Chapter XII - Two blond strangers
17 Mar. – First and Second free practice at Jeddah
I haven't got any sleep the whole night. I was thinking about how I just kissed Charles on the cheek. So brave, but wrong. I am a lady, what am I doing? My mum haven't taught me that way. Of course, we were just friends, well nobody has said out loud that we were in the friendzone, but it was implied. I mean, especially after both drivers spent a whole evening at my home and the fact that now we had our numbers, social networks, they even knew my address, despite I still didn't knew theirs. What I have done was a little kiss between friends, to express my gratitude for the wonderful evening I had.
Or... Am I catching feelings?! Better not, because we only knew each other for a couple of weeks and above all we are colleagues. It's not appropriate to mix the work with the private life. But these pure green eyes, that smile and sweet dimples. An angel face with a soft skin, even thought he had a light stubble beard. How to resist on this handsome temptation?!
From one side with his attitude to me, he was giving me a sign that he searches for my company, and I could think that he has some light intentions for me. But on the other side if I wasn't reading his signs right and all of this was some kind of delusion. What was he thinking about me now? That I am an easy girl, with low moral values, for which a several winks and good words were enough to jump in his bed?! No, I am definitely the opposite of this! But he was the first person to whom I was so attracted since the first sight and that was scaring me. I was afraid if my reckless behavior last night was going to made him to give up on me. If he stops communication with me, I was going to be the loneliest person at the world! Better to leave the team if that happens, because if I lose Charles, then I am going to lose Carlos, then the domino effect will affect on the whole paddock and... I wouldn't be able to resist that shame.
With the sunrise I got up from my bed and started preparing myself for today. I dressed up the Red uniform, because it was obligatory for this day, then got my hair on a messy bun and tried to hide the black rounds under my eyes with powder. But any make up on the world couldn't help me to cover the anxiety I had. Why I am so stupid to do things like that. Breaking his personal space was more than a reason for him to start ignoring me for his whole life.
I took my purse and the red Ferrari jacket, which Charles gave me on the previous race and left my room. I was walking down the corridor, holding the jacket near my chests. Even though I washed this clothing during my week at home, it still had the specific odor of Leclerc. The bergamot and bitter oranges were deep in its fibers, making me dizzy every time I smell them.
Suddenly I heard someone shouting from the back. I didn't stop to see who the person is, because I was too busy looking at the ground, playing different fatalistic scenarios in my head.
Then I felt a strong grip grabbing my wrist and pulling me back. When I looked up, I saw a big colon on a millimeter from my face.
- Girl, what are you doing?! – a man asked, and I turned to him. – You were about to smash yourself in this!
Great! It was Charles' friend – Pierre. Was this a f*cking joke of the fate?!
- Lissa... You don't look well! – he noticed looking me over head to toe.
- Thank you, Pierre! You too! – I said sarcastic.
- Really?! – Gasly was in a real shock. – Come on! I was doing my hair thirty minutes! Is it the beard, or my clothes... Yeah, definitely my trousers...
- Pierre, please stop talking about your appearance, you look perfect! – I said annoyed. – Oh, God! Why are you such a narcissist?!
- Oh, thank you! – he sighed in relief. – But what has happened to you?
- A headache – I lied. – The sun yesterday was really rough.
- Ahaa, the sun – he smirked, and I looked him with big eyes. Does he know something?!
- Yes, Pierre, the sun! – I replied sharply trying to cover the panic that was arising in my soul. – Now, I need to go! I will get late for the paddock.
- It's seven o'clock – the young man said looking at his ungodly expensive wristwatch. – Isn't it too early to go there?
- I am working in an Italian time – I tried to escape from him.
- It is even earlier there! – Pierre laughed. – Don't you know I leave in Milan? I know this or that about your country...
- Have a nice day, Gasly! – I cut him off. – We will see each other on the circuit...
"OR BETTER NOT!" I thought and got up at the elevator. Thanks goodness, the doors closed fast, and Pierre doesn't have the chance to chaise me and continue the conversation.
I arrived at the track even before the team principles, so I had to stay alone at the backyard of the Ferrari hospitality trying to clear my mind of all the mess I got in. I was in the bottom corner, near some bushes, hiding under their shade and peacefully drinking a bottle of water because only the machine for drinks was working at the early hour I was there.
It was a lunch time and the paddock slowly started filling up with people, the backyard too. The usual coworkers who were always nice to me came over to greet me, then the ones with mean, dismissive looks, also came. I was polite and nodded at them for a welcome, then turned back into my world, where the only problem was how to excuse myself for the spontaneous kiss on the cheek, in front of Charles. The problem was that I was too big overthinker, and I could never change that in myself.
A few moments later I heard the stormy shouts of the fan masses in distance. That meant the drivers had arrived. I had to hide from Leclerc, until it is obligatory to meet him and speak with him. So, I put the hood of the jacket on my head and walked inside the Ferrari motorhome.
I made a few steps then in my mind came the thought it was too childish to walk down the corridors wrapped as a red mummy. Also, the chance to be seen was bigger. Then I turned around and went back to my previous place, sat on the chair, leaned back, and started to wait the right time to come.
When I looked at my wristwatch for a last time it was 15:30. Almost eight hours I stayed in one f*cking corner. But it was my decision to isolate myself from the others. I could go and watch the Free Practice of Formula 2, find Vasseur, Mekies or someone else, but no – I was hiding from Charles. And because I realized how stupid and childish my behavior was, I decided to go to the garages and end all my suffering.
When I finally appeared on the track the drivers were already preparing to get in the cars. I went directly to the garage of Charles and approached him. Andrea who was there with him as always, looked at me and smiled slightly. His reaction was warmer than the previous time, so that gave me a hope. I cleared my throat and said loud and confident:
- Hi, Charles!
He turned around, while still adjusting his helmet and when he realized who is standing in front of him, his eyes got bigger and brighter.
- Hey, Lissie! – he hugged me tight, which was a big surprise for me. – I was searching for you everywhere in the hotel, but you weren't there. I got worried! Even Carlos was worried, we sent you a hundred of messages!
- Oh, really? – I said taking out the phone of my purse. There were literally hundreds of their calls and messages.
- Where were you?! – Leclerc asked me worried.
- I came here earlier... - I said still shocked how I missed all these calls. – Had to do some work stuffs for today.
- But you are fine, right? – Leclerc wanted to get sure, and I just nodded in response.
He was acting like nothing has happened. He even didn't say anything about yesterday. Maybe it was better to not starting the conversation.
- I don't know what you are doing but with every day you look better and better in this uniform – I noticed he is looking me from head to toe, while making the comment. My cheeks immediately got red.
- And you too in your tight race suit... - I tried to return the compliment but spoken out my words sounded worse than in my mind.
Charles laughed quietly and made me feel more nervous than before. My face started burning in redness and a cold sweat broke out on my back.
- Sorry I mean you look...
- You seem a bit dizzy... - he interrupted me and lift my chin a bit. – Have you slept well?
- Actually, no! – I said with a heavy sigh.
And that was the time I was waiting for.
- I was thinking about the... The thing that happened yesterday! – I started excusing myself raising my voice with every single word. – I am so sorry about that, it wasn't with intentions, only a friendly...
- Lissa, Lissa, please, everybody is watching us now! – Leclerc tried to calm me down. – Don't worry I know what it was about. Everything is fine. You don't have to lose sleep because of such a thing.
- And I haven't ruined our friendship? – I asked insecure with big watery eyes.
- That could only strengthen it – he said and leaned to my ear then whispered: - Because I really liked it!
I left in stupor. His words got me shivers. Charles took a step back and winked at me. Even with his helmet on I could see the grin he had on his face.
- Let's go, little one! – Leclerc said tapping with his finger on my nose.
- Good luck, Lord Percival! – I mumbled, still shocked from his words.
He passed me around then went to his car. I followed him with my eyes, looking at his broad muscular back. I could not lie... He was sexy in his race suit.
Charles turned and looked at me one last time before jumping into the bolide. I gave him a half smile and he again winked at me in a response, then hid into the car. And my heart skipped a beat.
After a couple of hours, I was at the motorhome preparing me a cup of coffee. I was looking at the liquid spilling out in my cup, deep drowned at my thoughts. The performance of the drivers on the track wasn't quite well, actually it wasn't satisfying at all – P7 for Carlos and P11 for Charles. I was starting to worry that I am the reason for the poor driving of Charles. Maybe my actions and the conversation before the FP1 had distracted him.
But going back in time it is known that the cars were always bad at the hard tires, even though the engineers were making change after change on the settings. I knew that I needed an access to both machines, to see where the problem hides. But nobody was going to provide it to me unless I take it on my own.
- Excuse me Miss! Your cup is overflowing! – I heard the voice of Charles speaking in English behind my back and snapped out of the trans I had fallen into.
At first, I thought that I am dreaming and turned to see why Charles is calling me "Miss". I was surprised to find out it wasn't him, but some blond skinny handsome boy with deep blue eyes. Then I felt something wetting my hand and saw the coffee spilled out over the whole table plot, where the coffee machine was. I rushed to clear the liquid with an absorbent paper, before it reaches the power cables, and the boy came to help me with the mess.
- Thank you for the help! – I said when everything was cleared.
- It's impossible to fit a cappuccino in an espresso cup – he said lifting the little cup I was trying to use.
- I didn't notice what I have taken from the cupboard – I laughed embarrassed.
Then I looked up and finally saw the details in his face. A sharp cheeky face, with wide pink lips and blue eyes with extremely long lashes. His hair was short cut, straight and straw blonde. He smiled and I remembered where I have seen him before.
- I am Arthur by the way – the boy introduced himself and extended his hand. – Arthur...
- I know who you are – I interrupted him, – Arthur Leclerc, the brother of Charles Leclerc.
- How do you know that?! – he was surprised.
- I am Lissa Bernardi – I said shaking our hands. – Charles has been talking a lot about you. Even showed me pictures of you and your other brother – Lorenzo.
- Oh, you are "that" Lissa Bernardi! – he exclaimed. – The girl who took Charles' mind.
- What do you mean? – I rose my eyebrows in surprise.
- If you say that Charles has been talking about me, you must hear how he is talking about you – Arthur laughed. – He haven't stopped, since the day he got back at home at Monaco from the first race.
I felt my cheeks getting red and bowed my head trying to hide it. Does he really talk about me?
- I hope you have heard only good things about me – I smiled shyly.
- Not good, but the best – Leclerc chuckled.
Oh, God! They sounded as a same person. I was so shocked that I still could not assimilate this face with the voice. It was so unreal.
- Then he has made my job here even harder – I laughed, crossing arms in front of my chests. – I should strengthen your expression.
- Don't worry, he is never wrong – said the boy. – I trust him wholeheartedly!
- Sounds like a good siblings' relations – I noted, then took another bigger cup from the cupboard above our heads. – Would you like some coffee? I am going to make myself another cappuccino.
- Isn't it a tabu for the Italians to drink cappuccino after breakfast? – Leclerc asked with a catchy smile.
- Well, I still haven't got one, so it's allowed – I explained, and we both laughed.
- So, if I am not an Italian would you give me the permission to drink a cappuccino like you? – he teased me, winking like his brother.
- Only today because we meet for a first time!
We both laughed again. After my drink was ready, I left a space for Arthur to make one himself.
- So, you are here to support your brother, or... - I went curious while waiting for the coffee to get ready.
- Oh, I have a race too, for Formula 2 – he explained making me feel stupid, to forget about the race schedule.
I was so deep in my problems that I have forgotten about the rest of the world.
- I am so sorry about my stupid question! – I shook my head. – I am a bit distracted today and...
- You don't need to excuse yourself – Arthur said soft. – You are still new in these things, but you'll get used to them. I bet you will know the whole race schedule of F1, F2 and F3 till the end of this weekend.
- Challenge accepted! – we both laughed at the same time.
His drink was ready. The young Leclerc got his cup and took a sip of the coffee, while I was looking at him in tense expectation.
- It's good! – he exclaimed. – Actually, really good. I have never drunk this one before, but I will do it from now on.
- Well, I have some black marks, but in these conditions, it couldn't be better – I shrugged my shoulders, laughing.
- Lissa, now that I met you, I would like to thank you – Arthur suddenly changed the subject.
- Thank me? – I was surprised. – Why? What have I done?
- I understood that you were the first person, who went to Charles after his DNF and helped him going through his hard time in Bahrain – he smiled soft.
- I was just doing my job – I waved with hand casually. – I just want the best for the team and Charles mental break down won't be the best thing to happen.
- You are talking as you know him for ages – Arthur said laughing, and after taking a sip from the coffee continued: - Thank Goodness, you are not from the high ego ones, otherwise you were not going to understand each other. Neither with me.
I nodded in response and smiled lightly. As I know him for ages... Why was this repeating in my head? I sighed heavily and said:
- Arthur, I am glad that I met you, but if you don't mind, I need to go now. I should hear the analysis and tore the mechanic's asses off.
- Go and don't be too rude, we will need them for the next races – the young Leclerc laughed.
- I doubt! – I laughed and waved him goodbye. – See you soon!
- Of course, we will see each other often! – he shouted after me.
- Sure, we don't have another chance – I laughed and went away.
The FP2 came to an end. It was also a disaster for the boys – a P9 for Charles and P10 for Carlos weren't the best results for our team. I still had the hope, that is possible things to get better. Vasseur was trying to convince me that these results aren't that bad, but if he is used to be on these positions with Alfa Romeo, I wasn't used to see Ferrari out of the top six.
In the evening the whole team has arranged meeting to discuss the results from the day and to see what we could improve for the next day. I was waiting for the drivers in front of the Ferrari hospitality, looking at my red manicure, wondering if I should change it before the next race in Australia. It was going to take a place in Melbourne, after a week and half, but I was already excited about it.
When I looked up, I saw my teammates coming, as Carlos was holding a can in a dark blue color. I recognized the brand and immediately got mad.
- Lissie, are you waiting for us? – asked Leclerc when reached me and didn't missed to hug me. – I am glad to see you if it's so.
It was strange, this time Sainz didn't hug me as he always did.
- Yes, I thought it will be good to enter together – I explained and looked at Carlos, who covered the can with his phone. – I feel really bad without you guys on these meetings.
- We are your bodyguards – laughed Carlos.
- In that line of thinking, Sainz, what is this thing in your hands? – I started with my argument.
- Which one? – he rose his eyebrows playfully.
- This one – I pointed to the can.
- Oh, a "Red Bull" – he smiled wide. – An energy drink that "gives wings".
- Yes, I know that – I said sharply. – Maybe they are charging their cars with that.
- I think they're still using a fuel – Sainz laughed. – Mixed with this.
- But why are you drinking our rival's beverage? – I asked outraged. – Do you want to kill yourself?
- Because Ferrari still haven't designed their own drinks – Charles said laughing.
- Oh, Mamma mia! – I exclaimed and took the can from Carlos' hands. – Didn't anyone tell you that this is extremely harmful to the organism?! See how many artificial ingredients it has! And sugar?! Sugar guys! Come on, you are following strict diets and drink this chemistry?!
Carlos looked at Charles and they both smiled embarrassed. I snorted and shook my head indignantly.
- Lissa, he is an ex- Red Bull driver – Charles pointed at his teammate and chuckled.
- Ha, a mole in the house! – I replied with a smug smile. – Anyway, I don't care which driver he is, everybody has a dark side of their past.
- Do you have one, Lissie? – Leclerc teased me laughing.
- Ha-ha, very original, Leclerc! – I rolled my eyes. – But seriously, guys... Do not drink this anymore! It is also harmful for your heart. This is for the trash, not for you!
I tried to throw the can away in the trash bin next to me, but my mates shook their hands and suddenly got worried faces. Then I noticed out of my peripheral vision, someone approaching and grabbing the can, before it fell into the trash. Fast reactions.
I turned around and my eyes locked with the blue ones of a blond, tall young man. He was dressed in a Red Bull suit and had a dark – blue cap on his head.
- Thanks, I've just needed one! – the unknow guy said with his raspy voice and smiled.
- Lissa, run! – whispered Carlos in my ear.
I frowned and looked at him puzzled. I recognized him, who have just opened the can and took a sip. Then he said:
- What did you say about OUR drink?
- Oh, Max, we are very sorry. But we... - tried to explain Charles but I interrupted him.
- Ah, yeah, I know you! – I said smiling. – You are the famous Verstappen. Max Verstappen.
- Of flesh and blood! – his face got shiny. – Son of Jos Verstappen and Sophie...
- Max you are not on a royal dinner to introduce yourself this way! – Charles stopped him.
- You sound annoyed, Charlie – Max laughed viciously.
- Guys, please, we are not here to make a show! – I tried to quell the tension that has suddenly arisen.
- Who is she? – Verstappen pointed me with head, looking at my teammates.
- You could just ask me – I faked a smile. – I am right here! Lissa Bernardi, by the way.
I extended my hand and Max grabbed it to shake it.
- Ah, the new girl in "town" – he laughed and took another sip from the can. – So, do you want me to explain you the pros of our energy drink?
- I would like to hear your advertisement – I crossed my hands in front of my chests, ready to refute his every statement.
- Oh, no, no... Lissa, we should go! – said Carlos and put his hands on my shoulders.
- Yeah, a lot of work, lack of time! – added Charles passing by Verstappen.
- Bye Max! – continued Sainz pulling me to him, then we walked away leaving my new acquaintance speechless.
We entered the hospitality of our team, then I finally managed to get free from Carlos' grip.
- Why was that?! – I asked outraged. – I was about to break him down with my arguments against the...
- Arrange your debate for another day, when we are free – Charles said in a serious voice. – Then I will take popcorns. But now we have a very important meeting and definitely no time for the "Maxplaining"!
- Lissa and Max in an argument... That wouldn't have an end!
Theboys chuckled and after they saw my death stare, offered to go to theconference room and get ready for the meeting. I accepted the offer andfollowed them to the second floor with a slight smile thinking about theircomments.
Notes: Hello readers! Here is the new chapter involving new characters <3
I would love to see your votes/comments if you liked it and you could listen to the external link and...
See you at the next chapter! <3
Love ya! <3 XO
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