Chapter LII - Pillow talk
30.Jun. - Qualifying day
I spent the night in the small living room in Carlos' apartment. I waited until he was fast asleep so I could get out of his grip and read the new letter from Chess to the princess.
"Dear Petit Beauté,
I am writing to you after a long absence, for which I am very sorry. I had actually decided not to bother you as after meeting your husband, I knew you were in good hands... Probably he really is the one, so in an attempt to forget you for a period of time, I settled down away from the government duties in our country. I found a very nice place - a castle, on top of a mountain in the Alps. The town at the foot of the mountain is small and cozy, and the place where I live is quite isolated from people, and this gave me peace for a certain period of time. I found time for myself, to rethink my life, I even found a new hobby - I learned to play the piano. I have a huge white piano in the middle of a big ballroom and the truth is... I dream of seeing you one day, dancing with me here.
I miss you Petit Beauté and can't stop thinking about you. That's why I decided to write to you again and go back to Italy to continue with my work. In the meantime, you were my muse to write music the whole time, and I put one of the rubies on the case of the piano to remind me of you and keep me inspired. I hope you visit this unique place one day and see where I left a piece of myself... for you.
Your faithful,
Chess player."
Clutching a letter in my hands, I hadn't realized when I fell asleep. The thoughts in my dreams revolved around only one thing - I imagined the princess and Chess dancing together in the great hall of the castle, alone, away from everyone, devoted only to the feelings they feel for each other. Pure and true love, eternal, which nothing and no one can destroy.
I woke up to the door hinges creaking. Within seconds I opened my eyes and crumpled up the letter, tucking it into the wide sleeve of my robe. There it was certain that it would not be seen by anyone entering the room at the moment.
- Muñeca, why are you here? - I heard the sleepy hoarse voice of Carlos and jumped from the sofa.
- You were snoring - was the first thing that occurred to me to say.
- Pardon?! - exclaimed the Spaniard. - They have never complained about me snoring before.
- They didn't complain? - I raised my eyebrows. - Which Carlos? The thousands of women you've slept with?
- Lissa, why do you twist my words like that? - he was indignant and approached me.
I looked down at his body. He was only in boxer shorts, and his bare skin was bristling.
- I don't twist them - I crossed my arms in front of my chest. - I'm just waiting for an explanation who are the people who didn't complain.
- Muñeca 90% of my time I spend with men - Sainz smiled gently and came even closer to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. - I don't know why your first thought was like that, but I like to see little signs of jealousy in you.
- Not signs of jealousy - I sulked.
- Oh, Muñeca, don't deny it, I see it in your eyes!
He chuckled and leaned in to kiss my lips, but I turned away. Carlos stopped for a moment and looked at me up and down in shock. I thought for a moment and realized how stupid I was acting. In order to conceal the letter, and out of panic not to be discovered, I became unnecessarily rude.
- I'm going to go change and I suggest we go down for breakfast - I said and tried to separate from the Spaniard's grip, but he pulled me to him and stopped me.
- I like hearing a meal suggestion from you - he said and winked at me, looking expectantly at me.
I shook my head and laughed in disbelief. Sometimes he acted like a big kid, but for some reason I liked that. Carlos tried a second time, leaning closer to me and connecting our lips in a gentle kiss. This time I didn't back down. I liked it and stayed, even entwining my fingers in his hair.
- You can go now, Muñeca - he whispered, breaking away from our kiss.
I stroked his cheek gently and quickly placed a short kiss on his lips before running to the room to change.
We went down to breakfast and as always, I took charge of keeping a table while the rest of team 55 were busy putting the entire buffet on their plates. The only thing I asked Carlos for was a hot cappuccino.
As I sat at the table waiting for my order, I pondered my new discovery. I felt like I was living in some kind of meta universe, I found such connections between Chess and Charles, even their names were similar. I realized that even on my phone, Charles was written as Charlie Perceval, and the initials of that name are C.P. The interesting thing was that I still couldn't figure out the Princess's name. They never called her by her name, always by her nickname. But I didn't even know Chess' name... I only knew his eyes - those big, honest blue-green eyes...
- Breakfast, madam! - I heard behind me and suddenly a plate full of pancakes appeared on the table in front of me.
I turned sharply, snapped out of my trance, and almost screamed when I met Arthur.
- Arthy, my brother from another mother! - I jumped up from my seat and threw myself on his neck. - Oh, Mio Dio, how I missed you!
- I missed you too, little one - he replied, hugging me tightly.
- Come on, sit down, tell me what's going on with you - I said, breaking away from him and pulling the chair next to me.
- Oh, Lissie, I'm not alone - Arthur scratched his nape nervously. - I also run a company.
At that moment, Charles and Lorenzo came out from inside the restaurant, with several glasses of soda and a light protein snack on their plates. In an attempt to find their brother, they looked all over the terrace, and the moment their eyes fell on us, a smile crossed Lorenzo's face, and Charles sputtered. However, I realized that his eyes were not fixed on me, but somewhere behind my back.
I slowly turned and glanced over my shoulder at Carlos, who had already adopted the mask-like jealous expression.
- Oh, my dear, would it be a problem for you if Arthy sits next to me? - I asked him with an innocent smile, knowing that this would annoy him terribly.
- If that's what you want, my little princess - he faked a smile and handed me the cup of coffee he was carrying. - The promised Cappuccino... I'll keep the breakfast for myself, obviously you already have one.
Arthur and I looked at each other guiltily, then I gave him a subtle wink to reassure him that nothing serious had happened. And it really wasn't serious, Carlos was just in this full Latino mood... Like every time Charles is around.
Over breakfast, Charles and Carlos chatted heavily about this weekend and discussed possible strategies for the race - something I should be interested in, but I didn't take part in that conversation. I quietly swallowed the pancakes that Arthur brought me along with my coffee and didn't pay them any attention... And they didn't even include me in the conversation. The youngest Leclerc seemed to notice this, and by the posture his body took - he turned his back completely to Carlos, I knew he was planning to initiate a dialog only between us two.
- Are you all right, darling? - he asked quietly.
- Yes, everything great - I replied with a touch of irony in my tone.
- You don't look like this - Arthur replied.
- Trust me, it's true - I forced myself to smile. - Carlos cares for me... even more than I expected.
- My brother is a total fool to let you go - the blonde whispered, and I looked at him reproachfully.
- They'll hear you and we'll be in a terrible situation - I replied in a whisper.
- I just want you to know that I condemn his choice - Arthur shrugged.
- Which choice do you condemn, bro? - Charles joined our conversation.
His brother turned to him keeping his composure and with his characteristic broad smile said:
- Your choice of combination in clothes, my dear brother!
I looked at Arthur in astonishment and felt my cheeks burn with concern. From the look on Carlos's face, as he leaned forward to look at me, it was clear that he suspected little Leclerc was lying. Either he had heard us, or he really had the flair of an investigator.
- Lissa, I thought at least you wouldn't judge me - laughed Charles, putting me in an even more awkward position.
- I am a meek listener of your brother, but at some point, I share his opinion - I answered with a half-smile. This should have told Arthur that I agreed with him about the real topic of our conversation.
- Lissa, I think we're late for the circuit - Sainz said sharply and stood up. - Shall we go or are you going to sit here still discussing the fashion crimes of our teammate?
I gave the Spaniard a confused look then nodded slightly and finished my cup of coffee. I got up from my seat and said goodbye to our company, then Carlos squeezed my hand tightly and led me to the exit of the restaurant. He didn't have to say anything, his actions said enough that he was drunk of jealousy.
We arrived at the track and got out of Sainz's red Ferrari then both walked in silence towards the paddock, although it felt like we had a lot to say to each other. I knew my friendship with Charles and his brothers was driving him crazy. It was clear to everyone that there had once been something between me and Charles that had not developed, but... It will never be forgotten. This was also the reason why Carlos was currently angry. I knew it could affect his performance on the track today, and it was extremely important not to get distracted right now.
We entered the Ferrari hospitality and Sainz headed to the kitchen to make his traditional coffee. I followed him.
- Carlos - I finally dared to speak. - You are very quiet this morning.
- Me?! - he pretended to exclaim. - No, there is no such a thing. I focus on the tasks of the day.
- Don't lie to me, Carlito - I said in a hushed tone and put a hand on his shoulder. - I know there is something you don't want to tell me right now.
Sainz turned and looked at me defiantly. A small smile crossed his lips, and he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. His body relaxed and finally regained his composure.
- I would never lie to you, Muñeca - he replied softly, leaning in slightly and connecting our lips in a tender kiss.
I returned the kiss, relieved that the danger of "thunder in Paradise" had passed. At that moment there was a slight cough behind us, and we both pulled away from each other. When we turned around, we saw Papa Sainz.
I wiped my lips and looked down shyly. I heard Carlos's chuckle softly and pat me on the back, trying to calm me down.
- Aren't you supposed to be at the garage? - asked Carlos' father.
- Good morning to you too, Mr. Sainz - I said through gritted teeth.
- Lissa, what are these moods early in the morning? - he asked mockingly.
I shot a quick glance at my friend and prepared to respond appropriately to the scathing tone, but Junior cut me off.
- Dad, do you want coffee? - he asked loading a new capsule in the machine.
- Yes, son, and let's talk... - replied Sainz Sr. and came closer, looking at me seriously. - In private.
I smiled sheepishly and kissed Carlos on the lips goodbye, then took the cup of freshly brewed coffee and left the kitchen. What did they have so secret to say to each other that it was necessary to remain alone?
There were a few minutes left before the start of FP1. I stood in front of the two garages and surveyed the cars from afar, taking satisfaction in their appearance. The modified floor and sides of the front wing were expected to change the flow of air entering the front tires of our cars, which by all laws of physics should be the key to increasing our speed. Altitude was of utmost importance here. In thin air, the load on the tires and the cars themselves is greater, so in the design improvements, three slits were made in the sides of the front wing to allow more air flow past our front tires. I was really hoping that all these improvements would help us succeed and finally achieve the coveted podium and P1 on Sunday.
FP1 started at 28 degrees in the air and 49 degrees on the track. We only had 60 minutes on the track in which to implement the tests on our cars for the upcoming race days. We start with Hard tires. Despite the fast laps our boys recorded they were P10 for Charles and P11 for Carlos after 8 minutes on track. The hot track temperature was not good for our cars. They did not find the necessary traction, which was also proved by Carlos. On one of the laps, his backside was limited in the turn, and he went off the track around the first turn. And my heart just sank when I saw our boys at the bottom of the ranking. If this trend continued in qualifying, none of our improvements would make sense.
For the attacking driving style of our drivers, the Hard tires did not give them confidence at all, on the contrary, on the exit of the last corner, Charles dropped the rear and left the limits of the track. I would have liked to have kept them on the track and not changed tires yet, never mind that the grip on the Hards was very limited, but we had to get information for Sunday. One of the best strategies would be "Medium, Hard, Hard", in a long series of laps this would be very useful, but still 40 minutes before the end I called Charles first in the pit while Carlos stayed to work some more. Soon after, we brought Sainz in as well. We continued the long run of laps on Hards as I continued to insist that our drivers get used to running their cars at race pace on this type of tires. Yes, everything is great on Soft tires, but we can't last a whole race on Soft tires.
10 minutes before the end, I could no longer bear to look at our guys in the last positions - obviously, the car settings had to be worked on in this direction. That's why I called them in the pits and we changed to Softs. It was now time to do the Qualifying simulations. And here - 1.06.209 for Charles which gave him P1. Sainz started after him - 1.06.084 and now P1 was for him. With three purple sectors, Sainz made me very happy and hopeful for the upcoming Qualifying sessions. Leclerc was good on the straights and Carlos on the corners if we took that advantage and we could do wonders.
Analysis based on 10 minutes on the Soft tire track showed us within 1-2 tenths behind the RB, which was great given our recent setback. And at the end of practice, we finished P2 for Carlos and P3 for Charles. Something that was not often seen - Carlos recording a better time than Leclerc.
A few hours later it was time for the Qualification. I settled into my seat on the pit wall and went through all my pre-race rituals. Then I put on my headset and got on the radio.
- Welcome aboard SF-23, it's time for Qualifying, key to our launch on Sunday. You start with temperatures of 26 degrees air, 43 degrees tarmac, southwest wind, 36% humidity and gathering clouds. There is a chance of rain, but the qualifying results aren't in danger. Good luck boys!
- Good luck, Lissie! - replied the two pilots.
- You may leave the box - I said contentedly and silenced my microphone.
We are among the first for Q1 on Softs. On their first lap, the boys registered P6 Leclerc and P10 Sainz, but because Carlos had left the course outline - his time was erased.
- It will take one more warm-up lap to warm up the tires well, guys. And you'll definitely have to do two quick laps after that, okay?
- Copy - they both answered.
With 11 minutes to go in Q1, Bottas dropped the rear axle and came out of the barriers, prompting a red flag. It was a pretty bad scenario for qualifying because the radars showed clouds coming in from the northwest over the hills. Sainz was in the elimination zone and now he is back in the pit, along with Leclerc. We had enough time and opportunities to achieve a better result, especially after we received information that Max's time was deleted. But I was worried that we might not make it. I gave the two pilots some quick advice and insisted that they follow the two white limit lines very closely, as air traffic control obviously cared a lot about it.
On the restart, Sainz went first, even before Max, and behind him was Leclerc, and we put on brand new Soft tires.
In the fast laps now Sainz came out P1 1.05.339 and Charles P3 1.05.577. I was very satisfied, this was the result I expected from the very beginning. Now they just had to be careful not to slow anyone down the track. And just before the end of Q1 we put our drivers in the pits and Perez and Norris recorded some pretty fast times moving us up to P4 for Charles and P5 for Sainz and at the very end Gasly overtook Charles.
Q2 started - the two Ferraris came out immediately behind Red Bull on new soft tires. After 2 practice laps, Leclerc entered a fast lap, and Sainz before that, but they remained in P6 and P9. So, I immediately submitted information for a second quick tour from both of them. And Charles registered P8 and Carlos P5. And after erasing the laps of Perez and Verstappen we took P4 Sainz, P7 Leclerc. We called them both into the pits and changed Sainz's tires, then let him out on track again. Charles followed him.
Sainz managed after two preparation laps to register second time with 6 minutes to go and Charles was in the elimination zone. Now I'm already worried. I called Sainz into the pits and Leclerc started his fast lap and registered P5, but due to the erasure of Perez's result he rose to P4. I took a deep breath - there were 3 minutes left in Q2 and the only thing I had to worry about now was that one of our drivers' laps were not deleted. But fortunately, the positions remained. I sent Sainz back out onto the track to try another fast lap and fight off Perez. But at the end of Q2 I realized it was unnecessary as they erased Perez's time again. And we got our drivers in the pit.
I was watching the stats - Sainz was faster than Charles from the start of the weekend and it was bothering me. I didn't want Charles to lose motivation. So, I quickly contacted Charles and gave him a few words of encouragement before the start. And then both Ferraris took to the track for a warm-up lap on brand new Soft tires.
Both drivers logged their laps P2 for Charles and P3 Sainz. And Charles went back to his familiar Carlos-dominant pace, and I couldn't hide my smile.
We put the pilots back in the box. After changing the tires again our drivers took to the track 2 minutes before the end of Q3.
First Sainz finished his lap registering P2 and Charles after him went into his at pace - so risky to go out of line but with incredible aggression and managed to extract speed which by definition was not contained in this machine but managed to register a time slower than Max's. He replaced Sainz as well. So, Charles ended up in P2 and Carlos in P3. We greeted my colleagues at the pit wall and then I ran to the fences to greet the guys.
- Mio Dio, Charlie, I am so happy for you! - I shouted, pushing the engineers who had gathered to greet the boys.
- Darling! - he exclaimed, and we both hugged each other tightly, giggling.
- You were close to being in front of Verstappen, but I am convinced that you will have the opportunity to overtake him - I said with a big smile and ruffled his hair.
- You know I'll try to make you proud of me - he laughed.
- You always make me proud, Charlie!
The Monegasque and I air-kissed each other and he separated from us to return to the cubes. I followed him with my gaze, smiling widely, and suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.
- Lissie, I'm sorry to interrupt your dreaming, but... - Fusaro said delicately, standing next to me. - Remind me please who your boyfriend is.
I rolled my eyes and punched him lightly on the shoulder, then we both laughed. But it wasn't funny at all, if I really gave that impression to those around me, then Carlos probably noticed it too. And thinking of Sainz, he just walked up to us. I held out my hands to him and we intertwined our fingers.
- Sainz, smile, you got a great result! - I exclaimed, and he chuckled.
- The teamwork was on a great level! - the Spaniard winked at me and let go of my hands to accept the congratulations of the rest of the team.
For a moment I even felt a little offended by his words, I couldn't help but compare his behavior to that of Charles, but maybe it was his teammate that was the reason for his cold response now. I turned to Fusaro who was still standing next to me, and he gave me a quick reproachful look as if to say "I told you so!" I gave him an embarrassed smile and stepped back slightly to make room for Rupert who was trying to reach Carlos. Max was too busy with his Maxplaining and Charlie was his listener when Sainz joined them. I watched this picture, and a thousand thoughts about my relationship with the drivers swirled in my head. And at that moment, the three were first called for a photo, and then Max was awarded.
As soon as they released them, Carlos immediately turned on us. He took his water from Rupert and gave me a quick side eye. When he saw my sullen face, he approached me, wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear:
- We'll talk in the room, Muñeca.
I nodded weakly and he planted a gentle kiss on my cheek, then with a slow tiger walk he moved towards Max and Charles who were still talking heatedly.
In the evening I sat in bed and waited for Carlos to finish his shower. I looked at the rain through the window and thought if tomorrow everything would be okay if it would rain, and our race would fail. I was worried and scrolled nervously on my phone from time to time, meanwhile Artur and I exchanged a few cheerful messages about today's Qualifying. He informed me that Charles had not been happier since Baku. And I thought about how nice it was in Baku and how I wish we could achieve even greater success than that there.
Soon after Sainz came out, towel wrapped around his waist, wet hair and droplets of water on his evenly tanned skin, I put my phone away and stared at him. He pulled out a new pair of boxers from the closet and, drying his hair, turned to me.
- You're smiling - he remarked, and I just now realized that there was a smile on my face, looking at him. - What is the reason?
- You - I answered simply. - I am happy for you. Great success today, it was a good day... From P4/P5 at the start of the season to P2/P3... Unseen results, Carlos.
- And isn't Charles the real reason you're happy? - he asked me seriously while putting on his boxers without removing the towel from his waist.
I was silent for a moment, and he invited me with a look to give my answer more quickly.
- Of course, I'm happy for both of you - I said embarrassed. - Your results were...
- It didn't look like that at the fences - Sainz said and finally tossed the towel aside, leaving only his boxers on.
I couldn't help but focus on his dignity. And my heart skipped a beat, and I licked my lips greedily.
- Carlos... - I began tentatively, then looked up into his eyes and cleared my throat to regain my confidence. - I am equally happy for both of you. Still, don't forget that I'm first and foremost a strategist and second... your girlfriend.
Sainz stood still for a moment, and it struck me that for the first time since Spain so far, I called myself his girlfriend.
- And yet, I see that Charles is the one who makes you happy after a day of racing - replied the Spainard reproachfully.
- I'm not going home with him to the room, but with you - I answered seriously. - Therefore, you are the one who makes me happy.
- By some incredible coincidence, not because you wanted it - he rolled his eyes and turned his back on me, starting to look for a T-shirt in the wardrobe.
- If I didn't want to be with you Carlos, I would be alone and not here now - I replied with growing irritation in my tone.
- Ah, fuck you, Lissa! - he exclaimed indignantly and threw the clothes he was holding in his hands heading for the bedroom door.
- I would like to... - I said without thinking and the Spaniard froze in place.
He turned slowly and looked at me questioningly, like he wasn't sure if he heard correctly, and I smirked playfully and uncrossed my legs, slowly getting up from the bed.
- What did you just say? - Carlos asked, slowly approaching me.
- You heard me - I answered and smiled devilishly. - I accept your offer if it still stands from almost a minute ago...
I felt it was going to happen a long time ago, I just couldn't predict when. We both stared into each other's eyes for a long time and the room echoed with the sound of the rain falling outside. I carefully put my hands behind my back and secretly removed the bracelet from my wrist. I felt it would be wrong to wear it at that moment.
It was as if the intro of Corrida was playing in my head. Sainz looked just like a bullfighter, fixing his gaze on the bull before stabbing it with his saber. Challenging, dark eyes full of desire for something unholy. He ran his fingers over his plump lower lip, his gaze growing even more ferocious.
And suddenly, as if thinking every move carefully, Sainz grabbed my waist, pulling me sharply against him and kissed me passionately, unconsciously allowing me to leave my bracelet on the locker next to me, and a second later my back was against the soft bedding. Soft moans escaped my lips as he kissed my neck, his hands caressing every part of my body. We separated for a moment while he removed my blouse, then continued with the hot caresses that gradually turned into something more.
I let out a loud moan the moment I felt him enter me, hot waves flooding my entire body. The sweet pain I felt brought tears to my eyes and made me unconsciously dig my nails into Sainz's back. Carlos started slowly and bit down on my neck causing me to give another louder moan. He gradually picked up the pace, leaving wet kisses all over me and occasionally biting my skin or bringing our lips together in a passionate kiss.
Our bodies moved in unison, small beads of sweat breaking out on Junior Matador's forehead, his muscles tensing with each movement, soft moans escaping our lungs, echoing throughout the room. And this was the moment when we officially started something more - when I finally felt us in a stronger relationship.
Notes: Hello guys! Here I am with the brand new chapter aaaand something really spicy. I promised to publish more often, but I am trying... And this is something to compensate my absence lately. :D
So after all there is one question - Do you think Lissa went too far with Sainz, or this is something that was expectable from them both? Waiting with impatience for your opinion. <3
Guys, hope you liked the chapter - give a star/comment if so, hear the external link for a better mood I recommend :D aaand see you in the next part! <3
Love you all! <3
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