bad guy.
"I will air this bitch out, what the fuck." Mykah said as soon as she walked into the kitchen of the prettymuch house.
"What kind of liquor is this– why did you bring me here." Mykah said as she turned to her friend Luke. "I thought you'd need a change of scenery, yknow, get you away from those xanny addicts and shit."
She looked him up and down and rolled her eyes as he ruined her whole mood, but she was an open minded girl so she decided on acting on her emotions. "Whose house is this?"
"Some boy band I think called catch you later or quite frankly, some typa catch phrase." He replied as he sipped on some light weight liquor.
"How the fuck do you not know yet you brought me here–" She said dumbfounded.
Edwin heard her curses as he entered the kitchen but didn't know the voice, and to his revaluations he didn't know her either. He seen the skinny framed dark skin girl as soon as he stepped in noticing her sleek pink and purple colored hair which had been put into a curly bun and accessorized with a few clips to match her fit.
Her 5'6 frame sported a simple red champion hoodie with a chain dangling from its back matching with her black and white checkerboard pants. On her feet she wore a pair of half black, half checkerboard vans. Just from her fit alone Edwin took an interest and Luke noticed.
"Bro a tennis ball is staring at you." He said not bothering to lower his voice. Edwin being Edwin, took no offense and proceeded to the side of the girl that was unbeknownst to him.
Her eyes spoke for her before anything else but she thought he was cute in the face so she didn't judge him completely.
"Is everything good over here?" He asked with a smile as he does. "Everything's fine, hows it with you, baby?" She asked deciding she was going to make the most of her night.
"Nothing right now, but you can change that." He said as nodded because she could and she most likely would. "What's your name, baby?" She asked
"It's Edwin, but you can call me whatever."
She was about to respond when she heard the familiar beat of the Maliibu Miitch song give her some money. "Do you wanna dance, Edwin?" She asked as she grabbed onto his hand and pulled him to the living room not letting him answer as if he was going to say no.
With that the two began dancing which turned into Mykah throwing it back on Edwin with no hesitations and all he could do was take it, and he did with ease. His soft hands found themselves clad to her waist as her hips rolled causing her ass to caress him in all the right places as his hands did the same to her.
The two danced with each other to the trap music as Zion was across the living room with his girlfriend Haley. He had been on the couch while she sat on him and quite frankly, he was bored.
"Are you sure you don't want to dance?" He asked her for the fifth time in the six minutes she sat there. "Yes!" She exclaimed.
"Well damn." He mumbled rolling his eyes before he took time to analyze the state of his home. It was a field of sweat ridden bodies and clothed sex. He had noticed Austin with Ansley first seeing the two talking by the entrance of the kitchen looking happy to be in each other's company.
He seen Brandon and Nick both talking to, two black girls, both just as magnificent as the other. Brandon talked to a short lightskin with curly hair as big as her and from where she stood she was adorned with a wide arrangement of jewelry like Brandon.
Nick was talking to a slightly taller dark skin with a puff that almost completely blocked him from Zions line of vision. Her body was clad with a lime green bodycon dress that hugged every curve she had.
Out of all the boys he had yet to find his New Yorken best friend, until he did and what he seen made his eyes bulge. There he seen a girl unknown to him with her ass connected to Edwin and all he could do was smile.
The sight was almost comical since he didn't think Edwin had little to any game but there he was on the dance floor dancing with one of the finest females he had ever seen.
The way her body was moving was sending Edwin, quite clearly, into a frenzy as he guided her seemingly uncontrollable movements.
"I'll be right back." Zion said as he placed Haley beside him causing her to look up from her phone. "Where are you going?"
"Nowhere, Ill be back." He said as he found himself going into the crowd. As he got closer the girl started to become clearer and clearer but he couldn't remember where exactly where she was from.
He had never seen her at one of their parties and she didn't make any music to his knowledge so where did he know her.
As he stood at front of the wide circle that surrounded the pair he realized who she was and shock set in. Immediately he snapped back into reality and put a stop to the dancing.
"Yo cut the fucking music!" He yelled causing the music to stop and the two to stop moving.
"Bro what– Zion." She asked surprised before she let a small smirk play on her lips. She wasn't embarrassed by what he seen but she was intrigued.
"Mykah what are you doing here?" Zion asked as he stepped closer
"I'm having fun, is that a problem?" She asked as she got closer to him as well.
"You're doing the most on someone you probably don't know, you know what– lets go." He grabbed her by the arm but she snatched it away.
"Nigga you lost any right you had to boss me around when you dipped, try again." She said.
He looked her up and down before he shaking his head and letting out a low chuckle. She shook her head as well and nodded. "I never will."
Haley had been standing behind Zion since he cut the music so the reunion was right in front of her. "Zion, who is this– what is she wearing?" Haley asked as she glared at Mykah.
"Bitch– you're the girlfriend aren't you?" She asked as she slightly smiled.
"Yes I am, and you are?"
"Mykah, and I will gladly beat your ass if you talk to or about me like that again." She stepped closer and Z and Ed got in between them.
"Woah woah woah there, let's get some separation." Ed spoke loudly as if the hadn't gotten the whole houses attention by now.
"Excuse me I know Karate!" This caused Zion to facepalm in total disgust because he knows for a fact that she did not just say that. To Mykah this was hilarious and she was leaning on Edwin to keep her upright from how hard she was laughing, along with much of the crowd.
Zion himself began to laugh but discreetly, "come on Haley, let's just go." He shook his head and grabbed onto her.
"No no– wait, I didn't get to come b-back." Mykah said but she fell back into another fit of laughter as Haley rolled her eyes in disgust and shimmied through the crowd angry as she could be.
"You better go get her." Mykah said as she wiped away her tears.
"She'll be alright, but really it's nice to see you again, we need to meet up." Z settled despite the fact his girlfriend just stormed out the house.
"Alright, I'm done, my insta is still the same, now for real go check on her before she cheat on you." This caused him to laugh
"You stay on that cheating shit, but alright." He shook his head and turned around. "Turn the music back on–" he quickly turned back.
"But no more of that grinding shit– nasty ass." Z mumbled the last part as he went after his raging girlfriend.
Flop or not, I updated, bad or good idk.
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