The Tale of The Underground (10K!! 1/2)
You probably can tell by the title. Yeah. Undertale au lol. 10k pog!! There will only be two povs and I wint write them down (sorry.) the fallen child (guess who) and chara. But his name is different here.
Finish this later idk
The child was falling. Falling. Falling. Falling. Falling. Fallen.
He landed on the bed of buttercups. The flowers spread out like dust. They shimmered in the small amount of light peaking through the hole above. The child got up and shook his hair. They looked around. It was dark. But not too dark. He walked towards the door. It had a purple frame. Ancient looking writing was all over it. "The ruins." A voice whispered in the distance.
(Just letting you know this is all off my memory of the game. I will skip a ton tho. Mainly to not spoil too much. Also dialouge is all different. Please dont comment anything about an event going differently. It's intentional if changed most times)
He entered the new room. A flower sat in the middle of a small circle of grass. They walked up to the flower. They were about to lean down to smell it before it suddenly opened its eyes. He jumped back startled. "Hehe! Sorry didnt mean to scare you there!" He pinched his black skin. Nope not Dreaming. "Howdy! Im Flowey! Flowey the flower!" "H-hi" "Whats your name? Its would be rude to not introduce yourself aswell." The flower grinned creepily. They paid no attention to it.
"Im Ranboo." "Hello! Ranboo. You seem new!" It smiled. "You must not be from around here! Let me tell you how it works around here!" A circle of white pelets surrounded them. In front of him a heart appeared. "Dont be scared! Thats your soul. It appears when your in.. conversations!" The black and pale child was facinated by it. "Those peletes are friendliness peletes! Walk into them to gain love." They were a bit hesitant. "Dont worry! Its safe." The flower gave another grim smile.
Ranboo walked towards one. He reached his hand out to the pebble. *crack* -1 hp. "HEHEHE." The flower laughed in a deeper and scarier tone. "YOU FOOL. YOU IDIOTIC FOOL. DONT YOU KNOW HOW IT WORKS AROUND HERE? ITS KILL. OR BE KILLED. EHAHAHA" The the floatong pebbled began to circle around Ranboo. They could do nothing but watch. The suddenly, a fireball hit the flower right in its face. Not like it had anything other then one. The flower went flying as woman in a robe scurried over. She looked like a godess. She had goat ears on the side of her head. Small horns on top. Her black hair waved in the light majesticly.
"Oh dear. Im so sorry my child. Did you get hurt?" She worrily looked around them trying to find any wounds. He was very awkward right now. She noticed. "OH! Im sorry. I forgot to introduce myself! Im Kristen!" "Goat mom" The voice whispered. "Im.. Ranboo." She clasped her hands together. "Lovely name!" She let out a big smile. They felt safe with her. "Im so sorry you had to deal with that foul creature. You see, im the gaurdian of these ruins. I come by everyday to check if someone has fallen. Why dont you follow me back to my place?" She offered him her hand. They happily accepted it.
In this Ranboo is "fully" human. He has half black skin and normal human white skin. The black are in weird splotches along only one side of his body. They wearing frisks striped shirt but its black and white stripped. He still has their crown but its plastic. + 1 defense. His hair is split dyed the same way as his character usually is. They still have red and green hetercromia. He wears white jean shorts. A little bee is patched onto his shirt where his heart is located. They dont know how it got there. Oh and ofc He/They pin on his jeans pocket.
The lady took them through many puzzles. She taught him how to solve them along the way. She made them speak to a dummy.. so that was weird. He finally saw her home. A big lovely tree was outside. Of course the leaves were all missing. Probably due to the lack of sunlight they assumed. They walked inside. "Make yourself at home my child." She gave him a gentle smile. "Your room is upstairs to the left." (I DONT REMEMBER WHERE IT ACTUALLY IS SORRY LOL) "Thank you miss Kristen." "Your welcome dear."
They walked around the halls. Kristen was downstairs making butterscotch pie. He went to her room first. It would be rude to intrude buuuut- They looked at her sock drawer... thats definetly not a sock drawer. The rest of her drawers were normal. An image on top of her night stand did stand out though. It has a big smiling family. There were three boys. One was a human, the other two werent. One was a pig hybrid. The other was a goat like her. Standing beside the pig hybrid was another one. This time a grown man. He had wings but obvious pig like features. Who were they? "Its a family. Kristen and her three sons. Then the king." The voice whispered.
"I wonder what happaned to them." He left the room. On their way to the next room there was a mirror. So he looked at it with amazement. "Its just you." They left the mirror and went to the other room. It was locked. He turned to the mirror once more. "Its still you." They walked to their own room. It had a lavender scent. The walls were yellow. The room looked like it belonged to a musician. He sat down on the bed. It was the right consistency. They soon found themselve snuggled up in the sheets dozing off into a deep sleep.
He watched as she walked into the room of the sleeping boy. "Oh. Hes asleep." She left the pie slice on the nightstand before leaving. "I miss you.. mom." The boy let an invsible tear drip down his face. It fell to the ground with a *hiss*. He turned to the boy he was following. Stupid child really tried to escape his issues using the pit... But what place was he in that he could critisize. Thats what he did. And the many before this Ranboo. Maybe this one will make it. He doesnt want to watch another fall into his hands. Not again.
They sat up from their bed. He yawned before turning to face the cold pie slice. Its sight caused him to smile. She was a kind person. He brushed his teeth and made his way downstairs with their slice. They microwaved it and began to eat the warmed up pie. Yum. "Her pies were always the best." He would agree but their mouth was way to full to speak.
They chugged a glass of milk before exploring. Miss Kristen was asleep. He found a staircase. It lead down. So they followed it. He was met with a large hallway. At the end there was a large purple door. They touched the acient writing before looking at the voice. "Really? *sigh*. Exit." He smiled as a thank you for the translation. The voice rolled his transparent eyes as he had his arms crossed. "My child? You shouldnt be here. Its not safe." They turned around to see Kristen.
"Oh. Hi miss. I was wondering if you can open this door? I need to leave." "Why must you go? You can just stay here. Is it not comftorable?" She walked to the door and past Ranboo. "N-no it is! I need to go home..." "its not safe out there. Youll die." They let out a soft smile. "I promise ill be okay." Kristen looked at him seriously. "Then. Prove to me you can survive."
The room flickered for a second. Suddenly his soul appeared again. "Fight. Fight. Fight" They looked at the four floating options. [Fight*] He pressed his hand on the option. He then swiped at her with his stick. Kristen began to shoot her fireballs at them. She looked upset every time a fireball hit them. Suddenly Kristen was at 1hp, 1 eventually turned to 0. Then, she fell. She knelt on the ground holding her chest. "Wow.. I. I guess you can survive out there.. my child." She smiled as she vanished into a pile of smoke. Ranboo was now on the ground sobbing. That wasnt supposed to happen. He didnt mean to kill her. Why is she dead. "Come back. Please. Come back." They were a muttering sobbing mess on the ground.
The voice gigged at this. He had his arms crossed behind his back. He walked over to Ranboo before squatting in front of them. He then grabbed one of their hands. Suddenly a screen popped up. [Reset?] "do it, it will bring her back. You dont want her to be dead do you?" And so. He pressed it.
They opened their eyes. "Prove to me you can survive." He opened his mouth to speak before closing it once more. They wanted to tell her they just saw her die. But thats creepy. And weird. Kinda like Ranboo. And so it started again. The room flickered before they were presented with 4 options. [Act*] There was no way he was going to fight this time. [Talk*]. They tried to speak to her. He was only responded to with a chain of fire balls. "Ironically.. talking doesn't seem to be the solution in this situation" Wow. Who could've guessed.
He dodged another chain of fireballs. [Mercy*]. [Spare*]. Kristen just looked at him. More fireballs. He repeated the action. Over and over again. Eventually she spoke. "..What are you doing? ATTACK OR RUN AWAY" Harsh. And so, he spared again. (bear with me here. Toriel takes a while to convince. Im sparing you a ton lol) "WHAT ARE YOU PROVING THIS WAY??" They didnt have to dodge the rain of fire. It seemed to avoid him. And so they spared one last time. "Please.. Stop it. Just go upstairs. You dont have to die. I CANT LET ANOTHER ONE DIE" He stood persistent. "Why are you making this so difficult?.. please. Just go upstairs." They shook their head no. "Ha.. pathetic is it not? I cant save a single one... no I understand now. Youll be trapped here? In this small place. The Ruins aren't large enough. Ill put all my worries aside for you my child. Please. Be safe." Ranboo ran up to Kristen and hugged her. "I promise. Ill be safe miss Kristen." She smiled.
"Come. Let me free you from this place. Here." She placed a black coat on them. "You might need it." They held hands and she opened the door. "Goodbye my child. Call me please." She handed them a phone with her number in it, he smiled and nodded. They walked through the door before turning around. "Goodbye mumza!" And with that he was off.
He walked through the long corridor. "This is boring.." The voice stated the obvious. "Don't be impatient im sure it will end soon." As if on cue the pair walked into an opening. Stood in the middle of the dark room was the flower. Flowey. "Ha. You think your clever dont you? Its kill or be killed. But no you think you can play by your own rules. It doesnt work like that here buddy." They gave a smug grin. "Well it seems I managed to get by just fine my own way." "You saw her die. You killed her. But you just had to reset. Cause you didnt want to see precious little Kristen die?" "Shut up. I spared her. It took an attempt but I did it." "If you say so. Your just a pawn in a game of checkers." And just like that. The flower retreated back into the ground.
The pair continued to walk. "What was that?? I never said you could possess me???" "He was getting on my nerves. I had to do something?" "Next time. A little heads up would be nice." The voice rolled his eyes.
They entered a new door. It lead to some sort of snowy biome. Trees littered the sides of the pathway. It was too dark to see in between them. He stepped on a small branch making a small yet sudden. *crack* They jumped at the sound. The voice laughed at them. "Ha pussy" He continued to walk. They stopped in front of a small bridge, something felt... off. A hand could be felt on his shoulder. "Human.. dont you know how to greet a new pal?" This new voice whispered into their ear. They sounded... suspicious. As if the sneaking up on him wasnt enough to cause suspicion. "Turn around.. shake my hand." Ranboo turned around slowly. They shook the hand that was being held out for them.
A loud.. fart noise was heard. Followed by some tea kettle like wheezing. "BAHAHA- the old whoopee cushion on the hand trick. *snort* it never gets old." Ranboo let off a little snort. He had to admit. It was kinda funny, and really stress relieving to know they werent about to get stabbed. "Anyways.. you a human aren't ya? Funny. Im Dream. Im supposed to be on watch for humans right now. But like.. I dont really care about capturing anybody. But my boyfriend, George. Hes a human hunting FANATIC." They looked at him oddly. He hopes that this Dream guy is a volunteer or something. Cause this guy sucks at his job.
The man wore a mask. It covered everything but his smile, which oddly enough there was a smile painted poorly on the mask. On the side of his head there were two mini wings replacing what usually was ears. He had a halo above his head, it looked like it was partially melting. He wore a green hoodie and some basketball shorts. A white stripe going down the side of the leg area. On his back stood two large and fluffy wings, they were lime green. On his feet there were sandals... with socks in them.
"Walk through those "gates". Their too wide to stop anyone anyways." The two "three".. three of them walked through. "Hey. I think thats George over there. Why dont you hide behind those conveniently placed rocks." Ranboo ran behind them before crouching. Out of nowhere a male wearing a blue supreme shirt walked in. He had mushrooms sticking out of his hair. His ears were pointed like an elf. His nose was red. Ranboo would assume it was from the cold but the short sleeved supreme shirt the man was wearing was accompanied by some black shorts. Under that were some brown sneakers. The thick socks sticking out. These people are even whiter then themself.
"..Hey. George." "DONT HEY GEORGE ME DREAM. YOU STILL HAVENT RECALIBRATED THE PUZZLES. ITS BEEN EIGHT DAYS. ALL YOU DO IS STAND AROUND OUTSIDE YOUR POST." "Heh. Sorry Gog. Why dont we check out these cool rocks tho." He pointed at the rocks Ranboo hid behind. "Damn its almost like this idiot wants us.. or well you caught." "NO I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO LOOK AT ROCKS DREAM. WHAT IF A HUMAN COMES BY? WE NEED TO BE PREPARED. If I.. er we, catch one I could join the royal guard!" "Hmm.. maybe these rocks will help you." "DREAM YOU ARE NOT HELPING! You are just being lazy!" The George man crossed his arms and pouted. "I swear you are getting lazier and lazier by the day." Dream shrugged and smirked. "Whatever. I will get back to my puzzels. You better keep an eye out Dream!" "Yeah. Sure, I will." George stormed away.
"You can come out now kiddo." Ranboo stepped out from behind the rocks. "Were you trying to get me caught??" "Nope. Reverse psychology or something. I dont know. Just hurry along before he comes back." They sighed before beginning to walk away. "Wait. Could you do me a favor? You see. George has never really seen a human before. I promise you hes harmless. Couldn't hurt you even if he wanted to. Seeing you would just make his day." He thought for a moment. Eh screw it what could go wrong. "Sure." They smiled. "Thanks a tons kiddo." He continued to walk.
Ranboo made their way up the path. He ocasional slipped or ran into a smaller monster. They found it interesting that the ancient humans really locked away all the Hybrids and Monsters down here. All the children stories made to make humans believe anyone who wasn't like them were evil. Of course he never believed in them. Ranboo vaguely remembers their parents. He thinks he had a sibling? T...Tub? No thats not right. Tub..o? Tubbo! Yes that was their brothers name. Tubbo. Tubbo was adopted into his small family. They remember not having a dad. Only mama. She was nice. Mamas best friend replaced his dad. S...sim? Sam? Yes yes. Sam. Sam was a hybrid. He survived the war and was hiding in mamas home. Mama had fluffy wool like hair. Dark brown and white split dyed. Thats why Ranboo died his hair. To remember her.
Ranboo always suffered with memory problems. Mama would help them through it. Even Tubbo. But Ranboo would have times he'd forget who he was. Who anyone was. He would freak out at the sight of these "strangers" before finally remembering who they were.
Talking could be heard from ahead. Ranboo looked up. There was George and Dream talking. Oops. Guess they zoned out. "So, as I was saying about Minx-" George noticed Ranboo standing there. He turned to face the child. "..." "DREAM IS THAT A HUMAN?" Dream looked at the rock beside Ranboo. ".. Actually. Im pretty sure thats a rock" "oh.." "hey. Whats that next to the rock?" "OH MY GOD IT IS A HUMAN. Minx will be so proud of me!" George grinned. "Whatever floats your goat." "..Goat?" George sighed. "Whatever. HUMAN. STOP RIGHT THERE. YOU SHALL NOT PASS." George stamped his small staff on the ground. It was a thick stick covered in mushrooms in vines. Almost like it was a decoration. George turned around. "CONTINUE IF YOU DARE." He began to run to somewhere. Dream was giggling a bit but he kept his cool.
"Welp. That went well. Dont worry kid. Ill keep an eye out for ya." Dream tossed a fake eyeball at Ranboo, who in return freaked out for a few seconds. By the time they realized the eye was fake, Dream was gone. He passed by a sign. ABSOLUTELY NO MOVING. "...then how do we pass? Idiot" The two continued to walk. They saw a sentry station in front of them to the left. Once Ranboo was in front of the station a sound of rustling was heard. Ranboo stopped moving. Soon a pair of ears followed by a head appeared. "Was something moving? Maybe it was just my imagination.." Suddenly, the world flickered. "But. If something was moving. Like a human. Ill make sure it never moves again!" Blue colored sword were suddenly being shot at them. He was about to move. "WAIT! Dont move. Blue magic only hurts when your moving. Just stay still." They trusted the voice. He was left unharmed by the blades. They reached over and pet the dog man. "PET? WOT. PET. WHO?" The swords were being sent everywhere. One again Ranboo didnt move. He only responded with petting the dog man again. "WHERES THAT COMING FROM?" The attack was the same. For the third time, Ranboo pet him.
This time the dog man stood down. "..." He retracted to his outposts bottom probably for a nap. And so, Ranboo kept walking. "This place is weird." "You'll get used to it" "if you say so." They walked around a corner and was met with Dream and George bickering about something. Ranboo cleared his throat alerting George about their presence. "Ah, Human! Hello again." In between Ranboo and the two was a grey field. "As you see here, I have placed a trap that is sure to capture you!" The goggle wearing male pulled out an orb. "While holding this, if you stand in the incorrect areas you shall get zapped! I hope you have fun... even though you'll probably have the minimal amount of that.." They walked forwards, putting a single foot on the grey patch. Suddenly George was struck by an electrical force. "What the? Oh right!" George walked through the grey area leaving very snowy and visible footprints behind him. "Here you go human!" He placed the orb on Ranboos head before heading back to his side.
"Idiot" He walked through the patch following the older mans footsteps. "I- how- Whatever. Dont get so cocky now human! I have plenty of very difficult and sure to capture traps waiting ahead!" And with that George was off again. They smiled, he really made this guys day just by just being human. Dream looked at them and smiled eerily before walking away. (Prepare for a bunch of random sh!t cause my imagination wants to be used)
Ranboo walked down the path. His dead human friend floating behind him. They felt a cold tap on their shoulder. He turned his head to face the spirit. "Look! Look!" He pointed at some bees. "BEES!" He smiled wide while Ranboo stood confused. "Oh boy! Tubster always loved bees! I miss him. And wilby.." "Whos Tubster and Wilby?" "Tubster is my bestest of best friends oooof course! Wilby is my big bro! Dont tell him I said any of this tho. He will cry" They giggled at the spirits excitement, he must have loved those people so much. He was about to ask a question before stopping himself. It might be a bit to personal to ask what happened to these people..
Skipping all the chaotic things that are much better to experience playing the game... The duo arrived at a town. "WELCOME TO SNOWCHESTER" Interesting name.. The place was lively. As he walked no one took a second glance. Should they be ofended? If he was one of those rude humans from above he would be. But they arent. A deer man was waving around a sign. Ranboo walked up to read it. "Nice Cream! A cone for only 5G!" Suddenly 5 gold coins fell from the sky. "I want some." He sighed before picking up the coins and walking up to the deer. "Uhm excuse me.." The man pointed to his he/him pin and smiled. "Oh, excuse me sir can I have a cone of.." "STRAWBERRY HELL YEEEAAAAH" They fought back the urge to laugh "..strawberry please?" The deer man smiled and scooped up a strawberry cone before handing it to him. "Thank you!" They placed 5G on the counter and walked off.
They handed the spirit the cone. He somehow miraculously held it and began eating. "What the- that wasn't supposed to work??" The spirit grinned. "I have my ways." "I- okay."
3883 words
Finished(kinda): sept 23 2021 1:47 pm est
Published: same date 1:4pm est
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