chapter 10
The cold outside the house had Jessie wrapping her arms around herself. She didn't know exactly where she was going, but she knew she wasn't going back to the Angels' residence without her sister. Thinking about Angel's house caused her thoughts to drift to Michael.
“I wonder how he would react when he finds out I'm gone. Will he be concerned?” A sigh escaped her lips. “Michael is a big distraction for me. I need to focus my attention on where I'm going. I'm not going back to the Angels' house once I find my sister. We will go back to the life we had before the demons took her away, and before the Angels entered my life.”
Jessie continued walking with conflicting thoughts running through her mind. “I don't need the Angels. I was living on my own before I met them. I will be fine,” she tried convincing herself.
Though, the thought of living on her own again didn’t feel right after living in a house full of people for weeks. Her mind was screaming at her to return to the Angels' place, but she ignored it. She tried blocking any thought of Angel's residence from her mind.
Jessie sighed as she pushed herself further.
‘I think I should go this way. My instincts are always right. If I sight any demon, I will make sure I break their bones.’
She was about to take another step but stopped when she noticed someone taunting a child.
Jessie was very irritated, but before she could take any action, the person looked up, and Jessie recognized the person staring at her.
“A demon,” she whispered. Jessie knew he was a demon because he was the same demon who took her sister. Without giving it a second thought, she lunged for the demon.
The demon wasn't expecting the attack. He screamed in pain when Jessie's fist connected with his face, and he automatically fell.
Jessie turned to look at the little girl who was sitting on the floor, looking terrified. She had tears flowing down her cheek. Jessie rapidly turned to pick the child up to console her. She wasn't able to hold the child before she was pushed to the ground. Jessie looked at the face of the little child, who had her back pressed against the wall.
“Run!” Jessie yelled.
The child didn't waste any time standing. She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Jessie turned her attention back to the demon, who had punched her face hard. Jessie winced in pain before pushing the demon off her. She stood up and beat the demon very hard.
“You, stupid human,” the demon snarled.
“Where is my sister?” Jessie demanded.
The demon laughed hard. “Like I will tell you.”
“You don't have a choice,” Jessie spat at the demon.
“I love your strength and courage, and I think you will be useful to my Master,” the demon said, eyeing Jessie.
“To hell with your Master. I want my sister back, and you will take me to her,” Jessie yelled, pointing at the demon.
“You see,” the demon said, smiling. “You will be useful for my Master. Seize her!” the demon ordered.
Jessie's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know other demons were present there as well.
‘Stupid,’ she muttered to herself.
Jessie started backing away from the demon, who was coming close to her.
“Don't fight, human,” the demon leading the group said.
“Hell, I will,” she muttered. Jessie took her stance to battle, but she heard the cry of a child. Jessie turned to see the little girl struggling in the arms of the demon carrying her.
“I'm sorry,” the child said while crying hard. “I tried to run, but I was not fast enough before he caught me. I'm sorry she apologized repeatedly.”
“It's okay, honey, I understand. We will get out of here,” Jessie promised. “Let's make a deal,” Jessie said, turning her attention back to the demons. “Let the little girl go, and I will come with you.”
“You don't have any right to make any deal here, human,” the demon growled. “I will take you and this little girl with me. You don't have a choice.”
“Then I will take my chance fighting you all,” Jessie said, looking sternly at the faces of the demons.
“Good luck with that,” the demon muttered.
Michael still had his head rested on Raguel's shoulder when he suddenly tensed up, which Raguel noticed.
“Are you all alright?” Raguel asked.
“I'm not sure,” Michael said, sitting up straight. “I feel someone is in trouble.”
Raguel knew what that meant. Ever since the superior Angels had assigned Michael to be a Guardian Angel to humans, he had always felt when a human was in distress.
“Just concentrate and find out who needs your help,” Raguel advised.
Michael nodded his head and linked his fingers together in an attempt to concentrate, but Jessie's face kept popping in his mind. He opened his eyes with a frown on his face.
“Have you seen the person's face and location?” Raguel asked.
“No,” Michael whispered. “I keep on seeing Jessie's face,” he added.
Raguel sighed, shaking his head. “Just concentrate, Michael. Somebody needs your help right now.”
“I'm trying,” Michael muttered, but he continued seeing Jessie's face, who had demons surrounding her. He could also see a little girl who was crying. He snapped his eyes open and looked at Raguel. “But what if she...” He didn't complete his statement before he stood up from the sofa and ran upstairs.
Michael knocked on her door and waited for a reply, but he didn't get any. He knocked again, and when he didn't get any response, he let himself into the room.
Michael scanned the room, but he didn't see Jessie. He went straight for the restroom, and he found it empty as well. His eyes went directly to the window. His heart stopped for a few seconds when he found it open.
“What have you done?” he whispered. Michael rushed out of the room, screaming Raguel's name.
“What is it?” Raguel asked.
“Jessie is the one in trouble,” Michael said quickly. “She is not in her room. She left through her window. I need to get to her fast. She's surrounded by demons. Jessie also has a little girl with her. Maybe she has found her sister," Michael quickly spoke.
Elena rushed to the living room when she heard their raised voices. “What is it?” She asked.
Michael quickly explained everything to her. Without wasting time, he hurried out of the house with Raguel close on his heels. Michael turned to look at Raguel with questioning eyes.
“I'm coming with you,” Raguel said.
Michael nodded his head. “Hold on, Jessie,” Michael whispered.
Both Raguel and Michael flashed their wings and soared.
Jessie was pushed to the ground. The demon punched her hard on the stomach, and Jessie winced in pain. The demon continued to hit her until Jessie found the strength to push the demon off her. She backed away from the demons, looking at them carefully.
“Enough of this!” The demon leading the group shouted. “Human, you will come with us right now, or we will kill this child,” he threatened.
Jessie froze. She glanced at the little girl, who was still crying. Jessie turned her attention to the demons, but before she could say anything, she saw a bright light, and instantly she felt relieved.
“He came,” Jessie whispered. Her eyes were glued to Michael, who wasn't fazed by the presence of the demons. His wings stood proudly on his back. She watched Michael glance around their surroundings.
Jessie was immediately pulled back into reality when she heard Michael speak, and that's when she noticed Raguel standing next to Michael.
“You!” Michael pointed at the demon holding the little girl. “Let her go,” he demanded.
“Don't tell me what to do,” the demon spat.
“I'm warning you,” Michael snarled.
The demon remained adamant. Michael didn't think for a second before lunging for the demon. The other demons didn't stand to watch the party; rather, they all joined.
Raguel and Jessie fought side by side. They both knocked out every demon that came in their way. Michael succeeded in knocking out the demon, who held the child.
“Stay here,” Michael stated to the little girl, who nodded her head.
Michael turned his attention to the other demons and fought very bravely, knocking out every demon that came his way.
The demons knew they were losing. They started backing away from them.
“This is not over,” The leader of the group of the demons shouted. “And you,” the demon pointed at Jessie. “You will be hearing from us soon.”
The remaining demons disappeared, leaving the angels standing alone with Jessie and the little girl.
“Are you all alright?” Raguel asked Jessie as he stood next to her.
Jessie wanted those words to come from Michael's mouth, but for some reason, Michael wasn't looking at her. His attention was centered on the little girl, who was crying.
“Is she your sister?” Raguel asked Jessie.
Jessie shifted her gaze from Michael and shook her head. She wished it was her sister standing in front of her.
“Do you know where you live?” Raguel asked the little girl, who nodded her head.
“Good. Michael, take Jessie home while I will take the kid back to her parents.”
Michael shook his head. “I will take the child home; you take Jessie home,” Michael said without glancing at Jessie.
“He is angry at me,” Jessie whispered.
Raguel did not argue. Michael flashed his wings, which made the little girl flinch.
“It's okay, baby,” Michael said softly.
“Are you an Angel?” she whispered.
“Yes, I am.”
She nodded her head and allowed Michael to pick her up. She glanced at Jessie. “Bye,” she whispered before Michael soared.
“Are you ready to go home?” Raguel asked Jessie, who was staring at the spot Michael stood a few seconds ago.
Jessie nodded her head and wrapped her arms around Raguel. They soared back home.
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