Toast (Angst)
A/N HUH- I MISS ONE STREAM AND TOMMY JUST FLAT OUT FUKIN DIES WTF. I need to not miss streams... fuck Smp Dream tho I hate him
Also yes i know this isnt what happened lemme have my fun
Hey yall its author! A week or 2 after i made this that is lol. The reason i was hesitant to post it was cause a day right after this was made. A DAY. TOMMY PULLS A FUKIN NO YOU CARD TO DEATH (that was me trying to not spoil it. I tried 😃👍🏼)
-present Ash-
Fuck it. Here ya go I was probably not going to ever finish it anyways
TW: Blood/Gore, Death, Insanity, Grief
CW: Toast
Being in the cell was driving him crazy.. no.. he is crazy. He looked up and smiled as he pet the limp body of the boy he once manipulated.
"I did it.." he chuckled to himself. "He's more peaceful this way.. quiet and gentle."
He began continued to pet the blondes hair. The dead boys head laid on his lap. It rested there while he rested for eternity.
"DREAM IM SORRY PLEASE STOP. IT HURTS. IM ON MY LAST TWO HEARTS PLEASE DREAM IM SORRY" the boys screams filled the room before it finally went dead silent.. he was gone. So was the noise.
The lava that barricaded him in began to sink.
"Sam!" He laughed "Hello~" He spoke in such a happy and just flat out insane tone.
—Sam— (3rd)
"I should check up on him.." he muttered to himself. He worried for the boy. The screaming between Tommy and Dream died down. It oddly enough unsettled him. He made his way to Pandoras Vault still thinking of the blonde. The traumatized boy who was only a child when he had to start to fight for his life.
He made it to the vaults entrance. He took a deep breath and then pressed the button letting the lava slowly drain. "Sam" he heard the homeless man call his name in a sickening tone. "Hello~". Why cant he hear Tommy? The lava lowered enough to see dreams face, he was probably sitting on the floor, his broken mask covered half of his face. But even so, you could tell he's lost it.
He studied the room more as the lava fell. Staring at the man he realized. 'Is.. is that blood!?' He thought to himself. Dream had blood on his mask. Whos blood... The lava continued to fall. Sam waited until something devastating. There it was.. The body of a blonde boy, covered in blood and bruises, even some burns. "W-what the fuck..." Was the only words he could choke out
Sam wasn't used to seeing what a person looks like once their last life is taken. Usually when someone dies they turn into a puff of smoke. After processing what happened he finally went into the cell or "Pandoras Vault" as its called.
"Dream step away from Tommy, Go near the wall." He said sternly. Dream obeyed and went to the corner of the room. Once the telly tubbie was in the corner Sam picked up the child bridal style and left. He didn't dare to look down not wanting to see the bruised and bloodied boy. He walked across the redstone bridge as it moved.
He exited the fowl prison, not wanting go back there again. What will he tell the others? 'Sorry tommy just kinda fukin died. 😃👍 oh well'
583 words + a/n(s)
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