13- Her Condition
When Riddhima opened her eyes, she found herself in the hospital with many drips and injections being injected to her. Her breathing was normal which meant that she was alive but now the thing is, her eyes was showing her everything blur and dull. She could not see anything clearly so she closed her eyes and said:
I got blind in your love, but your hatred made me
Deaf because after then, I could not hear someone
Like as you say, you loved me........
Then, after a few seconds, when she opened her eyes, she found a man looking in her eyes. But still, she could not see anything clearly. The face was blur and all of a sudden, her eyes clearly showed who he was. He was someone, Riddhima knew. But after a while, someone was trying to open the door. It was locked, obviously not by itself, someone had must locked it. But Riddhima was umable to stand. She moved ahead and tried her best to stand up and someone helped her in standing her, by holding her hand, she felt but couldn't assure because due to lots of injection and medicines, she could not be abled to even look clearly, within intervals of seconds, her eyes were closing. However, the wounds were paining a lot that she was making sounds with fast breaths.
She removed all the drips that were applied to her before standing. She with very difficulty, unlocked it. The nurses and the doctor came and asked her how she is now? They were asking, about any of her acquaitance here etc. And let her comfortably to the bed. She assured, "I came from another city, none of my acquaintances or family member lives her. I am here to search for my best friend, Sejal. Do let me go because I don't want to waste my time. I will manage and yeah! The bill...." she stopped. So, the doctor informed her that someone had already paid your bill and said that you need complete rest because you were severely injured. She said, "I will manage, please." The docter asked, "With whom will you go? The driver has died and we could not even find your mobile." This was a great trouble, now that she could not contact anyone. The only option she had, at that time was the person whom Aangray appointed.
See, how much your loved made me powerful,
That I am the only one left now to made every
Moment of my life wonderful.........
When again, the doctors refused to let her go, she convinced them a lot. She also asked him that who paid the bill. But the doctor did not tell her. The doctor gave her a pill which will let her sleep for a few hours and so she slept. When everyone left, she woke up because she never slept. She just acted. The pill the doctor gave was although very very bitter, but she kept it in her mouth for a few seconds and threw it down the bed on whch she was laying. She planned to run by jumping from the window and she will. She was fighting with her bad health this time.
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