Chapter XXVI - The invisible helper
28.Apr – FP1 and Qualifying Day
It was finally Friday, and the race weekend could officially start. I was excited being the main responsible for the race days and as a result my heart kept beating faster than normal. The task entrusted to me by the team principals was a double-edged sword and everyone from the team understood that pretty well. The weekend had a completely new format, with which even the experienced teams were working for the first time. I suspected that I had been deliberately thrown in the deep end and there were two options. I would either float or drown.
But the day was full of important events and not only on the track. One of the most important people in this team had a birthday today and this was Laurent Mekies. When I and Charles were traveling back to the hotel yesterday, the Monegasque shared with me an information that next year Mekies wouldn't be part of the team anymore. He was going to Scuderia Alpha Tauri and with this my connections in the leadership team were running out. I also realized that no one had taken care to organize anything in his honor, after all it was his last birthday with our team. And because I am a grateful person, I've decided to take it on myself. Before we got to our temporary home, I managed to find a working patisserie that would agree to make a custom French Biscuits and Walnut Cake for 200 people in less than 16 hours and to deliver it to the circuit, where before the FP1 we were going to surprise the Deputy team principal. It wasn't that hard to organize these things at all. Once Charles just walked into the store, smiled at the lady at the counter and said his name in that sweet French accent, everything was done. He knew very well when to use it. Even my legs twitched when I heard him saying it. After that he sent a message to every person of the team with the hour and the place of our surprise, and everything was done. He was right – we both were a good team. And I realized I started to get used to do some things together with Charles and I liked to spend time with him... But was that right?
With the ringing of my alarm, my torment began. As soon as I opened my eyes, my heart skipped a beat and my stomach curled into a ball of worry. I realized that my work would be scrutinized and even the smallest mistake could cost the team dearly, as well as myself. After the conversation with Charles yesterday, I made it my goal to do everything I could to make this weekend one of the best for him. However, Carlos' words that he felt bad about always being behind kept popping into my mind, so as much as I still didn't have good feelings for him, I had to deal with the car and his performance. Everything was so complicated – there were only three seats in the cool down room and two of them seemed permanently reserved for the Red Bull drivers. I had to find a way to break the hegemony of RB, but there was no way I could beat the team from Milton Keynes on my own. I needed the Scuderia to be reunited. The driving objective now was more points in the drivers' and constructors' championships, not who would finish ahead of the other. The top 4 brought the most points and even the motorhome cleaner had to do her best to help us achieve the good results we all needed.
It was 7am – the perfect time to get up and start my preparation for the day. After my daily routine at the bathroom, I dressed myself up in the Red Uniform and stood up in front of the mirror. I put all the lucky amulets I had on, as always – they became an integral part of my outfit, especially after I started believing they saved me from a kick out. Then I put my hair in a fish bone braid and finished my appearance with light make up, and my favorite perfume. I looked at myself and smiled. I was proud that I ended up here – preparing for one of the most important days in my life and hoped that I would finally prove my worth. I hope to be accepted from now on. I ran my finger gently over the prancing horse emblem on my chest and bit my lips to keep myself from crying. I became so emotional so far, it wasn't typical for me.
I let out a deep sigh and took the laptop bag and my purse, then left the room. I looked at my wristwatch, while walking down the stairs to the lobby, and decided I had enough time to get a cup of coffee at the hotel restaurant. For a fourth weekend I stayed in a five-star hotel and missed every breakfast or dinner. The service should be at a very high level, so at least I could try the coffee here.
As soon as I entered the restaurant, my sense of smell was overwhelmed by the smell of warm baked goods. Apparently, the various types of baking had recently been prepared and now all the guests of the hotel were piling up in front of the baskets of croissants, muffins, scones and the country's traditional Tandir bread and sweet, heavily syruped pastries. It was pointless to go in that queue, so I passed through the other sectors of food. There were components for traditional British breakfast, Italian one, Continental and the typical Azerbaijan's breakfast which involves black tea, honey, yogurt, sheep-cheese, fried eggs with tomatoes, homemade jam, and a lot of bread.
Unfortunately, my anxiety about how the day was going to go was so great that none of the appetizing looking foods could make me want to eat them. I really hoped that I would perform well today, so that I would not be so nervy in the following days, and I could try the delicacies that our hosts offered.
I went to the terrace of the restaurant and took a deep breath of the warm sea-scented air. This place reminded me somehow of Italy and more precisely of Capri, where I have spent every holiday during my childhood. Sweet memories.
A free table at the bottom of the terrace caught my attention and I hastened to take one of the rattan chairs next to it, before someone else claimed the pleasant for the shaded area, with a full view of both the sea and the interior of the restaurant. I had not yet settled in when a waiter came running up to me, dressed in neat white shirt, black waistcoat, and straight black trousers, without a single crease in the components of his clothing. He took my order for a cappuccino and espresso, then poured me a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and left me alone.
While waiting for the coffee I opened my purse to pull out the sunglasses I had put there on the way back to the hotel the previous evening. But putting them on, a little glint made me look inside the purse again. There was the ruby I found yesterday, but not only it... I took out an envelope which was the same as these in the diary of the princess. My heart started beating faster when I looked at the back and there were a bit erased letters, written with calligraphic handwriting, exactly the same as on the plate from yesterday.
My hands started shaking while I was opening the envelope and found a folded letter on old yellow paper in it. I waited for the waiter to serve the coffee and quickly unfolded the sheet of paper. The same handwriting...
"Dear ma Petit Beauté,
I hope you are doing well. My last letter to you was before going to Australia a month ago, but during my stay there I was afraid to write to you again. I don't want to confuse you or to ruin your happy marriage with the Prince, but... I really miss you, ma cherié!
I will continue with the main reason for writing you this letter. Well, my stay in Australia was good and I finished the work with Giovanni. I took revenge for what he did to you... To us... Now I am in a really interesting country which I heard was under Persian influence long years before becoming part of the Russian Empire. I will stay here longer than in Australia, because of some government duties. But I really like this place. It is special to me... They call it the "Land of the Holly Fire" and even have a temple of the fire. It's a symbol. That's why I've decided to leave one of your rubies here – at the place where the fourth holly elements are all in one. There, under the eternal fire, you will find the piece... For the woman who had ignited the eternal fire of love in my heart and now it is burning my soul every day I am away from you.
I hope you will come here someday, because I know you will like it as much as I did.
Love you, ma Petit Beauté!
Your sincere, Chess Player"
I gasped. It was obvious this wasn't a fake letter. But how did it end up in my purse, when I hadn't taken the diary out of my suitcase, and nobody knew about it? Every part of this story appeared to be true. I found the ruby there, again without knowing where to search. I don't know what was happening, but I was getting scared.
- Lissa, I can't believe I found you here! – I heard in the distance and immediately put the letter back in my purse.
I lifted my head up and saw Kika running to me. Oh, great!
- Hey, sweety! – I stood up to hug her.
- What are you doing here alone? – she asked, taking the chair next to me. – Oh, a new lip balsam... Cherry? For whom?
- These are too many questions, Kika – I laughed embarrassed. How was she able to notice this immediately? – Why is it necessary for me to put on balsam for someone? My lips were just dry...
- Yeah, yeah, I knew you were going to say that! – the girl interrupted me. – Waiter, an espresso, please and pancakes with jam twice.
- You will eat pancakes? – I was surprised. – You don't look like a girl, who eats such a calorie food.
- Oh, they are for Pierre, he will come here any minute! – Gomez laughed.
- Then I will fly away any minute – I said taking a sip of my cappuccino.
- No, please stay, he will be happy to see you! – she made a puppy face then we both chuckled.
I shook my head and looked at the sea width in front of us. I started thinking about the letter. I am sure nobody has entered in my room, and nobody has touched my things, because the purse was in my hands and on my shoulder all the time... And no one knew about my secret mission here. I was wondering how... How?
- Lissa, what are you thinking about? – I heard Kika's voice and snapped out of my trans.
- Che? – I asked confused then understood her question. – I am thinking about today... I have to perform well, because the team principals made me...
- A Main Strategist for the whole weekend! – my sentence was continued from Pierre who has just approached the table.
I turned in his direction and unexpectedly for me he bent down and hugged me tightly.
- Congratulations, Baby girl! – Gasly exclaimed. – Finally in the big game, ha?!
I giggled in response. I felt his sincere positive emotion and I was glad that there really are people so happy for me. I was still looking for the reason for this, but it was nice. And I appreciated it.
- From where do you know that information? – I asked when he released me from his grip.
- Charles! – the couple said at one time.
- Ma, questo ragazzo... - I whispered to myself and laughed.
- Yesterday evening he called and told us everything – explained Kika with a huge smile on her face.
- He sounded so excited that we wondered if he would ever be able to sleep – Pierre added, settling in the chair next to my other side.
- I couldn't believe it – I frowned. – You are bluffing, just trying to tease me.
- Believe it, Lissa – Kika rolled her eyes. – Charles didn't stop to talk about you during the tennis game we attended together... What do you think? That I didn't hear your voice through the messages you both sent to each other?
- That's something that Charles started, and I could not escape from it – I looked at my cup embarrassed.
- Probably he misses your voice – Gasly chuckled, and my cheeks immediately turned red.
- Or he is just too lazy to type – I tried to refute him.
- You don't communicate with someone if you are too lazy to do it, Lissie – Kika said quietly, and I looked at her thoughtfully.
I haven't thought about our communication with Charles. It was something common for me, we were close friends, so it was normal to keep in touch. But to talk about me in front of everyone that was becoming suspicious. I felt where the conversation is going so, I've decided to end it up faster.
- Yeah, probably you are right – I said standing up. – But now I have to go to work! Have a nice day Kika and good luck to you Pierre! See you soon!
- You can't escape, Lissa! – Kika laughed while I was finishing my cup of coffee.
- At least I could try – I winked at her. – Take the espresso.
I took my things from the table and headed to the exit of the restaurant. Then I heard behind my back Pierre's voice:
- Nice lip balsam, baby girl! Don't forget to renew it before getting into the paddock.
This bitch! I bowed my head trying to hide my red from embarrass face and ran away.
I arrived at the paddock at 10am. FP1 was arranged for 1:30pm so I had enough time to prepare for it and to discuss the strategies for the day with the team. I was walking down the road with a confident heavy step, trying to hide the anxiety behind my poker face and sunglasses. I had to be strong and not allow myself to panic whatever happened this day. I had to win the respect of the team, so this was my main goal for this week. May the force be with me!
At the entrance of the Ferrari hospitality, I ran across the person who was the main topic of our conversation this morning. Charles heard my steps and turned to me, locking his phone screen. The boy gave me a huge smile and we hugged each other as we always do.
- Good morning, darling! – he exclaimed and released me from the hug.
- I see you aren't with the lucky red pants – I pointed to his white trousers, biting my lips.
He was looking extremely hot in this outfit and my heart suddenly started beating faster. Maybe it was the coffee... maybe it was him...
- Well, they are for tomorrow – he laughed. – But I see you are with your golden amulets... I noticed you are always bringing them since the race at Saudi Arabia.
- You are very observant – I laughed and locked my eyes with his.
- My favorite thing is to observe – the Monegasque said stepping closer to me.
I fell into a stupor when he shortened the distance between us. Kika and Pierre flushed my mind with their bullshits and now every move and word from Charles seemed different to me.
Leclerc revealed his dimples and took the golden corral horn pendant of my necklace between his fingers. His fingertips accidentally touched my skin making me shiver and goosebumps ran over my whole body. My heart went up in my throat.
- I have the same but white gold... – he said in a croaky voice.
The Monegasque wet his lips with tongue and stared at me with a defiant look. I felt the strong tension between us, which I have never felt with any other before. My breathing got heavier when he leaned towards me and kissed the pendant like I used to do before every race. I gasped and closed my eyes for a second. I wasn't mentally prepared for this. His actions were driving me crazy and my whole body started shaking. I felt the cold pendant touching my skin again and looked at Charles shocked and speechless.
- Just to bring me luck for today! – he whispered in my ear then winked at me. – You are Leclerc's lucky charm, right?
I couldn't make a sound and when he stepped back of me, I finally let out a deep sigh in relief. Leclerc chuckled at my reaction then gave me a sign to follow him inside the hospitality. But I was still numb. And I don't know how this guy had such an influence over me.
Before FP1 the whole team gathered at the hospitality to surprise the Deputy team principal. We all surrounded him and sang "Happy B-day", after that Vasseur tried to bury Mekies' head in the cake and my heart skipped a beat. For a second all my work was going to fade away. But Laurent had fast reactions and he managed to escape Vasseur's hands before his head to finish in the cake. After that all of the team began to line up to congratulate him and wish him sincerest and kind words. He was so happy, he even put his glasses down to wipe away his tears from joy.
It was finally my turn to congratulate him. I went closer and hugged the deputy team principal. This was the first time I allowed myself to break down the barriers between us and act like we are friends. If not other, working here taught me that it is normal to hug people who are closer to you.
- Happy Birthday... Laurent! – I said insecure, but the man smiled wide.
- You finally took the decision to make it informal – he laughed.
- You deserve it! – I winked at him. – It's so sad you are leaving at the end of the season... There was huge potential for the two of us to work together wonderfully and make the Scuderia great again.
We both laughed loudly.
- We still could, Lissa – Mekies said softly.
- Well, I hope we will have many other occasions for celebration – I said with a huge smile. – And I wish them to you because you are the accelerator of the team...Together with all the well-known wishes.
- You are a wonderful person, Lissa! – he said and took my hand friendly. – Look, at the beginning I was very distrustful of you and now I'm even sorry about that. I'm actually glad that you passed my tests and became real part of the Scuderia... I may be leaving but I see I'm leaving it in good hands.
His words made me tear up and I hugged him again. He became so kind all of a sudden but the most important was that he believed in me. At this moment I proclaimed him as my Godfather in Formula one. And I've decided to use his goodwill to learn as many things as possible and improve my career.
- I am getting over emotional, sorry! – I said, waving to my eyes to stop myself from crying.
- Pour out your emotions, but don't forget to focus! – Laurent laughed. – When you are ready... Let's kick some rear wings!
- I am more than ready! – I stated confidently, wiping my tears away.
And we both headed to the pit lane where our places were.
But FP1 didn't quite get off to a smooth start. In the beginning of the practice Pierre's car went on fire causing a Red Flag. The screens showed how he was standing next to his car with huge puffs of gray smoke coming out of it like an old charcoal stove. Gasly seemed to be really shocked by what was happening, but he tried several times to approach the car. He was insane – this machinery looked like it would explode any minute. Even though we weren't one team, I was worried about him and suddenly realized how dangerous for the drivers was actually every going out on the track. We may laugh together in the morning, then for one afternoon everything to turn upside down. I didn't want to sink in those kinds of negative thoughts, but it was the real life we were living in.
Fortunately, Pierre was well, and I checked if Kika hadn't passed out because of his accident. But they both were okay and together in his garage before the restart of the session. Soon after that, Kevin Magnussen was the cause of another Red Flag. I started having flashbacks of Australia and got goosebumps. I had just worked out the perfect strategy – a long series of laps, hot asphalt in the warmest part of the day and hard tires that reached their optimum operating temperature about 6-7 laps after their installation and lasted the longest. I looked at the timer, counting down the minutes till the end of the practice and began to sweat with worry. What if I haven't thought things properly?
But Mekies saw the panic in my eyes as I was looking at the analysis screens and hastened to calm me down with an encouraging pat on the back. Not that he was able to help, but his support was a huge thing against the backdrop of previous race weekends where I had been completely kicked out by the team.
The session was restarted 33 minutes before the end. I carefully followed the move on the track of the two pilots. Leclerc was moving fast through the track, firmly attacking the turns, just how we were practicing it at the simulator, and flying at the straights. Sainz was also not as slow as in previous times, but it was clear that he was having difficulties in driving, although he did not mention any. I began to hope that we would have a positive turn of events by the end of the week, and for a moment I breathed a sigh of relief.
But 20 minutes before the end, on the turn between the first and second sector, Leclerc's front wheels blocked, and he spun. Thank Goodness he didn't crash into the walls. I immediately checked if he was okay and called both drivers at the box. The analyses were pretty enough, so I thought it was good for the boys to take a rest for ten minutes. Meanwhile I ordered the mechanics to check the cars and to fix the problems if there were any. Then I submitted an order about changing the tires from Hards to Softs and began to write down in my notebook the data collected from the laps so far.
Eleven minutes before the end, the drivers left the pit-lane on Softs, ready to do several flying laps as a Qualifying simulation and try the new settings. Charles again made a mistake with late braking between the first and second sector, which made me angry, and I couldn't help myself but scolded him on the radio to be more careful on the next lap. Next, I gave both drivers some advice to warm up the tires for 4 to 5 laps and then to push.
And when they listened to me, good results were achieved. Two minutes before the end Charles made another fast lap with a time of 1.42.352. But Verstappen was faster again and took first place, putting Charles in P2. Carlos finished P4 with a time of 1.42.899. I knew the cars were better on Softs, but we couldn't do a whole race on this type of tire. But the results were better than ever, and I was really pleased. Mekies seemed to be the same.
During the break between the FP1 and Qualifying I had a brief conversation with Charles and Carlos, in which I allowed myself to give them directions on how to drive on the track. Of course, things were completely different to those in the simulator, so it was necessary to discuss the mistakes before the start of one of the most important events of the weekend. Both were a bit worried about my choice of strategy on the Medium tires, but I was able to quickly convince them I knew very well what I was doing and was confident in my choice. The problem was that our cars were losing about nine seconds to the pace of the RB cars in the straight and that was a huge minus, but in the corners, they were gaining time and were faster. And accordingly, my advice to the boys was to push a lot in the straights, keeping the DRS flow of the car in front of them. The Slipstream would provide less energy to maintain their speed than if they were moving independently of the other cars and could help us quite a bit in overtaking, but the most important thing was to keep them off the walls... But they were everywhere. We parted wishing each other good luck and I gave them both a warm friendly hug. Finally, after nearly a month of feuding, I made some physical contact with Carlos, like I once did. For the good of the team, I had to gulp the pain of what he did and to suppress my ego to get back together.
The Qualifying was about to start. I took my place in the bottom corner and next to me sat Mekies. By his other side was Vasseur. I don't know why but his presence was making me anxious. I was trying to focus but it was so hard, knowing that someone is watching your every breath right now, waiting for you to make a mistake so they can rub your nose in it. But I wasn't going to give up... I was going to rub his nose in it.
The lights went out and the timer of Q1 started a reverse count of the time till the end. I did the radio check with the guys.
- So, Charles, Carlos, welcome again on the board of SF-23. The temperature of the air is 30 degrees and on the tack is 38. There isn't any wind or rain forecast, so you both have the perfect condition to make it to the top three. Are you ready, guys?
- More than ever! – I heard Carlos saying.
- Let's kick some rear wings! – Charles chuckled.
I gave a quick look at Mekies, who laughed at the driver using his words. Well, I prefer not to kick the rear wings for real, but if that was an allegory to the ass of the rivals... Let's kick them all!
The drivers went out on the track in the beginning of Q1, but in the panic that had taken over my mind, I had forgotten to look at the settings of the cars, and here Carlos started with the wrong ones. I had to call him back to the box and he didn't even manage to set a time while Charles was able to do a quick lap and take P2. This miss was probably one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made, considering what happened next. Red Flag was announced because DeVries hit the walls.
I was feeling guilty and started fidgeting nervously with the corral pendant on my necklace. How could I let it happen? If I ruined the weekend Vasseur was going to have a reason to ban me again. My hands started shaking while I was looking at the timer on the screens and Carlos and Charles at the box. I exhaled heavily and started biting my lips.
- Lissa don't worry! – I heard a deep voice in the distance. – You can make it... I will help you... Just believe and it will happen.
I looked around but nobody was near me or even talking to me. I felt a slight hot breeze over my back, the same as the one I felt in the temple. Then my eyes fell on the little purse, which was on the desk in front of me. I know it wasn't professional, but I was bringing it everywhere with me, especially with what I had inside. I took the purse and pulled out the ruby, squeezing it firmly in my palm.
Suddenly all the tension fell off my shoulders and I felt more confident than before. Plans immediately formed in my mind to deal with the problem and I smiled wide. It was so insane, but the schemes were born one after other in my head, and the sense of impasse left me immediately. And I felt the invisible support of someone...
The session was resumed, and I ordered Sainz to leave first. Then instructed him to warm up faster and start his lap, before being stuck in traffic. After that, I let Charles in to prepare the tires while Carlos was ahead, starting a flying lap. But Sainz was too nervous from his wasted time and pushed too hard, spinning during the attack of turn number one.
- Sainz! – I exclaimed unmuting myself. – Are you okay?
- The tires... the tires – he replied heavily breathing.
- Don't panic, we will put a new set, don't worry! – I said squeezing the ruby. – Try to set some time if they aren't completely ruined if not come back to the box...
- Copy – Carlos said, and I muted myself.
- We had to avoid wasting another set of tires – I shook my head and turned to Mekies.
- It's inevitably... – he rubbed his eyes nervously. – We can't predict their mistakes.
And at this moment – 7 minutes before the end of the Q1, Gasly hit the walls. Oh, no! It was a total disaster for him, but it was an even bigger one for us with Carlos "No time set". A Red Flag was announced, and I couldn't help myself but rushed to Sainz box. The Spanish looked at me with sadness when I leaned over his halo.
- Hey, I am here to check you! – I said quietly. – Please, Carlos... Focus! You have plenty of time and... skills. You could achieve the results we all want. Just relax and remember our conversation before the Quali. I told you where your mistakes are. Fix them.
- I am so happy to feel your support, again Lissa – I heard him saying under the helmet.
But didn't reply. I just tapped him on the top of the helmet, then looked at the tires. They were damaged. I immediately sent an order to the mechanics to set about changing the tires and headed to the garage of Charles.
The moment I walked in, I saw his beautiful green-blue eyes staring at me. My heart skipped a beat. I looked down at my palm and saw the ruby which flashed under the sun's rays. Then I looked up again at Leclerc and it was as if an invisible power pushed me to him.
- Charles, how do you feel? – I asked smiling, approaching his car.
- The sun is too shiny and blinds me – the Monegasque replied, and I could see he was smiling under the helmet. – Or it is your smile, I can't decide.
Andrea who was close to us let out a whistle of surprise after the compliment he heard, making me blush. I tried to keep my serious face, although I was really flattered by his words.
- Please focus, Leclerc... - I whispered and pointed to his signed gloves. – Your signature probably blinds you, Starboy!
And I put his visor in front of his eyes, to stop myself from staring at them. Then I ordered the pit crew to change his tires and headed back to my place at the pit wall.
Q1 was resumed but the temperature of the track was decreasing. Sainz left the box first, followed by Charles. Under my instructions the Spanish managed to set a time for a P9 and Leclerc P3. The sun was getting lower and was falling straight in the eyes of the drivers. I wanted them to make another fast lap, but it was really risky.
However, our drivers managed to finish over the line – Charles P1 and Carlos P9.
- We are starting Q2 with new softs – I said on the radio. – The temperature on the track is decreasing, which is not great, not terrible... It's 32 degrees. Guys, stay at the box in the very beginning to wait for the traffic.
- Copy! – they both replied.
I took a deep breath following the laps of Max and Checo. And when they both set their times taking P1 and P2, I ordered our drivers to leave. I was keeping the whole radio communication and only sometimes leaving the microphone to the race engineers. I didn't want them to mess the things up again.
- I have a problem with the tires – informed us Carlos, while he was doing a preparation lap.
- Copy, let Charles do his fast one, he is ready – I replied and bit my lips. – Keep your distance from him and don't do anything reckless, Sainz!
He remained silent. Then Charles started his flying lap. I was squeezing the ruby and sighed in relief when he finished P3. I congratulated him and allowed Carlos to do his fast lap. I was scratching my neck nervously while he was driving and then he finished P5. Thank Goodness!
- Stay out now – I turned my microphone on. – I need another fast lap from you both. We have fewer than 5 minutes, so go! First Charles, then Carlos!
And Charles finished P1, like I was expecting. His pace was incredible this weekend. But Carlos couldn't make his turn 3 and spun again, almost crashing into the walls. The whole team by the wall gasped and I immediately turned on my microphone.
- Are you insane?! – I shouted. – I told you to be careful at this turn!
- I have to make a fast lap! – he replied.
- Yes, but not at all costs! – I hissed, then changed stations. – Charles, box! NOW!
And Charles get back at the box, but turned his radio on.
- Please prepare the helmet with darker visor – the Monegasque said.
- We are informed that this is the darkest one – Xavi replied.
- Why don't we have a darker one?! – I attacked Xavier, who shrugged his shoulders. That made me lose my temper and raised my voice: – You don't know, do you?! Should I follow this too? Does anyone even do their job here?! It's about the safety of our drivers, you fucking moron!
- Lissie, you aren't muted – I heard Charles saying and my cheeks immediately turned red.
- Opsy, my bad! – I replied.
In the end of Q2 the temperature of the track went under 30 degrees and the sun got lower. I advised the drivers to look between the walls and the tires so not to be blinded. And Charles was P2, Carlos P4. We were back in the game.
Q3 was about to start, and I felt the warm breeze behind my back again. I turned my microphone on and said:
- We are not going to change the tires now, an optimal work temperature required. The scheme is one preparation/two fast. Carlos, you go first, Charles second... Be ready to give the Slipstream to Charles in the last sector if needed.
And their laps started. I closed my eyes and squeezed the ruby even tighter than before. We needed that pole, we needed that front row and it was all about luck and their skills. And when I opened my eyes, Charles was finishing his fast lap, setting exactly the same time as Max. I let out a quiet scream.
- Charles, you are P2 with the same time as Max! – I said over the radio. – 1.40.445, Charles! Carlos, you are P5. Guys! Guys box now for tires changing. We can make it, I believe in you! 5 minutes till the end!
- Lissa, saying the same time you mean exactly the same time as Max? – Charles asked.
- Yes, Charlie! – I replied happily. – Charlie, you can beat him... I know it... Just believe and it will happen!
The tires were changed for the last time. I let the drivers leave before RB ones and crossed my fingers, praying for success. 2 minutes left and Charles was literally flying over the track with minimal corrections of the steering wheel, smooth going through the turns. Purple... Purple... and... Charles P1 with 1.40.203. I covered my mouth with hands and waited to see Max time. Then my heart skipped a beat seeing Charles name above everyone. Max was P2. I couldn't help myself and started crying with joy.
- Charles, you did it! – I turned my microphone on. – You are on a pole! First pole of the year! Charles!
- Yes, babyyy! – he screamed on the radio.
- Carlos, amazing work, man! – I continued at the other station. – You are P4 separating RB and Mercs... Good job, boy! Proud of you two!
Then I took my headphones off and looked at Mekies, who was smiling proudly. He tapped me on the back and congratulated me for the success, then I shook hands with Vasseur who was smiling half and rushed to the fences to welcome the winner.
Leclerc jumped out of the car, made his winner ritual then put his helmet and balaclava off. He looked around and headed to the fences where the team was, then stopped for a second, locking eyes with me. We both pointed at the same time to the emblems on our chests. I teared up. He came to me, and we hugged each other tightly.
- You remember once I told you I can beat Verstappen? – he giggled stepping back.
- And you did it, Charlie! – I said sobbing. – I am so proud of you. Third pole in a row, Charlie!
- It's all because of you, little one! – the Monegasque replied softly, wiping my tears of joy away.
In his green-blue eyes also flashed tears. Then I ruffled his hair and sighed in relief. I knew I wasn't alone this day and credit for winning wasn't mine alone. I looked at my hand where I was still squeezing the ruby.
- Thank you! – I whispered and it seemed as if the stone flashed.
When I looked up, I saw Carlos approaching Charles and clapping hands with him. I knew he wasn't allowed to be there, because of some fucking FIA rules, but he broke them to congratulate his teammate. I smiled. Probably this was the moment I believed in the second chance. And gave it to Carlos.
Notes: Hello! Hello! Here I am today with a brand new chapter! Yesterday's race was... bitter. All the cars just singing in the rain :D Looking forward for this week's screws :D
About the chapter: So, Kika and Pierre are these friends who constantly give some hints to us, but we are trying to ignore them. And Chess Player hits again, but this time... He was there with Lissa and he helped her to manage with all of this. What if... Chess Player urged Lissa to give another chance to Carlos? Well we will understand that soon. ;) <3
I hope you liked the chapter - give a star/comment if so, hear the external link aaaand see you at the next paart! <3
Love ya all! <3 <3 <3
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