Chapter XLI - Crossing the line
I have no idea how long I ran through the streets of Monaco, but it was getting dark when I arrived at my friends' hotel. Without hesitation, I ran to their floor and knocked on their door. Several times. Insistently.
They were slow to open, but when did it I saw Kika wrapping herself in a bathrobe with the hotel logo on it. I didn't even wait for an invitation, just walked in and started talking fast, gesturing wildly.
- Raga, I need help! You have no idea what I've been through on this team. This might be the most terrifying week ever... OH MIO DIO PIERRE! COSA CI FAI QUI, PER L'AMOR DI DIO?!
I screamed and closed my eyes, when saw Pierre in a split second completely naked on the sofa, covering his dignity with a huge decorative pillow. Only I could have something like this happen to me.
- What the hell are you doing here?! - he shouted.
- I came to tell you what happened to me! - I explained and turned my back.
- Girl, don't you have a personal life? - Gasly asked indignantly.
- It is exactly the reason that I come to you! - I answered almost shouting.
- Enough, enough! - Kika intervened and I saw how she picked up a blanket from the floor and threw it towards the sofa.
I took a good look at her. Her skin was covered in small beads of sweat, her hair was disheveled, and there was a bruise on her neck.
- Wait, are you guys having... - I asked and rubbed my index fingers together, and the girl shrugged her shoulders. – Padre mio! But why didn't you tell me! How could I know that I will interrupt the make-up sex session?!
- What is she talking about? - asked Pierre, I turned to him, hoping that he had already covered his charms. - You could have called before...
- It doesn't matter - his girlfriend waved her hand and laughed nervously. - What's up Lissa?
I sighed heavily and looked around for a place to sit, but everywhere seemed "cursed".
- You know... - I laughed. - I'll drop by later...
- After the party? - asked Pierre with hope in his tone. - I suggest we meet tomorrow, you will have more material after the night with Charlie.
He laughed and his girlfriend poked him in the ribs to stop him.
- I gave up on going - I shook my head. - I don't want to see Carlos again... or at least not tonight.
- No giving up! - Gomez exclaimed and approached me, grabbing my hand. - You go take a shower and then tell me what happened with Carlos that you don't want to see him while Pierre finds you a dress for the party.
- But baby, why me? - protested the Frenchman.
- Because you're Charles' best friend, and her luggage is at Charles's - Kika explained, leading me to their room.
- Why doesn't she just go home to Charles? - he shouted after us, and the girl slammed the door behind us. - Love, I have to get dressed!
Kika gave me a playful smile then winked and sent me to their bathroom to take a shower.
The girl took care of my look again - she curled my hair, put on make-up like for a movie premiere and selected a magenta dress from my luggage, with a brocade, deep V-neckline, a thin gold belt around the waist and a pleated skirt. I put some perfume and my black heels on and was all set for the party I didn't want to go to anyway. Pierre and Kika said they would come later, so they called me a taxi. I couldn't figure out why I didn't wait for them and they insisted I go alone or they didn't call Charles as my phone battery was dead AGAIN and I couldn't get through to him. But when Gasly was sending me off in front of the hotel he looked very concerned. I asked him what happened, but he only claimed to be tired. I knew he was lying, but I couldn't get any information out of him. But I suspected that there was something wrong when he hugged me and said "Take care, little sister!". I got in the car and he waved me off with tears in his big blue eyes.
When I arrived at the entrance to Jimmy'z I handed the taxi driver money, but he told me that everything had already been paid for. What a good friend Pierre is! I got out of the car and looked around, just at that moment a huge black SUV pulled up behind me. I waited to see who would come out of it and was genuinely glad to see Max. He waved at me and smiled widely the moment our eyes locked. Verstappen approached me and with his favorite exclamation "Jet pal" gave me a big hug. Then he introduced me to Kelly and started looking around awkwardly.
- Where's Charlie? - he asked me confused.
- Lestappen? - I laughed.
Max gave me a confused look and I casually waved my hand.
- I have no idea where he is, until now I was with Pierre and Kika - I replied with a smile. - He's probably still at home gelling his hair.
Kelly and Max looked at each other puzzled, then the driver took my hand and smiled.
- Do you want to come in? - he asked. - The fans here are already hysterical, and soon there will surely be a lot of news around us.
I looked around in hesitation and sighed. I wanted to wait for Charles and go in together, but Max was right. We stayed at the front for a long time.
We were just heading towards the entrance of the bar when loud screams were heard behind us and I recognized the growl of the engine. Charles.
I stopped and turned around happily, already preparing my flirtatious comments about his look and how he was always late. And at that moment, my heart sank, and the smile on my face abruptly faded.
Charles got out of the car, but with him was a girl wearing a long white dress. I recognized her. That was her. The "guest" from that night. The same one who tried to slam the door in my face. The one whose lipstick was left on the wine glass. The one who had left her perfume on Charles. The one who took him away from me.
The air stuck in my lungs, suddenly everything in front of my eyes went black and my legs started shaking. I think I heard Max's voice begging me to come in, but I was shaking and couldn't even move. I lost touch with the world around me, and all I could see was Charles and the girl in white. To me she was like an apparition, but in that terrible sense of the word. The ghost that kills you.
I don't know who the person was who wrapped his arms around my waist and helped me from crumpling to the ground, I just know that soon after I was sitting at the bar with a glass of cold water in front of me. I had finally come to my senses and knew where I was and what was happening. So that's why Pierre acted like that when I was leaving. That's why Charles wasn't with me... He was with her. I don't know if I've ever felt so bad, but surely the water in front of me wasn't going to help my broken heart. The music was loud, the light dim, and it irritated all my senses, but most of all the sight imprinted in my mind irritated my soul.
- Lissie... - I heard someone call me and felt a hand on my back.
I looked up and saw Carlos. The last person I wanted to communicate with right now. I raised my hand to push him away, but he stopped me with a gentle smile.
- Hey, please, don't, I'm a friend, not an enemy - said the Spaniard.
- It looked different after the race - I hissed.
- Let's forget that and... start all over again?
His soft hazel eyes were staring at me expectantly. His hand was still on my back, with fingers lightly caressing it as if trying to appease me.
- You can't erase memories Carlos - I said and took a sip of water.
- But I can try to fix them, right? - he looked at me with those big puppy eyes.
- It's not that easy - I shook my head. - But it's probably fixable...
I turned to the bartender and shouted:
- Get this shit out of here! Give me something stronger... Some whiskey please!
- Lissie...don't do... – Carlos tried to stop me.
- Do not tell me what to do! - I hissed and took the glass of whiskey that the bartender handed me. - Cheers to Screwderia Ferrari!
I drank the alcohol in the glass at once and shivered. Bitter and burning, just like my time on this team. Carlos was called by several people to take pictures, but he refused them at first. I sent him to have fun as I didn't want someone standing over my head counting glasses killing the grief I was currently experiencing. I really shouldn't have gotten involved with Charles, I shouldn't have let him get so close to me, because what I feared most happened. He was with another, and I alone at the bar with a glass full of alcohol. Why do things always have to screw up? But what did I expect, the most wanted bachelor in Monaco to be with me?! Oh, come on! Of course it would be with a model or something, not with the girl with anger issues covered head to toe in motor oil. But why did he fool me? Why has he been giving me false signals since February until now? Why did he kiss me in his home, the same night she was there... So many "whys" and no answers...
- Luce del sole! - someone shouted behind me.
I turned, and the youngest Leclerc was running towards me. At least one nice face to see tonight. Someone who was always there for me.
- Arthy, seeing you is medicine for my soul! - I shouted and spread my arms for a hug. - How are you ragazzo mio? A drink?
- I am fine, since I met you here - he replied and hugged me. - What are you drinking?
- At the moment I'm on whiskey, but I think I'll change... - I answered him and we broke away from the hug.
- How about cocktails? - Arthur asked and smiled playfully.
I looked around and met Carlos' big worried eyes. He couldn't stand still for a second to take a picture, he kept turning towards us and nervously biting his lips. And in the opposite direction I noticed Charles surrounded by his friends. He talked most calmly with them and laughed as if everything was all right. Well, for him, maybe, but for me, it wasn't right at all.
- Pass me the menu! - I turned to his brother. - After all, we are in Monaco, we have to try the night life.
- That's my girl! - Arthur laughed and took the cocktail list from the bartender.
The youngest Leclerc and I settled on Campari cocktails. Italian and red. Anything better?
And so the first glass of Campari - Negroni - gin, Campari and vermouth appeared in front of me. The ruby red drink was slowly entering my body and killing my anger. The liquid burning my throat was taking away the pain of my broken dreams. I couldn't get enough of the problem with the mistakes in the Scuderia, Vasseur, and now that woman over there... I got lost in my feelings and lost control over myself. My head was spinning, and I kept sipping the devilish liquid. One or two might have freed my mind from thoughts of that girl and from my desire to find her and apply my aggression. This is how my stay here ended - sitting sad on the bar while I feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream. For the first time in my life, I let alcohol get over me. I knew how much to drink and when to stop, but now... I didn't want to stop.
I was having fun with Arthur, dancing in my chair, singing at the top of my lungs and ordering cocktail after cocktail. But it was an attempt to heal the wounds of my broken heart. Heart of a brokenhearted lover. Oh, mio Dio! What did Charles do to me?!
I was still aware of what I was doing and even started to feel bad for "unleashing" so much. And I began to talk to Arthur and share the reason why I was drinking glass after glass at the moment.
Enraptured in my stories, I hadn't noticed when the man - the main topic of our conversation had approached us. I didn't realize Charles was here until he put his hand on my shoulder.
- Are you having fun, darling? - he asked cheerfully, and I turned and gave him a bloody look.
- Am I having fun? - I laughed in disbelief. - Oh yes, you took good care of my entertainment.
- What do you mean? - he narrowed his eyebrows.
- Bro, I would rather stay away from her now - Arthur said seriously, and his brother turned his back on him completely, turning to me.
- What are you actually doing here? - I asked, finishing another glass of cocktail. - Don't you have enough company tonight? Or decide to play with me a little?
- Lissie, what's wrong with you? - exclaimed Leclerc. - Which glass in a row is that?
- Make me another one! - I ordered the bartender and turned to the driver. - Do you know that they have some of our liqueurs here... I plan to try their Sambuca.
I nudged Charles slightly so I could make eye contact with Arthur in an attempt to ignore his brother.
- Do you know how they serve it, light it and...
- I think you've had enough alcohol for tonight – "The Little - Prince of Monaco" moved the new glass away from me. - Come on darling, I'll take you home...
I couldn't take it anymore. The inner voice in my head was telling me to go with him, and the other one was making me yell at him and confess everything, even what I didn't tell Arthur... More precisely - Vasseur's ban.
- You will take me home? - I asked and laughed. - Which home Charles? My home is in Modena, not here!
- Why are you talking like that Lissie? - Leclerc was indignant. - My home is also yours...
- You are not an Arab prince, nor do I live in a Leclerc's harem - I hissed. – Or you are like Enzo Ferrari – "A man should always have two wives."
- Lissa what the hell...
- You know what I don't understand Charles - I began indignantly. - I'm working my ass off to come up with the strategy for you and Sainz, and the morons we work with are ruining everything. I feel for you, I comfort you, I play the fool, I'm ready to walk into the fire for you, and...
- Lissie, we've come to have fun, not to think about work... - Leclerc tried to calm me down, putting his hands on my shoulders.
- Do not touch me! - I got hysterical and hit him in the chest. - Did you come to have fun? Yes, that's right, you're here to have fun. All week you have fun with me, shelter me in your home, create some illusions for me, deceive me with your behavior, KISSED ME, but who did I come here with? Huh? Whose car did I ride on the way to the bar? And who rides in your car Leclerc? Let me answer you, not me either!
- But Lissie, you disappeared suddenly, you were gone, I wanted to...
- Don't you have a phone? - I asked indignantly. - Phone number of your friends, aren't you going to call them to ask for me? If you want it, you will find a way, but no! You, the first moment I'm gone, immediately call yourself a new female company and make a laughing stock of me!
- Lissie, please, little one, let me explain to you... - Leclerc's look became worried and I saw how his hands started trembling.
- I don't want your fucking explanations! - I screamed even more and even several people from the neighboring tables turned around. - Leclerc, tell me what all these flirtations, dinners, visits to my home, continuous messages, playful glances... Everything was about! Why was it all?! Why did you make me live in a delusion?
- Darling, please... - he cried and took the glasses off his eyes.
- Don't call me darling! - I screamed, and my eyes filled with tears. - It is extremely clear to me. Everything is clearer to me than daylight! I'm the colleague for some flirts. The one to stroke your male ego that you can have any woman you want! Side chick! But you didn't know fucking Leclerc that this would not happen! I'm never second!
I turned around and grabbed the cocktail glass left on the bar, intending to splash it in Charles' face, but Sainz's two big hands at that moment yanked it from mine. Seeing what was happening, Arthur pulled his brother close to him so that the two of us were separated in a safe distance from each other.
- Lissie, Lissie come with me! - Carlos whispered to me.
- It offends me that you have such an opinion about me, Lissa! - Leclerc played it offended. - Every action, word or deed of mine towards you was never meant to mislead you. I've always been honest with you!
I didn't listen to him, I was mad with rage. Perhaps at some other stage I would have heard his words, thought them over, but now was simply neither the time nor the place.
- I am also offended by the fact that on the evening when you kissed me, there was another girl in your house, I am offended by the fact that this same girl now got out of your car and is here with you. Do you think this is honesty, Leclerc?! Is that what you call honesty?
Charles was silent and bowed his head guiltily. Arthur watched intently as if the soap opera's most dramatic moment was unfolding.
- I'll say it for the first time, but Vasseur was right - I muttered, wiping away a tear that rolled down my cheek. - I shouldn't have messed with you!
- What did you say? - Leclerc started and jumped forward in combat readiness.
- Lissa, shut up! - Sainz intervened and tried to cover me with his body.
- Go away, I will not shut up! - I pushed him away and turned to the Monegasque. - Do you want me to explain what Vasseur told me?
- You will not explain anything now! - interrupted me the Spaniard. - We're leaving now!
He didn't let me say anything more as we both saw Charles clench his fists angrily at the mention of the team boss. Carlos grabbed me around the waist and hoisted me onto his shoulder as if I were a sacrificial animal.
- I am not going anywhere! - I shouted and started kicking my feet and hitting his back with my fists.
- I don't care what you want, let's get out of here, immediately! - he replied sternly.
Sainz carried me to the back entrance of the bar. I pounded his back with my fists, begging him to let me go, but he was adamant and led me through the back entrance of the disco. Finally I just gave up and let him lead me wherever he wanted. It would have been better if he intervened before I told everything about Vasseur. Really, only I and no one else should have known that.
The sun rose again over Monaco and the new day dawned. The rays entered through the window of the room and touched my face with their gentle caress, making me slowly open my eyes. I stretched and let out a heavy sigh, memories of last night flooding into my head, giving me a pounding headache. And when I looked around I noticed that I was in a hotel room, but certainly not Pierre and Kika's. I jumped out of bed and screamed seeing that I was in my underwear with Sainz's white shirt on top. And just then, he appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame. Sainz was bare-chested in gray sports shorts, revealing his well-toned abs and V-line. His unruly black hair was tousled and his thick lips curled into a small smirk as his eyes scanned my body. I gasped and panicked. I can't be so lost that we are...
- Carlos, what happened?! - I asked in a panic. - Me and you... Why am I in your bed? Why am I in your shirt...
- It was a wild night! - he playfully winked at me, and I threw myself on my back on the bed, as if someone had just shot me.
- MADRE MIA! Never again alcohol... - I whispered and turned to him. - Carlos, I swear, I'm not that kind of person... For me, sex is a union of two people's souls, more than a one-night stand and...
- Lissa, calm down, I just took you to my room - Sainz laughed and sat next to me, handing me a glass of water with a dissolved pill in it. - You slept here and I slept on the sofa... Also, I would never take advantage of a beauty with a clouded consciousness. Even less with you, and for one night. You are a girl with too high a price. You don't deserve this kind of treatment.
I looked down and felt myself blush. I didn't understand why he was talking to me like that, but it really tickled my already low self-esteem.
- Thanks for the pill... - I said and raised the glass. - I needed it... But first I want to know why I'm in your clothes.
- Because yesterday you were so furious with Leclerc that upon entering my room you began to speak in an old Venetian dialect.
- Oh, Mio Dio, good thing I didn't summon a demon... - I shook my head. - But how did you know it was an old Venetian dialect.
- I used Google Translate - laughed Carlos, his eyes shining. - I don't know if you summoned demons, but certainly undressed and remained in your underwear.
- It can not be true! - I exclaimed and choked on the medicine I was drinking.
- It is the truth - Sainz took the glass from my hand. - You were walking around the whole apartment in that lacy black underwear and shouting... I've barely put you to bed...
- Ah, I am so sorry for this circus - I exhaled deeply and buried my face in my hands. - I guess I should stop being so emotional...
- Well, I really like Chili Lissa - he chuckled, and I felt myself blushing even more.
- Chili Lissa... - I repeated and laughed.
There was an awkward silence. Something strange was going on between me and Sainz. He was now quite different from what I saw in his driver's room yesterday. Maybe it would take me a while to stop feeling his rough touch on my jaw, but maybe Leclerc's act yesterday made me act normal with Carlos faster. And thinking about yesterday...
- Excuse me, but do you have any clothes for me to wear? - I broke the silence suddenly. - I want to go to Charles and get my luggage...
- Ah, un momento, por favor!
Sainz giggled and left the room. In less than a minute he returned with my two suitcases, my laptop bag and carry-on luggage. I was delighted when I saw my things, as if I were seeing a huge chocolate cake, and I jumped out of bed, but the Spaniard hid the suitcases behind his back and asked:
- By the way, what did you mention about Vasseur yesterday?
I was embarrassed for a moment and looked at him in confusion. Does he still remember?
- Nothing... - I casually waved my hand. - Does not matter...
- Come on, Lissie, you know everyone will be talking about your outburst from last night and you'll have to share - smiled Carlos.
- They were all dead drunk - I shook my head.
- Like you? - the driver raised his eyebrows and grinned playfully.
- I wasn't dead drunk, but with a pleasantly foggy brain... - I explained and crossed my arms in front of my chest. - I know what I said, but I won't tell you anything.
- Oh, really? - he said defiantly and held up the bag with my clothes. - Tell me, otherwise I won't give you the clothes that Kika and Pierre brought me.
- I think I have to go around all of Monaco to collect all the pieces of my luggage - I rolled my eyes.
- I'm serious, tell me what you said about Vasseur, otherwise I'll let you go to the airport like this.
I laughed. Second person who sent me to the airport in my underwear. I got up from the bed and with slow steps and a small half-smile I approached Carlos.
- I may not remember what happened after the bar, but don't think that 4 glasses of whiskey and a couple of Camparis can cloud my mind so much that I can't decide how much information to share... - I said with a low voice tone. - I just have a selective memory.
He ran his eyes down my body and licked his lips, then fixed his gaze on mine and slowly lowered the hand with my carry-on. Using this and to further distract him and avoid explanations for Vasseur, I ran my fingers over his and noticed his skin got goosebumps as he swallowed hard.
- And I won't forget how overprotective you played all evening - I said in a hushed tone. - And the day before...
Sainz opened his mouth to try to say something and I felt his grip on the bag handles loosen. At that moment I snatched the bag from his hands and laughed heartily.
- Now give me this and go out because I have to change! - I ordered, turning my back on him.
- Does it make sense to go out, Lissie - I heard Carlos' giggle behind me.
I shot him a quick bloodshot look over my shoulder and shouted:
- I said get out!
- Okay, boss, I'll leave you alone - Sainz said with a laugh and closed the door behind him.
When I was alone I sat on the bed and sighed heavily. Perhaps the Monaco curse was not only weighing on Charles, but also on everyone who was closer to him.
I spent the whole day at Carlos's. Kika and Pierre contacted me on FaceTime because they didn't have time to come for a visit, and I didn't want to either. I preferred to be alone now. But for a long time I couldn't stand their pitiful looks as I convinced them that this race week was behind me and I was ready for the adventures ahead, so I hung up on them with the words "Everything will be fine". And I cried. Carlos respected my privacy and did not bother me once while I was sitting in his bedroom. But I decided to put the suffering on Charles aside especially since he didn't look for me and I saw pictures of him and his "company" from that day in Monaco. The places he took me, now he was taking her... What a lack of creativity.
I wiped the tears from my eyes and left the room to find Carlos on the couch, still only in his gym shorts.
- What are you watching? - I asked him quietly, and he jumped up startled and turned to me.
- Netflix - the Spaniard replied and smiled.
I ran my eyes trough his naked body and swallowed hard, memories of the touch of Charles' skin flooding into my mind.
- Drive to survive? - I hastened to push the thoughts back in my mind.
- Actually Money Heist - he laughed and patted the couch next to him. - Will you give it a chance?
I nodded and moved closer to him settling on the couch. At first we stood timidly next to each other, then Sainz turned the film on and put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him.
- Carlos... I have a question - I said quietly as he stared intently at the TV.
- I'm listening to you - answered the driver without looking at me.
- When will you travel to Spain? - I asked my question uncertainly.
- Tomorrow - he answered, giving me a side eye. - You coming?
I didn't answer, but nodded in confirmation, then we both stared at the movie, my thoughts involuntarily drifting back to Charles.
The next day Carlos woke me up early in the morning to get ready for take off. He had a work out with his "team" first, then breakfast, but I declined his invitation to both events. I needed to gather my thoughts and know how to proceed from here. After being left heartbroken, seeing Charles on weekends as well as weekdays in Maranello turned from a pleasure into a compulsion. I could sense how the tension in the team would rise sharply, but I was most afraid of the thought that Vasseur might be right and that having a romantic relationship between us would be disastrous. However, I decided to act like an adult and show that I didn't care about what happened... Nothing that inside my heart was burning with grief.
Carlos introduced me to his cousin and his manager - Carlos Oñoro... Yes, their parents were obviously not very creative in their names, but the so-called Caco, was an extremely kind man and welcomed me with a big smile and kind words. As far as I could tell, he was in the role of Lorenzo, and the thought of the Leclerc brothers and that we would probably no longer share a trip or a stay almost brought me to tears. Rupert Manwaring – "the Andrea" for Carlos, had known me for a long time now, so Sainz didn't need to introduce me. He just gave me a playful smile and looked at the two Sainz.
A Vista Jet plane was waiting for us at the airport, and it wasn't until I counted the seats inside that I realized that in my own problems I hadn't noticed something very key. Isa wasn't here. Carlos sat down next to me and answered my confused look with a questioning one.
- Carlos, I wanted to ask you something... - I began uncertainly, and he motioned for me to speak faster. I cleared my throat and continued: - Will Isa be waiting for us at the airport now?
He lowered his head and smiled wryly, playing with the sleeves of his Ferrari blazer.
- Isa will not appear anywhere again, Lissa - he replied and looked at me from under his eyebrows.
- Why? - I was confused. - Did something happen?
- I think you can guess yourself... - sighed the Spaniard.
I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand, I knew what he meant. I suspected this a long time ago... Back in Miami, when I saw a girl who looked like her getting into a taxi. I suspected, but only now realized. That's why Carlos called me then and he was crying. It probably happened then and I didn't even realize... Too selfish.
- Carlos, why didn't you tell me? - I asked him sadly. - I could help you find...
- You can't find something that's been lost for a long time... - he cut me off and looked at me with his big wet hazel eyes. - Routine kills relationships...
- But you looked so happy and...
- You looked - he repeated sadly and placed a hand on my knee. - When you love someone you have to let them be happy... No matter what it costs...
He looked out the opposite window. For a moment I thought about Charles too. I remembered all the things I said to him that night, how we hadn't written to each other since then or heard from each other... Maybe I really should have let him be happy if he couldn't dare to take the step towards me and to find happiness here in me. After all, Vasseur forbade me to get involved with him. That way, at least I would be able to fulfill my boss's wish and stop torturing myself, looking for a way to push Leclerc off.
I patted Sainz's back in pity and he shook his head and pulled me in for a hug. I closed my eyes and instantly my mind went back to Charles and our kiss, then that girl getting out of his car at the party.
My heart was completely broken and I don't even know if it would ever mend, and I hadn't even started a relationship with him. At the beginning of last week, I walked home to my bedroom in Charles's apartment with a smile, thinking that this was going to be the start of a wonderful, unforgettable week. And now I was leaving Monaco barely holding back the tears in my eyes, praying that Catalunya would end quickly and I could go home.
Notes: Heeey lovely people! So here I am with the brand new chapter in the first week of the summer break.
So obviously here comes the drama and Leclerc messed up... a lot. Lissa is now really broken (as Max's trophies) and still doesn't know if she will recover at all from this. But here comes another brokenhearted soul... And what will happen in Spain? Who will find us there? Wait for the next part to see <3
So guys I hope you liked the part - give a star/comment if so, hear the external link aaaand see ya at the next part! <3 <3 <3
Love ya <3
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