Chapter XXIV - A Simulator Day
The holidays were over faster than Red Bull cars reach the finish line. I can't say Ferrari car, because... to be honest, we don't reach the finish line in full composition sometimes. And that was the painful truth. That aside, but the days away from work went quite well. It was good to take a rest by the seashore, under the hot burning sun of Capri. I spent the weekend with my parents and family, and as a result I remembered why I went to live alone at Modena after my graduation. Cousins, their families, their parents, the parents of my dad, mum and granddad, my godmother... all under one roof. And that was a disaster. Thank Goodness the house was big enough to hide from them when the pressure becomes too much.
My life as a Scuderia Ferrari employee was the main topic all three days. It was all fun and games only the first five hours, when I shared some photos and memories about the places I have visited and told some stories about the drivers from every team. It was inevitable to not mention about Charles and Carlos... And then the painful topic came on the table. Of course, I didn't say what torture it was to work with Vasseur and how I was already not in good terms with one of the drivers but said only positives about the friends I made and couldn't resist not to criticize the cars. And my competent cousins started arguing which team is better, which engine is the best, what kind of improvements Ferrari has to make so they could win the Championship... I was thinking about the Scuderia 24/7 and this conversations even in my days off were too much for me.
Thank Goodness my mother saved the day, changing the topic about the other favorite sport of the male part of the family – football. And when my cousins started arguing over that... She just winked at me conspiratorially. This woman was the best mother on earth!
It's time to get back to the workflow again. After my last conversation with Vasseur, I was a little more enthusiastic about returning to Maranello. Now I was expected to work with Charles in the simulator and I really couldn't wait. While I was lying on the deckchair in the garden, I had drawn up a work plan and exactly how I should go about my day with it. Leclerc had to prepare very well for the next two races, between which there would be no break. The first was in Azerbaijan, and the second – in Miami. That's how my schedule was supposed to go – first the track in Baku, then the one in Miami. And so, all day, with short breaks between lap sessions and about 90 minutes on each track – it's like free practice. I wanted as much training as possible to be done in the three days we would work together, so that when Charles is on the track, to feel like he is at home. I hoped that it wouldn't burden him too much. I wouldn't want to be the one to blame for his poor results because of my over ambitiousness... Which I'm known for anyway.
For the week when Carlos would also return to the simulator, I had created a serious strategy. Round the clock work and full competitive mode. Early morning training with their personal trainers and after 9am a 12-hour shift in the simulator would have started... It could have gone on longer if I didn't like the results. I was convinced that they had never had this type of preparation before and probably that was the mistake. Now not only their titles depended on them, but also my place here in the team. That's why it was mandatory for each of us to perform at a high level.
The good thing about the week with Charles was that I left Mekies's secretary's office and found a new one – the desk at the bottom of the Simulator room. It was big enough, with a white birch lacquered top and several drawers, and it had room for everything... Literally for everything. There I sat, lying down when my back hurt in the late hours of the workday, I put my notes, my computer, even the food and the thousands of coffees that the Good Andrea supplied me with. Charles was constantly drinking from his bottles, sometimes water, sometimes protein shakes, and interrupted our work schedule with his constant toilet breaks. But I couldn't blame him. Coffee and protein shakes, especially in large quantities, ensured frequent trips to the WC for both of us.
Other than that, the two of us were actually having a lot of fun and the time was flying by. I liked the fact that he was always finding something to joke with me about, while I was standing behind him, giving constant instructions on how to do his job with a serious face on. I felt like Charles was pretty easily distracted. If only I gave him a topic, he would quickly forget that he had to race against the time and start talking to me. Mamma Mia, I enjoyed having fun with him so much, but we also had to work...
And all this time we seemed to be getting closer and closer. Lately I've been waking up every morning looking forward to going to Maranello, and now my duty has become a hobby. I was starting to love my job... My job, right?
It was also our last day, when it would be just me and Charles working in the Simulator. We had already spent several hours in front of the steering wheel, and I was nervously bouncing around him, unable to calm down. I could see he was getting tired of the hectic routine we had been in for the past 4 days, but I had no choice. It was all for his own good and the good of the team.
I wanted to give mercy on the Monegasque and to give him a short break, so I promised that if he achieved a record good time for 10 laps in a row, I would not only let him go to the bathroom, but also let him rest for 40 minutes, instead of the regular 20 I usually gave. I was strict but fair.
Then I sat on the desk behind the driver's seat, to watch his work. I didn't understand what motivated him to perform with record times of 1.40 to 1.38 in the series of laps. Whether it was the fact that he wanted to go to the toilet and rest, or to try to impress me, but obviously my strategy worked and the last lap he recorded a perfect average best time of 1.39.445.
- Come on Charles, you need to continue with Miami circuit in forty minutes! – I said, noting his results in my notebook with a smile of satisfaction on my face. – The good news is that you have an improvement, but you should be on 200 percent here, so when you go on the track you decrease to 100 percent.
I was looking at the notebook but heard him standing up from the seat. He came closer to me and put his hand over the pages. I looked up at him outraged, but Charles had a little smirk on his face and his eyes slowly slid over my body.
- I don't want to decrease... – he said quietly.
- It could happen with all the stress and the hopes everybody puts on you and the whole team... - I said already feeling a lump to get stuck in my throat. – You can't escape the distraction of this.
- It would be good if only this was my distraction – he said in a growling voice.
Dannazione, how seductive he was with his sweaty forehead, slightly stubbled beard, like a padlock around his tick pink lips. It doesn't matter he had little dark circles under his eyes from the overwork I was putting him through, Leclerc looked as unearthly handsome as ever. And that defiant look, eyes burning with desire and voice full of seduction gave me goosebumps. I loved listening to his voice.
- What else is distracting you, Lord Perceval? – I tilted my head in confusion.
The Monegasque suddenly placed his hands on the desk on either side of me, blocking my escape options. He sharply shortened the distance between us, leaving me only a few millimeters of my personal space. I gasped and started breathing heavily. I was at a dead end. If I tried to move back, I might accidentally kick him in his most holy place, because my feet weren't touching the ground. And if I moved forward, our lips would directly touch. But he knew that very well, using it as an advantage.
- Would you like to try it? – he suddenly asked. My heart skipped a beat.
- What are you talking about? – I asked in a trembling voice. It was getting harder to breathe.
- The simulator... – Leclerc whispered with a little smirk. – I want to see how many percent your performance will be...
- You must be kidding, Charles! – I exclaimed pulling back slightly trying not to lose my balance. – If someone walks in? I don't have the permission...
- Nobody will tell you anything while I am here with you – he winked.
Our faces were so close that the tops of our noses were almost touching. I closed my eyes, trying to suppress the urge to kiss him. I was stifling from the intense tension between us. For a second time in these two weeks, we were alone, and I was feeling this. I had to stop! Now!
- Okay, fine! – I said pushing him gently with my hands on his chest. – It is only because I want to see the tracks and build the right strategy for both weekends...
- That's the point, darling! – Charles replied, finally leaving me a space to jump of the desk.
- Just show me how to deal with all of this and I will make it! – I headed to the driver's seat, turning my back to the boy.
- I have no doubt in you – Leclerc continued with his growling sexy voice.
I tried to calm my rapid breathing, then took the seat in front of the Simulator. Charles fixed the steering wheel, put the belts around me, then settled the settings. He quickly explained to me how to use the wheel, to change the shifts and the work with the pedals. It wasn't so different than an ordinary car, but still not easy to remember how to deal with all these buttons on the wheel. It was definitely a tough job and he rose even more in my eyes.
Right before starting the laps, he leaned towards me and whispered in my ear:
- Now you will understand what else is distracting me...
He placed a quick kiss on my temple, making me shiver. I don't know how many times I realized what a powerful influence had this guy on me. I was already about to faint but somehow gathered the strength to continue my work as if nothing had happened. But something was definitely happening here!
We spent the whole day like that. Charles doing 30 laps, then while he was taking a break, I was at his place. It was great fun. Several times Andrea appeared to bring us food, drinks, to remind us to take a break, but we were totally obsessed of competing with each other, that he just had to leave us alone. The Monegasque took the things so serious that even started to Charlesplaing me how to improve my driving, as if I was going to race at Azerbaijan not him. But I was listening to him, sometimes I even opposed him, only to tease him.
I loved how passionately he was expressing his opinion gesticulating like a true Italian. The constant contact with Italians obviously reflected on him. But he was sweet. He had a pure naiveté on his face, but I noticed that he wasn't quite so innocent relating to the situation this morning... And not only it. I knew he also had a dark villain side, that he put on display at many extreme moments. He was trying to keep it under control, while I was quite the opposite – I errupted more easily than he did. For three races, our team created so many conditions for fights, but he managed to lose his temper only several times than me. I was out of the limits almost every time.
As the last day of working at the simulator, Charles wanted us to finish our tests earlier, so when the clock hit 8 pm, we turned the simulator off. Charles was wiping his sweat hair, while I was tidying the room up.
- Lissa where are you going now? – he suddenly broke the silence.
- At home, Charles – I laughed at his weird question. – Why?
- I was wondering if you have some spare time to come with me at one place – Leclerc said, and I saw his cheeks blushing.
Lo fa?! A shy Leclerc over the horizon! Where is the defiant one from this morning?
- I guess this is another one of your ventures that doesn't end well for me – I said teasingly.
- No, this time is different... - he laughed nervously. – It's important... Please accept my invitation... I promise you will not regret it!
- Fine, Charles, fine! – I smiled. – But only because I have got used to coming back home at the late hours, I will accept your invitation. Let's go!
I headed to the door and was about to open it when Andrea stormed into the room. He seemed to be in a hurry, pale and out of breath.
- Oh, thank Goodness, I found you here! – he exclaimed and put his hands on his chest.
- What is going on Andrea? – I asked him worried. – Would you like to have a seat?
- No, I need you now! – the coach shook his head. – Vasseur and Mekies want you in the conference room!
I turned to look at Charles who was shocked. The Monegasque approached us and placed his hand on my shoulder.
- Wait for me, I'll come with you – he said death serious.
- No, she has to come with me alone – the Tuscan replied.
- You are starting to scare me! – I said nervously.
- I know, but they told me to keep Charles away from that – Andrea said and looked at his friend. – It will be a private talk.
- At this late hour! – I exclaimed. – I am curious what is it about...
- Lissie, I am worried, I don't want you to go... - Leclerc tried to stop me, but I was already following his coach.
- Wait for me in the parking lot in twenty minutes – I said louder. – If I am not there start to worry!
Then I turned around and rushed after Andrea. My palms started sweating. I could only guess why they were calling me and now I wanted to go there as soon as possible, so I would understand if I was right.
I walked down the corridor of the main building, side by side with Andrea. He looked worried, and as much as I was used to showing up for one-on-one conversations with the bosses, his condition made me worry more than usual.
- Andrea, has something happened? – I asked him timidly. – I thought Vasseur and Mekies had already been drinking Pinot Grigio in their homes.
- Actually, they were waiting for you to finish working with Charles – Andrea cracked a smile.
- Would they have stayed until midnight if we had decided to work more today? – I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
- Maybe that's why I was sent to call you... - he replied, and we stopped in front of the conference room. – Good luck, Lissie!
He smiled and opened the door for me. I gave him a weak wave and walked inside the room, where Mekies and Vasseur greeted me with crossed arms and serious expressions on their faces. I swallowed hard and closed the door behind me, then approached them. We were standing at two opposite ends of the elliptical long table, briefly staring at each other. I tried to hide the fact that my heart was beating like crazy and mentally put a stone mask on my face.
- A rather late hour for private conversations, don't you think? – I began tepidly.
- It's quite a late hour to be here with Charles – Vasseur smiled slyly. – We'll have to pay you overtime.
- Is the team poor? – I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
- Point for her! – Mekies noticed, and Vasseur gave him a quick indignant glance.
- Why did you call me? – I asked sharply. – I was about to leave.
- We discussed some things between us – Vasseur began. – I don't think there's any point in playing you anymore...
He paused briefly, during which my heart sank. I stared intently at the team principal, trying to read his mind. I already knew why I was here.
- Laurent has convinced me there's a use for you here – Fred said. – Your drive to succeed is very noticeable and sometimes too irritating for me, but we need people who want to reach the top, not pull us down. Round four of the seasons is upon us, and the setbacks have been quite a few lately...
Mekies picked up a black hardcover folder that was on the table in front of him. He handed it to me with a smile and continued after Vasseur:
- This is the new rulebook and schedule for the weekend in Baku. Here you will find all the information, along with the regulations from the FIA and everything you need to prepare for the upcoming race.
- You will be the Main Strategist during all the competition days – Vasseur added, and I opened the folder and began to look at it.
- When you say all, you mean...
- Free practice, qualifying, sprint shootout, sprint and the competition itself – explained the head of the team. – For each day, the decisions will be made by you, no one will interfere with you, no one will change your regulations, the only requirement is that you should ask us for approval.
I nodded in understanding and snapped the folder shut before smiling slyly and leaning over against the table.
- And you decided to give me exactly the weekend, with one of the most difficult tracks and with the newly introduced rules? – I laughed ironically. – Do you think I'm stupid? I understand very well that this is another test. High-flown words about my ambition will not cloud my eyes. I totally understand what your point is.
- What is it, Bernardi? – Vasseur asked in an impudent tone.
- To make a mistake and to eliminate me from my position here! – I stated confidently, and the faces of the team leaders became confused for a second. – Yes... Challenge accepted, gauntlet thrown down... Don't think I won't be up to it...
- We didn't even doubt... - Mekies began, but I raised my hand to cut him off.
- Save the superlatives for April 30! – I said coldly. – Is there anything else you want to tell me?
- That's all we wanted to discuss with you – Fred said with a slight smile. – But we will ask you to be discreet and keep our conversation a secret until Thursday, when the team will be at the track. We do not want to release any information prior to the official weekend announcement.
- Anyway, you're not going to announce publicly that your strategist is that inexperienced little bitch you have to put up with in the team because the rest of the staff are even more incompetent than she is – I said with a wry smile. – Good evening, gentlemen!
I turned my back on them and left the conference room, with a sense of victory and a heart full of satisfaction. Even if it was the hardest weekend, I was going to try to prove to them that they couldn't break me. This was my place. I would win.
The place Charles wanted to take me was near the headquarters of the Scuderia, so we decided to have a little walk. I followed the order of the team principal and did not tell my friend about the subject of my conversation with Vasseur and Mekies. Once again, I lied that they wanted to praise our progress and provide me with a schedule for next week. Charles was suspicious though and tried to look at what was in my folder. But I had faster reactions than him and threw it in the trunk of my car, then offered to take me to the place he wanted to show me. Naturally, he was a little offended by my reaction, but he quickly forgave me simply because he had a good big heart.
In the beginning of our walk, Leclerc stopped at the first Gelato shop, to buy a scoop for us. That was going to be my first meal for the day, so I didn't refuse this time. Without asking me what I wanted, he just walked at the shop, then came back to me with a cone with two scoops of Gelato – a Chocolate Italian hazelnuts one and a Lime one. He seemed to know me better than I knew myself, because he hit upon my favorite flavors, and I haven't even shared something like that before. For himself he had taken Stracciatella and Mint scoops. Two seemingly ordinary flavors but in combination they were just perfect.
- Oh, you hit a strike, Leclerc! – I said, taking the cone from him. – How do you know I love these ones.
- I just know you well, Lissie! – he winked at me. – These flavors remind me of you, so I thought there is no chance for you not to like them.
- This had to be a compliment or what? – I laughed and tried the Gelato. The taste left me surprised. – Mamma mia! The combination is just so perfect! I usually eat them separately, but together... Grandioso! The bitterness of the lime makes the sweet of the chocolate not so expressed and the hazelnuts leave a great aftertaste.
- This description answers your question – the Monegasque winked at me. – See, I know how to match the things.
- Let me check! – I extended my hand and scooped from his Gelato.
- Hey, I wanted to send it to Arthur first! – his laughter rang out in the empty street we were walking along. – He is on a diet now and can't allow himself such a pampering.
- Don't tease him! – I punched Charles in the shoulder. – Arthur will get angry and will commit a "sin".
We both laughed hysterically then Leclerc pulled out his phone and took a short video of his cone and mine, while I was walking beside him. He sent it to his brother and put his phone on Airplane mood. I was curious about his act but didn't ask anything and continued observing the old houses around us. From one of the balconies above us was hanging the Ferrari flag and that reminded me of the race weekends.
- What are your plans for the weekend? – I turned to Leclerc taking a scoop from the Gelato.
- Oh, I am going to attend "Rolex Masters" at Monaco – he shrugged his shoulders and took a greedy bite from the waffle cone.
- The tennis tournament?! – I exclaimed. – I didn't know you were interested in this.
- Well, sometimes I play paddle with my brothers or friends, so... - he explained with mouth full of ice cream.
- Paddle is something different... It is a dangerous game, which could break your nose – I chuckled.
- Not so dangerous when you are playing with professionals... like us – he said with a proud face.
- Oh, you are more modest than Verstappen, Charlie – I laughed, and the Monegasque gave me a playful look.
- You know – "Modesty is for people who have no other qualities" – Leclerc winked.
- A driving maxim in life! – I replied with a smug smile.
We continued our walk eating the ice cream in silence. I felt he was preparing to say something but struggling to find the right words. During the time we were in almost constant communication, I could already tell when he was losing his confidence. It was interesting how one moment he was so cocky and the next he was blushing and giggling nervously like a schoolboy inviting his crush to the first dance.
- By the way, would you like to come with us to the tournament? – he shot his question, meanwhile struggling with his running ice cream. – Pierre and Kika will also be there...
"Good try, Leclerc!", I thought and smiled.
- Oh, sorry but my weekend is already occupied – I interrupted him. – Some family commitments that are urgent.
- What a shame you won't be able to come! – he said with a bitter smile. – Everyone would be glad of your presence.
I remained silent and bowed my head. He wasn't making it easier. I wanted to go there with him, instead of dealing with the family business duties.
- We haven't got the time to speak about the holidays – Charles suddenly changed the subject of the conversation, to break the sad mood. – How were your days at Capri?
- Pretty good! – I smiled and looked at him. – The sun, the water, and the silence there helped me to relax after this terrible race weekend at Australia.
- In this line of thinking, we arrived!
Leclerc stopped in front of a little building with a padlock on its big wooden doors. The windows weren't illuminated, quite the opposite – they were covered with metal shutters. Above us there was a big title in Italian - "The Golden Mane".
- A mane? – I narrowed eyebrows. – Like a lion's mane?
- True! – Charles exclaimed and I looked at him confused.
- What is this place? – I asked, while he was finishing his Gelato.
- My friend's night club here – Leclerc explained wiping his mouth with a napkin.
- And what is this club? – I slowly started eating my cone of nerves.
- A piano bar – he smiled and pulled a set of keys out of his jeans pocket. – It's closed for today because he is on a trip right now, but he sometimes gives me the keys to get inside and exercise myself when I am not at home.
- To exercise in what? – I asked confused.
By the time he managed to unlock the doors I had already finished my gelato, so I started nervously biting my wooden scoop. "The Golden Mane" was really close to "The Golden Lion" but... Why did this remind me of the story of the princess whose diary I read in Australia?
- In this! – the Monegasque said proudly and opened the doors of the club.
I walked insecure in it and looked around. A huge place with a little stage at the bottom and a lot of tables, carrying the spirit of former cabaret clubs. And when Charles tuned on the dimmed stage lights, my eyes fall on the big black piano over there. I turned to him and laughed in delight. He was looking at me with a proud smile.
- Don't tell me I will finally hear you playing live! – I said covering my mouth with hands.
- I won't tell you... – he said coming closer to me. – I will show you!
Then he took my hand and led me to the stage. He sat on the little chair in front of the piano, while I stayed up next to him.
- Oh God! I am more nervous than before a Quali – he chuckled and cracked his fingers. – Listen carefully... I had a dream with this song in it during the Australia weekend and I composed it there... Couldn't get it out of my mind so... I've decided to play it to you. It's important to me to hear your... Opinion.
- I am all in ears! – I whispered leaning on the piano.
Then he started playing and I gasped when I heard the first tones of the music. I recognized the melody he used to hum when he was trying to calm me down in the day of the Australian race. The beautiful tender melody touched my heart and made it skip a beat. I closed my eyes.
Suddenly the quiet slow legato turned into a staccato, increasing the tempo reaching a legato fast melody. Goosebumps went over my whole body, hearing il crescendo and flashbacks from the weekend turned back into my head – I saw the eyes of Chess Player, the free practice I fought against the strategy ban, then the qualifying when everything went wrong, the argument with Carlos... The music became slower and tender again, and some tears fell from my eyes when il decrescendo came, reminding me of the way Charles was hugging me the next morning, trying to calm me down before the race. I felt as if his arms were again around me, holding me into a warm tight hug. Next, I could hear the blaming and the questions through the melody even though there weren't any lyrics. Then it became more tense – I saw Charles on the race, in the gravels, the whole race went on a tape, and the music became slower and sadder using the gradual morendo. I remembered the flight back home, when we all stayed sorrowful at the back of the plane, mocking ourselves and Charles resting in my lap. Then there were the repeating soft tones and il tenuto was the end of the music.
- Why are you crying, little one? – his voice snapped me out and I opened my eyes.
- Because it's so beautiful! – I said and bursted out in tears. – Your music Charles... it's amazing and touching and... It brought me back in memories...
- Come here, Lissie! – he stood up and pulled me in his warm hug.
- I am sorry, Charles... I am too emotional right now! – I continued crying but didn't know the reason.
He remained silent and placed a little kiss on the top of my head. I wrapped my hands around his waist even more and tried to calm. It was adorable to feel him so close to me again... To smell his odor... Just to be in his embrace.
- I just wanted you to hear it before... - Charles started insecure. – Before releasing it in the music platforms. Your opinion is important to me.
- You must share it with the world! – I exclaimed sobbing. – The details are done to perfection, Charles! I adore this masterpiece!
- Then everybody will enjoy it! – he wrapped his arms even more around me.
We stayed in a hug for a long time. The feeling was wonderful – his heart was beating fast, but his breathing was regular. He was gently rubbing my back and from time to time slightly pressing my ribs as he was playing on the piano keys. And I was giggling every time he was doing it. Charles really knew how to bring me back to a good mood. Then I remembered the words of Isa... More than 30 seconds... And I broke the hug.
- It's getting late, Charlie – I said stepping back. – And after I heard your calming song, I feel sleepy...
- You want us to go? – the Monegasque took a sad expression on.
- If it's not a problem for you... - I shrugged my shoulders and put my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.
- Yeah, of course... - he rubbed his nape embarrassed and looked around. – I will just tidy up here and...
- Would you like me to help? – I interrupted him.
- You already did enough – Leclerc smiled softly.
He couldn't help himself and extended his hand, caressing my cheek. I bowed my head shyly, then felt him pulling away from me. My heart was still beating fast under the influence of his beautiful song, but not only because of it. I knew that the longer time we spend together, the harder will be to resist him. But he was so kind... And I was fighting hard against something I couldn't control... At all.
Notes: Hello lovely people! Here I am with the new after hours chapter! <3
Lissa worked with Charles one whole week and that made them even closer than before. Will Vasseur be honest with Lissa this time and really leave the whole race weekend in her hands? Where Charles brought our girl? <3
I hope you liked the chapter - give a star /comment if so <3, today in the external link you will find AUS23, so enjoy it <3 aaaand see you at the next episode where someone special will appear! :P <3
Love ya all! <3
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