Chapter XXII - Asking for forgiveness
The journey on the way back home was a real adventure. Especially when the company consisted of both Alpine drivers and the British "duke" George Russell. I finally had the opportunity to have a conversation with him and was impressed of his high level of communication. He was behaving as if he is on a royal tea event and his fine British humor even made me smile for a couple of seconds.
But seeing my sullen face, from the moment we got out of the car in front of the airport, my companions began to mock the situation in which we found ourselves. Pierre tried to cheer me up, urging me not to be sad, because sadness is only for the losers. But Charlie, ironic as usual, added that we were worse than that. Well, I admit his sense of humor. He could compare with George, but Leclerc always manages to lighten things up and make people around him feel at least a little bit better. But the situation was so rough that it was evident on all of our faces that no matter if we were laughing, we were doing it through the pain.
"The losers club" as we started calling our group, got up on the plane and after the taking off and couple of shots by Pierre's idea, all of the members fell asleep. Expect me. I was looking at them, sober and disappointed. Charles' head was resting peacefully in my lap, and I was watching his regular calm breathing. Caressing his soft wavy hair, I began to feel sorry for him, for me, for the whole team. The performance of the Scuderia last year was much better than the current one, and I was starting to wonder if I was the cause of their problems. What if I wasn't Leclerc's lucky charm but the black cat for the team.
I was already feeling exhausted when I was thinking about the tough conversation with the team leaders on the first day of work after the race weekend. Then I was expecting to find out my future here. Now I could only guess what was going to happen and pray that I wouldn't get fired. If I remain in the team, what happened during this weekend wouldn't stop me from continuing to fight to prove that they need me as an employee and to prove to myself that the negative thoughts running through my head right now are unfounded.
After spending hours overthinking, caressing Charles' hair, I finally got exhausted enough to fall asleep.
On the next day I arrived at Maranello early in the morning. Fortunately, Vasseur was still in Australia, trying to dispute the penalty of Carlos, so Mekies as a deputy team principal was the person, who I had to meet with. Neither Charles nor Carlos was at work this day, only a few engineers, mechanics, and several people from the factory, who were responsible for the construction of the cars. The day would have been wonderful if I hadn't had a tough conversation ahead of me. The sun was shining brightly, birds were singing from every tree, Nature was in its prime. Happy and unbothered.
But I wasn't feeling the same. My heart was heavy, and I could hardly breathe while walking to the main administrative building. I didn't know what to expect – that's why I was so anxious.
I entered Mekies' office. He greeted me with soft smile and the words:
- Sit wherever you want to!
I smiled in response and took the chair in front of his desk. Then crossed my legs and leaned back. I was nervous but tried to hide it, giving him a serious gaze.
- Miss Bernardi, I wanted to speak with you before Vasseur's return – Laurent started in a serious voice. – There is no point to hide it. The truth is that Fred didn't agree with what you did this weekend. He is seriously thinking about terminating your contract, for several reasons that you already know, and I will not list again.
I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to speak, but the man raised his hand to stop me.
- I haven't finished yet... – he crossed his arms in front of his chest. – I know how much you want to be part of our team, ha, I was your interviewer after all. I saw the zest in your eyes, the power you stood up in front of me stating that you wouldn't leave until I did the interview. Then I realized that you are not an ordinary girl, who flutters her eyelashes and smiles sweetly. You can be a house cat and a lion at the same time and suddenly I started to like that in you. The confidence with which you go into every battle is extremely impressive...
- Fine, Mekies, I understood you have made a perfect psychological profile of me – I couldn't resist not to take the word. – But could you please give me your statement faster and if it is negative, just to stop wasting my time.
- And here she is again! – laughed Mekies but I remained death serious. – Well, my statement is this – you will stay at the Scuderia during the three weeks break. You will continue working on your position, the same way you did it before, and if we notice a positive influence over the team you will stay. Otherwise, you will have to leave.
I nodded in acceptance and started fidgeting with the lucky ring on my finger. I knew what this meant – they could kick me out whenever they want to... No worries, Lissa!
- Well, thank you for being honest! – I said with a slight smile and stood up from my place. – May I go now?
- Actually, I have a little "mission" for you – Mekies said with conspiratorial smile. – You may go to the factory. They need a person who has seen what is happening to the cars up close. We are planning some reconstructions and need a trusted person to oversee the process. I heard you have worked something like that before... And wanted an access to the cars also... Well, I am giving it to you. And this will be our secret, Vassuer wouldn't understand about that.
My heart started pounding. So now I was the trusted person and could finally take part in the process of doing something big for the team.
- Thank you, Mister Mekies! – I exclaimed. – I really appreciate this!
- You can call me Laurent – he gave me a soft smile.
- I prefer to stay on surname... - I laughed. – I already have a bad experience calling someone by their name.
The deputy team principal knew exactly who I meant. He just gave me a little smile and took his place behind the desk, staring at the laptop on top of it. I walked out of his office with a brisk step. Well, at least he gave me a chance and this time I wasn't going to waste it.
Two days had passed after my conversation with Mekies. Since that day I was spending my whole time at Maranello – from the factory, where I was supervising the process of reconstruction, checking if everything is properly done, to the circuit of Fiorano, where I was staying till late nights examining the reports of Carlos work at the simulator. I haven't met him yet – I was working temporally at the office of Mekies' secretary, because she was on holiday the whole week and this place was quiet enough to do my business without being distracted.
It was Wednesday evening – a peaceful one and the first of this week, I managed to go home earlier than usual. I was in the kitchen, cutting pancetta for pasta Carbonara. While driving on the way back home I had a brief video chat with Charles and Arthur, in which Charles gave me his irresistibly delicious recipe for this dish. I allowed him to "teach" me how to do it, even though I was an Italian, and making pasta sauces was in my genes. But couldn't refuse to them, brothers Leclerc kept in touch with me every day after we got back from Australia. I didn't mind this at all. They were funny and we had much to talk about, so why not communicate with them.
I heard the doorbell ringing and that surprised me. I wasn't expecting anyone but went to open anyway. On my doorstep was standing my new enemy for a lifetime – Carlos.
Seeing him, I rolled my eyes and tried to slam the door, but he had faster reactions than me, well he is an F1 driver after all, and managed to keep it open with his huge strong hands.
- Lissa, let me in! – he raised his voice and pushed the door with all his might.
- What do you think you are doing? – I asked in the same tone, when Sainz successfully stormed into my apartment.
- I came here to speak with you! – he said sharply and ran his fingers through his fluffy black hair. – You are avoiding me in Maranello, don't answer my calls, don't reply to my messages. I knocked a thousand times on the door of your temporary office, and you didn't even open it!
- I don't speak with colleagues outside working hours! – I stated, opening the door widely. – And with betrayers during them! So, now... Leave!
Carlos gritted his teeth and approached me menacingly. His face had taken on a demonic look – his eyes were like black holes, cheeks – crimson red, lips – into a straight line. I didn't let myself show that I feared him, and didn't break our intense eye contact even for a second. But my heart started racing and goosebumps went over my whole body.
- Lissa, how long will this continue? – Sainz asked quietly, pushing the door.
He was stronger than me, considering the Spanish was even taller than me, so it was easy for him to close it. Finally, we were in private, and the entire corridor was going to stop listening to our conversation.
I found myself between his huge body and the door. We were staring at each other heavily breathing from the tension between us. I let out a deep sigh and managed to escape from Carlos' trap, gently pushing him in the chest. Then quickly headed to the kitchen. I thought that if I leave him and don't pay attention to him, he will probably go away soon. But Sainz followed me, and I could feel his eyes on my back, while I was still cutting the pancetta.
- Does Isa know about your visit? – I asked without turning to him. – I don't want to ruin my good terms with her because you are a brainless worm!
- Lissa don't be so rude... - his voice sounded like on the race. – I don't deserve...
I hit the sink-plot with my fist and turned to him.
- You deserve exactly what you receive Carlos! – I brandished the knife on him. – Even the penalty in Australia was well deserved because I had told you many times, you always cause conditions for collision. Now you just hit the wrong guy with the old money team owner!
- You think my penalty was deserved? – he raised his eyebrows and leaned his shoulder on the door frame.
- Of course, I do! – I continued gesticulating with the knife in my hand. – You did so many things wrong this weekend, that this was even too little punishment for you!
- Ouch, that hurt! – Sainz said in a sarcastic tone.
- Then my mission is successful! – I replied rapidly and turned my back to him. – Now leave!
But he was too stubborn and didn't listen to me. I heard his steps coming closer to me. He put one hand on my shoulder and his other on mine with the knife. His palm was warm and soft.
- Can we talk like normal people just for a couple of minutes? – the Spanish whispered in my ear making me shiver. – I want you to listen to me, after that I will leave you. I promise.
I rudely pushed him away with my elbow and washed my hands. I couldn't bear him being so close to me, I was feeling it wasn't right. After that I looked at Carlos and hissed:
- You have only ten minutes! Move!
He nodded and followed me like a faithful dog to the living room.
- I didn't receive an answer to my question – I said sharply. – Does Isa know about you being in my apartment?
- Of course, Lissa, she knows – he rolled his eyes and sat on the sofa. – She scolded me for everything I have done and that's why I'm here now.
- Oh, great! – I exclaimed sarcastically. – You don't even feel guilty, and you came here because of her! Don't even sit down, it's more than clear that you will go away very soon!
- Lissa, you got me wrong... - Sainz let a deep sigh out, then rested his elbows on his knees and intertwined fingers. – After I spoke to her, I overthought everything and now I know I wasn't right to act like that and... to talk to you that way, humiliating you in front of the team. I... I was an asshole...
- You are still one! – I said in a cold tone crossing arms in front of my chest.
- Okay, call me whatever you want to, but just listen to me! – his hands started shaking from anxiety. For a first time ever, I saw Carlos so emotional. – Lissa, I just realized that I was wrong, but I want to fix my mistake and...
- To fix your mistake? – I raised my eyebrows. – Sainz, let's make it clear! What happened this weekend in general?
- Well... I don't know where to start... I...
- Just say it! – I shouted and saw the hesitation in his eyes.
He started biting his plump lips nervously. Suddenly he took a deep breath and started:
- We all see that my performance isn't really well... You were right saying I am always at P5/P4... In the beginning of the weekend Vasseur called me for a private talk, where we discussed some things and we came to conclusion that I must improve my performance till the Spanish GP, because they are planning some changes on the car...
- I still can't see the reason for your behavior – I narrowed eyebrows.
- Well, after the FP2 Vasseur called me again for a private talk – Carlos said, looking embarrassed at the ground. – He had understood about that you have been changing his orders... And he promised me to get me a better position on the grid if I tell him how you proceeded that day and who helped you... I actually sacrificed Charles and Andrea, but...
At first, I was in shock. Then suddenly my blood started boiling.
- You tell me that you betrayed me, Andrea, and Charles for one damn position on the grid? – I asked in a hush voice, barely keeping my cool.
- Lissa, see... I needed points in the rang list of the drivers' championship – his voice cracked. – I have a performance clause in my contract. If I don't have the required points by certain period, the team could kick me out... We are in that part of the season when the places under our asses aren't secure. And... On the other side I cannot stay at the back of the grid anymore!
- You fucking selfish vile wretch! – I gradually raised my voice. – You betray people you call friends for YOUR fucking contract and some miserable points... I can't believe I risked all for you and for Charles, just to save you asses from certain death! Can't you win your bloody points by yourself with your own skills? Oh, I forgot you don't have one and that's why you had to stab your teammate and me in the back!
- I know, I know! – he looked at me with teary eyes. – I don't know what happened to me, I know it wasn't right... But I was a little bit envious of all that success Charles had... People usually are happier for his wins and not so much for mine... I wanted to taste the flavor of victory once.
I didn't want to listen to him anymore. It was better when I didn't know the real reason for his actions, now it hurt me twice more. I stepped up to the unsuspecting Carlos and grabbed his forearm, roughly pulling him to his feet.
- Lissa, what are you doing?! – Sainz asked, while I was lugging him to the front door.
Dannazione, he was so heavy!
- Lissa, please! – the Spanish managed to free himself from my grip. – Lissa, I am so sorry!
- What you did was disgusting, disrespectful and not at all gentlemanly? – I said through gritted teeth. – Oh, Sainz! Look at you! You are a miserable bastard, you are not a gentleman at all... Envious, ha?! Now leave my house and don't you ever try to come back here, again!
- Lissa, please, let's sort the things out!
At this moment tears started falling from his eyes. For a first time I saw Carlos crying. His eyes were red, the tears were falling like showers from them. He even kneeled in front of me and covered his face with hands, crying out loud.
- I am so sorry! – Sainz started whining. – I lost two of my closest friends because I gave into envy... I can't... I need to bring you back to me! I am incomplete without you two... just tell me what to do to apologize! Lissa, please!
I was watching his show stone cold and pursed my lips from anger. If only I could, I was going to smack his face... Only my common sense was stopping me from breaking his nose. Carlos tried to take my hand, but the second I felt his fingers on mine, I moved away and opened the door.
- Close it behind your back! – I hissed between his sobbing.
The Spanish shook his head and stood up from the ground. He looked at me with his watery eyes, but that didn't touch me at all. I just bowed my head, avoiding eye contact and waited for him to leave.
I heard his deep sigh, after that the door was closed. I leaned my forehead on it and then a couple of tears fell. I couldn't handle this anymore. It hurt me... He has sold our friendship, and the one with Charles to benefit himself. So sad that people could so easily throw out in the trash something that is built for so long.
I was wiping my tears away with my hands when I received a message on my phone. I pulled it out of the pocket of my sweatshirt. It was a voice message from Charles.
"How was the pasta?"
I smiled and sobbed. His voice was so tender and beautiful, touching my heart every time I heard him. I could listen to him all my life. But thinking about how bad he would feel when he realized what Carlos had done, my heart was breaking on hundred parts.
I tried to calm myself down and typed:
"Just perfect! *a chef kiss*"
Another voice message from Charles has been received:
"Lissie, is everything okay? Why typing?"
He sounded worried.
"Probably you didn't like the pasta and now you don't want me to hear in your voice that you are lying to me."
I sighed and started recording:
"Fine Leclerc, just had to turn my TV off."
"Was the movie good? I could hear you have cried."
Oh, he is such a Sherlock, I had to fool him.
"It was a random overdramatic series... I meant... it was good."
I was still sobbing. Then I received the next voice message from him.
"I know how you feel. I always cry on movies... We should watch something together someday."
I smiled and sighed. He was so kind, compared to Carlos. I replied softly:
"Of course, we will!"
Before him sending me another voice message, which I had to open and listen to, not only ghosting through the task bar, I locked my screen and headed back to the kitchen, to finish what I have been doing before Carlos arrival.
The next day I went to Maranello a bit later than usual, after spending the whole night watching the tapes of the race in Australia. I wanted to check if I was right about the penalty of Carlos. My good heart felt bad for the words I said in my anger. It was too disrespectful to tell Carlos he doesn't have any skills, but he also did something to hurt me, and this was my way to hit him in the emotions. Again, I had those mixed feelings of whether I should be angry with him or should I forgive him. It was too complicated...
The conclusion after watching all the tapes again was that the only way to dispute the penalty is to appeal to the FIAs statement that the last lap wouldn't be counted. Otherwise, I couldn't find any other way to get our points back.
I parked my car and headed to the main building where Mekies office was taking place. I was in a hurry to get to Laurent faster. If at the beginning of my working here I didn't want to communicate with him, now he was the only person of the headmasters' crew I wanted to talk to. It was strange the way things change so fast.
Before walking into the building, I noticed Sainz arriving in a silver Ferrari 812 Competizione. Nice car, but I liked the black matte one of Charles more.
I stopped in front of the entrance of the building and stared at him. Carlos jumped out of the automobile, and we met our sights. He bit his lips and immediately bowed his head trying to avoid my full of frustration eyes. It was obvious after yesterday he wasn't feeling comfortable with me around, but I've decided to suppress him even more and headed to him.
- I like what I see! – I said coming closer to the Spanish sliding eyes over the car. He looked at me confused. – You are feeling embarrassed.
- Lissa, I beg you... - he shook his head.
- Don't beg me! – I said harshly. – I came to tell you that I will speak with Mekies about your penalty. I don't know if I will achieve something, but I hope they will review our disputation and accept it.
- So, you will fight for... - his eyes started shining of hope.
- I will fight for the team and for me – I interrupted him. – It will take a long time to do something for you again... If I ever forgive you!
I turned my back to him and headed to the building. It was more than enough that I spent my whole night searching for solution of his problem. I started to wonder if Sainz deserved all this attention, I was paying to him. But I was too sentimental... Once I was calling him a friend. Perhaps I was wrong not only about him, but about many others here – from the beginning.
Notes: Hello guys! So, here is the new chapter a little bit emotional one.
Lissa is really furious about what happened during the last race week. What do you think? Who is more to be blamed - Vasseur for giving Carlos this promise or Carlos for accepting to join this "behind the scenes" game?
I hope you liked the chapter - give a star/comment if so, hear the external link aaaand we will see at the next episode, where we will see in what spicy situation will Lissa find herself.
Love ya! KISSES
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