Chapter XV - The private jet
I went back to the hotel. It was pure chaos in my head and soul. I was feeling furious, disappointed, betrayed. So many thoughts were running through my mind. I was right that these people, who were supposed to be my colleagues, teammates, or whatever they wanted to call themselves, were actually doing something behind my back. I still couldn't realize what was the point of their behavior, but it was so offensive. People should know that they can't give wings to someone, then brutally clip them.
Every little thing was annoying me. I was out of my mind – slamming every door I see, swearing like crazy and throwing anything that could get at my hands. The race was going so well, before the strategy change, it was perfectly planned. Why they did that to me? Why?! Who needed to screw the entire strategy up. Vasseur approved it, Mekies, Jain too... What the hell happened?! I was supposed to lead the race communication, to be the main strategist, they had to ask me first before changing everything. But no, I don't have enough experience, I am the new one... The black sheep without any positions here. Fuck it all! If I was supposed to trample my ego and didn't do anything against the disapproval, the dismissive looks and awful treatment so far, well that was going to be changed from this moment on.
In my anger I had not realized what I had done. For a second I stopped and looked around myself. Cushions, glass water bottles, a night lamp and a vase were only part of the things I had scattered all over the apartment. Oh, what have I done?!
When I came to my senses, I didn't have a clue how to proceed further. How to deal with all this mess? I sat on the sofa and buried my face in my palms. The only thing that came on my mind was to pack my bags and leave the room, the hotel, and Saudi Arabia in general. I could not wait until tomorrow when my flight back to Italy was. I didn't want to see anybody from my team right now, what was left to travel for hours in one plane with them... No, the better decision was to wait at least one day before meeting anyone from the Scuderia. Otherwise, I was going to say things that I would regret later.
Then I got up from the sofa, kicked the pieces of the broken vase and went to the bedroom, where all my luggage was. I started packing up my things, trying to keep my tears back. These people don't deserve my tears at all. I had to stay strong as my grandmother and mother had taught me. Women at my family were always with a hard temper, stubborn – actually real fighters. That's why they were successful. I was following their way, and I knew that someday I would achieve my life goals.
It didn't take that long for me to pack my things. I left the apartment with the suitcases, without even trying to tidy it up. That was my little revenge on the Scuderia – to pay for the broken things. Too bad the poor maids and this lovely luxury suite had to suffer my wrath.
I went to the reception but there weren't any people from the hotel staff because of the late hour. I left my keycard and a brief note with the number of my room and the mobile phone of Vasseur's assistant so they could send her the bill for my staying, then I left the building. In a couple of minutes, I found myself on the back seat of the taxi, travelling to the airport.
When I reached my destination, it was passing 2am. I paid the chauffeur and left the car. It was time to go into another fight – to revalidate my flying ticket. I took out my phone to open the document with the flying tickets, but the first thing I saw on my screen were literally a hundred messages and calls from Carlos and Charles. And at this moment Charles was ringing again. I slide to the right.
- Carlos, I am going crazy! – I heard Leclerc talking in a trembling voice. – Why doesn't she pick up the phone?! If something bad has happened to her I am going to com...
- I am okay, Charles! – I interrupted him. – Don't you think to do anything on yourself!
- Madre mia, Lissie! – Leclerc exclaimed from the other side. – Where are you, little one?! Where is your phone?! Do you know you drove the angels out of me?!
- These are too many questions, Leclerc – I said serious. – But I am at the airport...
- What are you doing there Lissa? – Carlos broke into the conversation. – Are you running away again, Cinderella?
- It's not time for fun and games Sainz! – I continued in a serious voice.
- Lissie, Isa told us that you left the circuit furious – Charles said worried. – But please come back here to sort the things out... Vasseur is looking for you and wants to...
- Send many greetings to Vasseur from me, but now he is the last person I want to see or to talk to – I cut him off. – By the way, sorry for the race. I didn't plan it that way and I hope you are not going to accuse me of the bad positions you finished on. At least both cars went through the finish line...
- Lissa, come back to us – said Sainz soft. – Let's discuss it together. We know it is not your fault, but...
- No, I don't want to talk to anyone at all – I sighed. – I need to overthink everything on my own... I need to decide how to deal with this intolerance at the team. And I am not only talking about myself.
- But darling, our flight is tomorrow morning – Charles sounded like he was barely trying to hold his tears. – What are you going to do till then at the airport?
- I'll find a way to get back home – I replied. – Sorry guys... See you soon!
Before someone could say anything, I hung up and turned the phone off. Now I was on my own.
I went to the check – in desk and started convincing the man with black turban to revalidate my flying ticket. I wanted to leave from here as soon as possible and the first flight was in an hour. But the employee didn't want to hear about revalidating. Only the person who had reserved the tickets was allowed to make changes... And that was Vasseur's assistant.
With broken hopes I went to one of the metal benches near the windows and threw my things there. Then I sat with a deep sigh. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I just leaned on my knees and covered my face with my hands. For a first time ever, I was allowing myself to cry in a public place. Second race, same shit. I was running in circles that even my lucky charms couldn't help me to escape from. If this thing happens again on the next race I'll quit. I am not going to stand to be fooled.
While I was sobbing at the corner, I heard a loud Dutch speech from the entrance of the airport. I lifted my head up and saw Max Verstappen, his father – Jos, his performance coach – Bradley and some of their other coworkers, walking through the sliding doors.
At first, I decided to hide from them, but the way Jos Verstappen was acting caught my attention. He was furious, aggressively talking to his son, yelling at the people surrounding them and moving like a raging buffalo. On his other side, Max was walking with bowed head, swallowing hard. He seemed to be broken. Well, the second place is bad, but not as bad as the seventh one. These sick ambitions...
They stopped in the middle of the terminal and began a heated conversation. Suddenly Jos raised his hand to his son, who was non-stop replicating him. At this moment I jumped out of my place and ran to them, leaving my baggage. I didn't know what happened to me, but I felt sorry for the poor creature whose dreams were also dashed today.
- Hey, hey! Stop, mister! – I shouted and grabbed Jos' massive forearm. – Please! I don't know what is happening here, but whatever the problem is, I think it could be solved without aggression.
It was weird that I was the one saying this, considering how easily I burst out in anger, but the airport wasn't the best place for celebrities like them to solve their family problems by fighting.
- Leave us alone! – Jos growled and pushed me away from him. – Mind your team's problems and don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong!
Actually, I was still with the T-shirt from my uniform and maybe the red color was making him angrier – he was a "Bull" after all.
- Dad don't be so rude to the poor girl! She was just trying to help! – Max stood between me and his father, then turned looking over me worried. – Are you okay?
- I don't know – I replied still shocked of the aggressive behavior of old Verstappen.
- See dad, she is even all in tears and now you scared her! – the blondie continued in an edifying tone. – Tell me what is happening, Ferrari girl!
- My name is Lissa – I mumbled, while wiping my tears with fingers.
- I know I am not dumb – Max laughed and stepped closer to me. – Now, tell me why you are crying.
- I have problems with the flight – I said only half of the truth.
- But weren't you supposed to fly tomorrow? – he asked me, narrowing his eyes.
- I came here to stop your father from smashing your face, not to give you an interview, Max – I scolded him and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
- And that was a huge mistake! – interrupted our conversation Jos. – Will you leave us now, or should I ask the guards to get you out of here?
I gave him a death stare. I could see the flames in his eyes, and his lips had become blue of pursing. I was about to speak, but Max did it first.
- She is not going anywhere! – he suddenly raised his voice, then turned to me: - Lissa, do you know we have a free seat on our private jet? And now you are going to take it.
- A private jet?! – I exclaimed in shock. – I have never been on one.
- Then congratulations this is your first time! – the young Verstappen said with a slight smile.
After that he turned to his father and started speaking in Dutch. I didn't know what they were talking about at all, but the only word I recognized was "secretary". At the end of their conversation, Jos was so angry that his whole face turned red – violet. He looked at me with a scorching look, then passed me by, heading to the check – in desks. Max looked at me with his clear blue eyes and gave me a soft smile.
- Now, let's take your baggage and then we are going to my big private plane – he said putting his arm around my shoulders. – I can't wait to show it to you!
- Max... - I mouthed his name through gritted teeth and turned my eyes to his arm. – Put your damn hands down of me! Immediately!
- Sorry! – he moved aside and laughed embarrassed. – I was trying to make the environment more friendly... You know...
- Thanks, but you did enough! – I said and headed to take my bags.
We got on the private jet. And yes – it was big and very luxurious. Black leather seats, mahogany wood tables and good cooling system. On the back of the seats there were little screens to watch movies or scroll the net, also there were two flight attendants with huge number of drinks and food on their carts. Verstappen was basking in comforts I never imagined a person could have.
They were going to deviate from the original route, just because of me. First landing at Bologna, then they will continue their way back home. The feeling of being in his huge "air taxi" was really strange - Max is our rival after all. I felt as I was doing something wrong... Like I was betraying my team.
I took a seat by the window and looked through it. It was time to say goodbye to Saudi Arabia. My stay here wasn't that bad, except what happened today at the race. But I made some good memories, new friends and...
- So, young lady, would you like to continue our conversation about the Red Bull drink?
Max's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned in his direction and frowned when I saw him holding two cans of the energy drink. Verstappen took the seat next to me and offered me one of the drinks, but I shook my head in refusal.
- I don't drink these poisonous things! – I replied slurred. – And I am not in mood to argue with you about it.
- Good, more for me! – he laughed foolishly opening his can.
I watching him with a half smile, while he was taking a sip of the beverage, then he crossed his legs and looked at me questionably.
- Do you have something to share with me? – Verstappen asked.
- Max, I appreciate the fact that you allowed me to travel with your plane, but we are not...
- We could be friends – he interrupted me. – Charles is my old friend. I don't see a problem for you to be one too.
I looked at my lap and started playing with my nails. I didn't want to share personal information with people from another team, but I had the need to speak with someone who would hear me out and understand my pain.
- Lissa, you look sad – he noticed. – Beautiful girls like you shouldn't be sad... Is it because of the race?
I just nodded to confirm.
- First time betrayed by the team? – he asked me, and I nodded again. – Don't worry. It happens to everyone... Even to me.
We chuckled and he continued:
- Lissa, I actually wanted to thank you... I saw how you pounced over my father like a lion. You are so brave...
- Oh, I am not brave, but the show you were about to perform wouldn't be good for your reputation – I said quietly.
- No, no... I am literally amazed how in this tiny little body of you has so much power to hold the hand of one giant man – Max laughed. – You have to be recklessly brave to do such a thing.
- Or just to be insane – I sighed and finally looked up to him. – Thank you again for taking me with you on your private jet.
- I couldn't leave you all in tears in the middle of the airport – he smiled. – Especially after what you have done for me... And I am saying this not to fawn, but to encourage you. I know you are going through a hard time now... Just know that when you feel the need, you can find someone to talk to in me.
I forced a smile, trying to hold my tears back. I didn't know before that he was such a kind person and even if we weren't one team, his understanding made me feel better even if it was only for this moment. He was also going through a hard time, but he was leaving his problems behind his back, to come and support me. And I was still nobody for him.
Suddenly Max opened his arms and pulled me into a gentle hug. I was so tired of everything that I didn't try to move away. Just laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. His hug wasn't the same as Charles' one, but for now it was a comfort place. Ah, but Charles...
- You are a strong girl, Lissa, you can handle anything! – was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.
I arrived at Bologna airport in the late hours on Monday. After saying goodbye to Max and apologizing to his father for the inconvenience, I finally managed to go to my parents. I went to their house without warning, but they were happy to see me as every time. I stayed there for the entire night, receiving silent support in my situation. They were following almost everything what was happening at my workplace and didn't need to ask questions to understand my sorrow.
It was Tuesday. A new sunny day in Italy. Birds were singing, the air was filled with my favorite spring scents and even the inanimate objects were glowing, full of joy and lust for life. I was preparing for my first workday after the Saudi Arabian GP. When I turned my phone on, there were so many notifications from the drivers, begging me to call them, to inform them if everything with me was fine. They were trying to reach me, even though I told them I have to be on my own to overthink what happened.
I was wearing a simple white shirt and pair of high - waisted jeans. This time I didn't put on my high – heeled boots, but gold sneakers. Then I put the golden amulets from the race – I needed a lot of good luck now and still believed that they would bring it to me. I had the feeling that I was going to be in trouble today, just hoped not to be so serious and to escape easily from it.
At 10am I arrived at Maranello. I hadn't even parked my car when I saw Leclerc's one. He was just getting out of it. I hastened to stop and grabbed my purse, then left my vehicle. I called him by his name and expected to be ignored. My heart skipped a beat when he turned to me, locking our eyes. A wide smile spread across his face. Charles ran to me and pulled me in a tight hug. Oh, how I missed his mint and bitter orange odor...
- Don't you ever dare to do that to me, again! – he whispered, without letting me out of his grip.
- Sorry, I had to be alone... – I replied putting my head in the crook of his neck. – You have the full right to be mad at me, but I was so down after all these shits that happened. I fought for you, I knew how important was for you to win some points and...
- Calm down, little one! – the Monegasque said caressing my hair gently. – I spoke to Ravin, and he told me everything. I am not mad at you at all. Sometimes when I am broken, I isolate myself too. But now I want to hear the whole story from you, because Vasseur will meet me, Carlos and you one by one.
- Wait, why? – I asked, breaking our hug.
- To clarify the case, probably - Charles shrugged his shoulders. – Carlos is already there, after that is my turn, but I will only enter if I am with you.
- No, no, let's not play with fire! – I shook my head.
- You know I always like to play with fire – the boy smirked.
- And he is back – I smiled playfully.
- I haven't even walked away, darling! – he winked at me and placed his hand around my waist. – Now, let's walk and explain to me what has happened.
His touch sent shivers down my spine. I didn't know what was going on, but the nicknames "darling" and "little one" sounded more different than usual. Like he was saying them with much more passion than before. I couldn't help myself and I felt my cheeks turning red, then my legs softened. What was he doing to me?! I tried to take control over my body, and I let a deep sigh out of my lips, before starting to walk.
I was hesitating if it was right or wrong to share with him the problems that were happening in the "team by the wall", but he and Carlos were direct victims of them. They had to know everything. After I told Charles the whole story from the qualification till the end of the race, Leclerc insisted to come with me at Vasseur's office. He got mad and didn't want to tolerate the injustice anymore.
We walked in together and found out that Carlos wasn't there. This was strange – we didn't meet him in the corridors of the building, nor in front of it. Fred was all alone and looked at us frowned, then stood up from his chair.
- Charles, leave! – he said in a serious voice. – I want to talk to her in private.
- I would not leave, Vasseur! – Leclerc growled. – Don't you remember that I told you, I want you to recruit more responsible people for this season? Well, Lissa is one of them. I can't believe what you have done to her and to the team in general! How could you change the strategy in the middle of the race without even asking her?!
- Mind your business Leclerc! – Vasseur raised his voice. – I am the team principal, and I am taking the decisions here! My team, my rules!
- If you continue to screw the things up, you won't be for long! – hissed the Monegasque. – Fucking up the races, me, Carlos, or her, then you are fucking up yourself!
- Be careful with your tone, young man! – Fred hit the desk with his hand. – Don't waste your career over one petticoat!
- Enough! – I shouted hearing how the team principal called me. – I am not going to listen to this fucking conversation anymore!
Then I turned to Charles and whispered to him:
- Leave us alone!
- Lissie, he should get what...
- I can handle this! – I said putting my hand on his chest. – Just leave now, you have to prepare for some tests at the track.
Leclerc looked at me in suspicion, then snorted and pursed his lips angrily. I forced a little smile to show him everything was alright, even though it wasn't. But Charles wasn't a fool. He just shook his head and looked at Vasseur.
- We will speak again later... - the Monegasque waved his finger against our boss.
His voice was so deep and creepy that shivers went down my spine again. For the first time I saw him so furious but couldn't understand what the reason was. Me or his own career. The young man turned his back to us and left, slamming the door after him.
- What do you think you are doing, Bernardi?! – Frederic mumbled through his teeth.
- Erm, what are you talking about? – I faked a smile.
- I am talking about the race – he hissed. – Do you know how many problems you caused? A penalty from FIA to the Scuderia, an argument between me and one of my best drivers, Mekies has also raised against me, and more and more, only because of you!
- Well, people who have some brain left do like me and defend me – I said still smiling. – I know you can't stand it but...
- To defend you? – he exclaimed and burst into a fake loud laugh. – You left in the middle of the race, offended that I changed your strategy. Do you think someone will defend you when he is about to lose his job after that?
- Obviously, that's the reason why I am here at your office now – I said crossing my hands in front of my chest.
- You know, Lissa, showing preferences is forbidden for the position you are taking at this team – he said with a vicious smile.
- I don't have any preferences! – I protested. – I just know the skills of both drivers and it was obvious that Charles had the chance to take the podium or to be with more points after the race!
- It's too obvious that you root for Charles more than for his teammate – Vasseur replied.
- I am not a fan to root for someone – I raised my voice. – I am a strategist and I know my worth! I would not let you make me one of your clowns! Better try to control the chaos in this team or it is foredoomed to failure!
- Don't you dare to give me any advice on how to do my job! – he said in my tone. – Know your place! And shut your mouth up a little more!
- Make me! – I said and stared at him defiantly, leaning on the desk.
- Okay, I know how to do it – he said smug smiling. – For the next race you are banned from making strategies. You will stay aside as you did at the first one. I told you to show respect to the more experienced than you, well... I hope you will learn now!
I lifted my head and narrowed eyes. Banned? Okay, but this time I am not going to obey him at all.
- You want war, Vasseur? – I said with a wild smile. – You will receive it!
Then I turned my back to him and left the office. I will find a way to take the control in my hands and my strategies were going to be used at every race. Whatever it was going to cost me.
The long tiresome day has passed. I spoke to Carlos and Charles before leaving Maranello but didn't mention the ban. It was better for them to learn it from him, and during the race week, than now. I didn't want more scenes for today. At least they weren't angry at me for leaving the race and not answering the phone. Or they were just acting like that. But one interesting thing was - they didn't asked me how I came back to Italy. This puzzled me a lot.
I was at home, lying in my bedroom staring at the light garlands on the ceiling. One hundred and one little stars – as the nights Scheherazade has telling her stories. I loved that book. It was my favorite and had read it countless times when I was little.
My phone suddenly started ringing. I looked at it and frowned when I saw an unknown number wanting a videochat on WhatsApp. I picked up with a heavy heart and the surprise was huge, when I saw Arthur Leclerc in a red hoodie, smiling on my screen.
- Hello, Cinderella! – he waved to the camera.
- How do you know about that?! – I asked shocked.
- I know everything – he replied with a proud face. – Just kidding, my brother told me they both with Carlos sometimes call you that way, and I think it's pretty cool.
- Arthur, from where did you get my number? – I asked my next question still not believing what was happening.
- From my brother's phone – the blondie chuckled. – I even read your chats... He usually showers you with compliments and you are always so businesslike. Cutie!
- I will remind Charles to put a password on his phone – I said and felt my cheeks went red.
- Don't blush, it's normal for me to have interest in my brother's relationships – Arthur laughed. – We are siblings after all.
- Oh, poor Charlie... he doesn't have any privacy – I shook my head. - And just for the protocol we are co-workers and nothing more...
- True! – he screamed. Oh, Mamma mia! Why did they sound like the same person?!
- Arthur, could you tell me the reason for calling me at almost midnight? – I asked and narrowed my eyes.
- To find out if you are the real Cinderella and if so, somewhere over there I will see a pumpkin at any minute – he laughed.
- This sense of humor! – I rolled my eyes. – Same as your brother...
- So that you won't miss Charles tonight – Arthur laughed, and I gave him a death stare. – Sorry, don't kill me with your laser eyes!
- Don't worry, I will find another way – I winked at him.
We both laughed and I leaned myself on my pillow. It was obvious that this conversation wasn't going to be a brief one.
It was 2am but Arthur didn't have the intention to end our chat. He was talking and talking, telling me funny stories about him and his brother, about their careers and then asking about everything around me. He promised that he would not share any of my personal information with his brothers, without my permission. The young Leclerc was a nice person – I liked him.
- Arthur, I really enjoy these late-night talks, but... I am exhausted – I said trying to end the conversation.
- Oh, I will let you sleep, but first we have one more theme to discuss – he smiled and leaned to the screen. – Do you know what happened yesterday?
- Spill the tea! – I said laughing.
- You have to spill it! – the blondie laughed. – Max called Charles to tell him you had travelled back home in his private jet.
- Oh, Madre mia! – I exclaimed and covered my mouth with hands. – Did he really do that?!
- Yes, Charles put him on a speaker, and I heard everything – Arthur said and made a serious face. – I understood you were sad that night.
- That's not important! – I shook my head. – I need to know how Charles reacted! Was he angry or...
- Oh, a little bit – the young Leclerc waved casually with hand while quickly typing something on his phone. – But he decided to take some actions...
- He decided what?! – I asked surprised.
- To show you his bigger and more stunning... airplane – the boy smiled naughty and winked at me.
- Arthur! Padre mio! What are you talking?! – I exclaimed running fingers through my hair.
- He wants you to travel with us to Australia, you silly – Arthur explained.
- That's a lie! – I said confidently. – If he wanted, he was going to tell it to me on his own, not sending you.
- I was impatient – Arthur laughed. – But he will do it right now.
The blondie turned his laptop to the door behind him where at the same moment entered Charles with his phone at his hands. Oh, that gorgeous man – black oversized hoodie and ripped jeans, a messy hair and slightly stubbled beard... He was looking so good.
- Brother, tell her! – Arthur said.
- Oh, Lissie! Hello, little one! – Charles leaned to the screen and waved. – I didn't know you two were talking here.
Those pretty, naughty eyes, staring at me, that little smirk and sweet dimples, showing every time we see each other. For a couple of seconds, we both got lost in our eyes.
- Come on, you Muppet! – his younger brother punched him in the shoulder to bring him back to reality.
- Okay, okay... Let's make it a little more formal... – Charles took the laptop in his hands then cleared his throat. – Lissa Bernardi, would you like to share a travel with me in the same private jet?
I gasped with surprise. That was a pure shock for me. He really had decided to compare with Max! I can't believe it! What should I response to this?
Notes: Hello, hello! I hope everyone is doing well! <3 Here is the new chapter - this time on time :D I hope you liked it and if so leave a star/comment below <3
What do you think guys? Will she accept Charles' offer? Actually, should she? :D
Hear the external link for a better mood and... see you at the next chapter <3
Love ya all!
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