Worlds Greatest Uncle (fluffy!!)
"Dude! Your uncle is fucking awesome! I'd kill for one like him!" One of his friends remarked as they walked home from some random cafe.
"Yeah! You literally have the worlds greatest uncle!" His other friend added in from behind.
He chuckled, "Isn't that a bit exaggerated?" He ignored the random shouts that came from his friends in response to his remark, instead deciding to focus on his older memories from his uncle.
"Fifi? Whats wrong?" The blonde avian asked, looking down at the child with a concerned expression.
"T-the stupid neighbors kids hit me!" The fox kit wailed, throwing her arms around her uncle. Her uncle crouched down, picking her up and holding her close
"Oh Fifi, it's alright." He coo'd, squeezing the child tighter as he swayed with her in his arms. "They won't bother you again kit," he released the girl a bit so the two could face each other, blue eyes meeting black ones, "and if they do, I give you full permission to sock em in the faces and kick em in the balls!"
The kit giggled between sniffles as she began to wipe the tears away from her eyes with her sleeve. "But what if their mommy's get mad at daddy?"
The blonde took his free hand and cupped the childs cheek, using his thumb to wipe the remaining tears away. "You can tell them uncle Tom told you to."
"Uncle Tom?" The young-teen hybrid called, looking around the household nervously. She passed a few doors before entering the kitchen, where she found her uncle taking a couple of cookies out the oven.
"Oh Fifi! I was about to call you!" He chirped, fluttering his wings as he smiled at the fox. He placed the tray on the counter and took off his oven mitts, before walking over to greet his niece.
"Uncle Tom.." She repeated, looking up at him with glossy eyes. The avian seemed to catch on as he immediately scooped her up into a hug.
"Oh whats wrong kit?" He asked gently, pulling away from the hug.
"I uh- I.." She stuttered over her words, not exactly knowing how to phrase her concerns.
"Take your time kit," Her uncle reassured softly.
"Uncle Tom, I don't think I want to be a girl."
"And done!" The avian happily announced as his scissors went through the last group of hair. "What do you think kit?"
The chair that the fox hybrid sat in was spun around, making the teen see himself in the mirror. Fundy gazed at himself in amazement, reaching a paw up to run through his hair, earning a chuckle from his uncle. "I- It's amazing.."
His Uncle grinned,"of course it is. After all the great Tommyinnit did it!" the blond jokingly exclaimed as he continued to smile like a dumbass at his nephew.
"Yeah, yeah Uncle Tom," Fundy chuckled,"but thank you so much, I love it." The avians smile softened as he moved to ruffle the newly cut hair.
"Of course, anything for my favorite Nephew."
"Uncle, I'm your only nephew-"
"Uncle Tom.. are you sure about this?" He questioned, glancing at the door to his fathers study and back to his uncle.
"Of course Funds, you'll be fine. I know your dad like the back of my own palm, he'll accept you." His uncle reassured, wrapping one of his fluffy white wings around him.
"H-how can you be so sure?" The fox squeaked, looked up to face his uncle, his anxious eyes meeting the soothing expression of the older.
"Call it a hunch if you will." The avian chirped with a wink, leaving the fox slightly confused, yet reassured. The wing which was wrapped around the kits back began to move, pushing the hybrid a little closer to the study door. "Well, go on then. I'll buy you ice cream after its over if that bribes you in any way."
The fox chuckled and nodded,"the bribe works uncle. I'll hold you to it though!" The kit grinned mischievously as he grabbed the door handle, turning it and walking right in.
"Fucking freak." The bully spat as he shoved Fundy to the ground. "I bet this is why your mother left you, I mean look at you!" He taunted as he leaned over the squirming fox. Fundy bit his tongue, resisting the urge to scream about how his mother didn't leave him, that instead she was dead and how horrible it is to say that about a dead woman. He knew better than to scream at the person in power here about how stupidly wrong he was.
Another voice joined the mix, this time by the bullys little sidekick. "I bet thats why you changed genders Fiona. You do know no one actually calls you Fundy, right?" He snickered as he began to kick at the fox's side. As if on cue, shouting began to arise from behind them.
"Hey! Assholes!" Screamed a voice Fundy was way too familiar with. "Get the fuck away from my nephew!" The shouts were followed by the sound of beating wings as the screaming man grew closer. The bullys cursed under their breaths as they turned to run, only to be caught by hooved and clawed hands. Fundy paid no mind to the sounds of noses being broken, nor the ankles being twisted. Instead the only noise he focused on was the sound of his uncles voice, the one which was sweet like honey and dripping with concern. "Oh Fundy, are you okay kit? I'm sorry me and Uncle Techno didn't get here sooner." He lifted the teenager up and held him in his arms, not failing to notice the way the teen winced when he brushed over a bruise.
"I'm fine now, thanks for coming." He mumbled as he tried to stable himself, the bullies sure did a number on him.
"For you? Any time." His uncle spoke back as he held the boy close, using his wings to create a dome of protection around the two. A gentle reminder that with him there, nothing could hurt the two.
Yeah, he thought to himself with a chuckle, I guess I really do have the world's greatest uncle.
I LOVED THIS CHAOTER SM I HAD TO FINISH IT IM SO SORRY!! Game Night will be finished soon! Im on like 6K words i think. So uh, yeah its long as fuck.
1078 words
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