Chapter XLVII - The week off
Monday was the first day I didn't wake up to an alarm, but only to the rays of the sun. I stretched out on my bed and turned around looking around the room. Everything was so different and even unreal. I was still thinking over Charles' words and wondering what exactly this "fight for my heart" was going to be, but meanwhile I could see that there was another obvious candidate for it and that was Carlos. Last night when we got home he tried to kiss me on the lips again right before I went to bed as he stopped by my room to say good night. Sainz was quite assertive, he didn't give up easily, and I could see that what made him court me even more was my cold attitude. It used to be easy for me with him - we communicated without inhibitions, but now every word of his sounded different, every gesture of his meant something, and I increasingly began to feel discomfort from these things. No, it wasn't that I disliked Sainz's wooing, I was just afraid that I was betraying Charles, never mind that he betrayed me first. And maybe my life would be a lot easier if I stopped thinking about things so much and just rode the waves of life.
The day was warm and sunny. After getting myself in decent appearance, I went to the kitchen where Carlos had once again prepared a hearty breakfast - this time it was pancakes. Fluffy and warm, rolled up and filled with a huge amount of chocolate spread, accompanied by a big bowl of kiwi and strawberries and my favorite hot cappuccino. I don't know how he knew all my favorite foods, but there was no better way to start my day off than this.
The rest of the day we spent together again, first we went out for a walk in the outskirts of Barcelona, then Carlos found a small cozy restaurant with a terrace overlooking the sea, where we had lunch, and later in the afternoon we went back to the apartment to take some rest from the heat outside. During this time we watched a movie (as I slept most of the time), and afterwards I was given my favorite invigorating drink prepared by my Spanish host, which we drank on his terrace while watching the crowded beach and we shared different moments of our lives. That's how we welcomed the sunset. And finally, when the night fell and the beach was empty, we both went out for a night walk along the beach. It was kind of romantic, heartfelt and actually quite nice.
During that day, I saw a much different side of Carlos and realized that he is actually quite a sensitive person, even though he has a hard time showing his emotions on the outside. He also had a good heart, despite his cold expression and image of a cocky ruffian who tries to steal the title from Charles by any means necessary. He may have been more of an introvert, but that didn't stop him from being a romantic, and even when he relaxed he was a genuinely funny person who made you cry with laughter. That's how my day was good and well spent, and Sainz was so attentive to me that I really wondered how I had not noticed it before. Maybe because when we met he had a girlfriend and I wasn't interested in him at all. But recently that changed and with his growing interest in me, mine was getting bigger too.
On Tuesday, Charles was back on track for the tire tests. I still felt very mentally drained that's why I've decided to stay at home. That same day, a special seamstress was called in to take measures for my dress for Carlos's sister's wedding. The woman was old, very old, but she touched me so gently as she took my measurements. She only spoke Spanish, so Carlos stayed with me to translate for me. He looked at me with admiration, never mind that we were just trying on fabrics and she was stretching the tape measure on me. Instead of feeling happy about that, though, my thoughts drifted to Charles. I wondered how he was doing on the track today, if he was feeling something about my absence, and if he had been here, how he would have reacted to my choice of outfit for the wedding.
The woman who was working with me stopped at one point and gave me a stern scolding. Then she mumbled something, shaking her head. I learned from Carlos that the seamstress had told me to smile more or the dress would turn out gloomy. I tried to smile, but how could I, when my whole life was such a mess.
In the evening I was sitting on the couch at Carlos's place, waiting for him to make dinner - he wouldn't let me do anything household related, it was my second day off and I had to make the most of it, plus we were at his place. During this time, I was scrolling through social networks and a notification came up that a new video had been uploaded from our team's profile. I immediately opened the message to see it and unconsciously smiled. It was Charles explaining - still slightly sweaty and with the marks of his helmet on his face - about how many laps he had done today and how the tests had gone. He was so handsome, his eyes - innocent and pure, shining with happiness as he talked about the car, a small smile crossed his pink lips that I loved to see so much. I heart reacted the video and as if on command at that moment I received a message from Charles.
I looked up at the door leading to the kitchen - there was no sign of Carlos coming anytime soon, so I quickly opened our chat and read.
Charlie Perceval: I didn't see you at the track today.
Charlie Perceval: Still in Spain?
Me: Soon in Italy.
Charlie Perceval : When?
Me: Probably at the end of the week.
Charlie Perceval: I'm traveling today.
Charlie Perceval: Will you be at the track tomorrow?
Me: Maybe I'll rest tomorrow too.
Me: Mekies let me.
Charlie Perceval: LISSA TOOK A VACATION?!
Charlie Perceval: TAKING A SCREENSHOT!!!
There was a sound of clattering plates from the kitchen, probably Carlos was already done with dinner and would be coming soon. I didn't reply to Charles' message, but I got another one right after.
Charlie Perceval: Although you should rest more
Charlie Perceval: It's much better when you're at work...
Charlie Perceval: Your absence was felt today...
Charlie Perceval: I can't wait to see you again in the simulator.❤️
I heard Carlos' footsteps from the kitchen and quickly put my phone in my shorts pocket. Sainz reached the door and approached me with a smile and a huge bowl of Pasta Carbonara. He took his place next to me on the couch and put one arm around my shoulders.
- Lissie, is everything okay? - asked the Spaniard concerned. - You look pale...
- Probably because of the light... - I waved my hand and moved slightly to the side to free myself from his grip.
- No, I went to the kitchen to cook and you were good, I'm coming back - you remind me of an arctic fox - he shook his head.
- Very kind Carlos! - I hissed and rolled my eyes.
- Guapa, don't be mad at me! - Carlos laughed and stroked my cheek gently. - And you're so cute... But I'm worried about you.
- Tired, Carlos - I replied with a sigh. - Just tiredness.
- In that case, let's eat now, and then quickly go to bed - he muttered and kissed my cheek. - Try it! It's a special recipe.
I forced a smile and tried the Carbonara. Carlos amazed me with his cooking skills. He was a really great chef, and in the last days he served me all kinds of specialties as if I was in a five star restaurant. I looked at him. He was watching me expectantly and hadn't started eating, yet as if seeking my approval.
- Nice pasta, Carlos! - I said with a smile. - At least it's Al Dente and not...Crocante.
- What do you mean? - he startled, and I swallowed hard in search of a way to get out of the situation.
- I mean, you're an amazing cook, and the pasta is tastier than any I've ever eaten - I laughed and ruffled his hair.
- I am so happy! - he exclaimed and planted an another gentle kiss on my cheek. - Bon appetit, Lissie!
I blushed. He allowed himself more and more to shorten the intimate distance between us, never mind that I was the first to pounce to kiss him in front of the pits and quite a large number of people. But he gave me time to clarify my feelings and preferred to take it easy with me. And I was just thinking that I had clarified my feelings, then a person arrived to confuse me. And at that moment I thought of Charles. Why did he send me this red heart?! Is what he sent to everyone? Or it meant something.
The next day, Carlos would be testing the car. We both went to the track together in our uniforms and Rupert met us at the entrance of the hospitality. When we parted, Carlos didn't fail to plant a kiss on my cheek, making me blush.
Sainz went to prepare for today's 170-lap test, the equivalent of more than two races, and I headed to the pits, where his pit crew was already waiting for me. I wasn't as close to them as I was to the people of Charles's, yet it was clear to everyone where I spent most of my time, but my colleagues gave me a warm welcome. After greeting everyone and drinking the traditional pre-work coffee, reviewing the current topics, it was time to tackle the day's commitments. Carlos and Rupert had just entered the garage when I headed for the engineering "department" led by Matteo and Mekies. Togninalli stepped aside after we greeted each other and left us alone with the race director.
- Well, have you rested well? - Mekies asked, leaning his back against the wall behind us. - We missed you here yesterday.
- Yes, I think I'm fully recharged and ready for today's tough test day - I replied with a small smile.
I tried to ignore my interlocutor's comment about the previous day, but he smirked and continued in a condescending tone.
- He seems motivated - he pointed to Carlos, who was chatting cheerfully with the mechanics and engineers around him.
- I don't see a difference - I laughed shyly.
Sainz actually looked really excited. He was laughing full-throated, and his favorite eagle-like cackle echoed around the track and the surrounding area, his eyes twinkling and a slight blush on his cheeks that wasn't often seen, especially on him.
- Sweetheart, I've been on this earth for more years than you, I can recognize when a man is... Motivated... If you understand me... and what is the reason for the motivation - Laurent whispered to me, and I blushed.
- Laurent, don't be stupid... - I shook my head. - What you saw that day was a mistake, an outburst of emotions, nothing special. Carlos and I are still good friends and colleagues.
The race director nodded and laughed wryly. He really didn't believe what I was telling him, but it was somewhat true... At the moment, I also didn't understand what Carlos and I were like.
- Charles was looking for you yesterday, by the way - Laurent pointed out quite casually.
- Charles?! - I almost jumped when I heard his name. My heart skipped a beat. - Why was he looking for me?
- He was just asking if you would be at work these days - he replied, smiling under his mustache. As if to avoid noticing this, the man began rummaging through the previous day's paperwork.
My heart skipped a beat once more. Why did he ask about me? Was there a specific reason why he was looking for me, or did he just really... miss me?
- I have no idea, but I told him that you are still taking a rest... - Mekies continued in a casual tone. - He looked very disappointed when found out that you won't be seeing each other soon.
I fell silent and stared at Sainz, who was putting on his helmet, ready to get into the car. I missed Charles and suddenly wished he was here too. We really weren't going to see each other anytime soon, especially since I agreed to stay with Carlos for his sister's wedding. It was too late to give up even if I wanted to. But why give up? Should I go back to Maranello or not take it and drive to Monaco to run into Charles and his white lady?
Moments before Sainz got into his car, he turned to me and gave me a happy wave. Apparently, the signs weren't so mixed up here, or so I imagined.
- Well, I guess it's nothing special, what's happening between you? - Mekies teased playfully, and I gave him a murderous look.
- Mekies, haven't they appointed you part-time in some agency on Amur? - I rolled my eyes. - Let's focus on the tire tests!
- Hey, but you're ready for team principal! - Laurent laughed. - Don't be in such a hurry, sweetheart! Everything should happen slowly and with ease.
I faked a laugh, then lightly punched Mekies on the shoulder and headed towards Carlos and his mechanics. And a thousand thoughts swirled in my head about my relationship with the drivers. Maybe I was already getting close to having to choose who to move forward with.
Thursday around lunch time, we left for Madrid. Blanca's wedding was coming up and I was actually very excited. Carlos seemed happy, even singing along to the car radio - something that didn't happen much the first time we traveled. He started to feel more and more free around me, it gave me the impression that I was discovering a different person from the one we all saw on the track. Sainz was joking with me, telling me different stories from when he was a kid and going crazy with his two sisters, then he told me about how he got into karting, how he and his father were looking for options to being able to start racing, for Red Bull, his friendship with Lando and even allowing himself to talk openly about his family - specifically his mother and father, something he had never done before. Spending that time with him and being able to listen to his stories, I was finally able to bond with Carlos, not the way I did with Charles, of course, but seeing how insistent he was... It would probably come to that. Charles and I seem to have frozen our relationship, while it seems with his teammate there was a basis for development.
When we arrived at his family's estate, we both got out of the car and the first place we visited was again the dog "park". Carlos adjusted his gray bucket hat and tied his gray sweater around his waist because Piñón was the first to greet us. The dog barked happily, first jumped into Carlos's arms, then came to me and clearly showed me that he wanted us to play. I don't know what happened to me at that moment, but I just felt free like never before and nudged Carlos on the shoulder.
- You're chasing, Carlito! - I shouted and laughed like a child.
By the time Sainz came to his senses, the dog and I had run down the dusty path. The Spaniard finally got the hint and started chasing us. We ran in circles and laughed, making a noise that could probably be heard all the way to Maranello. We didn't care, Carlos and I were having fun like never before, I could see in his eyes how happy he was about it... That glow, I could never mistake it. I paused for a moment as the memory of the glint in Charles's green-blue eyes flashed into my mind. I remembered his laugh, the walk on my first day in Monaco, the last time I saw him shining like that.
And at that moment Piñón jumped on me, pushing me to the ground. Naturally I became all dusty, but this action of the dog snapped me out of my trance. Carlos, laughing, tried to free me from his playful pet and grabbed him by the front legs, straightening him up. When I got to my feet and stomped, I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and snapped a picture of them. This was one of my first photos of Carlos after we took a step forward in our relations. At that moment his parents and sisters appeared.
- What is going on here? - asked his mother and covered her mouth with her hand when she saw how we were having fun.
- Oh, La Familia, hello! - I greeted them. - Excuse me about my appearance, we played a little with Piñón and my white pants got dusty.
- Glad to see you again Lissa! - Blanca exclaimed and came to hug me. - Don't pay attention to my mother, she's a little...
- It's okay - I whispered and patted her on the back. - I already got used to this kind of treatment.
After she separated from me, she also welcomed her brother with a warm hug. So did Ana, although she was the more distant of the two sisters, Sainz's parents were the last to greet us, but they were too reserved and didn't seem to be happy about my presence. Carlos then took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. Of course, the reaction of his parents, especially his mother, was shock and outrage. This time I was not embarrassed, on the contrary - I raised my head high and smiled impudently. I liked the fact that Carlos didn't shy away from his parents but kept the line of behavior he started. With a confident step, he led me towards the mansion.
Soon we entered Carlos' room, it seemed like for the first time we were going to share a bed, never mind that there are enough rooms on their property.
- I guess they weren't too happy about seeing me here with you - I said and started unpacking my hand luggage.
- What do you mean? - Carlos asked.
- Your mother was outraged when she saw me - I replied and looked in the mirror on the doors of the large wardrobe.
Sainz smirked and moved closer to me, placing his hands on my shoulders, and looking at our reflections.
- They're going to have to get used to you, Pequeña - he whispered in my ear, and I felt goosebumps all over my body.
The tender kiss that the Spaniard left on my neck also contributed to sending shivers down my spine. It was the first time he allowed himself to do something similar and more intimate since the moment I kissed him on the pitlane.
- I have to take a shower before dinner - I said and gently pulled away from his grip. - Actually... I wanted to ask... Are we going to sleep here together?
- Will it be a problem for you? - he laughed and pointed to my luggage. - As I can see, you are already making yourself at home here.
I half-smiled and shook my head, then unpacked my suitcase and pulled out a towel and toiletries, all the while being watched by Carlos. He sent me with a thirsty look to the bathroom, and I was already starting to realize where things were going. One thing was certain, if Charles wanted to win his place by my side, as he claimed, he would have to try very hard to fight Carlos.
The first night we shared a room with Sainz went quite well. He slept on the couch by the window and let me spread out in his bed. I didn't agree with that because he had to train hard and be around his sister and her husband all day, but Carlos decided to introduce himself as a gentleman. When we came down to breakfast the next morning, he was sitting next to me, and all the members of the family were gathered around the big table. Blanca was sitting on the other side of me, but she was discussing something in Spanish with her mother and sister. And suddenly, while I was calmly and quietly eating my breakfast, the conversation turned to me.
- Lissa, do you have a dress ready for today? – asked Reyes.
By the time I could swallow my buttered toast, Carlos answered for me.
- Yes, mother, everything is prepared – he said and turned to me. – Do you want more jamón, mi niña?
- But we haven't seen her in the dress to approve the appearance - she continued.
- I've seen her, and that's more than enough! - her son said, a bit annoyed. - You can trust me, I know what am I doing.
- Are you sure it is suitable for the occasion? - intervened his sister Ana in an indignant tone. - There will still be people of royal descent, our family is also of the class. We must observe...
- Your family Ana is like everyone else, you were just lucky to climb the social ladder - I couldn't help myself and rudely interrupted her. - Besides, I also have some high social status, never mind that I don't have a title in front of my name. My mother is a respected lecturer, a renowned professor at the Ancient history and Culture department , at the University of Bologna. My father is part of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, or Council of Magistrates, let me translate that for you to make it clear. He also has a private counting house, as well as owning shares in my grandfather's concern - for the production of auto parts. I will not continue with my cousins businesses as we will miss the wedding. I'll just tell you that I may seem low-class to you, but I too have a dignity that I hold inviolable.
The whole table fell silent. It was the first time I had revealed to anyone what my parents were doing for a living. Even Charles hadn't yet understood, for the simple reason that we always had something else to say to each other. Until now, no one had asked about my family tree and what my ninth-generation relatives do to make sure if I am suitable for contact. Offensive.
- I don't care what her dress is or what her family-class is, the important thing is that this girl should be in the front row today - said Blanca and took my hand. - I want to see her there, Carlos, you have this responsibility! For the rest of the time Caco and Ana you will not separate from her.
The bride turned to me and smiled.
- The comfort of our loved ones is important - she said winking at me. - Now let's finish breakfast and start with hair and makeup... Oh and Lissie, stay with me today. I would appreciate your help.
I smiled in satisfaction and nodded in agreement. She accepted me, Carlos and Caco too... that was the important thing.
It was time for the ceremony. I wore my dress for the first time after trying it on once in Barcelona before we left for Madrid and then we made final corrections. My dress was a lavender purple, floor length, straight skirt, corset top with a heart neckline and long sleeves with a slit. The entire dress was covered in glittering tulle that resembled the stars in the night sky. My back was completely hidden, and for the evening I had a glittering dove gray scarf to cover my shoulders in case I got cold. Some of my hair was wrapped around a crystal laurel wreath tiara, and light curls fell loosely down my back and shoulders. And my makeup was in the nude color range, with a focus on emphasizing the size and the green color of my eyes. After spending the whole day making preparations in Blanca's room and all the while helping her and Anna. I also met more of the bride and her brother's relatives, but we had to part when the car took her.
I was traveling with Caco as Carlos was one of the first to go to the church and when we arrived I saw my friend getting out of his car, in the traditional suit for daytime weddings, reflecting the social status of their family - blue shirt, navy blue tie, white waistcoat, navy tailcoat, gray straight trousers and white lapel handkerchief. I smiled when I saw him and my first thought was - "Yes, he is handsome, but what would Charles look like if he was here?"
And my thoughts drifted again in the direction of Leclerc. Even if he wasn't here, he seemed to live rent free in my mind, and it frankly scared me. At that moment I felt that hot breeze behind my back and got shivers. I know this sign, but what was it for?
When I got out of the car, I noticed that in the square in front of the church there were many people who had gathered around the fences, and the guests - each in a nicer branded suit or dress, lined up with invitations in hand and entered the building. They probably numbered close to 300 people, as more and more guests were constantly arriving around us. I watched Carlos from afar, he stopped to greet some of the guests, as befits a royal host, he even went to take pictures with the people near the fences. They treated him like a deity, as if they were seeing the King of Spain. I followed most of the Sainz family - Caco, Maria, Antonio, Celiá and waited for them at the entrance of the church, looking around timidly. It looked like a royal wedding, the event was so important not only to the two families that were merging, but also to the common people who were happy to see this elegance of the upper class. Even at the entrance I saw that Belen Corsini and Earl Carlos Fitzjames Stewart would be present. True, Carlos had told me that his mother was part of high society, but I had not imagined that their status was quite that high. If the circumstances had not turned out like this, I would never have been present in such a place. And Carlos was like a prince, people glorified him, congratulated him, and looked at him in love.
I heard a girl near the railings at the entrance calling my name. I turned to see a beautiful young lady, with curly hazel hair, large almond-shaped eyes, green as grass in spring, and a gentle smile. She seemed like a good girl to me, so I approached her and gave her a friendly smile. She asked for a photo of me and the child she was aunt to - a sweet boy who has loved motor sports since infancy, then asked me to assist her with a photo with Carlos. I really liked the girl, and the three-year-old boy too, and they both touched my heart, so I immediately called Carlos and gladly helped her make the little cutie's dream come true. She wished us both good luck and quietly whispered to me that she believed in me and the skills of our drivers, and I promised her that if she followed me on social media, so we could have further contact, I would provide her with tickets to the paddock to make happy the relatives, the child and herself.
Then Carlos and I entered the church. The church of Santiago Apóstol was unique, high ceilings, with beautiful stained-glass windows, painted icons, golden iconostasis. In fact, my seat was in the front row, on the bride's side. And then she entered - in an exquisite elegant clean white dress, classically cut, short sleeve and boat neck, with around a five-meter train, and a floor length veil that covered her beautiful face. The bride was led by her father. I watched her admiringly from the benches while Carlos was behind the groom - Guillermo de Comenge. When I turned to Sainz, we locked eyes and he winked at me, smiling broadly. I blushed. His parents were certainly not too happy with his waywardness, breaking the etiquette that prevented him from behaving this way with me.
The ceremony was unique and gave me goosebumps. It was so beautiful, the Latin psalms brought tears to my eyes, and when Blanca and Guillermo said YES, I really cried. And Countess Corsini served me with a handkerchief. This was very nice and at the same time rubbed the nose of Carlos' mother, who still seemed to think that I would not fit into their society.
After the ceremony Carlos and I were finally together and got into one of the cars that took us back to Sainz's mansion La Piñonera. A large glass building with a triangular roof was built in the courtyard, decorated with rose bushes at the entrance, copper lanterns, a round table for the newlyweds and a long U-shaped table around theirs where all the other guests would sit. Carlos and I were positioned at the head of the guest table, near the rest of my friend's relatives. The menu was high class, with a selection of the finest foods and wines. Although I felt well received as Caco and Celiá almost constantly tried to have some sort of conversation with me so I wouldn't feel like an outsider. Most people here spoke mostly Spanish, and I didn't understand a word. I probably had to learn a bit of Sainz's native language if I wanted to fit in.
That I was slightly out of my comfort zone, and certainly an opinion was being formed about me at the moment (probably in some corner Carlos's mother and father were sitting with charts of the qualities that fit their daughter-in-law and marking yes/no in them) made me feel quite worried. For this reason, under the table, my hand was constantly in Carlos's - our fingers intertwined and tightly clenched.
I have no idea how much time had passed, but we were all invited to gather around the dance floor to watch the father and the bride dance, and then he handed her off to the groom and Carlos Sr. danced with the groom's mother. Then my friend took out his phone and filmed the slow dance to the Elvis song - Can't help falling in love. I looked fondly at the tender picture, the two lovers dancing slowly and the bridegroom saying something in Blanca's ear. I sighed and thought about how nice it is to experience such a beautiful love, to have someone love you so much and even embark on this adventure of marriage with you.
Suddenly I felt Sainz's arm around my shoulders and he pulled me close. I looked at him. He was beaming with happiness as he watched his sister, and when he turned to me, he gently kissed my forehead. I stayed in his embrace and watched the two lovers dance, not holding back also posting a story with them. Soon after, I received a message and pulled myself aside to read it in peace.
Charlie Perceval: I saw the stories - nice dress. It suits you very well. ❤️
I thought before answering.
Me: It's a shame you're not here.
When I realized what I wrote and sent, I therefore hurried to correct myself.
Me: I mean, you should have been among the guests.
Me: We would have had a nice party.
Charlie Perceval: I miss you too Lissa...
I was shocked by this message. I didn't answer, but seconds later I got a new one - an obvious attempt to cover what was said in the previous one.
Charlie Perceval: I mean, it's empty without you at work
Charlie Perceval: But you still taught me how to work in the simulator
Charlie Perceval: And I taught you how to have fun.
Charlie Perceval: So now I'm working and you're having fun.
Me: When I get back to Maranello I will check your
progress. Hope it's big or you'll get punished.
Charlie Perceval: I would make my progress not great,
just to feel your punishment, darling! 😜"
I instantly locked my phone screen and got embarrassed. I glanced at Carlos. He was busy with his sister's husband and thank God. I put the phone back in my purse and just then it was time for the toasts. Carlos was on turn. His speech was of course in Spanish, and I understood almost nothing of it, but I was watching him the whole time. I knew he was talking about love - that word was always recognizable, but his appearance also gave it away. His eyes were shining, his smile was wide, his voice trembled slightly because he was excited, even tears formed in his eyes. He didn't seem like a sensitive person, or at least he didn't seem like one who would get emotional about anything easily. He was a bit emotionless. But lately he seems to have changed and become a very open person showing his emotions in the open. And at the end of the speech, he turned and looked at me. He took my hand and smiled even wider. My heart skipped a beat. It brought back memories of Charles looking at me like that.
Carlos ended by wishing to the bride and the groom a wonderful life together and lots of love between them. He put the microphone down and sat back, entwining our fingers. Sainz brought our hands to his lips and kissed the back of my palm. A shiver ran through my body. That was so romantic and in some strange way I liked it.
After all the speeches were over, the bride would throw the bouquet. I wanted not to line up, but Ana forced me. I stood at the back and to the side, still not feeling like a part of them and like I didn't belong there. Maybe they really wouldn't accept me.
But Blanca threw the bouquet and it literally fell into my hands as if I had magnet in them. Everyone started clapping, cheering, looking at me in awe while I was initially shocked, then I turned to Carlos who was looking in disbelief but with a big smile. Several of the women, including the bride, took a photo with me as if handing over the crown to the new Miss World, then I returned to the table with Carlos.
- Weddings are always a memorable experience - I laughed, approaching him.
- And great, huh? - he noted, pointing to the bouquet.
- Well, I unintentionally caught it... - I explained when he made me sit in his lap.
- But the dress suits with it very well - said Carlos. - It was meant for you, Muñeca.
I looked at him startled, then smiled shyly and lowered my eyes to the bouquet. Sainz believed in fate, and his eyes showed the pure feelings he felt. We still didn't have any exact relationship, but he didn't run away when he saw that I grabbed the bouquet, he didn't even pull away, and it seemed that the tome stimulated him even more to cling to me. Interesting.
And suddenly the familiar rhythms of a song began. Smooth operator. Carlos turned to his sister from the bridal table and laughed and then to me and took my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. We both danced and laughed, singing along to the song at the top of our lungs. And when she finished, Prince's slow and laid-back blues - Purple Rain - began. We should have stayed to dance. Carlos carefully put his hands on my waist, and I put mine on his chest. The situation was very cringeworthy, we both laughed embarrassedly, he even blushed. At one point he leaned over to me and whispered:
- Will you give me the chance to talk in private?
- Of course, but why? - I asked him, worried.
Slow dancing, he led me to the end of the dance floor then took my hand and we walked out into the garden. We were walking slowly and could still hear the music behind us, but less.
- Carlos, is everything okay? - my anxiety level was rising sharply.
- I wanted... - he began tentatively and scratched his neck. - I wanted to know if you like it... Here. With me, with my family... With everyone.
- Are you kidding? - I laughed and looked around. - I love this place! It's so fabulous and... I love it so much. I had only dreamed of attending such a wedding, and now I was given this opportunity and... Thank you, Carlos! I really appreciate everything you have done for me this week.
- Look, I know... - Sainz continued with a sigh. - I know you're thinking about Charles, I know he's trying to win you over, to apologize to you for what happened two weeks ago...
- Let's not talk about it now, let's have fun... - I interrupted him and laughed uncertainly.
- No, listen to me! - almost shouted the Spaniard and stopped in place, turning completely to me. - I want... Ah, I think now is the right time and the right place to tell you that I really have feelings for you... I'm not talking about liking or just infatuation... I'm talking about the real feelings of an elderly person. You light the fire in me... You make me feel alive, motivated to do things I never thought I was capable of, around you I feel different... Free and happy.
He fell silent and took my hand, placing it over his heart.
- Lissie, I want you to give me a chance - he continued, looking me straight in the eyes. - To give me this one chance to love you and make you happy. Let's try it, see what happens. I know that at first it will be difficult for you to get used to it, but... Something very good could happen... Lissie, I want to make you my PRINCESS and I will be your Prince. Guapa, every single day I realize how deep I sink into your big doll eyes and how I can't do without your presence, your smile and even your scent. And that means only one thing - I'm crazy about you.
I was speechless especially after the last sentence. Princess, Prince... At that moment I remembered... Chess.
- Ah...I... I didn't think that...
- You are attracting me? - Carlos laughed in disbelief. - Only a madman would not notice you.
- I hope this does not interfere with our business relations - I replied uncertainly.
- We're not at work now - he shook his head. - Look, you may not answer me right away, but I really want us to be together Lissie... I'm asking for a chance to love you...
At that moment I felt a warm breeze on my back and shoulders and looked around. But wouldn't that offend Charles... But keeping Carlos in the dark was also insulting to him.
Suddenly, the ruby bracelet on my hand flashed the way it had been doing lately, and a waiter passed us carrying ruby-red drinks. I stared at him for a moment. The man had big green-blue eyes, but quickly turned to the other side and, whether on purpose or not, pushed me lightly with his shoulder and I staggered into Carlos' arms. And again, the warm breeze. I took that as some kind of sign, but why... Chess are you pushing me in Carlos' hands?
- I spent a good week with you Carlos - I mumbled quietly. - It was really nice... And actually, if everything continues like this...
- Look, I know that I screwed up before quite a few times - he interrupted me. - But I believe that I deserve a chance to prove to you that I am truly in love with you, and I am not playing with your feelings.
- And I want to say... - I laughed and straightened his tie. - Let's try, Carlos. Let's try. I'll give you the chance you think you deserve, but...don't let me down.
Sainz gasped with joy and jumped happily. He was so excited that he couldn't hold back and kissed me. Passionate and deep. Like never before.
And when we broke from the kiss, weintertwined our fingers and entered the building together again. Yes, I gave him another chance. This time it was more serious and of muchgreater importance. This time it wasabout my feelings. And I know Charleswould have been proving himself too, and maybe that would have worked as anincentive for him. But I deserved to be happy, not waiting like a third wheelfor attention. Only time would tell if I made the right decision or not, eventhough I was feeling a bit guilty... Like I was giving up on Charles. But I was not...
Notes: It's Friiday theeen, it's Saturday, Sunday, what???? Yeah guys, hellooo again. Here I am with the brand new chapter aaand in my favorite AM. Happy race weekend! <3
So here we have the whole experience of our Lissie in Spain during her days off. Well, the things are really messed up, Lissie just accepted some kind of weird propose from Carlos, but she also caught the bouquet of the bride... What would that mean? Well, Charles is trying (a little spoiler - he will be still trying :P) to fight for her heart. But who will she choose at the end of the day? Only time will show us... Meanwhile are there forming two teams? :O
So guys, I hope you liked the chapter - give a star/comment if so, hear the external link aaaand see ya in the next paaart (if you don't hate me already :P)
LOVE YA ALL!!! <3 <3 <3
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