Chapter IX - "You won't get rid of me..."
07.Mar – A big day at "Ferrari" hometown
I had the opportunity to speak with Carlos for a couple of seconds after the race, then he was called for the post – race interviews. I promised to wait for him, but while peacefully sitting at the Media center, Fred ran across me. After a short conversation about the race, he told me that given to my condition earlier today, it's better for me to go home. Then Vasseur freed me of duties related to the team from now on and my story at Scuderia Ferrari officially came to an end. Without a contract, without payment for the work done, only with good impressions and memories from my staying at Bahrain. Well, except the race day... It was an actual disaster.
I flight back to Modena with the first plane from Bahrain, because Vasseur's assistant has booked my tickets that way. I expected to burst out into tears during the travel, but I didn't even cry at all, actually I haven't got any emotions. Seeing the city lights from a bird's eye view brought me a relief, rather than sadness. My mind and soul were empty. I was so heartbroken after seeing both drivers ruined. I knew their last season was tough, but I couldn't help them even if I wanted to...
The team principles have decided. They don't need me anymore. It was such a joke. I mean, what I was going to write at my CV? "Almost worked for Scuderia Ferrari for two weeks"? Mamma mia! That sounds so unprofessional. Who was going to believe me?! At least I had some Ferrari branded clothes and memories from a good accommodation stay at a destination which I wasn't going to visit by my self anyway.
But some tears from anger and frustration fell down from my eyes, the minute I crossed the threshold of my apartment in Modena. I was so powerless, I just wanted to help the people who are in need, but I wasn't an engineer, not a mechanic either... or a car part manufacture. I was a simple girl, with a simple dream – to be recognized as a person who knows what to do with their work.
And that's how the days had passed. More precisely a day and half. It took me that time to accept the failure on the race and to start blaming myself and my stupid temper for not getting the contract. If only I was more obedient, maybe the headmasters were going to like me. Oh, maybe they have already found someone with more experience, who is more docile than me.
I was lying on the couch at my livingroom, blankly staring at the chandelier hanging from the white celling. I was trying to count the crystals on it but every time I reached the number 16, my eyes were filling with tears. The "lack of feelings" phase has gone and now I was slowly sliding into depression, singing Sia's songs.
Then my phone rang. I waited for it to stop, but the person was very insistent. I looked confused at the table where my mobile was and slightly stand up from the couch. It was strange for me to hear my ringtone because I wasn't expecting any calls. I picked up the phone.
- Lissa, how are you, young lady?
I jumped out of my place when I heard the voice of Frederic Vasseur on the other line.
- Mister Vasseur? – I asked shocked.
- Just Fred – he replied. – How are you, Lissa? Why weren't you at the plane yesterday?
- Because of your incompetent employees – I hissed. – By the way, have you forgotten that you freed me from engagements for the Scuderia?
- Oh, yeah I meant only for the night then...
And again, my stupid temper... I should have stopped but I couldn't. These potty games – I was sick of them.
- Vasseur why do you call me? – I asked annoyed. – You kicked me out twice, without even having a contract for you. What should I expect if I have one?
- A big salary, good working conditions and many career prospects – he replied.
- Are you offering me something? – I rose my eyebrows. – Why? Jain has resigned?
- No, he is still the Chief Strategy engineer – Fred said slowly. – But I've decided to make some changes at the Scuderia. And one of them is you.
- What do you mean? – I frowned.
- Well, in two hours we will have a conference meeting with the whole team to greet the people who are working for us and assure them we still have aces in our sleeves.
I kept my silence trying to understand what he is talking about. Aces? Sleeves? Are we poker players or what?
- I want you to come back, Lissa and finally sign your contract – he continued. – We saw your work, we asked the drivers for on opinion and two of five stood up for you, two are abstainers and one is negative, but he is almost always like that. I want you to attend the meeting and to introduce you to everyone...
Again, no answer from me but I sit back on the sofa. I was still trying to assimilate his words and could bet who the "negative" driver was.
- Lissa, are you still here? – Fred asked.
- Yes, just listening to your lies – I grunted.
- Lissa, just give me a chance! – he begged. – Give us a chance and we will prove you have a wrong first impression of us.
I didn't answer and shook my head. There is only one first impression. I knew it was going to be hard if I agree and go there. But a minutes ago I was sliding into depression and now as a sign from God, Fred was calling me to get back at work again.
- Charles and Carlos will be there too – Vasseur said, and I could feel his mocking smile.
- You know what? You are like the toxic partners at a relationship... – I said and stood up from the sofa. – I want to go away, but you reappear in my life, supposedly in a better version of you and again pulling me back to you. Something like addiction to the bad habits, or...
- Lissa, will you come here and sign your f*cking contract, or not? – Fred interrupted me pretty annoyed from my comparisons.
- Meet me at your office in an hour.
I hang up the phone and smiled confidently. Then I went into my bedroom to took a fast-refreshing shower and changed into a dark blue velvet dress, hoping they wouldn't mind the color of my outfit – it was their rivals color after all. I put a light make up and my favorite sour cherry and vanilla scented perfume, then curled my hair. I had almost the same look, but definitely the same feeling as the first day I went there. Then I took my purse and put my coat and high heels on. I was ready to slay Maranello and have my second first day there.
I reached "Pista di Fiorano", but this time without any obstacles. I had a déjà vu – the same place, the same reason for coming. I was never so sure in something what I have been doing. Now I had the feeling I am holding my life firmly in my hands.
After I parked my car at the parking lot I directly went to the floor at the administrative building where Vasseur's office was and again walked in without knocking. This time Fred wasn't alone. There was his coworker – Laurent Mekies who looked at me in outraged, when I entered as I am at home.
- Glad to see you here, Lissa! – Vasseur stood up from his chair.
- The pleasure is all mine! – I smiled a bit. – Mister Mekies, Good morning!
He just nodded in answer. I turned my focus back to Vasseur and stepped forward to his desk. The team principle opened his drawer and took out of it a big deck of papers.
- The contract! – he said handing it to me. – You could read it before signing it.
I started reading the terms and conditions of my workplace and the advantages which I was going to have. Then somewhere through the pages I saw the salary. I took out of my purse a pen and crossed out the sum that was written. Without any hesitations I noted a twice bigger one. Then I put the contract on the desk and smiled.
- These are MY conditions – I said. – And also to have the right to resign if I don't like the treatment here, without paying any penalties.
- It is a permanent contract – Mekies said looking at his lap. – You could leave whenever you want to. Pluss we will pay you compensations.
- Good – I nodded. – Oh, and during the breaks, if I am in a annual vacation, I would like to ask, nobody to disturb me. Only if the whole Maranello burns. Okay?
- But the sum you want is... - Fred tried to say.
- A compensation for the stress and sleep problems, while working here – I interrupted him. – Do you sign, or...
Vaseur looked at Mekies. His coworker sighed and turned his head in another direction. Then the team principle turned his eyes back to me and smiled. He put his signature on several pages, then slid the papers back to me. I opened the same pages and put mine too, but before signing the last one I stopped for a second to overthink. I remembered the watery eyes of Charles and the disappointed look of Carlos. They were so upset after their first race. I didn't want to see them like that again. I wanted them happy, whatever it costed me.
"I hope they will do the same thing for me one day..."- I thought and signed the contract.
- Congratulations to you, Lissa! – said cheerfully Vasseur. – Now you are an official part of Scuderia Ferrari.
- I am doing it for the boys! – I said, shaking his hand. – I still do think you are the toxic partner at the relationship.
- Don't worry we care about our employees – Mekies broke into the conversation. – Especially when they have a "big fan mass".
- You call two of hundred people a big fan mass? – I rose my eyebrows.
- It depends on who are these two – he smirked and extended his hand to me. – Anyway, welcome to the team!
We shook our hands and then Vasseur sent me to find his assistant and take my official Scuderia Ferrari uniform. I had to take part of the team meeting after all.
I headed to the door and heard a quiet whispering in French behind my back. My blood started boiling again. As I could remember from my small knowledge of this language, I could understand they were talking about me.
- Oh, and one more thing, before I start here... – I said and turned to both men.
They looked at me questionably then faked smiles. I knew that was going to annoy them even more.
- Don't forget to introduce me at the team meeting – I said. – You promised to make my presence here official now. See you later!
I walked out of his office with a confident gait and big smile on my face.
Almost thirty minutes after the signing of the contract, I went out from the changing room which the assistant of Vasseur finally showed me. I had changed into a white shirt, black pants, and a blazer with the Scuderia Ferrari emblem. Still on my high heels I was looking extremely good at this uniform. And I liked this much more than the race ones.
After fixing my make – up, I walked out the administrative building. And there he was – Charles Leclerc, dressed at the same clothes as mine, casually standing on the stairs with his hands in the pockets. He was wearing square sunglasses, and the light wind was playing with his messy brown hair. Oh, Padre Mio! He was looking so fine that my jaw dropped for a second.
Then he turned to me, and my heart stopped. He took my breath away, when put down his sunglasses, locking his eyes with mine. I couldn't move, I couldn't even speak. His pink lips curved in a wide smile made me got goosebumps.
- Lissie! – he exclaimed, and my heart skipped a beat again.
How does he know about this little name? Only my parents were calling me that way and nobody outside of my house was using it.
Before giving him an answer, he ran to me and hugged me tight as he was meeting someone very special to him.
- Charles, glad to see you! – I said when we released each other from the hug.
- We are matching outfits today, aren't we? – Leclerc asked looking me over head to toe. – I could not lie, you look amazing!
- Kind of... – I smiled shyly and felt my cheeks blushing. – And you are just stunning as always!
- Wait! Is this the official Scuderia uniform? – he asked moving part my hair from the emblem. – That means you...
- You are official part of the team?!
Someone broke into our conversation and as we turned to him, we saw Carlos looking at me amazed. He was also wearing the same outfit and when I smiled, he screamed as a little girl.
- Congratulations, Cinderella! – Sainz came to me and hugged me, almost breaking my ribs. – I am so happy about you! Finally, a lifesaver!
- Lissie, is that true?! – asked Charles when I moved out from his teammate's grip. – You have signed the contract?
- Yes, just a couple of minutes ago – I nodded and laughed embarrassed. – You won't get rid out of me that easily.
- Congratulations, darling! – Leclerc suddenly changed his tone with more seductive one and hugged me again, then he whispered in my ear: – I can't wait to watch you every day in this tight uniform till the end of this f*cking season.
I got shivers all over my body and my cheeks immediately got red. That was so unexpected and left me speechless. When he stepped back, he winked at me, then put his sunglasses on. My whole body started shaking and the beat of my heart became twice faster than normal.
- Yeah... And I am happy to see you full of joy, guys! – I said trying to cover the embarrassment. – Thank you for the support!
- We hope that you will help us to make it to the top – Carlos laughed.
- I'll try my best! – I smirked.
Then someone called us. Charles looked at me widely smiling and winked again. His eyes were shining brightly, and the big, sweet dimples were shown. Oh, how beautiful this man was!
We headed to a big group who was calling for us. I was walking close next to Charles, not missing him from my eyes. He and Carlos were my save "place", without them I was losing all my confidence. Even more when so many people were looking at me and talking behind my back.
The team meeting went quite well. Vasseur was trying to convince people working for the Scuderia that we are going to be a great Formula one team again, we will make it to the top, and other pompous words, which were much more like a blank promises, as always, than real ones. I was standing there, on the stage, between Charles and Carlos, who were listening to him half-smiled. Then at the end of his speech, he turned to me and smiled.
- Now as a final, I want to introduce you someone – Fred took my hand and pulled me carefully to the front. – This is Lissa Bernardi, the gentle part of the "team by the pit wall". She is our new "Junior Strategy Engineer" and from now on she will be with us at every race of the season. Come on, Lissa! Greet our audience!
He handed me the microphone and hugged me discrete, then whispered in my ear:
- Be careful what are you saying! I don't want to regret after that.
I tried to cover the shock of his words with a slight smile, then I stepped forward on the stage. A hundreds of people had fixed their eyes on me. Some of them were wondering why I was such a key figure, to even giving me the word, others were smiling satisfied of the view, and third were just waiting the annoying commitment to finish. I turned to the row behind my back and gave a quick gaze to Charles and Carlos who were smiling as a proud parents on a graduation.
Then I looked at the audience with much more confidence and cleared my throat.
- First of all... Hello everybody! – I chuckled embarrassed and everyone laughed. – I couldn't introduce myself much better, than Frederic did so I will be brief... I am not a Team principle or a Head of Race strategy... I am not even a Race engineer. I am just a girl with high hopes and heart full of desire to win. That's the reason why I decided to apply for this job. I wasn't surprised they chose me over a great amount of people, my portfolio is impeccable after all.
I heard Charles and Carlos giggling behind me.
- I'll try my best to make this team great again and help these two... – I continued pointing to them, - on the top of the Championship. I'll finish now with a line of one classic... "Forza Ferrari, sempre!"
The crowd erupted into cheers. I sighed in relief and smiled wide, then I turned to Vasseur and handed him the microphone back.
- Was this good enough? – I asked narrowing my eyes.
- Not great, not terrible... - he replied cold.
I snorted and took my previous place – between the drivers. They nodded to me encouragingly then Leclerc leaned slightly.
- What was that? – he whispered in my ear.
- A begging of a war, I guess – I said quiet.
Charles rose his eyebrows in surprise and stepped back. I wanted and introduction, now I got one. I looked at Mekies, who had pursed his lips angrily. The team principles were very annoyed after my speech. Seeing the way, they were acting, I started to wonder if there isn't something fishy.
After the conference the whole team went to the track for some tests of the cars. Everything was going well, even during the time of the test I met few people of the crew, like Xavier Padros, Riccardo Adami – the race engineers of Charles and Carlos, Enrico Gualtieri – Head of power unit area and Enrico Cardile – Head of Chassis area. I also met the two of the reserve drivers – Antonio Giovinazzi and Robert Shwartzman. They all were pretty kind people most of all both drivers who immediately took my social networks, so we could stay connected in the name of the united teamwork. I wasn't sure if this was the main reason for their interest to me but, I accept their friend requests. It is good to keep people close, if they are positive about you.
At the end of the workday, fulfilled with emotions and new acquaintances, I was standing on a bench in front of the administrative building, expecting Charles and Carlos to get ready. They forced me to wait for them, even though I told that I have a transport, so nobody needs to drive me back home and I am already pretty tired to stay on my high heels any longer. But these two insisted to leave together, because they wanted to discuss something important with me. Leclerc already has shared with me his intention to have a serious conversation with the Ferrari president John Elkan and also to visit the factory and inspect what is happening there. After I heard that I was pretty sure that I was not going to stay at home till the next race week.
While I was scrolling through my phone accepting requests from some other girls at the crew, I heard someone's footsteps nearby. I looked up expecting Charles and Carlos, but I was surprised when I saw Antonio Fuoco. And my smile disappeared in a second.
- What do you want? – I asked cold when he approached me with an insolent grin on his face.
- You are an official part of the team now, right? – the driver said drooling.
- So what? – I rose my eyebrows.
- How did you succeed that? – he asked. – I mean, it takes people years to reach your position, going through thousands of trainings, working at the headquarters for a long time. And now you just appear here and get the "dream" job. How come?
- With persistence and a strong temper – I replied. – But why do I have to explain this to you?
- Is someone inside the reason for you being here? – Fuoco said in a vicious tone. – And you know what I mean...
- How could you say that?! – I raised my voice. – You have no shame to speak like that with a lady.
He looked around himself and smiled insolently.
- I don't see any ladies here! – the young man said.
My blood started to boil. I gritted my teeth trying to suppress the burst of anger that was about to pour out on him at any moment. His disgusting evil look made me furious. My nails were already digging into my palms, and I rose my first to him. I couldn't hold back and swung to punch him at the face. At this moment he leaned down and managed to avoid the crochet. I heard Charles and Carlos shouting, then they ran to me.
- What is happening here? – Leclerc asked and pulled me behind his back, because I was ready for another try of beating his colleague.
- She is crazy, man! – Antonio pointed at me and wiped his nose. – She even punched me.
- I haven't touched you! – I yelled. – I wouldn't get my hands dirty with a person like you.
- Lissa, stop please! – Sainz tried to calm me down, but I was as out of my mind.
- He is liar and also offended me that I am a... - I tried to explain, but Charles interrupted me.
- Lissie, I'll take care of this – he said soft. – Go to your car, and we will see each other tomorrow. Let's not make scenes.
- Oh, you will see each other tomorrow?! – Fuoco teased him.
I growled and tried to attack him again as a furious bulldog, but Carlos grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back. Charles stayed between me and Fuoco and started whispering something to him, while Sainz was holding me back.
- Let me go, Carlos or I am going to bite you! – I hissed and freed myself from his grip.
- Sorry, but you are dangerous for his life! – he said.
- Not me, he alone is dangerous for himself – I ran my fingers through my hair.
- Lissie, let's get out of here! – Charles turned to me. – Now!
I sighed and adjusted my clothes, trying to bring myself into a proper appearance. Leclerc made me a sign with a hand to follow him and then his teammate nudged me in the back. I started walking and tried to ignore Fuoco, who was watching me intently. While I was passing near him, he grabbed my wrist and whispered:
- Be aware Bernardi, I am going to make you regret getting this job here.
- No, Fuoco, believe me... - I replied. – I will make you regret are born. Good night!
Then I followed Charles and Carlos to the parking lot.
Notes: Hello, hello! Here is the new again bit longer part, but there are so many things to happen, sooo the bigger - the better :D
I hope you liked it and give some votes/comments if so <3 Also you could listen to the external link for better mood and see you at the next part! <3
Love ya! <3
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