Chapter I - Then and Now
It was almost midnight at 21. February and the Carnaval of Venice was coming to an end. I looked around myself. There were many people at the main streets and the squares, who were laughing, singing, dancing, and making fun at each other.
But I was walking alone through the little dark streets, holding a lightened torch in my hand. I was in a rush and sneaking around corner after corner. I have not got any idea where I was going, but my heart was beating fast, not only because of my fast walking, but also because of some strange tension I was feeling deep in my soul. I was looking for someone, expecting them.
I reached a little bridge right in front of "Ponte dei Sospiri" and stopped. There was a man dressed in a red wool cloak, fastened with hook and chain attached to two golden horse heads. He had a black classic tricorn hat on his head. When the stranger turned entirely to me, the light from my torch shined on his covered with Bauta mask face. The mask was as a chess board and when a saw that, my heart skipped a beat.
I fixed my red satin dress then wrapped my shoulders and chests in the golden wool cape I had. I moved forward to the person in front of me, so I could see him better. He was of a medium high, rather short, not very thin, with a posture of a peacock. The man was holding a walking stick with a golden horse head on it's top. I could not see his hands, because they were covered in gloves.
- Isn't it dangerous for a woman like you to be outside at this late hour? – he asked in Italian when he came closer to me.
I felt shivers on my whole body when I heard his voice. He sounded like someone has grabbed him for the throat and barely let him breath.
- It is never late for a date – I said on the same language. – Let me pass through! Over there is someone waiting for me.
- Oh, I see! – the stranger mumbled and made another step closer to me. – So, who is your date?
- You do not know him! – I averred. – Now, get out of my way.
- No, no... I think that you are looking for me – he laughed and with the head of his walking stick nudged my coat. – You are the future princess, right?
- You are completely wrong! – I stepped back.
- Oh. Do not lie to me... I recognized you, princess – he said and came closer. – The ruby necklace... I gave it to you!
- That is impossible! – I gasped. – You are not "The Chess Player".
- Actually, it's me – he said again laughing.
- No, "The Chess Player" is tall, kind and divinely beautiful – I shook my head. – You are with a high of a bunny, rude and...
- How could you say something about my beauty when you could not see my face? – he interrupted me.
- Even with a mask I could see your eyes... I can read your soul...
- Oh, ma petite beauté, how mislaid you are?!
And again, his ominous laughter. I felt something strange, as if I was scared for me. That was not the man I was looking for. That was not "The Chess Player".
- Where is he? – I asked.
- Right in front of you! – whispered the man and leaned forward to me. – And now you are going to give me back, what is mine!
Before I even react, the stranger lunged at me and tore off the necklace with the head of his walking stick. The rubies scattered on the ground. I screamed for help but there was no one on the streets or near the bridge. I tried to collect some parts of the jewelry, but the stranger pushed me away.
- That's not fair! – I burst out into an anger and my eyes got watery.
- Who said life is fair? – he answered and lean forward to me. – Goodbye, ma petite beauté!
I was holding one of the rubies in my hand and tried to hit the stranger with my fist but only succeed to push his mask a bit...
Before I could see the face of the stranger... I woke up. When I opened my eyes and found out that I lay in the bed of my room, I let out a relieved sigh. My heart was beating faster than the move of the wheels of a racing car. I was so scared from the dream, that some tears fell down my chick before I sit in my bed. I ran fingers through my hair. It was only a dream... A strange nightmare. But so realistic that I even touched my chests to see if I had a necklace. Thanks God, there was not any.
I looked at my phone's clock – it was 8.30 am, which meant that I was going to be late for my job interview. After a months – long waiting, one week ago I received an invitation from "Scuderia Ferrari" for interview about the position "Strategist". Maybe they were sending to everyone at Italy, considering last season's success...
Anyway, I was going to Maranello today for the first meeting with my potential managers. I knew the rule for the first impression, so I got out of bed and started to get ready for the day. While I was doing my daily routine with a light workout for a tone and hot shower, I tried to push the thoughts of the strange dream back into my mind. The most important thing for me now, was to focus on my future career, therefore I had to take the job at any cost.
In the past two months I was preparing hard for this interview. I was reading psychology books, listening to life coach advises for great success, but I was not so sure that these things were going to help me at the interview. But for something I was on a hundred precent sure, my intuition has never lied to me. If there was my place, I was going to feel it right at the front door. I was going to feel it like home.
Right after the shower I went back to my room, to choose my outfit for the day. I did not have a clue what to wear – a dress, a suit or something casual. The whole wardrobe was all over my bed, but it seems like I had nothing appropriate for the occasion.
After long time overthinking in front of the huge pile of clothes, I chose a red silk shirt and dark blue trousers, matching with the same color blazer. The clothing was bit sporty elegant, so they seemed to be appropriate for the place I was going.
I put on some light makeup, so that it wouldn't be shown if I am blushing while answering the questions of the interviewers. Then I changed in my daily outfit, quickly curled my walnut-colored hair, and put a bit of my favorite perfume.
It was 11.30 am when I was completely ready with my look. I grabbed my bag and coat from the hanger in the hallway and went out of my apartment running as fast as I can on the thin ten-centimeter heels.
I was thankful that I live in Modena. The town was thirty minutes far from Maranello. Right on time I arrived at the Hometown of "Scuderia Ferrari". At the letter that I received it was specifically stated that the interview would take a place at "Pista di Fiorano", so I headed straight there. Because of my little slow driving with the high heels, the pre-planned schedule that I have made, was completely ruined. I should have forgotten about the five minutes for "calm down "in front of the door.
When I saw that I was approaching the gray metal fence of "Pista di Fiorano", I instantly sped up and overtook a black – two seated Ferrari, which was slowly driving in front of me. However, his driver did not think it is necessary to let me pass and tried to block my way. As a result of his reckless act, we almost crashed at each other.
Both cars stopped in front of the gate. The adrenaline kicked out in my blood and the Maneskins's song which was playing on my radio gave me a courage. I jumped out from my car, like a furious lion. A middle high man with short black hair, beard, and big eyes like coffee beans, got off from the other automobile, and raised his hands questioningly.
"A typical Italian car guy." – I thought.
- What are you doing, man?! – I asked in Italian without taking my sunglasses off. – You almost hit me!
- No, you almost hit me! – he replayed. His voice reminded me of someone... Then I remembered where I had heard it – in my dream this morning.
- I was overtaking you, and you need to leave me a space! – I raised my voice. – You look like a person who knows the rules of the road... Even though, you are wearing a "Scuderia Ferrari" T – shirt!
- And you look like a lost person – the man almost shouted. – Here is not the Versace factory! Move your car from my way! I and the guy next to me are running late for work.
His voice, manner, and the attempt to humiliate my appearance got me angry. I tried to stay calm and kept I poker face. My heart was beating much faster than in the morning and I barely could stop myself from punching him in the face.
- Well, for your information I am in a rush too – I said with a sly smile and clenched my fists. – Be a gentleman and let me pass through the gate first!
- Ha, girl, maybe you do not see that I am a Ferrari driver! – he continued. – I have a right of way! Move your car NOW!
- And so, what?! – laughed wryly – I am driving an Alfa Romeo, but the car does not give the privileges!
- I am a Ferrari DRIVER! – he emphasized the last word. – Could not you see that?!
- I could only see you are a moron! – I hissed to him. – If we continue with our small talk, we both are going to be late!
- Antonio, just let the girl to pass through the gate before us! – the man in the car raised his voice.
- But Cha...
- We are already late for the launch, Antonio!
The man called Antonio sight and got into his car. He moved it back, so I could pass. I tried to see the face of the guy next to the driver, but the windows were tinted. Well, if I got the job, I was going to find him and thank him.
I got up in my car and passed the gate successfully. Then I quickly parked my auto in front of the administrative building I looked around to find the guys but, it seemed like they had disappeared. I felt a bit disappointed not because I had the desire to continue the argument, but I wanted to see who the person was that stood up for me.
- Nevermind, Lissa... - I whispered to myself. – Go and get your job!
Then I entered in the building.
Notes: Hi, readers! Nice to meet you! I hope you liked the first chapter! Fell free to express your opinion! You could listen to the external link at the end of the page, so you could fell the mood of the story much better.
See you at the next chapter!
XO, Narrator16
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