Tubbo?.. I like that. (Idk. Not angst??)
I liked this idea.
+^Tommy POV^+
"Yes!" He smiled brightly as he took off his goggles. He wiped off some oil that splashed onto his mouth. "Finally after all this time.. it worked!" He grinned. He sat down on the box behind him. "T.U-660. Power on." Some beeping noises could be heard. Suddenly the human look a like-android started to come alive. It blinked a few times. Not that it really needed to. It looked around, at its hands, at its body. Hell it even ran its fingers through its hair. Tommy was at eye level with it, he watched its amazement at its own existence.
Tommy cheered. He raised his fist high up and brought it down in celebration. That of course scared the android. It was like a human child. Learning about the world for the first time. "Oh sorry about that." The blonde gave a nervous chuckle. "Im Tommy by the way. Im your creator!" He gave a childish yet proud grin. "Creator..?" "Yeah! I like, made you." The android thought. How did it think? It doesn't know. "So like a father..? Tommy are you my father?" Tommys face turned to a bright pink. "NO NOnono- Thats weird. Like really weird. Hmm.. think of me more as your best friend. You close companion." "Oh. Okay." The android smiled.
It looked at its feet. On them there were some leather like old shoes. It looked back at the engineering boy that sat in front of it. "Tommy." The boy looked up. "Hm? Whats up." "Whats my name? Do I have one." "Oh. Well I named you T-U.660 but maybe we can think of something else?" "What about Tubbo? Because T-u and 660 looks like b-b-o" Tommy grinned. "Tubbo?.. I like that. Your a smart fella Tubbo." Tubbo smiled. He felt happy. Feelings were still new to the boy but he will get used to them eventually. After all.. hes still finding himself.
Tommy was still typing away on his old computer. He seemed very concentrated. Tubbo didn't want to interrupt his friend. So instead he got up. He looked around the basements make-shift lab. Around were many little inventions. Most had labels of "DO NOT TOUCH!" On them. Some were caged creatures. A mechanic bird noticed Tubbo and tilted its head at the droid boy. It sang happily. A smaller bird was nuzzled next to it. Lovers? What does love feel like? He turned to Tommy.
"Tommy, whats love feel like?" Tommy looked up at his friend. "Its like a feeling of caring.. greater then only a friend. The person or people you love will make your heart.. warm." He gave a sad smile before looking down. "Its like, if you loved something and something bad happened to them you would feel a pain like no other. It isnt really just healable. Its more like an eternal pain of your heart being torn apart. You will probably not feel that warmth for a long time." "Oh.."
"Don't worry you can touch the birds." "Yay!" Tubbo grinned as he opened their cage. He stuck his hand in to let the bird hop on. The larger bird nudged the other awake before both hopping onto the droids hand. The two had little nametags on their feet. The red and green shorter one was named "Sally." The taller brown and yellow was named "Wilbur." What cute names. Tubbo sat down on the floor. He pet the two birds as they snuggled together. Wilbur began to sing once more. Tubbo smiled as he listened to the beautiful singing. Sally had already fallen asleep a while ago.
~oh me gawd. What is this? A- a TIMESKIP?~
Tubbo powered on the the noise of hushed grumble. He was sitting down on a box. The box covered up a battery which he was using to charge up. Tubbo looked around. It was dark.. He blinked and suddenly the world was a sort of green color. Weird.. atleast he could see. He saw Tommy laying down across the room. A mattress was laid out on the ground. Tommy was moving around on it. His blanket long forgotten on the ground next to the mattress. He tossed and turned. Weird noises came from his mouth. Tubbo now identifies those noises to be similar to talking.
He stood up and got closer. He was worried for his human friend. Tubbo sat next to the boy. "Tommy?" Tommy began to toss and turn aggressively. As if he was trying to get something.. or someone, off him. Tubbo didn't know what to do. He didn't want the boy to get hurt. He grabbed the boys arms. "Tommy!" Tommy began to move around more. "TOMMY!" He woke up with a gasp. Tear were streaming from his eyes. When did he even start crying? "Tommy, are you okay?? You were moving around a lot and- and I didn't want you to get hurt!" The blonde nodded slowly. "Im. Im fine. Dont worry about it." He smiled lightly.
Eh. Part 2 later ig cuz im lazy and I wanna get something out.
859 words.
Damn thats short.
Finished 15:03 / 3:03
Published 15:04 / 3:04
February 7 2022
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