Chapter 17
Jessie was in her room with her sister, who stood close to the window and appeared to be lost in thoughts. It's been a week since Sunshine returned home from the Demon’s zone, and there had been no improvement. She continuously had a nightmare, and it was simply telling on her.
Sunshine's face was ashen, she barely slept at night, and she had also refused to step outside the residence. Jessie knew her sister liked being outside but seeing her so scared at the thought of going out made her genuinely sad.
Jessie sighed. She could only imagine what her little sister had been through. Jessie's sister was the cheerful type, but seeing her like this now tore Jessie's heart. To make things worse, her sister had refused to talk about what happened to her when she was in the Demon’s zone.
Jessie stood up from where she was sitting. She could no longer endure the silence in the room. She walked to where her sister stood. "Hey," Jessie whispered.
Sunshine gave her sister a tiny smile but didn't say anything.
"Would you like to go for a walk?" Jessie asked. She was silently hoping her sister would agree. She needed her sister to be able to walk freely again.
Sunshine's eyes immediately widened in worry as she shook her head quickly. The thought of leaving the house scared her. "I can't go outside." Her voice shook. "They will capture me again and take me back to Master."
"Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise nobody is going to harm you ever again.” Jessie pulled her sister close.
"I don't want to go outside," Sunshine said with pleading eyes as a tear slipped from her orbs.
"It's okay, Sunshine. If you don't want to go, then you won't go." Jessie hugged her sister tightly and rocked her. A knock on her door made her release her sister from the hug. She attempted to move, but Sunshine held her back. "It's okay, Sunshine."
Jessie took her sister's hand and walked to the door. When she opened the door, she saw Elena standing with a smile.
"Hi, Sunshine," Elena said cheerfully.
"Hi," Sunshine whispered shyly.
"Are you hungry?"
Sunshine looked at her sister, who nodded her head at her, giving her permission. "Yes."
"Great! Lunch is served," Elena said
Jessie smiled gently and followed Elena, who led the way to the dining room. When they reached downstairs, the entire family was seated at the dining table. Jessie's eyes met Michael’s, which made her heart skip a beat. She again thought about their almost kiss in the kitchen a week ago. She smiled at Michael before she sat down next to her sister. They ate their lunch quietly, and Jessie helped them clear the table when they were done.
"Hey, Sunshine," Michael said as he sat next to her.
"Hi," Sunshine replied timidly.
"How are you doing?"
"I don't know," Sunshine answered truthfully.
Michael nodded his head in understanding. "Would you like to go outside for a while? Jessie told me you like being outside."
"Not anymore," Sunshine said quietly.
Michael didn't need a seer to tell him the reason why Sunshine was refusing to go outside. "Don't worry about anything, Sunshine. Nobody can harm you because you have me."
Sunshine looked at Michael for a while before she averted her eyes. "Are you positive they won't get me again?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Okay. I will go with you."
"Great! Let's go inform Jessie." Michael held out his hand for Sunshine, who was reluctant at first but later placed her hands on his as they left to inform Jessie.
Michael and Sunshine entered the kitchen, and they noticed the tap running whilst Jessie stood with folded arms, lost in thoughts. Michael walked slowly to where she was standing and turned off the tap, which Jessie failed to notice yet again. He then wrapped his hands around Jessie from behind. "What's wrong?" he whispered close to her ears
Jessie immediately swerved to face Michael, who was still holding her. "It's just…." She paused when she noticed her sister standing in a corner, staring at them. Jessie pulled away from Michael. She peered between Sunshine and Michael questioningly.
"We are going out," Michael announced
"Really? Are you sure, Sunshine?" Jessie watched her sister nod her head in agreement. "I will go with you guys. Let me just finish doing the dishes." Jessie grinned widely.
"Do you mind waiting for us in the living room?" Michael asked Sunshine.
Sunshine didn't reply. However, she turned and left the kitchen.
"What's up?" Michael asked once Sunshine was out of sight.
"I'm simply concerned about Sunshine. She has refused to tell me what happened to her in the Demon’s zone."
"It will take her time to open up," Michael said, which made Jessie nod in agreement. They stood quietly for a while before Michael's eyes went straight to her lips, and without wasting any time, he used his fingers to trace Jessie's lips slowly. Michael smiled when he felt Jessie shiver under his touch. "I have never kissed anybody before, but I want to kiss you."
Jessie's heartbeat fastened at Michael's confession. She thought her heart would pop out of her chest. 'I'm going to be his first kiss. I know he probably has a soulmate somewhere. However, right now, I don't care because I desire to kiss him,' Jessie thought.
Jessie pushed the thought of Michael having a soulmate to the back of her mind and leaned more towards Michael. "Kiss me," she whispered against his lips.
It was Michael's first kiss, and he certainly desired to place his lips on Jessie's. He was silently praying in his head not to mess things up. Slow and uncertain, he placed his lips over Jessie's. It was nothing like he had ever imagined a kiss would be like. Her lips were gentle and smooth. He pushed her towards the wall and wrapped his arms around her waist as he kissed her, and soon they established a growing rhythm.
“Mmm,” he moaned softly, kissing Jessie hard as his hands wandered of their own.
A sharp noise left Jessie's lips, which made her open her mouth wider, and Michael took that opportunity to discover the sweet taste of her mouth. Slowly, Michael pulled back with a heavy breath and stared at Jessie, who still had her eyes closed.
Michael felt anxious because he was curious to know if Jessie had liked the kiss. "Jessie," he whispered.
Jessie slowly opened her eyes and stared at Michael with a lovely smile. “I can't believe this was your first kiss because you are good at it."
"Are you saying you liked the kiss?"
"I loved it. "Jessie grinned.
"I'm happy you did because I loved it too."
Jessie smiled as she hurried up with the dishes. When she was done with the chore, they left for the living room.
"Are you ready to go?" Michael asked.
Sunshine nodded her head, and Jessie held out her hands for her sister, who grabbed her hands, and they left. During their walk outside, Michael occasionally glanced at Jessie and smiled. Their walk was very peaceful. However, Sunshine felt uneasy. She would constantly look over her shoulder to check if anyone was behind them. She would always tense up when she saw someone behind them. Jessie squeezed her hands whenever she was tense to reassure her that nothing was going to happen to her. After an hour, they went back home.
Michael was seated in the living room and had a huge smile on his face. The kiss he shared with Jessie earlier that day awakened a new phase of feeling for Jessie in his heart. "I like her, and I'm sure she feels the same way. I can't believe I have a second chance in love."
Michael shook his head slightly and was about to close his eyes when he heard footsteps of someone moving closer to him. He was so distracted by his thoughts that he did not hear the footsteps of the person till they had gotten close to him. Michael relaxed when he was sure that the person wasn't a demon. "Sunshine?" he asked.
"Yes, it's me."
"Why are you up? Are you okay?"
"I had a nightmare," she whispered
"Sit down."
Sunshine immediately sat next to Michael and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Where is Jessie?"
"Sleeping. I didn't want to bother her."
They fell silent, and it didn't take long for Jessie to run down the stairs. She sighed in relief when she saw her sister was with Michael and was sleeping soundly.
When she had woken up and couldn't find her sister on the bed, she had panicked and thought that the demons had captured her sister again. Seeing her with Michael made her truly happy. She moved closer to them, which made Michael look up to meet her eyes. "Hey."
"Hi. Come join us."
Jessie immediately sat down. She leaned in and kissed him softly as Michael wrapped his arm around them. Jessie sighed in satisfaction and closed her eyes as she drifted off to sleep whilst Michael watched them as they slept.
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