Chapter VIII - "Do you promise...?"
05.Mar – First race of the season – Bahrain GP
Finally. The most long – awaited moment has arrived. The Grand Prix at Bahrain. And I was there, going to watch it live, feel the atmosphere and... take part of it. Oh, God! The wait was worth it. People from all around the world were coming here today to support their favorite team, driver or even team principle. All tickets for the race day were sold out and the seats were being occupied from early morning.
The team stayed till the late night on a meeting to discuss today's plan, but Charles and Carlos did not attend, because they had to be fresh for today. The team principles told the whole team to be at work at nine, because today Scuderia Ferrari was hosting the very important guests which names were going to be revealed right before their coming. How mysterious was that?!
Now I was there, at the paddock, walking down and looking around with a smile on my face. The sun was shining, people around too and some strange tense was filling the air. I was so excited that my heart was going to explode. I was alone again and maybe the first person from our team, who was at work. With a little amount of sleep and heart filled with impatience I wasn't late for a first time ever. I thought that was a good season beginning.
But not only the excitement from the first race of the season was the reason for my wide smile. I was feeling the contract pretty closer to me and I couldn't wait the race to end, to go to Vasseur's office and finally sign the stupid document. I shouldn't forget to thank my aunt that she guessed whatever it was in the coffee.
I walked to the Ferrari motorhome and run across someone who I wasn't expecting at all. Charles and Carlos were already there in their red branded Ferrari shirts and tight jeans, showing their well – shaped bodies. I heard the George Michael's song once again in my head, but I hastened to erase it from my mind and stepped forward to my teammates.
The boys were peacefully drinking coffee, when my heels clacked on the ground and caught their attention. They turned to me and jumped out of joy when they saw me.
- Cinderella! – both shouted in one time.
I chuckled and opened my arms for a hug. We had spent a couple of days together, but I was already feeling like I know them for years. They were also so kind to me and supportive as well, so I could at least give them a little hug for a greeting. Charles came to me first, gently pushing Carlos from his way.
- I can't believe you are here! – Leclerc exclaimed when he released me from his grip.
- Yes, you are almost always late – added Carlos who finally had the opportunity to hug me.
- Well, don't jump into conclusions, you know me only for one week – I laughed and moved away. – And today I have a special occasion to be here earlier.
- Really? – Charles faked a surprise. – And what is it? A good plan to fire up our rivals' garage?
- No... But I am starting to worry about you – I looked at him suspiciously. – How could you even say that?!
- Nevermind, Lissa, it is from the coffee – Sainz waved casually with hand. – He becomes more expansive after one sip.
- Well, I need this magical coffee too so... - I smiled softly. – Could you please show me where I can get one?
- Of course! Follow us! – they said at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed loud.
- Mamma mia! – I exclaimed. – You are like twins!
"Or minions..." – I thought and followed my mates.
A few hours later I was at the conference room with the whole team. Mekies and Vasseur were conducting a briefing on how to behave in front of the special guests at the race today. They were the Prince and Princess of Bahrain. I was excited to meet them, but given to the instructions no one had the right to speak with the royalties at his own discretion... And another stupid rules that I was not going to follow because I didn't even listen to them. I was mechanically repeating the words from the instructions, sitting in the bottom of the room, near the windows. While I was watching through them, I felt someone gentle touching my back. I could feel the well-known smell of bergamot and mint. I already knew who it was.
- I can't believe you are repeating as a parrot "Dr. Snape"'s words! – Charles whispered in my ear, and I got shivers all over my body.
- It is important – I replied quietly and turned to him. – I have been already punished about my behavior.
- And will you be a strict follower of the rules? – he smirked looking me over head to toe.
- Well, I still don't have a plan – I replied and locked my eyes with his.
He was like staring into my soul with his beautiful pure eyes. Leclerc tilt his head without breaking the eye contact, then moved a bit of my hair behind my ear. I felt in stupor and got a dizzy as he had hypnotized me.
- I would like to show you something – Charles whispered returning me into the reality.
- This time, no! – I cut him off and stepped back. – The last time...
- Last time was unpredicted and it won't happen again – he said and took my hand.
- No, Leclerc, just... - I shook my head. – Anytime but not now!
- Come on, chicken girl! – Leclerc chuckled.
- I told you not to call me that way! – I hissed.
- Silent, please! – Mekies shouted and looked at me. – Miss Bernardi...
I tried to maintain myself, but Charles pulled me by the arm and made me keep quiet. Then the door of the conference room opened. Three men dressed in black went into it and looked around. They made a sign to Mekies and Vasseur, who immediately got up from their chairs. The whole team huddled and blocked my view.
- What is happening? – I whispered to Charles.
- The special guests are coming – he replied and smiled.
- And who are they? – I asked puzzled.
- Come! Let's meet them – Leclerc took my hand. – I bet you have never seen a real Royal family.
Before I could answer, Charles pulled me to the front row of the group, where Carlos was already standing. Then through the door entranced I tall slim man in white robe and turban, followed by a beautiful young woman. She was dressed in a long red dress, from her shoulders hung a heavy satin cloak, covered with hundreds of mini crystals. She had a gold turban on her head and in the middle of it, there was a big red ruby.
I was stunned. Her bearing was so majestic, walking like a panther and looking around with her big dark – green eyes, outlined with black pencil and mascara. The woman had plump lips with lipstick in liquor color. I have never seen such a mysterious creature. And the ruby on her head was so big and shiny that my eyes left there.
Suddenly I felt strange. It seemed as if the stone started sparking brighter than before. My heart started beating faster and I felt dizzy, barely being able to breath. I wasn't sure if this condition was because Charles was still holding my hand, or because of all the stress I had lately, but it was getting worse with any minute. Meanwhile I couldn't take my eyes off the stone incrusted at the turban. It was shining more and more.
Then the women turned to me and froze. I got shivers when we locked our eyes and squeezed Charles hand. He looked at me and gasped.
- Lissa are you okay?! – Leclerc asked me in a worried voice. – You are pale as canvas.
I nodded insecure then my legs started shaking, making me groggy. He saw that and interrupted the team principles, asking for a bottle of water. Carlos looked at us and got worried then came closer to me and took my other hand. When I staggered, both drives grabbed me by the waist.
- She needs a breath of fresh air! – exclaimed the woman and opened the door. – Please, get her out pf here!
Charles and Carlos helped me to walk out of the conference room. They took me out of the motorhome, and we sat on one bench in front of it. I took a deep breath of fresh air and closed my eyes. My head was still spinning.
Suddenly my condition started getting better. Charles handed me a bottle of cold water and I drank it at once.
After a few minutes sitting outside in silent, under the worried stare of the boys I finally got the strength to speak.
- Sorry about this, guys! – I said sorrowed. – Maybe the little amount of sleep, the heat here and all this stress got me out of balance.
- We will call the doctor – said Carlos. – You scare us!
- Don't worry I am alright now! – I waved casually with hand.
- Lissa, I have to know what happened with you! – Charles insisted. – You almost passed out!
- Charles, please stop! – I interrupted him. – You both need to get back upstairs and greet your guests. I will sit here for a while and take a little rest before the race. I must be in condition for it.
- Are you sure you want to stay here alone? – asked Sainz and put his hand on my shoulder.
- We are not going to leave you! – added Leclerc and did the same.
They were like competing who is going to show more solicitude about me.
- Guys, I am fine! – I stood up sharply, getting free from their hands. But that act made me bit dizzy and I sat back again.
- You don't look that way! – said Carlos and bit his lips.
- Please don't make it more difficult – I groaned and shook my head. – I will just take another coffee at the lunch break, and everything will be alright.
- You should eat, not only drinking coffee and stress about the work – said with edifying tone Charles.
- Okay, mum! – I rolled my eyes. – Come on now! Go to the conference room and excuse me in front of the guests.
Both drivers nodded and looked me over head to toe worried. I made them a sign to go away. They waved me goodbye and headed back to the motorhome with reluctance.
I sighed in relief and buried my face in hands. This woman was the reason of my condition. I knew it. She and her brightly shining ruby on the turban. Her appearance gave me a flashback from the dream I had once. I started worrying if it was a foreboding dream.
After an hour and more, I made it to the restaurant. I was sitting alone on one table in a shady corner, away from the burning sun and excited crowd. Charles and Carlos were already preparing for the race, and I haven't got the chance to meet them after I sent them away. But that wasn't a problem for me. I was still feeling uncomfortable, because in my head were running thoughts about the mysterious woman I saw earlier. She was so majestic and all this grace she had – a real princess. But not the woman was my subject of thoughts. Her stone was in front of my eyes again and again...
I was casually waving with a piece of paper with closed eyes, when I heard some heavy steps near me. I squinted to see who is trying to reach me, then I saw a thin blond girl in a Ferrari uniform coming to me.
- Miss Bernardi? – she asked, and I fully opened my eyes.
- You are the "Media girl" of Charles, right? – I frowned.
- Yes, but I am not here because of him – the girl said and gave me a little note. – This is for you, from our special guests.
- What is this? – I asked taking the paper from her hand.
- Don't know, maybe a letter – she shrugged shoulders. – I must go... Bye now!
I didn't answer because I was too busy looking at the note.
"Meet me at the VIP balcony, before the race!"
Only that was written on it. I rubbed my nape and snorted. It is dangerous to accept a letter invitations without a signature, but the curiosity in me was stronger than the instinct for self – preservation. I stood up slowly with a heavy sigh and drank the last sip of the coffee left in my cup. Then I put my sunglasses on and headed to the main building to find the person, who wrote me the letter.
A couple of minutes later, I was at the VIP balcony, where only the most reach and famous people had an access. Then I saw her. The woman with the red dress was sitting out there in the corner, surrounded by her bodyguards. They were three of five, I wasn't sure if there weren't more but undercover.
I took out the note from my pocket and looked around, then at it. Small, beautiful handwriting, with calligraphic written letters... And where people learn to write this way? Yes, at the palace.
After I congratulated myself about the genus I was, I headed to the princess of Bahrain. Her bodyguards, tried to stop me approaching her, but she immediately told them something in Arabian and they moved from my way.
- Did you send me this? – I asked directly and showed her the note.
She nodded in agreement. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and asked:
- Why did you do that?
- Please, Miss, sit here! – she said and smiled softly, showing me a chair behind her. – I prepared it for you.
- I am only here for a little while – I said cold. – Why did you call me here, princess?
Then I remembered the etiquette when you are speaking with royals. All the instructions went to hell. But it seemed she didn't care about that.
- I insist you to sit, because... - she looked around and whispered – We have to discuss something in private.
I exhaled heavily and sat on the chair, then the woman took the place next to me. She handed me a cup of freshly made orange juice and smiled softly.
- Drink this, it will make you feel better – the princess said.
- I am fine now – I shook my head. – Just a bit nervous about the race, but nevermind I don't know why I even tell you that.
- May I call you Lissa? – she asked, and I nodded in agreement. – Lissa, I just wanted to talk to you about something very important, but it should stay between us. Okay?
- Of course, I am a good secret keeper – I laughed quietly.
The women took out her purse and pulled out of it a little black and white photo. There was a beautiful young woman, dressed in a long satin dress, with a cloak on her shoulders and a necklace with big rubies. In her hand she was holding a mask as a chessboard.
- See, the woman here – the princess said. – She looks exactly like you.
- It can't be me! – I said still looking at the photo. – I am not three thousand years old!
- I know it is not you! – she laughed. – This is my grand, grad, grandma. She was born in Italy, in a rich family. At her twenties, she became a promised bride to the Persian prince.
- Wait let's make it clear... - I interrupted her. – Why are you telling me all of this?
- Because I want you to help me to solve a big mystery in my family – she said quietly and leaned to me. – You see the ruby on my turban? It is part of this necklace with twelve rubies. My Nonna, how I call her, had a secret lover named the "Chess player". They both had met through her big brother who was also his best friend. Nonna and the "Chess player" were secretly meeting in her brother's presence, to have long conversation about the life and love, while playing chess. Every night. They fell in love, he was writing her poems, sending her flowers, little gifts. But when the arrange marriage was announced, they had to split up. The "Chess player" had gifted my Nonna this ruby necklace in the name of their never-ending love. One stone for each month of the year.
- To not forget about him? – I smiled dreamy.
- Exactly! – the women exclaimed. – But on her last Carnival at Venice, the night before her leaving from Italy, a strange guy attacked her and stole the necklace. She saved only one ruby – the one on my head...
- Seriously?! – I gasped. – That was true?!
Hearing the story which was almost like my dream shocked me.
- What do you mean? – the princess looked me puzzled.
- Nevermind, tell me more! – I waved with hand.
- The lovers had lost connection between each other – she continued. – But after an year of my Nonna's marriage she received a letter, with a poem. It became clear that the "Chess player" had started traveling around the world. From every place he had been, he sent to my Nonna letters with instructions where he had hidden a stone from the necklace. But she was still angry at him, that he didn't come on their meeting before her leaving, that she had never searched for the rubies or even replied to the letters.
- And what do you want from me? – I asked suspiciously.
- To find them – she said confidently. – In her diary are saved the letters from the "Chess player", also there are descriptions of the story of her life. I see you are a strong woman, just as her... And you look like her so...Please help me to find them...
- That is a really big request! – I said and stood up from my place. – I can't give you an answer right now. I am not even sure I will stay here or... I am not the person who you are looking for. Find a private detective or something...
- Lissa, I know you are the person who I am looking for! – she interrupted me and took my hands. – I will be there on the next race. I will find you and... Please, just say yes.
- I have to overthink it... - I stepped back. – But I promise to tell you about my decision on the next race. If I am actually there...
- See you there and... No words about that. Only between us!
- Only between us – I confirmed and smiled.
Then I turned her my back and walked away. So strange situation. Wasn't it?
The lights went out. The race seemed to be good with Charles chasing Max and Carlos being behind Checo. I was watching from Charles' garage because Fred and Laurent were "too worried" about my condition after today's situation. I wanted to take part at the race, but they were definitive – no more stress for me. In their opinion I had done enough work and now the professionals had to make their best. This disregard was freaking me out. Although the good treatment from both drivers I was slowly realizing I had nobody other here. As result of that the intention of never coming back to the track began to creep into my mind even more than before.
Then the worst thing happened. On lap 43 Charles' engine had broken. Everybody at the garage started swearing in disappointment. I saw him on the screens. He jumped out of his car frustrated. I could see how heartbroken he was and suddenly I felt sad about him.
After the steward took him back to the garage, he went to his driver room, without paying attention to the people around. I stayed there watching the race till I heard Carlos saying that he couldn't protect his position. That meant we had lost any chances about the podium... Or even the win.
I couldn't help myself and put my headphones down. After a long time hesitations, I finally made a decision and headed to Charles' driver room. I was curious about him and had the intention to speak with both drivers after the race officially come to an end.
I knocked on his door timidly. There wasn't an answer.
- Charles it's me, Lissa – I said. – May I come in?
A couple of minutes after the door opened. I gasped when saw Leclerc's red watery eyes. That broke my heart even more. He made me a sign to enter.
- Why aren't you by the wall? – the driver asked me in a hoarse voice.
- Fred and Mekies drove me away – I replied and sat on the bench. – I was watching from your garage.
- Then I hope you enjoyed the failure! – he shook his head and sat next to me. – I am a big disappointment!
- No, Charles, stop talking like this! – I said and put my hand on his back. – It wasn't your fault!
- The worse starting of the season! – Leclerc said and covered his face with his hands.
A lump stuck in my throat seeing this big strong man, so down and weak. When he lifted his head up, he locked eyes with mine. The sight made me really upset.
- Well, it is only the beginning of the season, but Ferrari already broke two hearts – I said sorrowed.
- Maybe we are only good at breaking somethings – he sniffed.
- Next time it will be better! – I smiled softly and stroked his back.
- Do you promise? – Charles asked with hope in his voice.
- I promise – I nodded.
Leclerc opened his arms, then pulled me into a gentle hug. This moment was so beautiful. Being in his arms was the most wonderful feeling I have ever had and just thinking that this might be the last time we are together was breaking my heart into a thousand little pieces. I didn't want to see him sad anymore, I didn't want Charles to go through this disaster anymore. But did I have the strength to handle this disrespectful treatment from the team? I wasn't sure.
Someone knocked on the door and we released each other from the hug.
- It is time for my interviews – he said sadly and stood up from his place. – Will we see each other after that?
- I'll try my best – I smiled at him.
- Why aren't you sure? – Leclerc frowned.
- My flight back to Italy is soon – I said and bit my lips to stop myself from starting to cry.
He bowed his head and exhaled heavily. Maybe my answer completely broke him.
- Charles! – I called him, and he looked me one last time before leaving. – Don't forget. Eyes shine, smile wide, head up... Or however you say it.
- Have a nice flight, Lissa! – he laughed through the pain and then walked out.
Isighed and stood up. It was time for me to go out his room and travel backhome.
Note: Hello, hello readers! I am here with the next a bit longer part. I hope you liked and leave some votes/comments if you did.
You could also listen to the external link as always and... See you at the next chapter! <3 XO
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