Chapter LIX - Secret kiss
21.JUL - Budapest
It's been a week since the weekend at Silverstone.
On Wednesday we were in Maranello for the last work duties before the week in Hungary. I hadn't seen Charles in a week and hadn't thought about him until I set foot on the grounds of Maranello. We both didn't met on the Pista di Fiorano. But this time my heart seemed to shatter into a thousand pieces. The last time I saw him was on Pierre and Kika's cam while we were talking and they were at the Wimbledon tennis tournament. Yes, I saw the pictures too... So I decided to focus on my relationship with Sainz and give him the attention I never did during the race weeks. And it's like the two of us really built something deeper between us during that time we spent in a family environment. And I started to feel much more accepted than before.
Thursday morning we left for Hungary and at exactly 11 o'clock we arrived at Ferihegyi. I waited on the sidelines for Carlos to pay attention to his fans, then we both drove to our hotel. We had to quickly get ready for the paddock as we were running late for our media engagements.
I spent the day at the track as usual - seat testing, the traditional track walk, which this time I did with Carlos on the wheels, then discussing the track and strategies for the weekend. The boys were busy all day with interviews and photos, but this time I was with slightly different company while I waited for them to finish - Andrea and Rupert in one place. The two coaches had decided to give me health and fitness advice, I don't know where they came up with this, but almost all the time they talked to me about training, diet, scheduling commitments so that I have enough time for adequate sleep and rest. When Sainz and Leclerc were finally ready for the day, I had already learned 15 recipes for fish and veal, about a hundred conditioning exercises, and the benefits of protein supplements and vitamins for heavy physical exertion like ours.
- Muñeca! - Carlos called me leaving the hospitality.
- Chili! - I happily ran to him and hugged him then whispered in his ear: - Thanks for coming!
- Is it that bad, amor? - he laughed and looked at me playfully.
- Rupert and Andrea drove me crazy - I shook my head. - I have a feeling that I will soon receive a certificate of successful completion of personal trainer training.
- Are you done with the love coo or do I still have to wait for you? - Charles interrupted our little conversation.
I turned and glared at him, then took a step back.
- What exactly are you waiting for, Leclerc? - I asked slightly sarcastically.
- Wow, little Lissie must be mad - he said defiantly. - Don't stress so much darling, it's not good for the skin on the face.
- Oh really? - I exclaimed with feigned surprise and crossed my arms in front of my chest. - And who gave you this beauty hack? Should I guess or keep my spicy opinion to myself?
The situation was heating up. We locked eyes with each other, his dangerously defiant, mine fiery. The fire in my soul ignited in seconds and I was ready to attack Charles. Why did I believe in his empty promises?
- Guys, what's going on with you? - Carlos asked and laughed.
- Nothing! - we replied in unison with Leclerc and looked at each other angrily.
- I'm confused, but it doesn't matter - Sainz sighed.
His arm suddenly found itself around my waist and gently pulled me against him. His teammate's eyes locked on the point of our contact and he clenched his jaw tightly. Although we got along, Charles was showing more and more jealousy.
- Carlos, let's get out of here! - I said quietly. - I want to go back to the hotel, the sun and the heat today have exhausted me.
- Actually, we have some things in the town together - Carlos smiled.
- What kind of things? - I lowered my eyebrows. - Me and you...
- Me too - Leclerc interjected.
We looked at each other and gave each other a sly smile.
- Do we need to take him with us? - I whispered in Sainz's ear.
- What's wrong with you, a few weeks ago you insisted to take him with us, and now... - he replied in the same tone.
- It was a matter of time - I hissed.
- Urm, I'm still here - the Monegasque broke into our conversation. - And I hear you... Lissa!
I rolled my eyes and exhaled heavily. How did things change so quickly...
- Good - I said coldly. - Then let's go faster!
We headed to the parking lot together. I walked between the two boys and to distract myself from the cringe-worthy situation I was in I've decided to explain in my chat with Kika what I had gotten myself into. We got into Carlos's red Ferrari and as I put on my seat belt I asked:
- Where are we going?
- You know, Muñeca, I wanted to surprise you, but I'll tell you... I had the opportunity to contact a tour operator agency - answered Carlos proudly. - And now in Buda, our guide is waiting for us to show us the city.
I looked at him seriously, then smiled widely and hugged him. He really understood how much I wanted to get to know the place where we were staying for the weekend and even went to the trouble of arranging a tour. The gesture was very kind and really touched me.
And indeed, when we arrived in front of the hotel building, I saw a huge Ferrari tour sign held by a girl of average height, with reddish-blonde hair tied in two small high buns, sky blue eyes and pale skin like Snow White. When we got out of the cars I noticed that she had small freckles on her cheeks. She was wearing a Ferrari T-shirt and seemed very excited to be leading our tour of the city.
We had not yet approached her when she began to speak and ventured to shake hands with us.
- Hi guys! I'm Celeste Pataki - a 23-year-old single independent young woman. As you can see, I don't have a husband yet. - She said and showed us her fingers. - But I'm really looking for it, if you're free, don't hesitate. I'm the jackpot!
She looked playfully at the two boys, then her gaze shifted to me and she winked at me.
- Sorry, girl, you activate my bisexuality, but I definitely want a husband.
- Girl tame your horses! - I laughed embarrassed and my face went all red. - I thought we were going on a tour through the city, not on a bridal marker.
- We actually have one but it is too far and it is not included in our tour - she said looking at Charles. - But I would like to make a purchase if you don't mind it...
Charles and I looked at each other and laughed sheepishly. Within seconds, this girl managed to make both of us turn red like students facing an exam in front of the whole class. When I looked over Carlos, I saw he was totally zoned out at this moment. The girl saw this and started laughing.
- Anyways, I will be your tour guide today and will introduce you to Budapest - she took out a large folder with hard covers and gave us maps of the city. - We're going to use maps, cause I've only been living here for two years, but all kinds of idiots have already found me. Asking questions and taking photos is allowed and even mandatory. And keep your values close to you.
The three of us looked at each other. Celeste shocked me with her free behavior. I did not expect this type of tour guide. Most were always very boring.
- Wait, you've lived here for two years? - I said looking at the map. - How did you become a tour guide?
- Magic, baby! - she winked at me.
Charles chuckled behind my back and I gave him a quick bloodshot look.
- Come on now, follow me, we're starting from the Parliament! - said the girl and turned her back on us.
- Can you take us to the market? - Carlos shouted after her.
- Carlos, don't act like a disoriented tourist! - I scolded him. - From a whole city with sights, you just want to see the shops. We have expensive boutiques and at home. Why do you need stores?
- Don't worry, dear, I have the right place for you - Andrashi Boulevard - the tour guide said over her shoulder. - There are both historical landmarks and big expensive boutiques for your teammate. It's weird that he shows interest in the shops and not you.
- Yes, Carlos, what special thing are you going to buy from here? - asked Leclerc in a mocking tone.
- Probably new underpants - I rolled my eyes, looking at the map.
I heard Charles and Celeste giggle and glanced quickly at my friend, blowing him a small air kiss. He glared at me, but he was so cute getting angry at my little taunts that I couldn't take him seriously.
Celeste was a very strange girl, but I gradually grew to like her. As she was telling us facts about the various sights we were seeing, she would suddenly switch to topics from her personal life. Perhaps we found out more about her than about the historical buildings and places we visited. However, I also learned a lot of interesting facts about the city.
Carlos was strangely nervous almost the entire time of our walk, he constantly criticized me and Charles for stopping to take pictures, discussing the facades of the buildings, the cars around, the passers-by. And maybe all of Hungary found out that Charles and I were walking around Budapest, and the most often shouted names on the streets were Charles and Lissa.
I was extremely surprised at the sudden change in my mood towards Leclerc. While we were on the track, I felt such indescribable aggression towards him, and now it was the exact opposite. It was as if we had gone back to those times when the two of us did not have these barriers between us. I had noticed this in the previous weeks too - as much as I wanted to strangle him, I also wanted to kiss him. And that was freaky.
Whether it was because of the constant light flirting with Charles or the fact that Carlos was in a hurry to catch the opening hours of the boutiques, but when we finally reached the shopping street he calmed down. As I was tired from all this running and walking around the city, we sat down on a bench near the Danube. Carlos and Celeste went to get water and ice cream for all of us while I stayed with Charles.
I pulled out my phone and started texting Kika as I waited for them, but I could feel Monegasque's eyes on me.
- Why do you stare at me? - I asked without taking my eyes off the screen.
- I wonder if I should tell you something or leave you alone - he replied.
I grunted back and put my phone down.
- Wait, don't move! - almost screamed Charles and grabbed my chin with one hand and started digging through my hair with the other.
- Che cazzo fai, stupido?! - I tried to pull away from him.
- Stop, darling! - he startled me, as if trying to tame a horse.
Charles laughed and stepped back, holding out his hand to me. A little red ladybug was crawling on his fingers. I gasped in delight. She was so small and sweet and innocent.
- Is beautiful! - I exclaimed.
- Petit Beauté... - Leclerc said softly and smiled widely, revealing her sweet dimples. - Like you darling!
I looked at him shyly and couldn't help but smile. His compliment made me blush, even more so when I heard the familiar Petit Beauté.
- Being tickled by a ladybug is a good sign from the Universe and means that something good will happen soon - we heard Celeste's voice next to us and we both jumped in fright.
The tour guide was carrying a cardboard tray with four ice cream cones in one hand, and with the other she took out her phone.
- There is a belief that it will bring love into your life, if you think of the name of your crush and blow against it, things will work out for you - the girl continued.
Charles chuckled and gave me a playful look, then blew out the little bug.
- Ah, what a beautiful shot! - she exclaimed. - And you two are a very cute couple. I look at you all the time...
- We are not a couple - we said in one voice and looked at each other.
- How come you're not a couple? - the girl was embarrassed.
- You look like a person who follows the gossip - I laughed.
- I only draw the sources, I hate gossip news - stated Celeste seriously.
- Muñeca, what are you doing here? - Carlos joined our company, carrying the bottles of water in his hand.
- Chili has finally appeared! - I exclaimed and jumped from my seat. - Where have you been for so long!
- I was for water and I lost Celeste... - he explained when I grabbed the bottles from his hands and gave them to our company, and I put mine in my purse.
- It doesn't matter, let's continue with the walk! - I interrupted him.
Not intentionally I hit my friend on the buttocks and felt something hard.
- What's that in your back pocket? - I asked him and tried to look, but he turned away.
- I got a box of chewing gum... - he laughed. - I'm very fed up...
- Will you give me a piece of gum, bro? Leclerc asked him.
- No! - Sainz almost screamed, then cleared his throat and said seriously: - Let's go!
We looked at each other in shock. What kind of reaction was that?
We continued our walk.
We visited the so-called Fisherman's Quarter. There in the Church of St. Matthias, my attention was drawn to an unusually placed tile in the wall near the confessional. I waited until Celeste distracted my friends with stories about the stained glass windows and headed towards the place that had so drawn me to itself. Without thinking, I removed the tile from its place and it turned out that there was a secret hiding behind it. I reached inside and pulled out a small wooden box. I hastened to put the tile back in its place and ran and hid in the confessional so that he could see what I had found in peace.
A small piece of paper was hidden in the wooden box, under which was placed a round ruby. My hands shook with excitement and I looked at the piece of paper.
"With love, Chess Player".
I smiled and hid my discovery in my bag, then walked out of the confessional and back to the tour group, who seemed oblivious to my absence.
In the evening I took advantage of the moment while Carlos was taking a shower and opened the princess's diary secretly from him. In it I found a new letter with an Austro-Hungarian stamp. I immediately opened it and started reading.
"Dear Petit Beauté,
I haven't written to you for a long time, but now I found time and decided to tell you what happened to me in the last few days.
I came here to Austria-Hungary on state affairs, as you know I travel a lot, but that is not so important. One night I was coming home too late, and it was suddenly raining heavily outside. I didn't want to risk my health, so I hurried to hide in the nearest place - the church of Saint Matthias. I went inside and while waiting for the rain to stop I met a young lady. She looked so much like you, Petit Beauté, I couldn't take my eyes off her. When I spoke to her, I found out that she knows you, as she was an employee at your residence in Italy. She told me about the engagement ring you had - a small ring in the shape of two intertwined spirals of white gold, with two small stones - a ruby and a diamond - in the centers of the spirals and smaller stones around the edge of the ring. Your husband did a good job, he even made the ring with our ruby stone. I wanted to give her the stone from your necklace and this letter, but she preferred to give you only the letter, as the stone could be discovered by your husband.
I love you Petit Beauté and that's all you need to know.
Sincerely yours,
Chess Player".
I thought about how lucky the princess was, but I had no idea if she realized it... Two men fight for her heart and give her everything she needs...
Friday morning, Carlos and I went to the paddock together. I sent him to his driver room where we both gave each other a long kiss for good luck. Then, happy with the good start to the day, I headed to the kitchen to make coffee for me, Carlos and his cousin. But my plans were ruined when I bumped into Laura.
- Lissie, nice to see you! - the young lady laughed and hugged me.
- Me too, honey! - I said with a smile. - Coffee?
- Ah, no... I'm coming to tell you something... Erm, Vasseur is calling you to his office.
I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. This meant a new problem.
- When should I go? - I asked quietly.
- Now before the Free Practice.
- Thank you Laura.
The women went away and with a heavy sight I left the heat coffee cup, I've just made aside. I headed for Vasseur's office, shaking with worry. I've always stood up to him bravely, but now something has changed.
Without knocking, I entered the room, and the team principal was already waiting for me with folded arms.
- Vasseur, you called me - I said coldly and stepped towards him.
- Yes, Bernardi, I wanted to talk in private - he nodded and sat down in his chair. - How are you today?
- Go straight, I don't have time... - I hissed and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
- Okay, I also want to finish this conversation faster - he said and sighed. - Almost half of the season has passed, you are following things closely... I want to ask you how you feel now in the team.
- Hesitantly - I answered. - I have problems with you.
Vasseur laughed and shook his head.
- I like your directness - he said.
- Is that why you called me? - I raised my eyebrows.
- Lissa, I'll be direct - Frederic stated. - There are 2 races left before the start of the summer break. Next up is the race in the Netherlands. Your career depends on it.
- What do you mean? - I asked and lowered my eyebrows.
- After the summer break, a survey will be released in the team regarding the performance of you and Mr. Jain, as well as a few more new staff in our team. Then before the Monza race the team will meet for a discussion and depending on the results of the poll and your performance up to that point will determine whether you continue with the team or not.
- Aha, you haven't had enough threats so far, so you came up with that, huh? - I laughed in disbelief.
- This is a practice of the team, in these months your trial period passes and no matter how much you don't like it, it is a routine that must be fulfilled - he explained.
I nodded sheepishly and forced a smile.
- Let's hope that I have won the hearts of the team...
- You have to remember that if you don't perform well, you can also be prematurely released - the director got up from his seat. - So you don't only need the love of the team, you also need to do your job properly... Without feelings and priorities.
- The results show that there are no feelings and priorities Vasseur - I hastened to defend myself.
- I'm not convinced... - he laughed. - Anyway. You're free now.
For seconds I remained silent and looked down. He was smiling like he was enjoying torturing me.
I turned my back without saying anything and opened the door to his office. Before I went out Vasseur cleared his throat and called my attention.
- And remember, Bernardi! Not a word from anyone... About our conversations.
- Fuck off, you scumbag! - I hissed and left his office.
The performance of the cars with the new front wing was satisfactory. But that was not the dominant thing in my mind.
In the evening I was laying in bed next to Sainz, but I couldn't sleep. I had a big shock in today's rainy First Practice when Carlos went off the track and got stuck in the grass. Thousands of thoughts were running through my head, causing me even more stress. I was also thinking about Vasseur, who called me today again to tell me that he would like to relieve me of my job. As a result, I was already extremely worried about the upcoming Qualifying and race. I didn't know how I was going to do from here on out. It was so easy for me before, I used to create strategies - I set the whole week from Thursday. But after Monaco everything changed, it became more and more difficult for me because I was trying to do everything so that both drivers to be happy and my boss also... And that never happened.
I rose slightly and looked at Carlos. He was sleeping peacefully, one arm on his stomach and the other around my shoulders. His chest rose and fell evenly and his long eyelashes fluttered slightly. I stroked his face gently and stood up. Decided it would be good to go for a walk since I couldn't sleep, and I needed some fresh air. Everything that has been happening to me lately has exhausted me to such an extent that I have again come to this expectation of rest. And now with another threat of my dismissal, I lost my sleep. I couldn't tell anyone and it bothered me even more.
I got up from my bed, put on my silk robe and tied it so that I covered my entire body. I took the card for the apartment from the table in the living room and went out, then quickly reached the hotel exit and luckily there were no people waiting for their idols in front of the building. I looked around and crossed the street, then found myself in the large landscaped park in front of the hotel.
I looked around uncertainly again and walked down one of the paths between the tall oak trees. And I related in my thoughts.
As I walked slowly, staring at my feet, I heard a noise behind me and quickly looked around, but before I knew it, someone's hand was on my eyes.
- Shit! - I shouted, but my mouth was covered.
- Quiet darling! - Leclerc's voice sounded in my ears. - You will cause all the attention on us!
I pushed him away from me and turned sharply.
- Are you crazy?! - I hissed. - I could have killed you if I hadn't realized it was you!
- And in the tabloids they would call you "The Killer in Red Silk" - he noted, fixing his gaze on my chest, where the peignoir had parted and part of my nightgown was showing.
- Great name to start a career of serial killer - said, choking up. - What are you doing here?
- Why are not you sleeping? - Charles asked me and stepped towards me.
Seeing him bathed in the faint moonlight, wearing a black baggy t-shirt and a baggy black tracksuit was something that touched my heart very much.
- I have a lot things to worry about - I replied with a sigh.
- Doesn't Sainz remove them? - his slightly teasing Pierre-style tone irritated me so I gave him a stern look.
- Why aren't you with your... - the words got stuck in my throat and I couldn't continue.
- Because I'm here with you - Charles replied with a satisfied smile, putting his hands in his pockets.
I looked at him in shock. This sincerity in the statement disturbed me. I knew the Monegasque was always painfully direct, but now... What did that mean?
- Wait, how did you know I was here? - I asked and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
Suddenly there was a loud noise from one of the bushes and I turned sharply in that direction. But all I saw were the fluttering leaves of the cypress.
- There's someone there! - I said startled.
- I'm sure it is just your imagination.
- No, there is someone... look! It could be a paparazzi. I don't want speculation and trouble Charles!
I made my way to the bush and with a jerky movement split it in half to examine. But there was no one, just a piece of red T-shirt. When I felt the material I realized that it was familiar to me.
- Driver's T-shirt - I noted and looked at Leclerc.
- You are a great Sherlock, Lissie! - he exclaimed and laughed embarrassedly.
- I'm like that... One of your friends... Or your brother...
- I won't give away my secret - Charles snapped, and I slapped him on the shoulder and laughed.
- Well... anyway, we're here... Shall we go for a walk?
- With the greatest pleasure, belezza - he replied with a broad smile.
We walked slowly down the path, side by side, and I suddenly flashed back to that night in Maranello when Charles played me his first piece of music. It was nice to go back in time to when we both didn't have this complicated life and our intentions seemed clear to both of us.
- Well, Muñeca... how's life going? - Leclerc giggled sarcastically.
- And how was it at Wimbledon? - I returned the question accompanied by an evil look.
Charles sighed heavily and looked at me reproachfully.
- Okay... Let's...
- Let's not talk about it - we said in unison and laughed.
We continued walking in silence then entered an inner path lit only by the dim light of street lamps. I looked around, trying to remember every detail of this place. I sighed heavily and crossed my arms over my chest, rubbing my shoulders lightly.
- Are you cold? - Leclerc asked worried. - Come on Lissa, it's at least 40 degrees and it's 2 am... I didn't take a jacket to...
- I'm not cold Charles - I interrupted. - I have a little thing to worry about...
- Why, darling? - he stopped and turned to me.
I looked at him for a moment and wondered if I should tell him. But what did he care, it was Charles for God's sake... Charles who I used to share everything with without a problem.
- Vasseur... - I said with a sigh.
- I knew it! - Leclerc rolled his eyes. - What has this old stupid man done?
- He told me that after the summer vacation, there will be a survey to the team for the new recruits, if I don't collect enough positive opinions and... winning strategies... You know what will happen.
The Monegasque fell silent and stepped closer to me. He placed his hands gently on my shoulders and looked at me with concern.
- At least the team loves you, darling - said the driver in his favorite growling voice. - And you don't have to worry about strategies, you always succeed...
- Enough nonsense, Leclerc! - I interrupted him and turned away so that he wouldn't see the tears welling up in my eyes. - Can't you see it's getting worse with every race... Why did I think I'd make the team great again? I thought I would change something, but except for things getting worse, I did nothing else!
I lowered my head and a few tears rolled down my cheeks.
- Hey, hey, little one, don't talk like that! - Charles whispered and lifted my chin with his fingers. - Darling, it is not true that you did not bring a positive change to our team. Can't you see? When has Sainz been so motivated to win? He has never had such good records since he was my teammate. And me... When have I allowed myself to defend my opinion, to tell the whole team what I want... To show aggression towards the people who torment me... To resist and condemn their mistakes. You and your strength to fight against the bosses, not to be afraid to state your positions without caring who is standing against you, to subdue a whole team of men and lead everything and everyone... Lissa you motivate us more than our personal coaches, taught 200 men to accept women's opinions and listen to...
- Not Xavi - I giggled.
- Can you get a mindless single cell to listen to someone when it doesn't have the capacity to process the information - Leclerc laughed, and I followed suit. - But joking aside, darling, you made our lives better.
- Is that why you and Carlos constantly argue on the radio? - I looked at him uncertainly.
- That's another thing I don't think we need to discuss now, little one - Charles half-smiled.
I nodded and looked down. Leclerc was really able to give me back the hope, to encourage me.
- Vasseur will not kick you out because of the strategies... There are people who have been performing badly and for a long time and are still in the team - continued Charles.
- Xavi - we both said in unison and laughed again, and I snorted, wiping away my tears.
- The bad thing is that it's not the first time he's threatened me with this - I shook my head.
- Really? - The Monegasque was surprised and stepped back. - Lissa, is there something I don't know?
I looked at him dumbfounded. I was about to share about Vasseur's ban. No, I had to cover it up. Charles wasn't supposed to know.
- Well, Vasseur has been threatening me for a long time to fire me for this and that... Here is Spain, for example...
Charles nodded and looked at me suspiciously, as if trying to determine if I was telling him the truth. And I was saying half of it. But he looked like he knew something...or suspected me.
- It's getting late... I think I should go back to the room - I said in an attempt to get out of the situation. - I have to get up early tomorrow so we can go to the track before the traffic starts.
The Monegasque chuckled and stepped towards me, wrapping one arm around my waist. My heart skipped a beat and shivers ran down my spine.
- You're chasing - he whispered.
- Pardon? - I lowered my eyebrows.
- You chase, darling! - the driver rubbed my nose with his finger and stepped back. - If you don't catch me, you'll have to... Come to the track by bike!
Charles ran down the path, and I shouted after him:
- No, Charles, you know how uncomfortable the wheels are here...
- Catch me if you can, darling!
I shook my head and ran after him as hard as I could to catch up. But this boy was really fast and pretty well trained. We both ran across the lawns and paths like little kids, laughing, hiding behind tree trunks and trying to catch up with each other. At that moment we were wild and happy.
Suddenly I ran towards one of the trees and at that moment Charles jumped into my way and we collided. As a result, I fell to the ground and Leclerc fell on top of me. Our faces were millimeters apart again, our lips on the verge of touching, our bodies pressed against each other.
There was silence and time seemed to stand still. The song of crickets filled the space around us, the air hot and hard to breathe, barely finding its way into the lungs of both of us out of breath from running. The moon shone on Charles' beautiful thin face, and he looked like a pale Renaissance nobleman. His blue-green eyes were fixed on me and twinkled just like the stars in the sky, and his lips curled into this sweet little smile that revealed his dimples. I hadn't seen this beauty up close in quite some time, and only now did I realize how much I missed it.
Leclerc brushed a lock of hair from my face and looked at me dreamily, licking his lips lightly. And on that hot summer night, in the middle of July, both of us so wild from the heat and our crazy daily routine, our hearts beat fast, in unison. The Monegasque made a slightly uncertain movement towards me, closing the distance between us even more, and I couldn't resist and gave in to the temptation.
I closed my eyes and the next moment I felt the tentative touch of Charles' lips against mine. And I answered, I didn't back down. On the contrary, I even entwined my fingers in his hair giving him a sign that I wanted to deepen the kiss, and Charles understood perfectly and moved on to my favorite French kiss. Electricity ran through my body and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. It was the second time I had kissed him so passionately and again it felt like it was the first time. My heart was beating so fast it was about to burst out of my chest. My whole body shook and I wanted more and more of him. I felt one of his hands go down to my thigh and with one passionate movement he pulled me closer to him and I let out a small moan without control. And at that moment I felt I had to stop. What about Carlos?
We both pulled away from each other and looked at each other and I bit my bottom lip.
- Lissa how do you always do it? - he asked in a whisper.
- Which one? - I whispered barely catching my breath.
- You are so irresistibly attractive - said the Monegasque and kissed me again pssionatly. - I'm trying to stop but... I can't Petit Beauté, I can't...
- But Charles I...
- I know you are with Carlos now, I understand you perfectly and I don't want to confuse you - he continued. - But Lissie, I promised you something and I will fulfill it. I will wait for you and fight.
- Is that why in your room there is...
- It doesn't matter who's in mine because there's someone in yours also, right - Charles interrupted me.
- Let this remain our little secret - I whispered, biting my lip. - They don't need to understand... Right...
- Nothing wrong happened, just an incident - he replied.
We both laughed and I gently caressed his face. I felt as if I had betrayed Carlos, but at the same time the happiness after my kiss with Charles was immeasurable. And suddenly there was that confusion I felt every day. What to do?
- Let me send you off - Charles said, standing up.
- Better not... - I shook my head and took the hand he gave me. - You don't know who will see us.
I stood up and brushed off my clothes. We both looked at each other shyly. My cheeks burned with worry, and so did Charles's. Maybe it was a mistake that I was tempted to kiss him, but... It was already over, we had released the tension between us and it wouldn't happen again. I'm sure.
- Good night, Lord Percival! - I said quietly and blew him a quick air kiss.
- Good night, Little one!- he shouted after me, and I ran down the path back to the hotel.
Notes: Hello lovely people! I am glad to see you again here. It was a really intense week and now here I am with the new chapter.
Soo here we have finally releasing the tension between our lovely Charles and Lissa. But how long they could hide their little secret? And what comes next?
I hope you liked the chapter - give a star/comment if so, aaaand see you in the next paaart!
Love you <3 <3 <3
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