Chapter L - Hesitations
18.JUN – Canada GP
I woke up to a knock on my door and the sound of it opening. When I opened my eyes I saw Carlos walking towards me. He was already dressed in his red uniform and was holding my laptop bag in his hands.
- Good morning, Guapa! - he smiled gently. – You left your things in my driver's room last night, then disappeared...
- Sorry, Mekies informed me that today I will lead the strategy of the race and I had to be left alone to think it over – I smiled, sitting in my bed.
I guess I managed to fool him, because he nodded in response, then left my laptop bag on the armchair in the corner of the bedroom. Sainz sat on the bed next to me and took my hand.
- I have a good news – he said quietly. – Last night I changed the Ferrari for a bigger car so we could all travel together in it to the circuit. This way I wouldn't miss any moment with you.
I smiled. The care he took for me really touched my heart and against the things that happened yesterday, Carlos was starting to win me over more and more.
- I'm sorry for the penalty - I lowered my head guiltily.
- Well, it's not your fault, Muñeca - Carlos shrugged and gently caressed my cheek. - There are some problems in the communication in the team and we have to solve them.
- Let's fire the morons who are hired as race engineers... - I rolled my eyes. - First of all Xavi, I don't know how Charles still handle this.
- Charlie was very angry yesterday, I saw him lunging at the pit wall... - remarked the Spaniard, and I swallowed hard.
Instinctively I pulled the sleeves of my T-shirt, to be sure he wouldn't see the bruises Charles left on my yesterday. It would be good if they were from something positive, but unfortunately, they were only from his rudeness.
- Mekies fixed the things - I said with a slight smile. - But Charles suffers a lot from the mistakes that fool makes. First he failed him in Monaco, then in Spain, yesterday...
- Lissie, do you want to go to breakfast - Carlos interrupted me suddenly.
I looked up at him and frowned. He obviously didn't like me talking about his teammate, but the topic was a problem related to my work and he should have listened to me. I saw the jealousy in his eyes and shivers ran down my spine. He was going into a full Latino mood and that wasn't something I would like.
- I will skip the breakfast today - I replied, giving him a half smile. - I just need to change and we can go to the circuit.
- You know my opinion about skipping... – started the Spaniard but I didn't want to listen to him again.
I leaned to him and forced to interrupt his sentence with a kiss. Sainz was surprised, even I was surprised. I had never initiated our physical contact myself. What was wrong with me?
The Spaniard wouldn't let me separate from him and quickly pulled me into his lap, deepening our kiss. Well, I couldn't deny that the feeling was nice and it got nicer every time.
And at that moment the phone in his pocket rang, breaking our intimate moment. Carlos groaned and looked at the screen – it was his cousin.
- I guess we'll have to leave it for later, Muñeca - he whispered, winking at me.
- You'll just have the motivation to drive faster, Carlito - I replied with a cheeky smile.
- My sweet girl knows best how to motivate me - he replied, caressing my face with his huge palm.
We kissed again then I rolled back onto the bed and looked at him stunned. Yeah, he was so well looking, but... I actually missed Charles.
- I will wait for you downstairs, Muñeca - said Carlos with a huge smile on his face.
- I'll be there in 20 minutes – I replied quietly.
Sainz blew me an air kiss and left my room. When I remained alone, I looked at the bracelet on my hand.
"Was that the right course of action, Chess?" – I thought and bit my lips. Next, I just let out a deep sigh and stood up from my bed, to start preparing for the race day.
As always every day there was a large amount of fans waiting for our drivers to get their photo and autograph chance. I was the first to leave the hotel, led by Carlos's cousin, with the driver walking behind me. He stopped to pay attention to the fans while I got into the car and humbly waited for him. I was cold as my jacket had disappeared somewhere last night and now I had nothing to wear, so I was in our long sleeved vest uniforms. I watched through the window as Carlos gave his attention to the fans, but he looked worried.
There was little difference between him and Charles, which I could see while I was watching to them. Carlos was often nervous around the fan crowds while Charles always greeted them with a smile even if he was in a hurry. And so I thought of Charles again, and mentally reproached myself. At this moment Sainz turned to the car and waving to the fans he jumped on the driver's seat.
- Are you ready to go, Muñeca? – he asked looking at the rear-view mirror.
We met our eyes. For a moment I remembered how I was traveling on the back seat, looking into Charles' eyes a few months ago. As a response I just nodded and looked through the window of the car. Yeah, I definitely missed Charles, even though he hurt me... a lot.
Carlos, Caco, Rupert and I arrived at the parking lot in front of the circuit. Carlos got out of the car and I waited for his cousin and coach to get out first. I noticed that Charles was already here and my heart started beating faster than before. I wondered if Pierre had told him about our conversation yesterday, and if he had, does this affected Leclerc in any way.
Carlos waited for me to catch up and smiled gently at me. The stress I was under, made me without thinking to grab his hand and intertwined our fingers. He widened his eyes and gasped softly. I smiled slightly and we both walked forward towards the paddock entrance.
It turned out that we had arrived just after Leclerc, because we bumped into him and Andrea at the turnstiles. My heart went numb. Carlos called to Charles, and just before the Monegasque turned around, I let go of Carlos's hand, beginning to search my bag for the pass.
- What's going on, Muñeca? - Carlos asked me worried.
- My pass is gone - I looked up from the bag and met Andrea's eyes, who had just passed through the turnstiles.
- Lissie, the pass is on your neck - the Tuscan pointed to me and laughed softly, making me blush.
I knew the pass was on my neck, but I used his search to release Sainz's hand. Suddenly I realized that despite the stress, it was too risky to show up in the paddock like this, and... I didn't want Charles to see us.
- Good morning, mates! - the Monegasque greeted us with a bright smile and as soon as I looked at him, he sent me a barely noticeable air kiss.
- You're in a good mood mate! - Sainz noticed, delicately placing his arm around my shoulders.
My breathing quickened as Sainz's hand landed on where my bruises were. It hurt, but all I could do was make a small face and fake a smile to hide the pain.
- I got the good news that we will have an adequate strategist today and I am hopeful about our results - he winked, looking at me.
- Only if your race engineer doesn't screw things up - I replied snidely.
Someone whistled behind us and the three of us turned to see Pierre running in our direction, with my red jacket in his hands. My heart skipped a beat and I blushed.
- Hey, friends! - he greeted us, approaching. – Not you Carlos.
- How can you be such a child Gasly? - Sainz rolled his eyes, putting hands on his waist. - Are you still angry at me about yesterday?
- Erm, yes – Pierre rolled his eyes, then turned to me and handed me the jacket. - By the way, you forgot it last night in my car, Baby girl.
- Thanks for not cutting it to pieces - I smiled and pulled the jacket from his hands.
- How am I going to do something like this to my little sister - laughed Pierre squeezing the top of my nose.
I mouthed "I'll kill you" and he gave me a mischievous wink. Carlos and Charles were saved. They both looked at me from under their eyebrows, as if I had committed a spectacular crime.
- Well, I'll leave this western scene before the good, the bad and the ugly start their shootout - laughed the Frenchman and waved at me. - See you later friends... Not you Carlos!
- I suggest that we also go to the hospitality before the fans attack us - I said excitedly. - As a superstitious Italian woman, I suggest you hide from their eyes today so that you can gather clean energy before the race.
- What?! - Charles and Carlos said at the same time, getting their iconic confused expressions.
- Just follow me! - I rolled my eyes, then put on my jacket and sunglasses.
I moved forward, and the rest of the company followed me, whispering something quietly behind my back.
Walking the halls of the hospitality facility about an hour before the race started, I was thinking again about everything that had happened up until this point. Suddenly my train of thought was interrupted by someone grabbing my arm and in a moment I found myself in my familiar room with Charles standing in front of me. He slammed the door behind me and clamped it shut so I couldn't get out. I was getting deja vu.
- Charles, I'm going to start screaming! - I threatened him. - Let me out now.
- I'll find a way to shut your mouth up! - he replied coldly.
- Aren't you ashamed to talk to me like that? - I exclaimed outraged.
- And aren't you ashamed to do such things? - he asked me aggressively.
- What do you mean? - I narrowed my eyebrows.
- Your jacket in Pierre's car! - he hissed. - You call yourself Kika's friend, then stab her in the back. Do you think I don't understand? First Carlos and Isa, now you want to separate Pierre and Kika?
- Do you hear what nonsense you are talking about?! - I shouted indignantly.
- I can hear myself, yes! - he shouted. - It wasn't enough for you to take revenge on me with Carlos, but now you're also using Pierre to hurt me. I thought you were a principled girl with sense in your head, but in fact you turn out to be a typical slut.
My blood boiled. My hand flew to Charles's face and landed on his cheek, leaving a huge red mark.
- I won't let you tarnish my reputation! - I hissed. - I will never stab Kika and Pierre in the back because they are my friends and I care about them. Only a fool like you would think I slept with his best friend and a man I feel like a brother. Who knows what you would do!
Charles looked at me puzzled as he rubbed his cheek once again. The next moment I had my jacket and vest off, seconds later my T-shirt was on the ground leaving only my bra on.
- Actually, that's what you did! - I pointed to the bruises on my arms. - You happy now? Pierre drove me to the hotel because it was pouring rain outside and my jacket remained in his car as I was soaked to the bone.
- Lissa, I didn't know... I did this...
- How will you know if you are only focused on yourself and your problems? - I interrupted him. - It's good that there are enough concerned men around me to solve mine. And you Charles... you better get your feelings straight and to finally understand what am I to you, if you haven't figured it out by now, or you risk never, ever getting me back to you at all!
I grabbed the T-shirt off the ground and quickly put it on, along with my vest and jacket. I pushed the embarrassed Monegasque out of my way and left his room with a quick step and a furious glare.
After my conversation with Charles, I was so mad that if I saw someone in front of me, I could beat them up without them even doing anything to me. I walked over to the pit wall where my colleagues were already at their workstations and noticed that today Xavi had already taken the regular seat next to Mekies that I usually occupied. I approached him and, in my characteristic ironic tone, exclaimed:
- Oh, there he is - Xavi, the Monday of my life!
- Is this a kind way to say you hate him? - Mekies turned to me with a smug smile.
- You got me, boss! - I let out a devilish laugh.
Mekies and Xavier looked at each other, Charles' race engineer was very quiet and didn't even want to defend himself from my direct attack on him. I may have affected him, but right now I had one of the high-ranking figures in this team behind me, and that was Mekies. Maybe that made me comfortable enough to treat the guy with the most fouls on the team like that.
I took my place on the other side of the Deputy Team Principal with the clear intention of pushing Fred aside. Although I had to respect my boss, to me Vasseur was nothing more than a man with a high ego and a large vocabulary of pompous words and promises. I didn't like empty promises, only pure actions, so I couldn't let Vasseur control me.
The race was about to begin so I went through all my rituals before it started. I even kissed the ruby bracelet for luck. I thought it had a part of Chess in itself and could help me to make it through the race.
The event was held on a circuit with 14 turns, in weather conditions that favored the use of medium and hard tires and with the option of a two pit stop strategy. I was hoping this would help our drivers reach at least in the points zone.
And so the lights went out and away we go. Sainz and Checo on the first lap had an intense battle with each other, during which I took Ricky's position and encouraged Carlos on the radio, giving him some advice on where to attack and how much distance to keep from Checo. Whether thanks to this or his skills... Or complexly, Sainz overtook Perez on the second lap.
I had time for a small break until lap 6 when I connected with Charles this time.
- Charlie, use to get as close as possible to Norris, especially in the turns, so that you can attack him on the acceleration and the opening of the DRS - I advised him.
- Copy, darling! - he answered me cheerfully.
Only then did I realize that I had again called him by the diminutive name I often used for him. It was an indication of how deep in my heart my love for him was hidden, and despite everything he did to me, I could not be angry with him for long.
On lap 8 a virtual safety car appeared. There was no need for a pit stop as it would be too short and there were no major problems on the track. I ended up right and the safety car was deployed at the end of the lap.
- Charles, you need to get off this DRS train - I called the driver. - Please try to overtake Norris by attacking him at the hairpin.
- I'm not sure it will work out - Leclerc answered me after a short silence.
- While you're thinking about whether it's going to happen or not, you could have been ready to attack - I said disappointed. - Next time trust me and attack when I tell you to.
- Copy...
I sighed heavily and intertwined my fingers. I was so worried if this race was going to end well for our team, with about 60 laps to go. The real race was about to take place first.
On lap 12, George Russell hit the walls and the Safety car came out. All the teams started a high-speed race to the pits to change tyres, but I remained silent and thought. My colleagues on the wall looked at me expectantly. A small smile crossed my lips as I thought of something unusual.
- Don't enter the pit yet - I turned on my microphone. - Stay outside and we'll use a semblance of the Spanish strategy. If you stay on the track, you'll go straight up to P4 and P5.
- Are you sure that the tires will not degrade and we will lose positions later? - Leclerc asked me.
- Your tires are getting colder, Charles - I said. - Heat them up. We're not going into the pit.
- Lissie, when are we going to change the tires? - joined Sainz.
- When you make a big enough gap with those behind you, so that we can guarantee keeping the positions - I replied slightly annoyed.
Were they questioning my strategy? We believed in each other, we relied on each other. Now I was going to prove to them that I was worth their trust.
- Guys, listen to me carefully, you will stay on the track, but keep the optimal temperature of the tires - I said in a condescending tone. - Drivers in front of you will have to warm up harder with the Hard tires at low speed. You can breed with the Mediums that are already at the optimum temperature.
- Still, I think the others did well to box - replied Leclerc.
Meanwhile, Sainz tuned in on his station and said briefly, to the point and clearly:
- You lead, Lissie!
What he said made me smile. His support now meant a lot to me, especially since he always has a claim about the strategy. I gained confidence and now I had even more ambition to fight this race strategically. But I felt like he and his teammate were playing good cop and bad cop, and now it was Leclerc's turn to be the bad guy.
On lap 17 the Safety car left the track and the race was restarted. Charles was late in stopping for the U-turn, where he dragged the front right tire on the tarmac for a long time, locking it.
- Charles this mistake could cost the life of the tires - I contacted him. - Please try to advance for as little distance as possible between you and the third driver.
- Copy, Lissie – said Leclerc.
On lap 24, Sainz turned on his radio communication.
- I think I have a bit of pace here - he said.
- Mekies, Sainz wants to overtake Leclerc - I whispered, and the race director shook his head in disagreement.
I could make the decision myself, I had promised a long time ago that we will fight together with Charles, so I've decided to forgive him and fulfil my promise to him.
- Sainz, you will stay behind Leclerc - I turned on the radio. - We want clean and fast laps. At the moment we need to build up a gap, before the time to change the tires.
- Copy - replied the Spaniard.
- Charles, keep up this pace, Sainz won't attack you - I called to Charles.
I didn't get an answer, but I knew he heard me and understood. I sat back and continued to follow the stats and the race at the same time.
It was lap 30 when Ricky contacted me.
- Lissa, should we call Carlos for box? - he asked.
- I don't think there's a need - I replied, looking at the screens. - I prefer to leave him out and continue to progress.
Six laps later Devries and Magnussen brought out yellow flags. I warned the pit crew to get ready as a Safety car was probably about to be called. But even if it didn't come out on the track, I would call our drivers to the pits again.
In the next 4 laps successfully Sainz and Leclerc made a pit stop for hard tires, keeping their places P4 for Charles, P5 for Carlos.
Around lap 45, suddenly Sainz contacted me.
- Lissa is there any chance to make the race more interesting and me to overtake Leclerc? - he asked.
I looked outraged at Mekis, who again shook his head in denial. It also confirmed my final decision for driver 55 to stay behind driver 16. I might end up getting lynched by the guy I was sharing a room with lately, but I didn't really care. I could always justify myself by saying that I didn't want to mix my personal life with my work life... Even though I was obviously doing it.
- You will stay behind Leclerc - I answered seriously. – Don't be impudent, Sainz.
I gave a sign to Xavier, who was next to us, to inform Leclerc that Sainz would not attack him. And so the race continued until the last lap. Today we broke the black streak we had entered. Of course, we didn't make it to the podium, but P4 for Leclerc and P5 for Sainz was something that made me happy today more than any other time. I proved to them and to my colleagues that with the right strategy and teamwork we can rise from the bottom of the points zone to one of the leading places in the ranking. Yes, we weren't on the podium, but I strongly believed that it would happen soon, and then I would be one of the first to wave our team's flag and sing the Italian national anthem at the top of my lungs.
The race finished, we congratulated the team on a job well done, then I headed to the railings near the podium to watch the awards ceremony. My friend Max was there in first place (as always, by the way) and I always had a little support for him too. We should respect our friends off the track, one day they may help us on it in one way or another.
After the champagne splash I headed to the pits where our two drivers were standing and probably discussing the race. They looked calm, unlike other times. Sainz had stripped off his suit to the waist and was fixing his wild black hair while Charles was still fully clothed and drinking from his bottle. His hair was disheveled and sweaty and he looked so cute and carefree. I wasn't even close to them when he turned slightly and our eyes met, making my heart beat faster than normal.
I smiled shyly and approached them timidly. They immediately ended their conversation, turning their full attention to me. And as soon as I saw Charles's eyes sparkle again, and Carlos's smile spread across his face, I forgot all scruples.
- Guys, you have no idea how happy I am! - I exclaimed hugging them at the same time. - I would cry if we were on the podium.
- It's amazing what we can achieve if we just trust your beautiful mind! - Charles laughed, revealing his sweet dimples.
- It's good that you were the Chief strategist today, otherwise we wouldn't have achieved anything... - added Carlos, putting his hand on my back. - We would be lost without you. They should give you an award today, Muñeca!
- Actually, I was so scared, after everything that happened yesterday... - I looked reproachfully at Leclerc, and he shrugged his shoulders guiltily, then I smiled widely and continued - But now I'm extremely proud of you guys!
I spread my arms and instinctively hugged Charles first, and he held me tight.
- I told you I'd keep fighting for you, little one - he whispered in my ear. - I'm so sorry about yesterday...
We pulled apart and I nodded slightly to accept the apology. I couldn't stay mad at him for long after seeing the fear in his eyes when he realized what he had done to me, and his guilty expression now... One of Leclerc's many superpowers was his ability to appease people with his gaze. That sweet clean, slightly naive look. I'm sure intense frustration had provoked his behavior towards me yesterday and now he was back to being the nice boy he always was and I believed he would continue to be.
I felt Carlos' arm around my waist and he pulled me to him so I could finally pay attention to him. I had focused on Charles for too long, but I didn't give Sainz the attention he needed either. I placed a quick kiss on his cheek and laughed sheepishly as Charles watched us sipping from his bottle.
- I'm proud of you too, Smooth operator - I said patting him on the chest.
I managed to free myself from his grip, then turned to both of them and said:
- See you later guys, I'm going to Mekies and Vasseur.
- I thought you always leave after a race - Leclerc said.
- Well, today's after-party guest is Martin Garrix... - I shrugged. - I don't know if I'll get to the hotel at all tonight... So don't wait for me guys!
- How so? Lissa... Lissa!
Sainz shouted after me, but I had already run to the team leaders and ignored him. I wanted to scare both drivers a little... They needed to understand that they are not controlling me cannot easily win their place next to me.
Notes: Hey guys, here I am with the new chapter! I excuse myself for being so slow in publishing, promise I will try to be on point with the next parts. :D Hope I find you in a good wealth and being ready for the Sprint tomorrow. A great chaos today at the Quali but I still have a faith in the Ferrari team and that they could achieve something good at Sunday.
So let's talk about the chapter for a while. What we have here? Lissa again with her hesitations. And Charles being jealous... And Carlos being jealous... Well the love triangle is really forming but does Lissa realizes that this thing with Sainz could hurt her and Charles. And does she has feelings to Carlos? Well gonna understand the answers of these questions soon. What will happen at the weekend in Austria hmmm gonna see in the next chapters! <3 :P
Guys, I hope you liked the part - leave a star/comment if so, hear the external link aaaand see ya in the next part! <3
Love ya! <3
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