Chapter IV - Almost an employee
23.feb – First Day of Pre – season tests
I arrived at the Bahrain's airport in the early morning of the first day of the Pre-seasons testing. The personal assistant of Vasseur has made a mistake and did not reserve my tickets on time, so I had to travel two hours from Italy to London, to transfer on the plane to Bahrain. That made in total nine hours of flying all alone.
On the minute my plane landed, I rushed to the exit of the gate, with the intention to be the first passenger from our flight who has left the airport. I was in a hurry to reach the hotel and leave my baggage, then to go to the circuit. But the baggage clerks foiled my plan.
I had to wait almost thirty minutes by the luggage lane to receive my suitcases. Even the annoying kid from the last rows of the plane, got his bags before me. Maybe because of my long-lasting dead stare into him, the little mischief sticked out his tongue for "Goodbye".
When I took my luggage, I was already late for my first day at work. I did not even have the time to go to the hotel and leave my baggage. I took the first free taxi in front of the air terminal and went directly on the circuit.
I arrived with my two almost as big as me suitcases thirty minutes before the starting of the test program. Exhausted after the long travel, I had no longer the strength to be excited about the upcoming workday. I just wanted it to end faster and go to bed for some rest.
Dragging the luggage behind me, I crawled to the entrance of the circuit. There were big metal turnstiles, which were my next obstacle on the way to the "Ferrari" motorhome. I approached to one of the staff – girls and gave her a questioning gaze. She raised her eyebrows then I did the same. There were many people who were wearing passes on their necks or in hands. Then I realized why she is looking at me that way. I did not even have a pass.
Maybe because I was "almost an employee" nobody has gave me an access card for the circuit.
- Miss why are you standing here like this? – asked the girl.
- How? – I replied sharply.
- With hands on your waist and evil gaze – she said. – If you want to get in show me your ID, check your card and go.
- Actually, I do not have any of this – I smiled in confuse. – But I would be really grateful if you open the turnstile for me. I am late for work... Again.
- Miss, sorry, but I am not allowed to do that – the staff shook her head. – Only people with access cards could entrance here.
- But please, I swear I work here – I pulled my board card out of my purse. – See, I even have a flying ticket booked on my name from "Scuderia Ferrari".
- Sorry, miss these are the rules – she shrugged her arms. – Now please, step back, because there are coming people who really work here.
I sighed and bowed my head in sadness. Maybe my aunt did not read the coffee well. I was not going to get my dream job and make my wildest dreams come true.
Then I heard a familiar sound - a voice that immediately made me to turn around.
- Do you doubt that she works here? – Charles asked the girl and looked at me with a big smile. – Hi, Cinderella! Did you lose your shoe?
- I might lose my job if I do not pass these turnstiles soon – I rolled my eyes.
- Well, you should be glad that I am late today – he grinned. – This is the second time I help you to get in.
Then the young man turned to the staff girl and smiled softly.
- She is with me – he said and took my hand. – We will pass together.
Before I could react, Leclerc pulled me to the turnstile and pressed his body tightly to my back. I could feel every part of him. Suddenly my heart quickened its rhythm. His big hands were firmly holding my shoulders and I could feel his mint breath on my neck skin. I was feeling so uncomfortable in the posture we were. But his touch and the smell of his perfume were so good that I got goosebumps all over my body. We passed through the turnstiles slowly and in unison, as if we had been moving together all our lives. I did not want this moment to end.
Then I heard a camera clicking and came back to the reality. I saw a man with a camera nearby who just turned around and pointed his lens at us. I jumped away instantly before he could catch us in this compromising posture.
I turned to Charles. Thank Goodness that the staff called him to get my suitcases, so he had to handle with them and the paparazzi did not have a chance to take a picture of us. My heartbeat was still fast, and I could barely take a breath when my teammate approached me.
- What did you take with you? – he asked me. – These are so heavy.
- Well, I have to stay here one whole week – I replied and pulled my luggage out of his strong arms. – And how dare you to stay this close to me?! Are you insane?! It is my first day here and you want to make it last?!
- Sorry, but this was the only way to pass with one access card – he said unflappable. – Actually, why don't you have one?
- Nobody has sent me – I answered.
- You had to take it from the "Ferrari" headquarter – he grinned.
- Nobody has told me – I shook my head.
- Maybe you did not ask Vasseur's assistant – Leclerc whispered.
- How come I did not think to call you for advice?! – I said ironically. – Oh, yes! I did not have your number!
- Well, I can give it to you, but I am not sure it will help you – Charles laughed, and his sweet dimples shown up.
- See, Charles, I really appreciate the small talk with you, but I am pretty tired for more of it – I cut his laughter quickly. – The assistant of our boss, who is meanwhile waiting for me, had forgotten to book an earlier flight and I had to travel today for ten hours. My gluteus has stiff from sitting.
- I like the smart way you called your butt – Leclerc chuckled.
Listening to his soft laugh and looking at his beautiful face was like a spiritual healing. A light smile went through my lips, but I tried to hide it. He knew he is good – looking and he was using it, slowly taking the control over my mind.
I shook my head disappointed and get my luggage. I tried to leave but Charles stopped me.
- Wait, I will carry them for you – he said.
- No, better go to the motorhome without me – I asserted. – I will follow you all the way down.
- I could not leave you to drag all of this – he insisted and pulled one of the suitcases out of my hands. – Now, you can follow me wherever you want.
He turned his back to me and walked away. I looked around to make sure we have not called all the attention to ourselves. Charles was walking so fast, that I had immediately to follow him if I did not want to get lost.
We reached the "Ferrari" motorhome. Charles called his assistant – Andrea, to take my luggage, then we headed to the garage. I was running after Leclerc, who was walking fast in front of me, waving to everyone passing near us. Before we get in the garage, he turned and looked me over from head to toe.
- Where is your uniform? – he asked.
- I do not have one – I sighed. – By the way where did my suitcases go? At least I have a "Ferrari" cap there.
- They went somewhere you will never find them – Charles winked at me.
- Nice sense of humor – I said ironically. – I do not like it!
Some people appeared from the garage and called my collocutor by surname. Leclerc sighed and quickly took off his jacket.
- Here you are! – he handed it to me. – Put this on, if you do not want to be in the blacklist of the employes.
- But it is twice bigger than me – I exclaimed looking at the red branded jacket.
- Just put it on, you will bring it back to me later! – the man insisted. – Hurry up!
I was still shocked, but I followed his order. Then we went to the garage, where Carlos was already sitting in his car. Just a few minutes has left until his first going out on the track.
Charles approached his teammate, and they clapped their hands in greeting. I followed him and waved to Sainz who for some unknown reason, was so happy to see me, that immediately jumped out of the car and gave me a big friendly hug.
I was shocked, everybody at the garage was shocked, even Charles left openmouthed. But Carlos did not mind it. He raised the visor of his helmet and said:
- I am glad to see you again, Cinderella.
- Is that my nickname from here on? – I asked and raised eyebrows.
- Well, last week you ran away like her – the driver laughed. – We could change it if you do not like it.
- Better think about it, Smooth operator – I smiled a bit.
- Lissa, we should go! – Charles interrupted our conversation.
- Sorry, you heard the boss! – I laughed and waved him goodbye. – See you later!
Carlos nodded and got back into the car, while I was walking with Charles to the pit wall. We took our places between Frederik Vasseur and Laurent Mekies, who started speaking with Leclerc in French. I felt a bit ignored as no one of the headmasters even greeted me. Then I put my headphones and sunglasses on, and stared at the big screens in front of us.
The first part of testing went well. Carlos made 72 laps with a best time and the team was satisfied of his result. I had a notebook where I was writing down every mistake or good move of him. I had already drawn the track and noted every time Carlos has achieved at the different sectors. At the end of the first – half of the day I have the whole information about the behavior of the car on the track and the style of Carlos' driving.
After the announcement of an hour lunch break, Charles and I stood up from our places and headed to the motorhome. We were waking in silent until he stopped in a sudden and turned to me.
- Do you mind waiting for Carlos, then go to the restaurant for lunch together? – he asked and put down his sunglasses.
- I won't have a lunch, but I'll wait for him with you – I smiled a bit.
- We will be here till late night. Are you sure you do not want to have a meal with us? – Leclerc said with a worried voice. – We will discuss the car and...
- Charles, everything is alright! – I interrupted him and placed my hand on his shoulder.
He nodded in agreement, but I saw that his eyes got sad. I did not understand his concern about me, but I appreciated it. When I heard the voice of Carlos behind my back, I immediately moved my hand from Charles' shoulder.
- Lissa, Charles, glad to find you! – Sainz said breathlessly when he approached us. – Did you watch me?
- Of course, we did – I said and smiled softly. – I have written down some notes, so you can improve yourself. We will discuss them.
- Let's go for lunch – he said. – I am sure Charles will be glad to hear your point of view
- She does not want to... - tried to explain Leclerc, but he was interrupted by someone calling me from the distance.
- Miss Bernardi, could you please come for a second?
We turned around and saw Vasseur and Mekies with another unknown for me man, dressed in the red Ferrari uniform. I looked to my teammates and sighed nervously. My heart skipped a beat then suddenly my breathing became heavy. All the confidence I had – disappeared.
- Sorry guys, I should go – I mumbled.
- Here we go again, Cinderella – laughed Carlos.
- Cabròn, stop! – Charles hissed. – Do not you see that she got panicked. Lissa, please, do not worry, they are good people.
- I hope they "come in peace" – I snorted. – I should not leave them wait. See you later, guys.
- Bye Cinderella! – both said at the same time.
I waved them goodbye and then approached to the team principals.
- Mister Vasseur, Mister Mekies – I greeted them.
- For you we are Fred and Laurent – smiled Vasseur and pointed to the high Indian man next to them. – And this is Mister Ravin Jain, the Race strategy chief.
- Nice to meet you – I extended my hand to him with a light smile and we both shook our hands.
- I understood that you will be a part of the team this year – Ravin said and smiled.
- Well, I applied for your position, but obviously...
- See, Lissa, Mister Jain has been working for us for a long time since and you... - tried to explain Mekies.
- And I am the rabbit here, right? – I interrupted him. – I see. So, you do not need me anymore?
- No, we do... but we have some internal regulations, which we must carry out – smiled Vasseur. – Mister Jain will try to give you as much as possible of his experience gained through the years.
- We will be watching how you perform during the test weekend and the first race, then we will sign your contract – added Mekies.
- But you told me that we will sign it this weekend – I protested.
- This is a compromise option – Ravin interposed. – We have some rules...
- Lissa don't worry, we believe that you will make it – said Fred and tapped me on the shoulder. – Now, go quickly to the motorhome and find my assistant, so she could give you an accesses card, ID, and a uniform. You could not wear Charles' jacket whole week.
My cheeks turned red. I bit my lips nervously when Vasseur noted my clothing. I nodded and said goodbye to the headmasters. Then I headed to the motorhome with a bowed head and broken dreams.
The assistant of Vasseur was waiting for me on the entrance. She gave me a big Ferrari branded bag with all the stuffs I needed, then she went away. I was left alone by the stairs with some useless things in my hand. I sighed and walked down to the corridors of the motorhome. At least I had to put the uniform on, for the second – half of the day, so I decided to change somewhere.
While I was searching for the toilet, where I was planning to change my clothes, I found an open door of a room without a plate. My curiosity made to walk in. There were a big red bench and a desk in the corner, also a wardrobe and another mirrored door. I opened it and there was a shining with cleanliness bathroom.
- They would not mind if I get changed here... - I whispered to myself, then entered the bathroom.
After I finished my job there, I went back to the room and realized that the door I came through was now closed. I tried to open it, but it was locked.
Wonderful, and I do not even have someone's number to call for help. I did not have the strength to scream, I was so down.
I sat on the bench and slowly laid myself on it. I felt pain all over my body, then sighed in relief and closed my eyes. Oh, it was so peaceful here...
Notes: Hello, readers! Glad to see you again. Here is the first chapter from the track. Interesting content coming and can't wait for you to read it. I would like to hear your opinion, so feel free to write a comment. ^_^
You already know, click the external link for a better mood and... See you again at the next chapter! XO
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