Chapter XI - Side by side
16.Mar – Media Day at Jeddah
The long week after Bahrain finally came to an end. I had to visit Maranello a couple of times during the workdays, but it wasn't the same without Carlos and Charles there. A few people from the crew were keeping conversation with me. The most part of the team was still looking at me with a dismissive eye, even though I already was one of them. Maybe the contract wasn't the key thing to accept me as a part of the team. I was trying my best to impress them with my knowledge or abilities, but still didn't get a result. The same treatment, as my words were childish nonsenses. I had to change that, or it was going to destroy me.
It was a race week. Again. I was feeling the excitement in my bones, and I couldn't wait to go to the track and see the preparation process from its start till the end. It was my first whole week at the paddock as an official member of Scuderia Ferrari. Nice, ha? But was it so good as in my imagination, I was about to see.
I arrived at Saudi Arabia at the late night on 15th March. I travelled in one plane with the Senior Race engineer, the reserve driver – Robert Shwartzman and several members from the Alphatauri team. During the long flight with a transfer, I had the opportunity to get know better the colleagues from the rival's team and to have a brief talk with Robert. He was a nice guy but, nobody could compare with the company of my friends – Charles and Carlos. I really missed them and was looking forward to seeing them again. I didn't know why we were in separate flights, but Vasseur and Mekies were already there with them both, at the same day's morning. Sainz and Leclerc had found my number from somewhere, probably my CV was the source again, so I received a picture from Charles, of them both during the flight. They were so cute on it, and the little message "Write on us, when you arrive!" under the photo touched my heart even more.
But they didn't welcome us at the airport, there was only a driver sent from the sponsors, with a shuttle bus to the hotel. I felt a bit disappointed when I didn't saw my teammates on the arrival's terminal, but maybe it was better this way. If they were there, I wasn't going to be able to see them from fans wanting photos or autographs. I didn't judge the fan masses, even if I wasn't an employee but a fan, I was going to fight for a place near these nature works of arts.
This time I was at the same hotel with the drivers, and fortunately it was pretty close to the track, so at least I wouldn't need any transport services. Everything was overthought. The sponsors did their best for every team member. I had at my disposal a huge apartment with a big bedroom, shiny bathtub in the bathroom, large terrase with a view to the circuit, and a full minibar at the modern kitchen. Even the coffee machine wasn't for filtered coffee, but it was filled with fresh roasted coffee beans. Only because it was a late night, I didn't try it. The curtains that covered the large windows were remote controlled and I couldn't help myself and played for a little, trying to open and close them with the device. After I finished with the joy of some extremely luxurious, that I have never seen before, I turned the lights at the livingroom off and went at the bathroom to take a warm bath.
The water with bubbles fragranced of rose released my muscles and made me feel sleepy, so after I went out of the bathroom, I laid in my bed and immediately closed my eyes. Before fully falling asleep I took my phone and tried to write a message to one of my mates, but overthought fast and decided not to call none of them, they were probably already sleeping. Then I left my phone on the nightstand and wrapped in the sheets.
On the next morning I skipped the breakfast, because I was too excited for the upcoming working day, that I didn't feel hunger. It was going to be a long hot day, so I decided to put some clothes from the new Ferrari collection. I bought them a couple of days before my leaving from Italy, so I wanted to try them as soon as possible. My first "race week look" was composed from simple cotton shirt yellow dress with the emblematic "Prancing Horse" print, tightened in the waist and widened into a flowing fluid skirt, two inches under the knees. I put a black Ferrari belt to finish my vision, then combined everything with my favorite black high heeled boots and black leather purse. After that I put my hair in a braid, a light make-up on my face and my favorite perfume, and I was ready to go to the circuit.
Before leaving the hotel, I saw at the lobby a some of the drivers from the other teams. There were the "Mercedes" guys, Alex Albon from "Williams", together with his girlfriend, and Lando Noris from "McLaren". They were huddled in a small group, probably gossiping something, but I still haven't got the chance to meet them in personal. I realized that I was only communicating with Carlos and Charles, and several other members from our team as well. But I had a whole week to get know the grid better and try to fit in this whole new world for me.
I arrived at circuit and proudly passed through the gates with my access card. Maybe one of the biggest successes in my life was signing the contract for the Scuderia. I haven't made a few steps and received a message.
"Are you at the paddock? Wait for us! Be there in a few minutes.
I smiled and turned back my phone at the purse. Right on time, through the turnstiles entered my teammates. Their Apollonian bodies were dressed in a white-collar T-shirts and black pants for Leclerc and black buttoned one and white trousers for Carlos. I was so amazed from their appearance – their messy hairs and black sunglasses. It suddenly got hotter here...
When they saw me, Charles immediately waved enthusiastic, and both headed to me. I nervously adjusted my collar and checked the buttons on the dress, then fixed the belt and the skirt. How strange was to almost combine their outfits in mine?
- Say heey, for Lord Perceval... - I sang as the Genie from Aladdin. – Say heey and for Prince Chilli.
- Hello Genie! – they both greeted me and chuckled.
- Welcome to Agrabah my dears! – I said hugging them one by one. – How do you feel today?
- Better now, as we see you didn't die without us at Fiorano – noticed Charles. – Even more you are shining bright!
- And singing wild – added Carlos laughing. – But don't forget we are at Jeddah, not Agrabah.
- Don't forget to stop ruining the jokes Carlos – I replied ironically.
- Well, it will be good for you to know where you are, because of the interviewers – he said viciously smiling.
- Interviewers? – I exclaimed. – No, no, I am not giving any interviews. I am not a key figure as you two.
- Yes, but your picture with the "breaking" title is uploaded on the official page of every account of Formula one – added Leclerc and handed me his phone opened on the publication. – I didn't know you had a photo session.
- Yeah, last week they called me for a regular one – I explained, while taking his phone to see the post.
- You could read the comments – Charles continued. – For a first time ever I see all positive ones. Everybody is congratulating the team for the new addition.
- People adore you, Cinderella! – said Carlos winking at me.
- Well at least I look good on this photo – I noted and turned Charles' phone back to him. – Anyway, would you like to go to the hospitality? I am dying for a cup of coffee.
Both drivers looked at each other surprised from the lack of interest about the publication, then accepted my offer. I was trying to isolate myself from what was happening on social media, at least in the first days of my contract being made official. I knew there weren't only good comments, but I wasn't about to read them at all. All I needed now was to focus on my work and prove my place is here.
In the late afternoon, the news about my contract has been spread everywhere. I was wandering around the paddock and some strangers from the mechanics or the media crews of the other teams – "Aston Martin", "McLaren" and surprisingly even "Haas" came to congratulate me. I had the opportunity to meet Kevin Magnusen and finally get acquaintance with the little Japanese driver – Yuki Tsunoda. Both were really nice people, and it was a pleasure to talk to them. Step by step I was entering into the Formula one world, and I was starting to like the way people of other teams were treating me. Mine was not that bad I was thinking, because Robert Shwartzman and Mia Djacic – the "Media Girl" of Charles, were acting good to me. They both came to talk with me about the track and discuss some other current world affairs.
I appeared on a brief meeting of the "team by the wall", where we have discussed the analysis of the trainings last week. We had some issues on the car, we were losing pace but the settings of the cars were completely different for this trace. I gave some advice to correct the high of the car's floor, and the bottom of it. For a first time ever, the team had listened to my words and the most surprisingly – nobody had said something about that I wasn't wearing a uniform. Maybe they had already given up from me. But I had the intention to wear it only for the weekend days when it was obligatory. A rebel – yes, that's me!
After the meeting I was sitting on a bench in front of the Ferrari Motorhome, drinking the 10th coffee of the day, and scrolling through the news at my phone. I couldn't resist to see all the gossips, but it was clear for now.
Suddenly I heard someone's steps near me and gave a quick side eye to see Charles and Carlos running to me with big white canvas in hands.
- Cinderella, we have something for you! – said Sainz, when they approached me.
I looked up and put the phone at my purse, then drank the last sip of the coffee at one and stood up.
- Come on, show me! – I rubbed my hands in suspense and smiled.
- This was a challenge from Sky sports – explained Leclerc, handing me a caricature portraits of him and Carlos. – But I think they will fit up perfectly in your livingroom.
- Or bedroom if you want to – added Carlos, chuckling and his teammate gave him a quick death gaze.
- These are amazing guys! – I exclaimed looking at the paintings. – But I don't think they should be only for a personal usage... They must be hanged at the Uffizi gallery. Everybody must enjoy those masterpieces!
- The whole world has already seen them – Charles laughed pushing Carlos in the ribs.
I felt this was a code sign between them, because Sainz looked at his teammate in confusion for a second, then gasped in an obviously faked surprise.
- Actually, Lissa, you gave me a great idea! – he said and took carefully the canvas from my hands. – Excuse me, guys, I will go to the Media staff and see what they could do about this.
He held the paintings under his arm and put down his cap, as an old – time gentleman, then headed inside the motorhome. I looked after him, upended from his act and when he hid from my eyes, I turned around to Charles.
Leclerc was staring at me and liked his lips, smiling shyly then tapped nervously with his foot. The situation was getting more awkward with any second, so I decided to break the silence.
- He didn't understand the irony, did he? – I asked laughing.
- Don't mind him! – said Charles casually. – That's Carlos... And we all love him!
- Yeah, I couldn't lie... – I nodded looking at my feet. – He is adorable!
I got the feeling that a metal curtain has fallen between me and Leclerc, after my comment. His smile immediately disappeared, and he narrowed his eyebrows. Opsy, did I make a mistake?
After a couple of seconds being in silence, Charles finally shot a fast question:
- Would you like to go on a walk through the city with me?
I sighed in a relief lifting my eyes up to him. I could see in his sight a strange mix of afraid of rejection and hope for me to accept. He started nervously biting his lips, staring at me in expectation. The way his neck artery was visibly hard pulsing again, left me speechless for a second. Why was my answer so important for him?
- When? Now? – I asked in confusion. – I think, the team principles would mind something against that.
- No, I have already told them that we will go away of the track earlier today – Leclerc shrugged his shoulders.
- You did what?! – I shouted in shock.
Several people from other teams were passing by and turned to us. I excused myself and turned my focus back on Charles.
- What have you told them? – I asked in a whispering tone. – And when?!
- Well, before your team meeting, I've spoken to Vasseur and told him that you will probably have a jet lag after your late night arriving yesterday, and you will need to get back at the hotel to take a rest after that – the boy smiled innocently. – So... Yeah... You are free for today. So am I.
- That's why Fred insisted to sit next to him and was giving me a bottle after bottle of water – I said thoughtfully and shook my head. – And they were strangely kind today... Ha! You are such a devil, Leclerc... But if we are free, let's get away from here!
Charles' eyes started shining in happiness. I had the feeling he was about to strat jumping from joy, but he just laughed a clapped a little with hands.
Suddenly all the tension I was feeling between us, disappeared. The young man offered me a hand and smiled wide. If we weren't on such a public place with so many cameras and gossipers, I would love to accept it. But for now, I just passed round him giving a little playful wink. Leclerc didn't show to be offended from my act, he even giggled and followed me. Although I knew he was tearing inside and smiling through the pain.
We both went to the marketplace of Jeddah – a large walking street, filled with little shops, different stalls, coffees, restaurants and whatever comes on your mind. People could find here literally everything they want to, that was the reason there was a huge number of visitors.
There were so many cultures, races, habits. Some of the local people, primary males, were at the cafés, reading a newspaper on a cup of tea or coffee. Local women were buying food, mixing up with the tourists who were flying from a stall to stall choosing clothes, shoes, spices, or souvenirs.
I and Charles were terrified from the crowds on the street. Anyway, that didn't stop us from walking down between the people, rounding them or sometimes stumbling at them. Well, this wasn't covering our imagine for a peaceful sightseeing walk, so after we went through some of the stalls, stopped to try the seasonings and some local sweets, we found one bystreet, and walked in it.
We stopped for a second to take a fresh air, without people breathing in our neck on every step. Charles looked around him and spotted a little atelier in the bottom of the street. He made me sign to follow him, then we both went there and entered in it.
It was a small half lightened room, filled with local traditional clothes, different fabrics, and jewelries. There was a little changing room by our side. Charles greeted a small, tiny old – woman, who was probably the owner of the atelier. She was wearing a little sponge with needles and pins on her wrist. The lady was dressed in a black dress, had a same-colored headscarf, and had barely visible hump on her back. She was so old, that was using a stick cane to walk.
When the woman approached us, I saw her big blue eyes, with long black eyelashes. Even if she had wrinkles all over her face, she was beautiful.
Leclerc had the inspiration to view some of the fabrics, so he started pointing her what he wanted to see, and she was presenting them to him. He was so funny, trying to communicate with her via sign language, but not the one for deaf people, but some created from him, because they weren't speaking common language. Charles was trying to describe every of his words with a different sign, while the woman was just nodding and showing him different things. I couldn't resist and took my phone out to film this etude, barely keeping my laugh.
After a couple of minutes, Charles finally chose one silk turquoise fabric with golden strands incrusted in it and called me to see it.
- Do you like it? – he asked.
- It's pretty one – I said with a soft smile. – But why do you need my opinion for this?
- I have something in mind – he winked at me and turned to the old woman. – Please, tell me you have a scarf, or something like this...
She looked at him puzzled, then again, he started describing his words with hands. The lady finally understood and headed to a little door in the bottom of the atelier. In a minute, she came back with a big square scarf, from the same fabric, decorated with golden pompoms on each end.
Charles took it from her hands and came closer to me with a huge smile and shiny eyes.
- Would you let me... - he didn't continue his question.
- What do you have on mind, Leclerc? – I narrowed eyebrows in confusion.
- You will see! – Leclerc whispered.
He stepped forward to me and put the scarf on my shoulders. With slow, careful moves, he covered the top of my head with it. Then we locked our eyes.
- Quelle beautè! – he whispered staring in my face. – Une vraie princesse...
He was speaking in French, telling me I am a real princess. His gaze was dizzy. With shaking hands, he stroked my cheek and continued in Italian:
- These eyes... I am so... I... Oh, my God! You look so mysterious...
I smiled and didn't answer. He was just appreciating the view and I didn't want to ruin the moment with my bitter comments. We were on a millimeter, so close and I could feel his mint breath over my skin.
Suddenly, he snapped out and came back to the reality. Leclerc stepped back.
- Let's buy this... It really suits you! – he said and turned to the woman.
- Wait it's not...
But before I could stop him, he was already handing some money to the old lady. I tried to remove the scarf from my head, but Charles stopped me.
- Please, don't put it down! – he begged leading me to the door of the atelier. – It will keep you safe from the sun here. It's really rough, believe me!
- But I could put a cap, just like you – I was outraged. – You can't just buy things for me! I am not...
- Let's not discuss this anymore! – the boy cut me off. – Accept it as a gift from me and you will give me one in the future. Everything will be fine. Now we could continue with our walk if you want to.
I nodded in acceptance, even though I had more questions in my mind. But someday I was going to find the right place and time to ask them all.
During our tour of the town, we saw different museums, the impressive aquarium, some attractions, but most important, we were talking about our life. Leclerc had so many different stories from his carting years, till now, that I was more listener, than a narrator. But I was interested to get know him and my first impression was growing stronger with each passing moment. He was a lovable, caring, kind person, a strong temper with a pure soul. He had high hopes for success exactly as me and his ambitions were big. He just needed someone to support him, to burn in the same passion as him and to understand him, not from his words, but only from his expressions.
At the end of the day, when the night has come and all the city lights turned on, we stopped for a little rest near the seashore. We both sat on the sand at beach and stared at the ink black water, exhaling heavily.
After a couple of minutes in silence, the first one of many hours ago, Charles suddenly started to speak again.
- I have grown up with this kind of view – he said quiet. – Monaco is located by the sea, and sometimes I climb up on the top of the mountain not only at the day, but also at nights, when I have to overthink something or just need a break from everything and everyone. First, I enjoy the whole town, down there at my feet. I could feel like I rule the world... Then I became humbler and look up at the sky to search for the stars of my father and Jules. They were my biggest support...
He bowed his head and stop talking for a second. I was looking at him with sympathy and put my hand on his back trying to calm him. My heart skipped a beat when tears stated falling from his eyes.
- My father had a birthday on 7th March... - he continued with trembling voice. – Unfortunately, he is not here anymore. Now I have my mother, my brothers, and I love them so much. They mean everything for me... But it's not the same without papà. And Jules was...
- I know the whole story! – I interrupted him. – It's okay, you don't have to turn back in the memories.
- Some days I miss them so much – Leclerc sighed washing away his tears. – But I see you understand me perfect. Don't know how... You don't ask, don't judge... Just listen.
- Yeah, I just know the feeling... Sometimes, no matter what I am doing, I suddenly remember about my childhood at Capri with my beloved grandma – I said looking at the sea. – She was a great, loving, and caring person. We were laughing together, playing games, reading books, almost doing everything together. I could tell her everything and she wasn't going to judge me. Even more – she was always giving me a wise advice and every time I needed, she was a shoulder to cry on. But now she is somewhere with you father and Jules.
- I am so sorry to hear that! – Charles said sadly and turned to me.
- It's okay, I don't talk much about that – I said half-smiled.
- You don't talk much at all actually – he chuckled.
- Wrong judgement! – I replied laughing. – That's only at the beginning. Just waiting for my turn.
- Well, I am mostly all of the time a listener – Leclerc said. – But with you am feeling like Max. He always finds a victim to practice his "maxplaining".
- Still haven't met him in personal, even though I was longer time at the paddock then in our garage.
We laughed quietly and sighed in one time, then looked at the sea. The silence settled between us and only the tender sound of the waves was breaking it.
- You know what? You are not like the other girls – said suddenly Charles and turned to me. – With you it's easy to talk on every theme, I could tell you what I think, and you are almost all the time on the same opinion. We have so much in common and that's so strange. I have never felt such a bond to someone before.
I couldn't tell him I am feeling the same. It was too early to speak about bonds and feelings. And everything was happening so fast.
- I am so glad that you came up in our life... - Leclerc put his hand on my knee. - Please don't go!
- I wouldn't! – I said smiling.
He didn't move, but I didn't mind it. His touch was getting me goosebumps every time. We lost again in each other's eyes. It wasn't the first time ever, but with each time I was feeling I am drawing deeper and deeper in his beautiful blue-green eyes.
- Another question... - Charles suddenly said and moved his hand from me. I sighed in relief. – I was about to ask you what were the certificates and the awards in your livingroom?
- Well, I don't usually swank with them, but a couple of years ago I was a champion in fencing – I explained and saw his eyes getting bigger from surprise. – Yeah, and there are some from chess tournaments.
- You play chess?! – he exclaimed twice more shocked.
- Yes, sometimes – I smiled, and he clapped with hands.
- Sometimes?! – he laughed in disbelief – Are you kidding me?! You are a champion girl! You know what, I've beaten Carlos many times! Now I would like to play a game with you, so I could try your skills. Probably you will be my next worthy opponent!
- The pleasure will be all mine – I smiled and winked at him.
- I am shocked... - he shook his head and stood up. – How? How is this possible? We definitely have so much in common. And the fencing... Lissa, you don't stop amazing me!
I shrugged my shoulders and smiled embarrassment. He was so surprised from me that he started walking up and down mumbling something, probably in French. But I couldn't handle this long, because I was already tired from the whole day, so I stood up and said:
- I am cold now, could we turn back to the hotel?
- Oh yes... of course... - he got confused. – If I had a jacket, I would give it to you, but this time...
- I know, Charlie! – I interrupted him and put my hand on his shoulder.
- You know everything, Lissie! – he smiled.
Then we walked away side by side.
We reached the hotel. Charles accompanied me to my room. We stopped in front of my door and turned to each other. The corridor was empty and silent. And now the awkward time has begun.
- I had a great day and wonderful evening – I said to break the tense between us.
- Me too, thank you! – he smiled soft and put his hands in his back pockets of the jeans.
- No, thank you! – I chuckled. – You pulled me out of this paddock and now I am feeling much better. Reacher of positive emotions and memories. And thank you for the scarf, it's wonderful!
- The pleasure was all mine! – he said, smiling, showing his sweet dimples. – Good night, little one!
- Good night, Lord Percival!
I stood up on my toes and leaned to him, then kissed his cheek. When I stepped back, I saw him left open mouthed. Suddenly I felt so embarrassed that I went all red. I rushed to open my door and hid in my room, slamming the door. I leaned my back on it and sighed. My heart was beating fast, the butterflies were flying in my stomach and my head went dizzy. Oh, Mamma mia! What have I done?!
Notes: Hello, hello! Here is the next chapter! Maybe something happens between Charles and Lissa? What do you guys think about? ^_ ^
I hope you liked the chapter and hear the external link - some Zayn content <3
See you at the next chapter and love ya all <3
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