes can always tell that there is someone who makes her heart excited.
- My heart is only excited to take the team higher in the championship... – I shook my head. – Which reminds me that tomorrow is the Qualifying and I have to get up early.
- You can't get out of the conversation Lissie, we'll talk again when you get back home – she teased me. – Sweet dreams luce del sole!
- Have a nice workday, mommy! – I blew her an air kiss and hung up.
I leaned back on the sofa and let out a deep sigh. I have to find a way to remain close friends with the drivers, without Vasseur understanding that. This time I had to tame my rebel soul because not only my future was at stake. But Charles' one also. And that hurt me the most. After the conversation with my mother, I've decided to take a long hot bath, so I could overthink, then went to bed.
The next morning, I woke up early and entered the thinking phase with the opening of my eyes. I was trying to find a way to both satisfy myself and fulfill Vasseur's orders. Honestly, I was a little afraid that he would really fire me – he had an experienced Chief strategist, and he needed two good drivers much more than a stubborn, rebellious and wayward Junior strategist. But he threatened me that if I didn't do his bidding, he might do something to Charles too. Probably he was just bluffing, but I could expect anything from him. Vasseur was that kind of two-faced person, who could always surprise you with his decisions, words, actions... With all his existence as whole. He was also that kind of guy who could make you feel guilty for anything, without having a guilt, who could humiliate you in front of hundreds of people without blinking an eye, but two minutes after that he would smile at you and tell you what a perfect employee/person you are. He was acting like a child trapped in an adult's body. The team principal was not one to notice the accomplishments of others. He always put on the mask of a cheerful and very tolerant team leader, who would almost certainly bring down the stars from the sky for the good of the team. He commented on every mistake, every problem of the team with a Bonaparte style that drove me crazy. Listening to him people would think that the Scuderia is a top team, without any problems and we are one loving family ready to be on the podium every weekend. In fact, Vasseur was a man of words, not action. But he didn't understand that to be a successful are needed actions, not empty promises.
I got out of bed with great unwillingness. Within a week, my love and excitement for work disappeared, and in its place again settled that very unpleasant feeling of dissatisfaction with what was happening every day. I put on my red baseball jersey, part of my uniform, paired with black leather pants and my red sneakers with the Ferrari logo.
After finishing my outfit with the traditional lucky jewelries and make up, I took my laptop bag, with all my personal things in it and left my room. At the exit of the hotel, I stopped for a second to find myself transport. While I was looking for a free car, I thought I saw Isa getting into one of the taxis in front of the hotel. But the lady who looked like her to me, quickly hid in the car, behind the large crowd of people around waiting for the drivers to come out of the hotel to ask for a photo or an autograph from them. It was weird. What will Isa do in a taxi when she usually goes to the circuit with Carlos. And I didn't see Carlos anywhere, so I was probably wrong.
Then I felt a hand on my back and heard the familiar:
- Barbie Girl!
I turned around and suddenly found myself in Kika's strong embrace.
- Happy to see you! – I said softly.
- What are you doing here, sweety? – she asked me, when we broke the hug.
- I was just looking for transport actually – I laughed embarrassed.
- Wait, what?! Charles isn't here to give you a ride? – I heard Pierre shouting from the crowd where he was giving autographs now.
- I don't know where he actually is – I said to Kika and she rolled her eyes.
- Pierre let's give the poor girl a ride to the circuit because your fucking best friend disappeared – the girl shouted to her boyfriend, and he gave her thumb up. Then she turned to me and winked. – You found your transport for the day.
- Have to start renting a car, couldn't depend on someone every time I am away from home – I shook my head. – Anyway, thank you so much for the favor...
- Girl, we are friends! – she interrupted me, placing her hand on my shoulder. – Friends do always support each other.
I smiled wide and hugged her. After that Gasly came to us and we headed to the big Renault Clio that was waiting for them in front of the hotel.
We arrived at the track and Kika and I went forward while Pierre again stopped in the crowd of fans to sign autographs. The girl waited for him, while I was observing the place, wondering if I would see Charles anywhere. Then my eyes fixed on him, and my heart skipped a beat. He was ahead of us in the paddock and already talking to one of the mechanics in front of our hospitality. I shivered.
He wore the cap with his number, sunglasses, and the red uniform jersey that showed part of his bare chest. Of course, this was all combined with the red pants he always wears at Qualifying Day. We both had something to bring luck on us. How cute! But he looked so stunning, and his mysteriously showing skin provoked my dirty subconscious into action. And butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Kika nudged me and laughed.
- Sweety, if you keep staring at him like that, you'll be in the tabloids tomorrow – she teased me.
- Oh, I wasn't looking at him but... – I started looking for an excuse. – At the sponsor's flags. There are a lot of brands out there.
I looked proudly at Gomes and smiled. At this moment I heard behind my back:
- Someday I'll provide you with materials from all the sponsors so you can choose whatever you want to.
Charles approached us and when I turned to him, he smiled widely.
- Oh, Olá garota! – the Monegasque tilted his head to the girl next to me.
- Olá, cabròn! – she chuckled.
I smiled and stared at Charles' face. He was so charming. His nose and cheeks were red. We both were sunburnt, but unlike me he couldn't cover it up with powder. Even the sun couldn't resist kissing him. My gaze settled on his lips. How can I hold back so far?
But then I remembered my conversation with Vasseur. No, I should hold back. Ah, how hard it would have been for me to stop the process, which was already too late to be stopped. But I should have set the boundaries between us a long time ago. As much as I didn't want to. For his sake and the team's sake... And myself.
- I can provide the sponsorship materials myself – I laughed and turned to my girlfriend. – Kika, now I must leave you as Charles, and I have work to do.
- Of course, you have work to do! – she said in a naughty tone and hugged me. – See you later, sweethearts!
I smiled and the Monegasque and I looked at each other, then we entered the hospitality together, walking side by side. Our shoulders were constantly touching. But if I once liked it and had the desire to seek contact with him, now it made me uneasy. The whole time I was looking around and praying that I wouldn't run into Vasseur. If that happened, Charles would find out about the conversation with the team principal, and I still didn't want that.
FP3 went smoothly for our team and with very good results. We used Softs and of course the good results were here – Charles finished P2 and Sainz P4. I was pleased that Charlie's car recovered from his collision with the walls yesterday and there was hope that we would be ahead in the standings today. Now it was just a matter of Qualifying to take a Pole position and I would sleep well tonight.
Usually after FP3 I would go to see the guys to discuss strategies and their mistakes before Qualifying so that everything goes smoothly afterwards. But this time I didn't. I decided to follow Vasseur's words and put some boundaries between me and the boys. I knew that this could harm my work and the performance of the team more, but if the result was really negative, this will show our boss that his decisions are not always the best. But if it has a positive influence – I would agree with him. I wanted to keep my job, actually thought about it a lot and I loved the time spent with the boys too much to lose them by being fired.
So, throughout the break until Qualifying, I stayed alone at the garages working over the settings of the cars and downloading data from them to my computer. I wanted to fill my time with something useful and to be able to do the best strategy for today.
Qualifying was about to begin. At the right time, I took my place next to Mekies. I was no longer sitting in the bottom corner of the pit wall and that fact made me very proud of my own achievements. I turned to the garages as per my tradition and waved to the boys who had already taken their seats in their cars. Then I said my prayer and kissed the coral horn on my neck. Now the Qualifying could start.
- Okay guys, welcome to the board of SF-23! – I started talking on the radio. - For today we will use the Softs again. The temperature track is 38 degrees, there is no forecast for rain during the session so now we can push to the limits! Any questions?
- When will we go on the track? – Charles was again the first to ask.
- Don't be impatient, Leclerc! – I scolded him. – We will wait to see how Verstappen and Perez go, there are too many people on the track now, so we will stay in. We have enough time.
- Oh, okay! But be faster, cause soon I will need to pee – the Monegasque continued.
- Your birthday is too far away for me to give you a package of diapers until then – I said chuckling. – But if you take Pole today, you will certainly have a present from me!
- Don't forget you still owe me dinner – Leclerc giggled.
I muted the radio and bowed my head, blushing with embarrassment. Not only I, but the entire staff with access to radio communication heard this. I could feel how angry Vasseur was at Leclerc's words, but it was not my fault that I had promised things in my infatuation that I had not yet fulfilled.
When I looked at the screens 14 minutes till the end of the session were left.
- Okay guys, now leave the pit lane – Charles first, Sainz, follow him! – I turned my microphone on. – As per plan we have one preparation lap, then two fast ones.
And our drivers went on the track. I started following their preparation laps, meanwhile looking at the GPS tracker. If the race engineers didn't have enough brain to do it. I had.
Leclerc finished his first flying lap, but I wasn't satisfied.
- Charles, you are losing time at the end of sector one – I unmuted myself. – But you finished well in P2, 0.116 faster than Verstappen. Congratulations!
- Thank you, Lissie! – Charles replied.
- Sainz, P4 now – I changed the station. – Now you have to go for a second fast lap. But first, warm the tires, okay?
- Copy! – Carlos said.
I noted the lap time of both drivers, then looked again at the screens. 10 minutes to go and Sainz dropped to P6 and found that a problem.
- Carlos, start another fast lap... - I said on the radio. – Now!
- Copy, boss! – he said, and I rolled my eyes.
- Charles, try for a new fast lap now – I changed the station the second I saw Carlos moving further of Charles.
Both drivers finished their fast laps one after another. I was watching the GPS tracker all the time and saw Zhou, who almost crashed into the walls, because Leclerc was on his way. The race engineer of Charles was really quiet again. I couldn't understand what was happening. Didn't he understand that he ruins Charles races that way. It was almost all the time some of our cars in the middle of the track, impending someone.
- Good 1.27.895, Charlie! – I said looking at the screen with the statistics. – But Verstappen passed you and you are P3 now, Sainz registered a good time P4.
- I was going to be first if it wasn't that monkey there! – Charles said angrily, then started talking to Xavi to warn him about the traffic as he couldn't see the people.
I looked at Mekies and he nodded at me. We understood each other from one sight. I stood up and ran to the box where was Xavi today. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he put his headphones down, turning to me.
- Miss Bernardi? – the race engineer raised his eyebrows.
- Listen to me you fucking bastard! – I started through gritted teeth. – You're doing it again, Guanyu was going to hit the walls because of you! The stress you're creating is disgusting to Charles. Get yourself up, because if you don't, I will smack your face! This is the last time I am coming to warn you. Next time I will step into action without hesitations. Be sure!
The man was too shocked of my threatening to answer, so I just turned my back and went back to the pit wall with a walk of a winner. I put my headphones on and gave a thumbs up to Mekies.
- Guys let's make a third fast lap – I said on the radio. – You have 3 minutes left and I want to be sure how the machines are doing in traffic.
- Copy! – they both replied.
I followed the laps with impatience in my heart. Fortunately, everything went well, even though I didn't have a good presentiment. I had the damn feeling that something was about to happen, and I started getting anxious suddenly. I tried to keep my cool.
- Good Charlie P3 – time 1.27.713... - I said and switched the station. – Okay Sainz, well done! You got 1.27.686. And now you are P2, Charles finished P4.
- Copy! – I heard Carlos saying.
Then I called the drivers for a box. When they returned to the pit lane, I jumped out and went straight to the car of Charles. I leaned over the halo and said:
- Charlie, you got exactly the same result as Perez. I want you to focus, boy. Know you can beat the Red Bulls, I believe in you, and I will break the head of that slacker in the bottom of your garage if he indulges in this recklessness one more time.
Charles extended his hand and caressed my head. I knew Vasseur saw us, so I had to move. But couldn't. I liked that.
- Also watch out for Hulkenberg – I continued. – He makes a lot of mistakes and can cause a problem on the track.
- Thank you for the advice, darling! – Leclerc's eyes started shining.
I tapped him on the top of his helmet and ordered the pit crew to change the tires. Then went to Sainz to give him some quick advice for his driving in the turns. He was looking at me with his big brown eyes, as if he had never seen me before. His behavior today was weird, but I didn't pay attention to him. Didn't have time to analyze.
The second part of the Qualifying started with Red Bulls going out first on the pitlane. Again, there were many slow drivers on the track, so I decided to wait. We had enough time, but the wind on the track was picking up. Which worried me a lot.
10 minutes before the end of Q2 I turned my microphone on.
- Time to leave! – I said. – Charles you are first, Sainz will follow. I want you both to do the prep while it clears up. Warm up the tires well. Push every lap as if it were your last for the session.
- Copy! – they both replied.
I started following the cars on the track, meanwhile I was watching the screens with the statistics. Everything looked good so we could start.
- Charles, 8 minutes to go are you ready? – I asked him on the radio.
- Always, Lissie! – replied Leclerc.
Then he started his fast lap and my heart started beating faster. The feeling that something was about to happen, was still here. Charles was taking every turn really close to the walls, making my heart skip a beat every time.
- Charles you are P4 – I said after both drivers finished their laps and changed stations. – P2 for you Sainz, despite that you are very slow at sector exits, please fix this.
- Copy, Lissie! – said Carlos.
- You can go back in the pit, your time is good.
Then I turned my focus back on Charles and instructed him to do another lap.
- Well done Charles 1.26.964, P1 for now, waiting for Verstappen's time – I informed him, after he crossed the white line.
- Lissie, please give me good news – I heard Leclerc saying.
- Merde, he improved your result by 0.150... – I hit the desk. – Come back to the box.
When both of the drivers were in the box, I turned to them and gave the boys a thumbs up, to encourage them. Then turned forward and started nervously taping with my nails on the desk. Mekies, sitting next to me, tapped me on the shoulder and whispered:
- Why are you nervous?
- Because I saw the forecast... - I whispered. – It might rain tomorrow... We need that Pole.
- Don't worry, the front line is also fine – Laurent said quietly.
- No, no... it must be a Pole – I turned and looked at Charles. – Are you serious Mekies?! Just look at his eyes, he looks so happy. I want to make him smile again like in Baku.
- Only him or them both? – asked Mekies half smiling, and I looked at him death serious.
- Them both of course...
The deputy team principal laughed and ruffled my hair. I still don't know how we built this connection between us, but Ì liked it that way. I saw Vasseur watching us with narrowed eyes. What? Now he will kick Mekies out because he shows sympathy for me? Bastard!
Q3 started and we put new Soft tires, my idea was the drivers to attack at the beginning of the session, while the track was clear. Max came out first as always. And I turned my radio on:
- Okay guys, now a little advice – Be careful around the turns, because the wind is picking up and the possibility to hit the walls increases.
- Copy, boss! – both drivers replied.
- OK, so do a preparation lap now – I continued. – And then you have two fast laps as per plan.
The drivers started following my instructions. They did everything exactly as I said and registered their times. Not the best but they were about to improve them.
- I think I hit the wall at turn 17 or 16 – Charles said on the radio in a worried voice.
- Don't worry, Charles you are P6 – I hastened to calm him. – Now pit quickly. I saw your mistake was in turn 17. Be careful because it's a tricky one. Listen to my advice - slow down your movements, you have too wide a trajectory and you are getting too close to the walls. It's important to calm down, please.
- Copy, darling! – he mumbled.
- Sainz, you're P3 now so you could come back too – I changed the station.
- Copy, Lissie!
I informed the pit crew to prepare another set of Softs and then waited for the pitstops to come to an end. Charles went out first. He jumped on the track as a panther in attack. But the tires were completely new and not ready for the beginning of a fast lap, when he started. Oh, Charles! He wanted that Pole so bad, the way I wanted it too, or even more.
- Calm down, please – I whispered to myself. – Charles, please! We have all the advantages, you just need to be calm...
Leclerc was flying across the track, but I saw that he had an instability in his car. It was a dangerous game. And I got goosebumps, my heart started to beat faster and my whole body was shaking with nerves. I wanted to turn my radio on and give him some advice, but now wasn't the best time to distract him. But I had the feeling something bad was going to happen. My heart ached.
And suddenly the rear of the car slipped, Charles spun into turn 7 and flew into the walls, cleverly managing not to hit the front but smashing the car in the rear. But on the camera, I saw him hitting his head on the steering wheel.
- Mio Dio, Charles! – I literally screamed and shivers ran down my spine. – Charles! A-a-are you okay? Can you hear me?!
At first, I heard his rapid breathing, then he started talking:
- I'm sorry guys, I'm sorry Lissie...
- Charles... – I sighed and a tear dropped down from my eye. – The most important thing is that you are alive.
I saw him jumping out of the car and hit the halo, then looked behind the car. Yes, he had smashed it. Leclerc headed towards the exit of the track, frantically taking his gloves off and walking towards the exit.
- Are you still calm Mekies? – I asked, turning to the deputy principal. – Now even more work opens for me up.
- You talk like you have to fix his car – Mekies said seriously.
- Worse... – I shook my head – Have to fix his mental health...
We both sighed and looked again at the screens. It was going to be a tough night.
It rained heavily the same night. Lightning lit up the sky. The good thing was that it happened the night before the race, not the race itself, because they had a rule here that open-air events must be stopped if there are a risk people could be struck by lightning, which meant the Grand Prix will be immediately Red flagged in case of a lightning storm within a kilometer. But that wasn't the worst of it.
I was sitting on the terrace in Charles' hotel apartment while Andrea and the team doctor attended to him. Charles had a blocked neck after hitting the wall when he hit his head on the steering wheel. I was worried about him. Vasseur's ban couldn't stop the fact that I was a human and worried about my teammate. We were all very worried. All the time I could hear soft moans from the room and my heart was breaking. I stood and watched the rain, and the conversation with Vasseur yesterday was in my head. How could he try to blackmail me like that? But now, I wasn't going to obey. I wouldn't leave Charles for anything in the world. I would do the same for Sainz.
When the doctor was ready and left the room Andrea came to the terrace to call me.
- How is he? – I asked in a trembling voice.
- He has been better, but he will live – the coach chuckled.
- Haha, you're so funny Andrea! – I rolled my eyes.
- I'm sorry, I wanted to put a smile on your beautiful face – he said softly. – You're too worried.
- Aren't you the same? – I raised my eyebrows. – He is unwell, the race tomorrow...
- Tomorrow is for tomorrow, don't panic for now – Andrea interrupted me. – Now get inside, here is too cold and rainy. You must take a rest, he should too...
- No, I'll stay with him a little longer... – I shook my head going inside the room.
- You can't stay with him, tomorrow is an important day – whispered to me the Tuscan.
- His health is more important to me – I replied. – You go if something happens, I will call you, along with the doctor.
- You are a lady... – he tried to dissuade me.
- A lady in a man's world and I have to bear things equally with all of you – I said annoyed and tapped him on the back. - Come on Andrea!
- And go to sleep! – he raised his finger warningly. – And you, and him...
- Of course... – I rolled my eyes and he waived to me.
Andrea left and I turned to Charles who woke up a bit after his coach closed the room's door.
- How are you, Charlie? – I asked softly and sat in the bed next to him.
- My neck hurts... – he said sorrowfully. – I can't move it at all...
- I know, I know, the oils and painkillers must work – I tried to calm him and took his hand.
- They are so strong that they can kill a horse! – Leclerc chuckled in a sleepy voice barely keeping his eyes open.
We both laughed after that, and he groaned in pain. I immediately fixed his pillow and started caressing his head.
- Let's leave the jokes for tomorrow when you're better, ha? – I asked with a slight smile and tears went into my eyes.
He nodded and we remained in silence for a minute. In this time, I continued caressing his hair, holding his hand in my other one.
- Are you gonna stay the night, little one? – he asked suddenly. – I really need you by my side right now.
I sighed remembering the words of Vasseur. But today I would not give a fuck about them. I will stay here for the night. We both needed each other. And we knew it.
- Yeah... I'll stay – I said, and he managed to pat the bed next to him.
- Come here, beautiful – he whispered. – You are really... Ugh, I am...
He couldn't finish his sentence and closed his eyes. I settled next to him, resting my head on the other pillow. He smiled while falling asleep. Probably the painkillers started working.
But his neck was so painful that he barely could sleep. Every move of his was followed by a quiet groaning or grimace. I was laying down but couldn't fall asleep at all. It was torture to look at him that way. His forehead was sweaty, his skin pale, under his eyes there were dark circles. The beautiful, unbothered boy was now gone.
Suddenly Charles phone started ringing. I looked at the screen – it was Arthur on a video chat. I saw Charles frowning, but not opening his eyes, so I quickly picked, to not fully waking him up.
- Bro... Urm Lissa?! – the young Leclerc was surprised to see me.
I made him a sign to stay quiet and carefully got up from the bed. Then walked out of the room.
- I am here to look after him – I said. – He just managed to fall asleep.
- What happened to him today, Lissie? – asked the Monegasque.
- Just an inchident – I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. – But apart from the jokes, he had a burn out. The fast speed, the wind, his huge wish for repeating the result from Baku...
- But he will be good, right? – the blondie asked worried.
- His neck is blocked, I am not really sure he will get better for tomorrow – I was honest, and Arthur's face became sorrow. – I hope, but... I can't promise anything.
- I am glad that you are there with him – he said with a little smile. – He is in good hands, now.
- I am trying my best, Arthy – I smiled softly.
Then behind his back, I heard someone calling his name. It was a girl and I smiled when Arthur went red.
- Don't blush! – I whispered and winked. – It is good when you have someone to wait for you...
- She always will – he smiled.
- I wish that to you – I said quietly. – Greetings to your girl!
- And send greetings to your boy... I meant my brother!
I left his comment unspoken, waved him goodbye and hung up. Then went back to the bedroom and took my previous place. Charles' chest were going up and down slightly and he finally was deeply asleep. I couldn't help myself and snuggled into him.
- Buona notte mio Lord Perceval! - I whispered and felt his hand wrapping around my waist.
Soon my eyes became heavy, until I managed to fall asleep too.
Notes: Hello, lovely people! I don't know from where to start! :D
First of all I want to apologize to all of you for my absence, for the long waiting for this chapter. I promise to be more regular from now on. :D
Also, I would like to thank you because the story if on firee - 10K I can't believe it! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH GUYS! YOU ARE AMAZING! THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT AND FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO TO ME! <3 <3 <3 LOVE YA ALL!
I hope you like the story and we will move forward together! I will try my best for you, to make you happy and enjoy every part of my little journey! <3
So now we have Lissie who is really confused how to proceed. It is a dangerous game she plays. Will Charles understand about Vasseur's ban over her or she will manage to keep it secret? What about their dinner? :O
I hope you liked the chapter - give a star/comment if so <3, hear the external link aaand... See you at the next part! <3 <3 <3
P.S. Sorry for the long notes haha but I just wanted to inform you that something BIG, really BIG related to the story is coming over the horizon, so stay tuned for an upcoming announcements, you could also see some spoilers from the parts at TIKTOK and see ya soon with the BIG thing! <3
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