Chapter XIII - First strategy
18. Mar – Qualifying Day
The next day I woke up early by the alarm of my phone. Fortunately, I had some sleep that night. The previous day was full of emotions, and I was still feeling a bit tired. I laid on my back in my bed and stared blankly at the white ceiling. The whole stress over my first steps in the "art of the Strategy" – how Vasseur is calling it, was going to ruin not only my look, but also my nerves. It would be good if I was stressed just because of the work, but the relationships with my colleagues and people around the paddock were making my life even more complicated.
After a couple of minutes spent overthinking, I finally decided to get out of my bed and begin preparing for the day. I took a quick refreshing shower, then changed into my Red uniform and made my daily routine.
When I was done with everything, I've decided to write a brief message to Charles and Carlos. I notified them separately that I am leaving for the circuit, then put on my high – heeled boots and after the quick check of my braid and make up, I walked out of my room.
I didn't stop for breakfast as usual. Since I was here in Saudi Arabia, I was missing the meals more often than when I am at home. I knew coffee wasn't food, but I haven't got the time to eat, also the nuts at my minibar were enough to satisfy the hunger after a long day at work. Fortunately, here was sunny and hot, and that was helping for my "photosynthesis" during the day.
I went directly to the circuit. Vasseur and Mekies were waiting for me because they wanted to get some overview on the analysis of the last two Free Practices. I had to be right on time for the meeting with them. The drivers, not only from my team, but also from the others weren't still at the paddock, so I was one of the first to arrive there.
While passing through the turnstiles, I noticed that many people were recognizing me, also some Ferrari fans from the public in front of the gates, started discussing me. I was becoming a public figure and the thought of being under the spotlight was making me a bit nervous. Hopefully, Ravin Jain could make good strategies, because if people got disappointed with Scuderia Ferrari, it will be a black point near mine and the name of the Chief Strategist.
When I arrived at Vasseurs office, he was already there with Mekies, speaking quietly in French. As always, I entered through the widely opened door as I was at home and interrupted their conversation.
- Good morning, my bosses! – I greeted them, and they looked at me with surprise.
- Don't you know how to knock? – asked me Mekies outraged.
- Of course, I do! – I turned around and knocked on the door frame. – But that's too old-school. I prefer the element of surprise in my appearance. People's faces are priceless then, especially when they don't know how long you have listened to their conversation and what have you understood.
The team principles looked at each other worried and swallowed hard.
- Did I interrupt something top secret, that I wasn't supposed to know? – I asked and sat in the armchair in the corner next to the windows.
- No, not at all – shook his head, Fred. – Actually, we were discussing the possibility of giving you a chance to prepare today's strategy.
His words left me open – mouthed. My heart immediately skipped a beat. They finally were about to give me a chance to show my abilities. This day was a little step for me but a big step for the Scuderia Ferrari.
- That's really coming from nowhere – I looked at them with narrowed eyes. – I still can't belive it! You want me to make the strategy for the FP3 and the Quali?
- Let's not be maximalists... – said sternly Mekies. – Only for the Quali.
- But isn't it the most important part of the day? – I asked confused.
- Laurent wanted to say that you will see the analysis of the FP1 and FP2, then you will watch with us from the pit – wall the FP3 and at the lunch break you have to give us a report about the strategy for the Qualification – explained Vasseur with a soft smile.
- Really, during the lunch break? – I laughed sarcastically. – No wonder why your strategies are always such a disappointment.
- You are not here to be sarcastic! – Laurent hissed.
- Okay, okay... Fine... - I shook my head and stood up from my place. – You will receive the report right before the start of the Qualification.
- That's not the... - Laurent was about to protest but Vasseur stopped him with a finger in front of his mouth and loudly "Shh".
- Better try to make a good strategy – said Fred. – It's your first time. Try not to make it your last.
I looked at him outraged and turned my back to them, leaving with a quick step Vasseur's office. I suspected that the team principles were planning something. I could see it in the smile of Fred and the cunning eyes of Mekies. Also, all this quiet French conversations and worried looks when I catch them, definitely meant something. Maybe behind the opportunity to make the strategy for the qualification was hidden a "banana peel".
At FP3 Charles finished P6 and Carlos P10. I knew they could do it better, so I needed to focus on making the best strategy to get them on a front position. Earlier that day, the team learnt Charles was getting a ten grid places penalty, because of replacing the Power unit of his engine. I had to think about a good plan for him and Carlos to go faster through the corners and gaining positions. Actually, the circuit of Jeddah was the most curved one – with a total of 27 turns, which was making my job here more difficult. I felt for the drivers who had to literally fly through the track.
I was sitting on my favorite shady bench near the trees in front of the hospitality, writing the report in my notebook, when I heard someone approaching. I looked up and saw a beautiful girl with big green eyes and a cheeky face. She was tiny as a fairy, slim and good-looking in simple white jeans and a green blouse. Her hair was long, in a low ponytail and colored in rich chestnut color. A pretty woman I could say.
- Hello! – she smiled. – You seem to be alone.
I looked around then at her.
- Well, that was the point... – I said with a smug smile. – I am actually working right now.
- Can I take a sit next to you? – she asked. – I won't be bothering you, just a couple of minutes to take a little rest.
- Oh, have you run through the circuit? – I said ironically, but when I saw her offended face expression, I smiled. – Sorry, take a sit! You are a woman after all. We should support each other.
- Thank you miss... - the girl looked at me questionable, waiting for me to say my name.
- Bernardi, or just Lissa – I replied and saw her eyes getting bigger.
- Lissa Bernardi?! – she asked in excitement. – Oh, where are my manners... I am Isa Hernàez, Carlos' girlfriend... He is talking about you all the time. I am so glad that I finally met you!
- Oh, the second person nonstop talking about me! – I mumbled and stood up from my place.
- I beg your pardon? – the girl frowned in confusion.
- Oh nothing... don't mind my brief comment! – I chuckled extending my hand. – Nice to meet you, Isa!
- Carlos is your big fan – she noted, while shaking hands. – He even told me in detail about his visit with Charles to your apartment. It seems you had a lot of fun there.
- Really?! – I raised my eyebrows in surprise. – And you don't mind him going into other girls' apartments without an invitation?
- Without what? – she was also surprised by my words. Maybe he didn't share every detail from this evening.
- Sorry, the sun has fried my brain and I am talking nonsense! – I laughed, trying to cover what he had done.
- Yeah, right... - Isa nodded, then we both sat on the bench.
I smiled at her, and the awkward silence settled between us. I took my notebook and continued writing.
- Lissa, aren't you bored staying here alone? – Hernàez asked suddenly.
- Nope! – I replied without looking up. – At the paddock is always interesting even if you are alone.
- How come? – she asked again.
- Okay, so... - I lift my head up and started pointing at different directions with my ballpen. – Here are the mechanics of Red Bull, drinking their beverage, obviously, and talking about the food. But I found out that is that is their secret language, when they want to discuss possible car changes, but there are people around. Down there, the crew of Aston Martin is running around Alonso "the Great", even if their Boss' son needs them more after his accident during the break. As you can see there are different drivers passing by, and I love watching their body language.
- You can understand a lot from people's body language – Isa smiled and looked at me.
- Exactly! – I nodded and turned my eyes to my notebook. – But life would be easier if I could read people's minds...
- I think it's better that you don't have these supernatural abilities – she laughed. – Sometimes you don't need to know what people think. It's scary what you can find in their minds.
- Don't know... - I said with a deep sigh. – For now, I only need a miracle to finish my work before the Quali.
- Your first strategy? – the girl peeked at my notes.
- Hope it's not the last – I rolled my eyes and closed the book, then turned to her. – But I think I need to refresh a bit and wouldn't refuse a woman's company.
- Carlos also thinks that you need more women friends here... - she said excited. – So, I decided to look for you.
- Oh, come on! – I laughed in disbelief. – I know he sent you to find me. He is so transparent!
- No, I was actually pretty bored while he was doing his pre – quali preparation and decided to find you on my own – Hernàez explained. – I wanted to ask you if you would you like to grab some coffee and maybe have some small talk?
I looked at my wristwatch and counted the time till the beginning of the qualification. Then I lifted my eyes up to her. She was waiting for my answer, and I could see the same tense expectation on her face as the one on Charles' face, when he was asking me important for him questions.
- One coffee won't hurt me – I said and stood up from my place. – Let's go! Carlos will be satisfied when he learns that we are about to become friends.
- That was fast! – Isa laughed standing up.
- Well, who knows? – I grinned. – Maybe our friendship will be his motivation and make him drive faster.
We both laughed at the same time, then headed to the motorhome, talking about the flights to Saudi Arabia.
Isa was actually a really kind person. She was always smiling, laughing at our jokes with a tinkling laugh and talking with a soft calm voice. This woman was so delicate that if she was an object, she definitely was going to be a porcelain doll. I was feeling strange around her – she was so loved by everyone. Even the dismissive looking men from our team, came and greeted her with a smile and warm behavior, while we were sitting at the cafe of the motorhome. It was as if I didn't exist for them when they were speaking to her. At the end of their brief conversations, I was receiving a mean quick gaze, as always.
Our little meeting at the cafe ended fast, because I didn't have enough time to finish my report before the qualification. Even if it was nice to talk to her – Isa was a good listener and also really funny girl, I left the cafe with mixed feelings. From one side, it was good to find a friendly person in this world of wolves, but on the other side I wasn't sure that she wasn't doing all of this only because of Carlos. Maybe she wanted to get to know me to be sure I am not a concurrence of hers, though it was obvious who was more preferred by people around.
I went to the pitlane and looked for my bosses. But there were only the mechanics and some engineers. I sighed heavily and went to the bottom of Charles' garage to take a seat on a more comfortable and softer chair than the ones at the pit – wall.
While I was sitting, finishing the strategy for today, meanwhile thinking about the disapproval of most of my colleagues, I heard someone approaching. When I looked up, I saw Andrea. He nodded at me for a greeting then began arranging the things he could barely carry in his hands on the chairs next to me.
We still haven't had a longer conversation than only a "hello" and slight smiles. So, I've plucked up the courage to start talking to him – he was my colleague after all and should get to know him better. I knew he is also very close to Charles as his personal assistant, and given to Leclerc's attitude to me, maybe his personal assistant will have more good intentions to me, unlike the rest of the team.
- First as always? – I asked as he was looking at me shocked. Probably he wasn't expecting to start a conversation.
- I have to prepare Charles drinks and accessories before the qualification – he answered with a shy smile. – Why are you here?
- Waiting for Vasseur and Mekies in peace – I answered.
- If this place is in peace, I don't know what Shangri – la is – the man laughed.
- A mythical Himalayan Utopia which will never be reached – I replied also laughing, then took one of the bottles he left on the chair next to me and shook it. – What is this here?
- Some proteins and vitamins – Andrea explained. – The drivers are losing so much water and important electrolytes during the races that they need to stay hydrated all the time.
- And weight... – I added. – Sometimes I wonder how they handle all this... tense.
- That's what they are paid for – he chuckled again. – But besides the joke, that is their passion. It's hard to find a job that makes you happy and smiled every day you go to your workplace...
- Are you sure we are still talking about our team? – I interrupted him chuckling.
- Well, Charles is not always smiling when he is here but since you came it's easier to work with him – the man said with a soft smile and playful eyes.
- How did you come to that conclusion? – I raised my eyebrows in surprise. – This is the second race week, and I haven't done anything still.
- Oh, come on I am 24/7 with him! – he waved casually with his hand. – Do you think I could not see the change? I mean he is even more motivated for a win than before, and he works hard about that. He believes that "the fresh blood" in the team will be the key to the success.
I just nodded and looked away in another direction. I don't think that I am the reason for his increased motivation. But probably Andrea wasn't telling me everything he knew. Those playful sights meant a lot more than his empty words about motivation for winning and success. He was a coach after all, he had to speak like this.
Suddenly I saw Laurent and Fred walking to the pit wall, so I turned to Andrea and said to him goodbye, then I ran to the team principles. When I approached, they were speaking in French again. I cleared my throat to catch their attention and said:
- Sorry for bothering you!
They both turned to me with outraged looks, but when they saw the notebook in my hands, smiles brightened up their faces.
- Have you made the strategy? – Vasseur asked.
- Of course! – I said proudly. – Guaranteed quality!
- Let us hear it first – laughed Mekies and turned around. – Jain, come here for a second!
A laugh from Mekies?! That was progress.
The qualification was about to start. After discussing my strategy, I received approval from all the members of the team by the wall and they all gave me permission to lead the communication during the whole qualification. This was a strange change in their behavior. Maybe they finally have decided to give me a chance, to deserve my salary. But I still had something in mind and do not believe them on hundred percent. Moreover, there were two days which were going to show if I am capable enough to work by the high standards for a win.
I turned around to see the drivers in their garages. Carlos and Charles were going to their cars and looked a bit nervous. I had to cheer them up before them leaving on the track. Then I turned to my colleagues – Mekies, Vasseur, Xavier, Riccardo and Ravin. I nodded encouragingly and gave them a slight smile before looking at the screens and started counting the seconds till the start of Q1.
Then the clock began reverse counting the minutes and I cleared my throat unmuting my microphone.
- Hello drivers, welcome on the board of SF-23! The pit-lane is clear, the temperature of the air is 28 degrees, on the track – 32. It's hot in here but don't you worry, there aren't any expectations for rain, so we could start your qualifying session on a brand-new softs. I am your strategist for today – Lissa Bernardi. Good luck guys and let the show begin!
- Lissie, listening to your voice is a spiritual healing, little one! – I heard Charles on the radio and my heart fastened it's beat.
- Listen carefully to your engine, Charlie! – I said nervously laughing.
- Could you please make this intro every time? – asked Carlos on his turn.
- It depends on your performance today – I replied chuckling. – So come on! I want to see you as fast as you can!
- Copy, Lissie! – replied Sainz.
- So, guys, there are some drivers making their fast laps now – I informed them looking at the screens. – We will wait for the traffic to clear...
I saw the drivers from Red Bull leaving their garages and waited for them to go out of the pit lane.
- So go out now – first Charles, then Carlos! – I gave the order. – Go guys, go! We will do one preparation lap, to warm up the tires – then two fast ones. Okay?
- Copy! – both drivers replied.
I was watching their performance and when they finished the first fast lap, unmuted my microphone:
- Good Charles, your time is 1.312 and that's P5. Carlos, please work at your pace – 2.332 – P14 it's not quite good. Go for another fast lap. Now!
They started another one and I noticed an improvement in their driving. They both were flying along the track.
- Charles, your time is better now – 0.615 faster. that means P3. Go back to the garage for now – I said. – Carlos, again, I am begging you to push more! If you have a problem with the car, tell me now to fix it during the break. You are P4 now. Come back to the garage.
I turned to the people at the pit wall and received some thumbs up. Then I looked over my shoulder to see the drivers in their cars. When I was sure everything looks well, I turned to the screens and counted the second till the second start.
- It's time for Q2! – I said when the clock started again. – So, pitlane is clear – you can leave. Guys, you are on a mediums now, so we are doing two preparation laps and two fast ones.
I heard the brief "copy" and sighed. Charles left the garage followed by his teammate. While I was watching them driving, my heart was beating faster and faster. I was going to have a heart attack till the end of this session.
- Charles you are P3 now... – I unmuted myself after his first lap. – The gap between you and... Wait... Max is out. Oh, my god. Max is out... Engine problem... Oh, guys if that doesn't motivate you to take the pole, I don't know what will!
- Copy, little one! – replied Charles, but Carlos remained silent.
Leclerc and Sainz made another lap after the retirement of Max. But the result was the same. We had to improve these cars, or we didn't have the chance to be at the top of the Champions rank list.
- Well, Q2 ends with P3 and P4 again – I informed them. – Go back to the garages.
- You sound disappointed, Lissa – Carlos turned on his radio.
- Carlos, please you have a gas pedal – I answered. – Use it properly!
- Copy! – he replied.
I looked at Vasseur, but he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I didn't expect something different from him.
- New softs for you both for Q3 – I turned my microphone on when the clock started the reverse counting of the minutes of Q3. – It's time for you to push it over the limits! Now! One preparation lap and two fast ones with a short pit stop to wait for the traffic to clear. That's the plan, use it smart!
This was even more stressful than the previous part of the qualification. My heart was going to explode while I was watching them driving.
- Okay guys. First time – 1.28.757 for Charles – I unmuted myself. – 1.29.322 for Carlos. Come on! One more! Carlos, please wait for Charles...
- Copy! – I received his answer.
It was the end of their fastest laps. I saw Charles tires crossing the white line, a little after that Carlos crossed the finish line,
- Good and... - I looked at the ranking. – 1.28.420 and P2 for Charles! Congratulations boy, you did it! Carlos, your time is 1.28.931. That's a close gap – but P5 for tomorrow! Nice job guys, nicely done!
After the finish of the qualification, I put my headphones down and looked proudly at my team principles. As I could see, they were satisfied with my job, even I received for a second time a thumb up with a slight smile from Mekies. I ran my fingers through my hair. I was sweatier than the drivers. That was so important to make it, and even if Charles wasn't with a ten-grid penalty, we were about to have front rows start. I was very pleased with the results.
I stood up from my place and went to greet Charles near the fences. He was trying to put his accessories as fast as he could before the post-qualification interview, so we didn't have much time to talk. I only gave him a thumbs up and a little happy applause, as a response I received his favorite hot wink. A soft chuckle slipped out of my lips, then turned back to the garage with a big smile on my face.
I was happy for him, the second place with a ten second penalty for tomorrow, was the best position, after the pole. But I wasn't sure he was happy with his result. Charles was an ambitious young man, and the good part was that he is always trying to improve himself after every mistake he does. I had to speak with Carlos, his performance on the track wasn't as satisfying as at the tests. There was a strange change in his driving, much slower than before.
While I was walking down to the motorhome, deep drowned in my thoughts, I heard someone calling me.
- Psst, Miss Bernardi!
I turned around but didn't see anybody. Then my eyes stopped at a young lady, dressed in an oversized red and black jacket, and torn black jeans. She was wearing a red cap on her head, so at first, I didn't recognize the person. But when she lifted her head up a little, I saw the face of the princess of Bahrain. My heart immediately skipped a beat. I knew why she was here, and I knew what was going to happen next.
- Your Majesty! – I said stepping closer to her. – What are you doing here?
- Shht! I am here undercover! – she said rapidly.
- Okay, let's go to a more private place!
I took her hand and brought her between the caravans of the teams, where weren't so many people passing by.
- So, now tell me, why are you here princess! – I said whispering.
- To bring you everything you will need for your mission – she replied and opened her jacket. – Here is the diary of my Nonna and the letters from her lover.
The princess pulled out from her inner pocket a little book with brown leather covers, tied with hemp ties.
- Your majesty, I am not sure that I am your person... – I tried to say but she interrupted me.
- No, please! – the woman begged. – Don't reject me! I need to learn more about my roots. She told me that only you can help me!
- Who is she? – I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
- My Nonna – the woman said and leaned to me. – I had a dream. She told me that you are the chosen one and nobody else could find the rubies. She will reveal her story only to you. Please, Lissa! Help me! I need to know who I am!
I sighed and looked down at the diary in her hands. The leather covers were decorated with a queen and horse chess figure with a pyrograph. Around the figures there were drawn some flowers and leaves. Old yellow pages, slightly torn in their ends were sticking out between the covers. I could also see the ends of the envelopes carefully placed through the pages of the diary.
When I looked up, I saw the watery eyes of the princess. In them was written the need for help, and maybe I was her last hope.
- Ugh, fine... - I said with a deep sigh. – Give this to me! I will try my best to complete your orders.
- Oh, thank you Lissa! – she jumped in joy and hugged me tight. – You don't know how much you will help me with this!
- If only I could help myself first... – I mumbled when the princess released me from her grip.
- I will give you my protection – she said rapidly. – You can also call me every time you need help or someone to talk to. Everywhere you go, you can use my title and my name...
- But what is your name? – I interrupted her.
- Just call me Nahla! – the princess smiled.
- Beautiful name – I noticed and pressed the diary to my chest. – I have one more question... I didn't understand the name of your Nonna. Will you tell it to me?
- She was...
I heard loud screaming in the distance, then someone started calling me by my name. I looked over my shoulder to see who the person was. Then I saw Charles and Carlos running through the paddock shouting my name as much as they could.
Then I turned fast to the princess, but she had disappeared like a ghost. There wasn't a sign that she had been here with me. Only the diary I was holding in a tight grip.
At this moment, my teammates found me, and I heard them coming closer. I hastened to hide the book under my T-shirt and covered it with my hands. Someone tapped me on the shoulder.
- What are you doing here, Lissie? – asked me Charles when I turned to him.
- Meditation – I replied fast and smiled, then hugged him. – Congrats on the second position. That's a great start for tomorrow.
- I am not that sure... - he said with a sad smile.
- Oh, come on! – I punched him in the chest. – Next time you will be on a front row. With your friend and teammate.
- We will fight as lions – laughed Carlos and roared.
- You can make it better Carlos – I said winking at him. – You just must use your legs!
I slapped him on the right hip, and he let out an eagle scream from pain. But we all laughed at this. I think I covered the situation, and nobody understood about the diary under my shirt. I didn't want them to know about this, at least for now. Maybe later.
- Come on guys! – I said and put my hands on their shoulders. – Let's go to the media center for the interviews and then meet Vasseur and Mekies.
They accepted my offer and walked away with me. For one last time I turned to see if the princess would appear from somewhere. But she didn't. That was strange and scary at the same time. Then I followed my teammates, who started to speak about their feelings during the qualification.
Notes: Hello my readers! Sorry for my absence, I had a lot of work these days. So, for compensation about that - here it is the new chapter a much longer than previous ones.
I hope you like it and leave some votes/comments if it so. Also hear the external link as usual and... See you at the next Chapter!
Oh, and Happy Easter to everyone! <3 Love ya! <3
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