Chapter XXX - By the team principal
05.May – FP1 and FP2 at Miami
I spent the previous day in my apartment with Kika and Isa taking care of me. I had a terrible headache and could barely get out of the bed to drink some coffee. The headache was for obvious reasons - the whole day under the hot sun, combined with the two shots of vermouth and tequila I had to drink because we were playing "Truth or Dare", and my lovely girlfriends challenged me to drink the shots or share which of the attendees I would spend a wild night. I preferred to drink. Working here definitely didn't affect me in a very positive way.
So, I asked the guys to tell the team principals that I would be going online from my room during the meeting we were about to discuss the strategy for the weekend. I was still basking in the laurels of the previous race, but I preferred not to impose myself so much this time, and to give Ravin a chance to perform, and I only to consult. And this time they allowed me to lead the race communication, Jain and I easily agreed how the weekend should go - medium and hard for the first practice, medium for the second, softs at the end and all softs for the Qualifying. For the race, it depended on Friday's performance, but I preferred to bet on medium and hard, a strategy with one pit stop and a tire change at a possible safety car or around 17. lap.
I was happy, but little worried that we had prepared too much for Baku and the time for Miami was too little. I really hoped that we would be able to achieve the success from Baku and finally get out of the black streak we entered this season.
On Friday morning I woke up fully rested and ready for my return to the paddock. I put on my uniform, a light makeup, the lucky jewelry and let my hair down. Once I was completely done with my look, I grabbed my laptop bag and purse, put my sunglasses on, and left the room.
Just then, the next door opened and Charles, who was also dressed in his new uniform, unbuttoned and a black T-shirt underneath, paired with baggy blue jeans, jumped out to meet me. He loved oversized clothes, but they also fit him well. In fact, every time I saw him in something oversized, my mind started playing with the thoughts of what was hiding under those clothes. But I had also seen his naked body twice live, and in fact that was exactly what stood out in front of my eyes.
- Ciao, bella! – he greeted me with a little smirk, hugging me. – I missed you at the paddock yesterday. How are you now?
- Charles, I saw your football workout with Carlos and didn't seem to miss me at all – I said smiling.
- Oh, it was a good way to fill the time and not thinking about your absence – he winked.
- You will make me blush, Leclerc! – I laughed bowing my head.
- It wouldn't be the first time, darling – the Monegasque lifted my chin up with his fingers, making me shiver. – By the way, may I see your sunglasses?
Before giving him an answer, Leclerc took the sunglasses of my eyes, and I gave him an outraged look.
- Hey, they are...
- They are not Ray Ban! – he noticed. – Where are mine?
- I gave them to Andrea... - I shrugged shoulders. – Though he gave them back to you.
- Nope, he didn't... - Charles shook his head. – But these here leave in the history...
He turned around and got inside his room running. I saw him throwing my sunglasses in the trash can, then came back to me.
- What are you doing Leclerc?! – I started shouting. - These sunglasses are expensive, and...
- And these here are expensive too, but also from a brand, that is our sponsor and you should wear them this week! – he said giving me a leather case with Ray Ban logo on it.
When I open it, saw a golden framed, brown sunglasses police style.
- Is this a gift? – I asked observing them.
- Well, at some point yes... – Charles shrugged his shoulders.
- From you to me? – I asked surprised.
- From the sponsor, but I took them for you yesterday – he explained. – So, technically the gift is from me.
- I can't accept it! – I tried to give them back to him.
- Actually, you should... - Leclerc insisted. – As I said they are ads material.
I laughed in disbelief and looked at him.
- I love these advertising materials that smell like thousands of euros – I said smelling the leather case. – In my previous job, we only got a free lunch, and from advertising materials, possibly at Christmas.
- Well, Ferrari is better than everything – he said proudly.
- Are you sure, or you even do not believe in this? – I raised my eyebrows putting the sunglasses on.
- When you believe in something, it might happen – he winked. – And you look good, like a police officer!
- Sheriff Bernardi, at your services! – I said like a soldier.
We both laughed, then decided it is a high time to leave for the circuit and headed together to the elevator.
The paddock this time was taking place on Hard Rock Stadium. A huge place, with many tribunes and seats. Charles was driving and Andrea was sitting next to him, navigating the Monegasque, how to reach the entrance of the parking lot. I was watching the stadium from the back seat car windows, shaking my head in amazement.
- You are really quiet, little one! – I heard Charles' voice from the front seat. – Is everything alright?
- Well, for a first time I see a paddock to be placed on a stadium – I replied and looked at the rearview mirror, where I met the bright green-blue eyes of Charles.
Shivers ran down my spine. They looked exactly like the eyes I saw in the fire at Baku. How it is possible to have such a similarity with this of... Chess Player?!
- I think a lot of things will happen to you for the first time here – he said chuckling and Andrea turned to him shocked.
- Charles! – exclaimed the coach.
- Yeah, you are right, considering it's my first season in F1 – I said looking around.
- Je ne voulais pas seulement dire ça – Leclerc mumbled under his nose.
I tried to not pay attention to his sentence, but it made me start thinking. He didn't mean that? What has he had on his mind then?!
We parked in the parking lot and got out of the car. I looked around, and suddenly felt so small and worried about it. Everything was huge, different from my homeland. I was used to normal buildings and spaces, but here everything seemed twice as big as what I had seen before. It was my first time in America, so far, I had only seen pictures of different places from it and they looked stunning. But the feeling was completely different when you set foot on this land. It was like I was out of this planet.
I felt someone's hand on my back. It was Andrea urging me to go. I looked around for Charles, but he was busy signing autographs and taking pictures. We headed for the turnstiles at the paddock entrance. Before we got in, Charles managed to catch up with us and we marked our cards together.
The hospitalities of each team were next to each other, lacking the spaciousness that was felt in the other paddocks. Now if I lay down in front of the hospitalities, my head could be in Ferrari, my body in McLaren, and my feet in Aston Martin. It was ridiculous for them to be so close, when the stadium was so huge.
Suddenly my feet sank into the artificial grass of the stadium, and I almost fell flat on my face. Charles and Andrea were surrounded by paparazzi and journalists who threw various questions to the Monegasque about the team, his stay in it and a bunch of other yellow news. I lost sight of them for a second because I had to sit on the steps outside Williams Hospitality to clean my white sneakers of the ryegrass.
- May I help you with something, madam? – I heard nonfamiliar male voice behind my back and turned around.
Above me was standing a high man in a Red Bull uniform with black curly hair, wide brown eyes, and huge smile. He was reminding me of a honey badger. Then I recognized him.
- Daniel... - I said.
- Ricciardoooo – he continued with his famous shout, laughing.
- Mamma mia! – I jumped out of my place. – The real Daniel Ricciardo is standing in front of me!
- Enchanté! – he winked, and we both laughed. – You are in a Ferrari uniform. Must be Lissa Bernardi, right?
- I am surprised you know my name! – I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
- Well, is there a person on earth that doesn't know about you? – Daniel laughed. – The jet pal of Max.
- I prefer to be known as the best strategist at Ferrari – I shook my head.
- You are already known like that – he said and unlocked his phone. – Look, it is all over the media. I was actually reading an article about you right now...
I frowned and looked at his phone screen. There was really an article about me and my influence over the team, and how probably Ferrari finally woke up and started working properly. I was surprised, I wasn't the only person to be blamed for our team's success last week.
- These people are crazy, man... - I said, shaking my head. – I am only a strategist and even not the "Chief" one... Many other people are standing behind, and we had only third place, nothing so special...
- Madam, you don't have to explain me, I know the process – the Australian laughed, and I bowed my head embarrassed. – Have you forgotten that I was a main driver till last year?
- Sorry, it is not something usual to me this with the social media, had to explain it... – I said and started digging in the ryegrass. – At least I look good at the photo in this article.
- But now you don't seem like that – he said, pointing at my feet. – What happened to your shoes?
- I was too deep in my thoughts and didn't saw there is a hole in the field – I chuckled. – But it turned on that I don't have wipes at my purse and...
- I have an idea! – Daniel interrupted me with his big smile on his face, extending his hand. – Come with me at my hospitality, we will find something there.
- Oh, it's not necessary! – I tried to refuse him. – I will go to Ferrari and will...
- Come on, madam! – Ricciardo made a puppy face. – Max will be happy to see you.
- Charles and Andrea are waiting for me... - I continued insecure. – And the team...
- I don't see any of them here right now – he whispered with a huge smile, looking around. – They don't look for you, now so I think they could wait twenty more minutes...
I rolled my eyes and sighed. Charles and Andrea disappeared from my sight. Probably they wouldn't be angry if I get a bit late.
- Fine! – I said and he clapped hands like a little child. – And while we are walking, you are about to tell me how the Met Gala went. Come on, tell me everything. And for Anne, I adore her...
Without thinking I took Daniel's hand and with proud expression on his face he led me to Red Bull's hospitality.
I lost track of time. Daniel was such a nice person to talk to – thorough in his explanations, charming and always with twinkling eyes and a big smile. I liked his mood, his sense of humor. He was a truly wonderful man who luckily Red Bull took back with him and now he is in heaven. Naturally, the wet wipes were one of the things he brought me to his hospitality for. But I didn't want to go in and sat on the stairs in the front. I was loyal to my team, also the paparazzi could see me from everywhere. It was enough that there already were a few photos of the Ferrari strategist and the RB reserve pilot while I was cleaning my shoes. Who knows what articles would be born from this!
At one point, Max came too, who did not fail to hug his "jet pal" and express his joy at seeing me. And he was a special person. He was happy meeting me as if we were first friends, but we barely kept in touch – once or twice we exchanged a few messages and little chats possibly during the days in the paddock. However, his attention was quickly drawn to a couple of Sky Sports journalists and he parted ways with us.
And while Daniel and I were talking about my experience so far – he successfully made me open up to him in the first twenty minutes of our conversation, I heard footsteps in the ryegrass and someone's shadow blocked the sunlight. I looked up and froze for a moment. It was Charles and I swallowed hard, expecting him to scold me any moment.
- May I take her back home? – he asked cold, and my heart skipped a beat. I have heard this voice twice and only talking to Xavi, when he screw the thigs up.
- What do you mean? – I frowned.
- I mean you are sitting in front of the RB hospitality since two hours – Leclerc continued in a strict tone. – Don't forget we have a meeting in twenty minutes, and you have to attend it.
- Oh, Daniel, you liar! – I exclaimed and jumped from my place. – Why did you keep telling me we have time?!
- Sorry, madam, but you are nice company! – he laughed and stood up.
- Thank you Daniel, you are giving her us back unharmed! – the Monegasque said through gritted teeth and grabbed my hand. – Now we have to go to Ferrari, where her place is!
- You are welcome mate! – Ricciardo said unbothered of the rude tone of Charles and waved at me. – Baci, signorina!
I didn't have time to answer him, because Charles started pulling me on the way to our hospitality.
- Charles, why you were so rude? – I asked stumbling in the ryegrass all the time.
- What were you doing there?! – he replied over his shoulder.
- I soiled my shoes on entering the paddock and Daniel offered me a tissue – I explained and felt his grip tightening around my wrist.
- Because we don't have tissues at Ferrari – Leclerc continued in his angry tone. – And you spent two hours cleaning your shoes in front of Red Bull's...
- We were talking about the Met Gala and some other things! – I shouted and finally managed to get free from his hand. – Stop pulling me like that, I can walk by myself!
- I am just making sure you wouldn't stop in front of Aston Martin for example and start talking about flowers with Fernando! – the Monegasque turned to me, locking his burning from anger eyes with mine.
- What is happening with you Charles? – I asked. – I can't recognize you! Where is the problem for me to talk with other people here? You are always discussing something with Max or Pierre... If you think I am going to leak information...
- It's not about leaking, it's about you were following us and suddenly disappeared for a long period of time! – Charles started gesticulating. – I thought something happened to you and had to run over the whole paddock to find you.
- Well, I am here, everything is fine, and you can calm down and stop shouting because the whole paddock looks at us! – I raised my voice.
Charles looked around and placed his hand on my shoulder, turning me with my back to the passengers.
- Just don't disappear like that anymore, okay? – he whispered in my ear, making me shiver. – And excuse me for my nerves, I have some... issues...
- What kind of issues? – I turned to him startled.
- Never mind... We will discuss later – the Monegasque said quiet. – Let's get inside the hospitality because we are getting late.
I opened my mouth to protest, but quickly changed my mind and simply nodded. Then my friend smiled, and we both entered the Ferrari motorhome.
FP1 went really well. The upgraded floor probably was one of the best decisions because our cars had always a disappointing performance on Hards and now we had P3 for Charles and P5 for Carlos with really close gap between them both.
- Job well done guys! – I congratulated the boys when they left their cars in the boxes.
- It could be better – said Carlos seriously, while putting his helmet and balaclava off.
- Don't worry there are two free practices before the Qualifying! – I rubbed his back trying to encourage him. – Things will get better and better.
He shrugged his shoulders while ruffling his wet long hair and started unzipping the race suit. It was really hot this day – 51 C degrees on the track. I turned to Leclerc, who already had put his suit half down. I gasped when saw how good he was looking at his new half red, half black fireproof. His hair was messy, falling on his sweaty forehead and the helmet had left marks on the skin of his face, where it pressed against it, accentuating the cheekbones and jawline. His appearance lit a fire inside me in seconds and my heart started racing. We locked our eyes and Leclerc smiled, revealing his sweet dimples.
- Do you want to tell me something, darling? – he asked, raising his eyebrows.
- You look stunning! – the words slip out of my mouth and when I realized what I said quickly tried to cover it. – I meant... You had a stunning performance. Again, in front of Verstappen, that is progress.
- Well, I hope all the improvements which you offered, and will be done, to make the team great again – he chuckled.
- The credit is not mine alone – I winked.
The Monegasque stepped closer to me and extended his hand with the intention of putting it on my cheek, but at this moment Carlos shouted from his garage.
- Lissie, would you like a coffee break before FP2? – I looked at him. At this moment he was wiping his wet neck with a towel, staring intensively at me with his deep black eyes.
- Course! – I replied louder, cracking a smile. – We may discuss some things for the rest of the days.
The Spaniard put his thumb up and got inside his garage. I turned to Charles and chuckled quietly.
- Go and overdress, I will wait for you at the café – I said quietly to him.
- I thought you were going to be only with Carlos – Leclerc winked, laughing.
- You know I have the practice of not going anywhere without you – I replied in the same tone.
- Then, see you in 20, little one! – he hugged me.
- See you, Charlie! – I smiled and we waved goodbye.
The three of us spent some time from the break in the café, where we discussed all the options for strategy over the weekend. I admitted – our two drivers were so talented that they could even come up with their own strategies without the need to consult any of the team. They were worthy of respect, but let's not forget that I made a living doing strategies. Fortunately, it was mandatory that the team members were separated by roles. But between the serious topics there were also very funny ones that made us laugh as hard as we could and the whole Hard Rock Stadium could hear us. I thought I saw Vasseur at one time, but I paid him no attention. I was too busy with the boys next to me.
During FP2, everything seemed to be going well. Sainz and Leclerc were very fast and handled the course with ease. I was pleased, even Sainz registered a second time, which was quite an achievement for him. But because not everything in life is flowers and roses, somewhere towards the end of the session Leclerc took care of my anxiety, losing control of his car through Turn 7, locking up and running into the barriers, causing significant front-end damage.
And the end of the session was declared under a Red Flag. I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. Now we had to work over the car – again staying overtime. When I took off my headphones, I waved for goodbye to Mekies and started walking down the pit lane, to search for Charles. But suddenly heard the voice of Robert, the reserve pilot, calling me. Naturally, I was delighted when I saw him, gave him a hug, but noticed that he still stood with a sullen face.
- Robert what is happening? – I asked him softly.
- I am just worried about Charles – he replied, but I immediately suspected that he was not telling me the whole truth.
- Are you sure, Roby? – I raised my eyebrows.
- Lissa, I am fully sure – he forced a smile.
- Good then, I was on my way to find Charles, so... – I tapped Schwartzman's shoulder. – See you later, Roby!
I turned my back to him and headed to Leclerc's garage, but then I heard the reserve driver's words and froze on my place.
- Actually, Vasseur wants to talk to you... At his office!
My heart skipped a beat. What did I have done now? I turned to him and pointed at myself.
- Me? – Robert nodded. – Well, hearing your tone I think it isn't for something good.
- He said it is something serious – the blondie explained with a bitter smile.
I sighed heavily and nodded. Well, now I was curious and hoped it wouldn't be something really bad. I changed the direction and headed to the paddock, where our hospitality was.
Soon I entered Vasseur's office and cracked a smile at the frowned team principal. I don't know why I smiled at him when in my soul were burning flames of hate.
- Sit down, I want to have a serious talk with you – he pointed at the chair in front of his desk.
- I prefer to stay up – I said closing the door behind me.
- For what I'm about to tell you, you should definitely sit down – Frederic said through gritted teeth.
I looked at him in shock, but still took one of the chairs in front.
- The past week was very good for the team – began Vasseur and started walking around with hands crossed in front of his chest. – I liked your performance as a strategist. It impressed me the fact you kept the communication with the drivers during the whole weekend, they listened to you, and you took the control over the whole team. Incredible work, Bernardi! Brava!
- Vasseur, are you drunk? – I laughed in disbelief. – Should I send you to the medical center for a drug test?
- Bernardi, I wasn't done yet! – he scolded me. – Let me speak!
- The stage is all yours – I said with a insolent smile.
- Well, lately I've noticed some details about you and a certain person on the team that I don't like at all.
He stopped talking, locking his eyes with me. I swallowed hard and my heart sank. I expected it to happen, but not so quickly.
- I have to tell you that Carlos and Charles seem very close to you – the team principal continued. – They look more motivated than before and but have some fluctuating results, which I don't like. I don't know what you're doing with them, but I want to warn you that I will not tolerate any closer relationships on the team.
- What do you mean? – my heart was already beating madly.
- You think I can't see it? – he raised his eyebrows. – Always together, hugs, little conversations, pictures with the brothers... You think I don't hear the radio communication, DARLING? And I can't see the way HE acts around you? Or talks about you? The previous day by the pool. I have received so many videos of you and the drivers at the bar, that I don't know how they aren't still at the socials with hundreds of articles over them!
- But we had a day off and decided to have some fun! – I tried to explain but he interrupted me.
- This has to stop! – he raised his voice. – Stay away from the male part of the team, and especially from HIM.
- Why don't you call HIM by HIS name? – I leaned forward.
- I thought you are smart enough to understand my hints – Fred hissed.
I stood up and make a step to the desk.
- This is my personal life – I said quietly, but inside I wanted to punch him in the face. – You don't have the right to mess in it.
- I don't fucking care! – Vasseur raised his voice, hitting the table with his fist. – I would not tolerate any romantic relationships in the team! This is an order! If you don't fulfill it, I will fire you. And this time I'm serious!
- Shame on you! – I shouted. – This is manipulation!
- Choose what is more important to you – to develop your career or to lose everything because of your urges! – he hissed.
- I don't have urges, but feelings...
I said and we both looked at each other in shock. Did I just confess something?
- Listen to me Bernardi... – he waved his finger to me. – If you have feelings, then don't mess with HIM. You know very well who I'm talking about...
- No, I do not – I stated through gritted teeth.
- Charles! – the team principal lost his temper. – Don't ruin his future, just because you have fascination with his sweet smile and kind words. Workplace relationships harm performance, and that's the last thing we need.
- You said they are more motivated but now talking about the "harmed" performance - I said louder. - I don't know for which time you are calling me at your office to lose my time!
I turned my back to Vasseur with the intention to leave the room, but his words stopped me.
- Choose what do you want... You or HIM.
For a second, I remain silent and looked at Vasseur over my shoulder. Right now, I wanted to punch him in the face.
- I beg your pardon? - I asked.
- To fire you and make the things like that, so you never find yourself any other work, or to terminate his contract, to protect him from your disastrous nature? - said Vasseur quietly.
I fully turned to him and gave him a shocked look. Was he serious?
- I guess it's better to give my resignation... – was the only thing I managed to say.
- I will not accept your resignation – he shook his head. – You will stay working here, but you will have to tame your passions if you want to have future. And if you don't do that, I have to choose between you and HIM. Who to call out of the team... You know who is more important in this situation.
- Why don't you just fire me? – I said in a trembling voice. – You wanted that many times... What do you actually want from me Vasseur?
- You have a strong back behind yourself, that is why I haven't fired you yet - the team principal explained. - The only thing I want from you is to follow my orders if you really care about your career here... And about Charles. You may go now!
I could barely keep the outburst of emotions that surged through me. I choked and my eyes filled with tears. Now that I had accidentally admitted my infatuation to myself, I had to choose which was more important to me – me being okay or him being okay.
I left Vasseur's office and started walking down the corridor, but I couldn't help myself. My heart was beating really fast, I felt dizzy, and I began to hyperventilate. For the first time in my life, I had a panic attack, and I started shaking and tears started to fall from my eyes. I've always been strong, I didn't allow myself such outbursts in public, but this time I couldn't. I leaned my back against the wall and began to cry uncontrollably.
- Signorina Lissa! Signorina! – I heard someone shouting around me.
I managed to recognize Fusaro, who ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me.
- Are you okay? – he asked, but I couldn't answer.
Seeing someone in this condition exacerbated my problem.
- Shall I call a doctor? – I shook my head in a response. – Come, come... Let me help you... Come let's hide you, so no one else sees you... Come!
Fusaro helped me to go to a small room, and closed the door behind us. I sat on the bench in it, he gave me water and after a few minutes I calmed a bit down.
- What happened? – he asked me. – I saw you leaving the boss' office and now you are in this condition.
- I'm not feeling well – I answered with a trembling voice. – I want to go. To be alone with myself... To be alone...
- We will talk to the team doctor to... – started Fusaro.
- No, no, no! – I shook my head. – Just tell Mekies that the sun hasn't done me any good and I have to get back to the hotel... I wouldn't attend the meeting or overviewing the process of the car repairing... I'll be back tomorrow to take up my position as a strategist, but... I need to get out of here now!
- Of course... – Fusaro was at a standstill, looking at me with a horrified look. – Shall I take you to the hotel? I will...
- Just order me a taxi, I'll take care of myself – I interrupted him.
He embraces me like a concerned father, caressing my head. I felt his fast heartbeat and bit my lips. This man has took my problem serious, even thought he didn't know what is happening. Soon after that, when he felt I am a bit better, he left the room, and I remained alone with my pain.
Notes: Hello guys! I am so glad to see you again! Here I am with the new chapter and new tribulations for Lissie.
So, everything was going well Lissie found a new friend, but Charlie had some issues. What kind of issues? :O And then - the bad PAPA of the team ruined everything. What has to do Lissie next?
Guys, I really hope you liked the chapter - give a star comment if so, hear the external link aaaand see you in the next chapter! <3 <3 <3
Love ya all! <3
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