Chapter XVI - A golf game
27-28. Mar – Landing in Australia
I don't know how but a week after our conversation with Arthur, in the early hours of Monday morning, I was at the airport of Bologna with two huge suitcases in my hands, waiting for Charles and his brother to come. Yeah, I accepted the proposal to travel with "their" private jet. I thought it would be too offensive if I rejected them, after traveling with Max's ones. But the things were different then – I didn't have another choice because of my pride... And it was better for the safety of the co-workers who were about to be in one flight with me at this day.
Anyway, I accepted and now here I am at the airport with a little amount of sleep during the past days and pretty nervous about the upcoming trip. Everything was so weird. My heart was beginning to beat faster every time I thought that I was going to be on one plane with Charles for more than 20 hours. I was planning what we will be talking about, where I am going to seat, how to eat, what to drink, how to behave in general... I was imagining everything, because I didn't want to disgrace myself in front of him, his brother and Andrea who was also joining our trip. Although these people had already spent some time with me and knew me a bit, now was going to be more difficult. I didn't know why I wanted them to like me, but I felt that it was necessary.
On the other side I had to create a good strategy for the race week. I was non-stop thinking about how to outwit Vasseur and to win more people from the team on my side. It was obvious that "Fred the friend" wasn't friendly at all. I still remember the words of my aunt, who warned me that some people only look that they are good inside. And I was starting to think maybe he was one of these people. I was so confused, and this overthinking day and night made me lose my sleep... As always.
I looked at my wristwatch – 4:20am. My head was spinning around, and I had the feeling like I was walking on water. I was so dizzy because of the lack of sleep that I couldn't wait for the boys to come, get on the plane, and fall asleep on my seat. It was better for me to sleep during the flight, so I don't have to worry about how to behave in front of them.
All my plans were ruined, when I saw them, walking through the sliding doors of the terminal. Charles, Arthur, and Andrea, but they weren't alone. There was another young man – a bit shorter than them, nicely plump with short haircut and square face. I knew this guy from somewhere – I have seen him in a several pictures of Charles on social media but forgot his name. Wait, why Leclerc didn't tell me that he will travel with us?! A completely new person from his circle. What was I supposed to do now?
The mob saw me, and Charles waved enthusiastically at me, then headed in my direction. My heart quickened its rhythm, my hands started sweating and suddenly became harder to breathe. Oh, why am I panicking?! I fixed the collar of my white wide shirt and rubbed my sweating palms in the back pockets of the black jeans I was wearing. Maybe I was too elegant dressed compared with the comfy outfits the other passengers from my future flight had.
- Lissie, I am so happy to see you again, little one! – exclaimed Charles, who literally ran the last meters to me, so he could approach me faster, and hugged me.
- Me too, Charlie! – I laughed, inhaling his beautiful mint gum mixed with bitter orange perfume odor.
He held me in his arms a little longer than usual, rubbing my back. But I didn't mind it at all. It was good to be in someone's cozy tight grip and when this one was Charles – it was priceless.
When he released me from the hug, something struck me about his appearance. Not that he was in a damn good looking plush beige sweatshirt in set with sweatpants, not his casual white Nikes, but he was wearing glasses. Square shaped with clear black frames. So simple but so beautiful.
- I didn't know you are... - I said pointing to his face.
- Oh, yeah... sometimes... – he put them off and smiled, showing his sweet dimples. – Now I am with them, so I could see you better.
- And do you find any difference? – I asked with a smug smile.
- Nope! – he looked at me dreamily. – You are stunning as always. Petite beautè!
My heart skipped a beat hearing these words. How had he just called me?!
- Lissa, don't you miss me? – I heard Arthur asking from the back.
We turned to him, to see the younger brother smiling, naughty looking at us.
- Of course, I do Arthur – I said with a deep sigh. – Come here, kiddo!
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. He seemed to be happy to see me, even though we haven't spent so much time together as with his brother. But the acceptance he was showing flattered me and made me happy.
Then I turned to greet Andrea, who was looking at us with the same shocked face as usual. After that it came the turn of the new person in our group. I looked insecurely at Charles to hint him to introduce me to his friend. But my teammate was so lost in his thoughts, that I had to poke him in the ribs, so I could bring him back to reality.
- Joris! – Leclerc exclaimed and put his hand on my back gently pulling me to himself. – Joris Trouche, please, meet my friend and co-worker, also the best strategist you have ever seen, Lissa Bernardi.
- So many superlatives! You make me blush, Lord Percival! – I whispered to him and laughed nervously. – Nice to meet you, Joris!
- The pleasure is all mine! – he gave me a slight smile and we shook hands.
Thank Goodness he didn't say that he has listened a lot about me. Maybe he was about to say it, but Andrea approached us and changed the theme of the conversation:
- Charles, it's almost 5am, we will miss the flight!
- Oh, don't worry, they will wait for us – Charles laughed, still holding his hand on my back.
- Nobody is waiting for the losers! – I said gently moving his hand from me. – Let's go guys! We are a big group, so we have to look around ourselves and everybody should have a comrade holding hands.
- Wait Lissie, we are not in the kindergarten! – interrupted me Arthur laughing.
- Still not sure about that! – I said and winked at him. – Let's go!
I grabbed the suitcases, the bag with the laptop, my purse and headed to the check – in desks with a mob of boys following me.
A surprise was waiting for me when we got on the private jet. There were four boxes built up of four beige leather seats, with large polished Bocote wood tables between them. On one of the tables were served big plates full of exotic fruits and a bucket of ice with Moët champagne. When I took one of the places next to the window, I felt heat spreading all over my body. It was clear – the seats were heated. Small tablets were built into the armrests that could be pulled out at any time by pushing of a button on the side of the seat. This way, the passengers were connected to the world during the whole flight. The persiennes on the windows were remote controlled. The air conditioner was turned on and the whole area was well cooled.
Charles took the place next to me and immediately a flight attendant dressed in a Scuderia Ferrari black and white uniform, brought us a cup of hot coffee and croissants. I was impressed, Leclerc had put a lot of effort into the preparation of this flight. The pilot turned on his speaker and greeted all the passengers. After that he appealed to put on our seat belts and to get ready for the trip. I had some struggles with my belt, but Leclerc was a gentleman as always and helped me with it. I didn't know if it was from the heating of the seats, or from his touch but suddenly hot waves washed over my whole body. Even the air conditioner couldn't help me to cool down myself. I thanked the young man and as a response I received his favorite wink. And that made my heart beating faster than before.
The plane took off and our journey began.
It was a long flight, and I didn't sleep as I was planning. During the whole damn trip, the two brothers didn't allow me to close my eyes even for a minute. Carlos has told Charles about a weird method to fight the jet lag and in short – it was with buckets of coffee and no sleeping at all.
Well, the first ten hours were good. We drew lots to separate in teams, so I was with Charles, and Andrea with Arthur. Joris refused to play in our "team games" because he was always in the losing one. He preferred to film us during the whole time while we were playing, so he could have some good moments saved on his camera. The boy promised to make a compilation of shorts only for myself – to have something to smile at through the hard times. Obviously, he was too close to Charles and knew everything about the problems with our team.
To be honest it was great fun playing games like movies, guess the song, variation of just dance and even limbo rock. With such a competitive teammate as Charles wasn't hard to win at all. Something new that I learned about him was that he is such a great dancer. He was moving in the rhythm of every melody, which was playing during the Guess the song game and our team was the only one who was singing as much as our voices held.
When the energy in the group decreased, Arthur pulled out of his backpack a deck of cards and we started playing Belote. This time our team with Charles was the losing one – I was never good at playing cards, obviously that was true for him too. Then to include Joris in our fun, Arthur pulled out another deck of cards but this time it was UNO. A huge mistake - this game has ruined too many friendships.
I lost track of time, but after the endless UNO game when I filled Joris with cards and I finished first, unprecedented success for me so far, he definitely put a black mark beside my name. I was tired and left the group to take some rest. My last hope was that I would take my place near the bottom window, close my eyes and sleep just for a couple of minutes. But a few moments later, Arthur came to me and took the place next to me.
- Arthy... may I be on my own just for a second? – I sighed. – My head is going to explode.
- Charles told me to keep you awake – he shrugged his shoulders. – And I am following his orders.
- I really don't get the point of this staying awake – I made a grimace of displeasure. – But it's harmful...
- Don't worry! – the blondie said putting his hand on my knee. – Only a couple of hours left.
I nodded and looked at the direction where Charles and the other guys were. The older Leclerc was talking with them, but with his side-eye, he was looking at me and his brother. When he saw the hand on my leg, he got anxious. A minute after that, he stood up from his seat and came to us with a threatening gait.
- What are you doing here, doves? – Charles asked us with cold eyes and half-smile.
- I am dying for sleep! – I barely replied.
- Oh, no... - he shook his head and gently pulled his brother from the seat next to me, so he could take it. – You have been able to stay awake till now, I am sure you can do it a few more hours.
- Really? – I asked sarcastically. – Can I?
- Charles, sorry for interrupting you, but where I am supposed to sit?! – asked offended Arthur.
Without saying a word, his brother showed him the seat in front of us and gave him a death stare. The blondie rolled his eyes and took it crossing arms in front of his chest. He looked like a frustrated little boy. So cute!
The rest of the flight was pure torture for me. Not because I didn't like the company of the brothers, but because I was totally exhausted.
We finally arrived at Melbourne airport. I was the first one who left the plane because I couldn't handle staying locked in one place anymore. It was like a golden cage for me. I liked it but 22 hours flight was too much even for a person who loves planes... Just like me.
I took my luggage and left the gate followed by Joris, Andrea and Arthur. The last one was Charles because he had to speak with the pilots of the plane. At the terminal there was a huge crowd of fans. Even though it was after midnight here in Australia, they were there waiting for their idols. Arthur gave some autographs and photos, but he had to finish fast, because his brother caught all the attention with his appearance.
I was standing aside, leaning my back on a big round column and my arms were resting on the handles of both suitcases. It was getting harder and harder for me with every minute passing, to stay awake. I was only dreaming about the shuttlebus, hot shower, and soft bed. Arthur came closer to me and smiled wide.
- Is it always like that? – I asked him, while watching Charles being kind to his fans, giving them autograph, taking pictures, talking to them.
- Yes, he is the politest person I have ever seen – his brother replied then he looked at me pixy and continued: - You should get used to this.
- Why? – I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
- Who knows? Maybe someday fans will scream your name... - he laughed and added: - Or not only the fans...
I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. I was too tired for his jokes. Then Charles came to us and stood in front of me to me. He looked at me over head to toe and his face expression became worried.
- You don't look good – he noticed. – Let's go to the hotel! Arthur, please, help me with her luggage. I will take one suitcase; you take the other one. Andrea, could you please take the bag with her laptop and...
- No, I can make it... - I interrupted him. – At least with the laptop...
Charles sighed and waved to Andrea, to show him that he had cancelled his orders. Then both brothers grabbed my suitcases, and I didn't have anything to help me not to fall on the floor anymore. I stated slowly walking after Joris and Andrea but had to stop because I heard Arthur complaining behind my back.
- Girl, what are you carrying here? – he groaned. – Bricks?
- Just a couple of clothes... - I turned to him.
- In two cases... - the young Leclerc continued dragging his and my luggage. – That's ridiculous!
His brother pulled him for the hood of his sweatshirt and whispered something in French. Then we continued our way in full silence.
Our group arrived at the hotel, and I was already feeling the smell of the bedsheets. Only a few meters left to my so dreamy sleep. We got out of the shuttle bus and entered the building. It was a huge surprise for me to find out that Carlos was waiting for us in the lobby.
- Cinderella, you are finally here! – he exclaimed and ran to hug me.
I didn't have the energy to reply, so I only placed my arms around his neck and sighed. The Spanish released me from his hug and went to greet the others. After that he turned his attention back to me and asked:
- Why do you look that way?
I was heavy breathing, my legs and hands were shaking, and I wasn't sure if my head is still on its place, but his question totally threw me off balance. One last flow of energy went through my body, and I raised my voice.
- Carlos, I haven't slept properly for two weeks in a row. Today these two nerds here made me stay awake more than 20 hours! I am going to throw up, my head is spinning, my whole body is trembling, I can barely speak and breath, I have hot and cold waves and any moment I can faint from lack of sleep, and all of this is your fault! You reckless bastard, gave the fucking idea of staying awake "to fight the damn jet lag".
- Cabròn, seriously... - Sainz turned to Charles with outraged look. – You made her stay awake during the whole flight?!
- She was good till... - tried to explain Leclerc, but I interrupted him.
- I am becoming very aggressive when I am underslept! – I shouted. – Someone, give me a room! Immediately!
- Here, here, Lissa! – Joris first ran to me, while the others froze on their places from shock. – Lissa, calm down... I have just checked in. Take my card and go to...
- Thank you, Joris – I said, and suddenly tears started falling from my eyes. – I don't know what is happening with me... Why am I crying now? Maybe it's from exhaustion...
- Lissie, please... - Charles tried to come closer to me, but I jumped aside.
- Don't you try to touch me! – I lost my temper even more. – Now, I am going to the room... Please don't disturb the predator... Bye guys! Thank you Joris again!
I dragged my suitcases to the elevator and got in it. Then I went to the room on the third floor and threw myself on the couch. I didn't have the strength even to go to the bathroom, or the bedroom. I fell asleep immediately.
A loud knocking on the door of the room woke me up. At first, I didn't have a clue where I was. It was so unreal to find myself on a couch in an unknown modern furnished apartment, which wasn't mine. Then I remembered I was already in Australia.
I had to get up from my place because the knocking was growing more insistent with every second. I finally reached the door and opened it. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Charles in all his grace in front of me. I looked at him over head to toe – a dark blue polo T-shirt, grey golf trousers, which perfectly showed his toned body. His face was literally glowing, he was wearing pilot shaped eyeglasses with golden frames and his hair was styled with some gel in a little quiff.
- Lissa, what are you doing?! – he pushed me gently, so he could walk in the room. – It's almost lunch time. I have been knocking at your door for an hour.
- Urm... I am doing what I was supposed to do during the flight – I replied irritated.
- I got worried about you! – he continued observing around the living room as he was looking for someone.
- You should worry! – I said sitting again on the couch. My head was pulsing as it's going to explode any minute. – By the way I have slept here the whole night – that's how exhausted I was... Now every single part of me hurts.
- I could give you a massage if you want to – Leclerc grinned coming closer to me then slid his eyes over my body.
"I wouldn't refuse actually..." I thought but didn't say it out loud. I just smiled in response. The Monegasque extended his hand and ran his finger along my cheekbone and chin. He was looking deep into my eyes, as he was trying to reach my soul. Then liked his lips and smirked which made me shiver.
- But first, darling, you have to change in something more comfortable, because we are leaving soon – the boy said and looked at his wristwatch.
- Oh, I am not moving from here! – I shook my head. – I need a rest!
- I've already made an appointment with Pierre today – he laughed and gave me a defiant look. – We can't skip it.
- We? – I raised my eyebrows in surprise. – You have arranged it, you go. We don't go together with you.
- Come on, Lissie, don't be boring! – Charles made a puppy face. – It will be fun!
I was looking at him serious, while he was begging me with eyes. I couldn't resist. The rest could wait.
- Okay, Leclerc, fine... - I said with a deep sigh. – Meet me in 30 minutes. I have to refresh myself and bring myself into a proper look.
- Cool! I will wait for you!
He said that sitting on the couch and pulling his phone from his pocket. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat to catch his attention. The Monegasque looked at me questionably and gave me an innocent smile.
- Here is not a waiting room, Leclerc! – I said in a serious voice. – We will meet each other in the lobby.
- Since when you are calling me by my surname? – he asked, standing up.
I didn't say anything, just showed him the door. Charles gave me a sly look, then tapped me on the top of my nose and headed to the exit of the room. I saw his little smirk before closing the door after him. That was weird behavior.
It was an enigma to me where our appointment with Pierre was, so I chose a black top with thin straps and a long tulle skirt. Due the weather forecast today was the last hot day in Melbourne, so I decided to use it to gain some tan. I put some light make up on, sunglasses to cover my red from lack of sleep eyes, and some of my favorite perfume. I let my hair fall loosely over my shoulders and then put my sneakers on.
When I went down to the lobby, Leclerc wasn't there. I found him in front of the building, leaning against a golden Alfa Romeo Stelvio. I laughed in disbelief and approached him.
- Do you have to be so extra? – I asked, taking one cartoon cup of coffee, he handed to me.
- I had to apologize for not giving you a rest – he grinned. – So, I thought a "golden cart" would be the perfect one for you, Cinderella.
I couldn't hide my smile. Even if he wasn't sincere about the reason he rented exactly that car, it flattered me that he was saying it. Charles opened the back side door for me, and I got in the huge machinery. That black leather salon and a scent of new car... Priceless.
Charles has rented not only a car, but a chauffeur too, even though he was a one. During the trip we didn't talk much, because I still had the need to restart my system and the Monegasque gave me the opportunity to do it.
We arrived at a huge golf court. I thought we were going to have a nice lunch with Pierre at the Country club, but the surprise came when we got out of the car and Gasly welcomed us.
- Hello, lovely birds! – he hugged me and Charles one by one. – What a beautiful day, don't you think?!
- Course... And why are we here? – I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.
- Oh, baby girl, please smile! – Pierre exclaimed. – We are here to have fun!
- Baby girl? – Charles looked at me in shock. – Is that how he calls you all time?!
- Charles, please don't mind him! – I hastened to say. – Please, I am too tired to handle this! Should I remind you that I get irritable when I haven't slept.
Gasly gasped and looked at us with an open mouth and shock in his eyes. He pointed at us, but I shook my head and didn't try to explain anything. I knew he had a dirty mind, so I left him to deal with it.
Suddenly, from distance someone called Pierre's name. A tall, skinny girl, with long dark-brown hair, nice bronze tan and big tiger eyes approached us and leaned on Pierre's shoulder. She was wearing a tight white polo shirt and short skirt, which was showing her long well-trained legs.
- Pierre, won't you introduce me to your new friend? – she asked with a slight smile.
- Kika, please, meet Lissa Bernardi – Gasly started but the girl jumped out and screamed.
- Oh, finally I am going to meet you, Lissa! – she hugged me all of a sudden. – I am so glad! Pierre has talked about you so much!
- Ugh... why I am getting de ja vu? – I rolled my eyes. – Nice to meet you Kika...
- Kika Gomez – she smiled wide. – As a Pierre's girlfriend I want to say that I am glad you are here. Finally, I am not going to be the third wheel at the company!
- You still will be the third wheel... Just I am going to be the fourth one... – I forced a smile and felt Charles poking me into the ribs.
- Guys, I think it's high time to start the game! – suddenly said Pierre.
- What game? – I choked with the last sip of coffee I had just taken.
- A golf game – the third of them said at the same time.
I looked at them with an open mouth. A golf game?! Seriously?!
- You haven't told me we will play golf! – I whispered to Charles.
- I thought you know – he chuckled.
- Still don't know telepathy! – I hissed, then turned to the couple. – Sorry guys, but I am going to skip the game and wait for you at the balcony of the Country club with my tenth coffee for the day.
- Oh, come on, Lissa! We are in Australia, you should have fun here and enjoy the beauty of the life! – Kika said with a huge smile.
I looked at them sternly and sighed. They all were in such a good mood. I didn't want to ruin it only because I was in a bad one.
- Okay then... - I said with a deep sigh. – But I don't have any proper clothes... Or golf skills at all.
- Don't worry about the skills – said casually Charles and winked. – I will take care of this!
- And I am going to choose the best outfit for you! – Kika took my hand. – Come here my Barbie girl!
This was a new one, a paraphrase of Pierre's nickname about me. Gomez pulled me after her and we headed to the Country club. I was looking helplessly to Charles, while we were walking. Right before entering the building, Leclerc called the girl back to him. She ran to him, then he said something in her ear. As a result, Kika turned to me and smiled wide. She came back to me and after that we both entered the golf equipment store.
I left with a good impression about Kika. She was a warmhearted person, and while we were at the changeroom, she was treating me like we are best friends from years. The girl chose for me almost the same outfit as hers – a pink sleeveless polo shirt and short white golf skirt. As a final, Kika put on my head a pink half cap, to not burn out from the sun. But the sun wasn't my biggest problem. That skirt was showing too much from my legs and I wasn't used to that. I usually don't walk around so... naked. And the reaction of the boys when they saw me dressed like that was "priceless". Both didn't stop looking at me, as I was a rare species. Even Pierre... I was feeling so uncomfortable, and poor Kika. Wasn't that offensive to her?
Fortunately, the couple went on the water hazard to improve their hitting on a more difficult area and left us with Charles in the first zone of the golf court.
- Are you ready for a game? – Leclerc asked me, pulling out two sticks, then gave me one of them. – Don't look at me like that. It's easy peasy, lemon squeezy, darling!
- As I could see it's difficult... lemon difficult, Leclerc – I said looking around.
- I don't like the fact you started calling me by my surname – he said with a little smirk and leaned to my ear. – But I will try my best to stop you doing it...
- Good luck... Leclerc! – I teased him with a sly smile and as a response I received a playful gaze. – Will you tell me the rules?
- We play an 18 holes game – he started looking at the distance, with his hands on his waste and chewing his mint gum as always. – Now we will start from the teeing ground, and you will use a "driver" to make your initial shot which has to be in distance more than 225 yards.
- What a good luck I have a driver! – I said with a little defiant smile.
- It is the large – headed wood club you are holding in your hands – Charles said and came closer to me. – But you also have a driver to show you the position for your first shot.
Leclerc nailed a small peg at the grass in front of my feet and put the ball on the top of it. Then he shortened the distance between us and put his hands on my shoulders. Immediately my heart skipped a beat and the hot waves washed over me. Charles gently turned me with my back to him and began to speak:
- You will perform "the full swing". It is important to know that during the whole game you use the muscles of the core like erector spinae muscles, latissimus dorsi muscle, shoulders, hamstring, and wrist...
His fingertips ran all over the muscles groups he said and as a result my whole body got goosebumps. His touch was so gentle and being so extremely close to him was making me crazy. Hearing him speaking so fluent Latin made me gasp. Suddenly, it became harder to breath, my cheeks went red, I felt a strange tense at my stomach, and cold shivers ran through my spine, when he put his hands on my hips.
- We should correct your posture – his hand slid to my inner thigh trying to spread my legs a little. Then he leaned to my ear and whispered: - Open them to your shoulder's width.
Leclerc's mint breath spread all over my skin, making my heart pounding even more than before. He was holding my waist with his left hand, while the other one was running through my body and stopped on my lower back.
- Now, lean your body a bit forward... - the Monegasque whispered gentle pushing me a little.
I gasped when suddenly I felt him. This game was getting more intimate than it was supposed to be. But I didn't mind it. I actually really liked it and didn't move away but kept the contact between us.
- Good... And now hold this stick tight...
Charles ran his hands through my arms reaching on my wrists. Then he wrapped around them and squeezed tightly.
- And hit the little ball... - he whispered. – Hard!
We swung as one, then hit the ball together. He was still holding my wrists, while we were looking after the flying ball. Then Leclerc stepped back, and my legs softened. I almost passed out but managed to keep the control over my body. What was he doing to me?!
- Would you like to repeat the lesson? – he asked me with a little smirk when I turned to him.
I was so stunned after all this experience that I just nodded in acceptance. Then my eyes drifted down to his private area, which showed that he enjoyed our close contact. I swallowed hard. Well, maybe not only he had kind of an influence on me.
- Good, because Kika and Pierre are waiting for us – Charles smiled and headed to the little golf cart behind us. Before getting on it he turned to me, fixing his eyeglasses on and asked: – Are you coming?
I exhaled heavily and ran my hands through my face. Beads of sweat had broken out on my forehead. I don't know what he did to me, but my hear was still beating fast as I just had a heavy cardio workout. I was in shock at what had just happened. Something that I really liked and made me dream for more. And now how I am supposed to continue?
Notes: Hello, hello! Here is the new chapter - a freshly cooked topped with a little hot sauce! Hehe a little bit of culinary theme!
I hope you liked the new part - vote/comment if so aaand listen to the external link as always!
See you at the next chapter! Love ya! <3
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