Redza (maybe fluff???)
Also I bet yall didn't expect Redza to be in a FLUFF chapter. But no angst for you :) only fluff. Simply no sad. Maybe Redza doesn't wanna be the bad guy. Also this is partially a crackfic
(This is actually pretty old and shitty-)
None that i know of
Lemme know if I missed any!
Yo! Ash here. This fic is from about last year august? Id like to say around that time..? Idk man. Uh anyways I apologize in advance for the old writing style
)>~No specific POV~<(
Phil was as normal as it can get for him. Not normal at all. He was an Elytrian, an ancient species of bird like people. History books said they lived in the end cities. They flew about with a care in the world. They were almost as tall as Endermen, growing to a maximum of 7,8 ft. They spoke many languages such as Enderian, Feathery tongue (idfk I just made all birbs speak this) and even certain human languages. The lead Ender dragon of the time, Haku, had granted the beings travel through all realms. This would be permanent. They built end cities along with their ender friends. Eventually convincing Haku to let the Endermen join them in all the realms. Their species had started to rapidly decrease causing the Shulkers to become violent towards beings that were not from the end in fear of their friends dying off. Silverfish were sent to protect the sacred portals created by their Queen. Endermen went from just disliking eye contact to hating it. They killed anything that looked them in the eyes that weren't from the end. Eventually the strange decline stopped. Many chests from cities were full of Elytra left behind from their passing. The Elytrians sailed their ships carrying one per a ship only to park them and leave the wings at their final resting place. Elytrians were talented. The ancients learned of travel through different realities. (Shifters being looking down on them like HA peasants /J ) History books left that fact out tho, the writers were a mix of end mobs who knew it would be dangerous to let out the secret craft. Eventually groups of Elytrians left the end permanently. Most going to the Eather and a few going to the overworld.
And thats how we got here. Quite a long story am I right? Dw it can get longer if you seen the size of the history books. Oh right! Phil. He is an Elytrian. So why was his bloodlines past so important? Well you see he just like all of the hybrids of his kind knew about their secret craft (hehe get it). Of course Phil being Phil managed to fuck up. Now he's here. Stuck in his livingroom with an angrier, more violent version of himself sitting on the floor. They dubbed the angry one Redza. Mainly due to his entire clothing attire being practically all red. Redza insisted Philza be called Greenza but Phil mentioned Redza being in his realm not his own.
The only issue was, how will Phil explain this shit to his sons who he'll be picking up soon. Wait.. "SHIT-" "and I thought I was the angry one..." Redza looked at the worried green man. What did this guy do now. "I FORGOT TO PICK UP MY KIDS-" the green man grabbed his coat and keys and ran out the door. Well that answers his question. Redza looked around. He had his hands tied behind his back cause his first reaction to Phils pet polar bear was to attack it. Steve thought he was just playing around. Redza took that as personal offense.
Steve walked over to the bird man who seemed more like a caged bird at the moment. The bear plopped his body onto the mans lap and started to cuddle. He looked up at Redza expectingly. "Hey mate, I cant pet you without hands, can you remove my rope?" It was literally a thing piece of string what the fuck- this man was either weak as hell or Philza was really good at tying people up. The bear snapped the string with his teeth and laud back down on the mans lap.
Redza began to pet the polar bears fluffy coat of fur. He eventually began to grow drowsy. He laid on the carpet with the bear and black spots began to fill his vision. He hugged Steve as he thought, 'maybe a nap wouldn't hurt?' Then he blacked out.
He woke up to seeing a different person being tied up. This time the boy was pink. Like literally pink. He looked like some sort of pig? Maybe a piglin of some type. Probably strong as a brute. Then it clicked. He saw phil on the sofa watching tv and realized. Thats this fuckers son. Guess thats why Phil is so good at tying knots. (THATS RIGHT ITS NOT SOME KINKY SHIT THAT ANY OF YOU DIRTY MINDED FUCKERS THOUGHT. HE HAS 3 CHAOTIC KIDS)
"What the fuck.." Philza looked down to see Redza awake. "Good morning mate!" "Isnt it-" "Good morning." "Okay then- Good morning.."
"Thats Techno, hes a piglin brute." Well go figure "hes tied up cause he tried to attack you while you slept" well that image is fucking terrifying. "Those two in the kitchen are Tommy and Tubbo. The winged one is mine. The goat boy was just abducted by Tommy." This family has issues.. "the one stalking us upstairs is Wilbur, hes also a piglin brute, just more on the human side." (WILBUR AND TECHNO TWIN AU WILBUR AND TECHNO TWIN AU) He noticed Wilburs already pink cheeks flush an even pinker color after hearing that his father can see him. "Boys come here for a second!" They heard a slightly panicked scream from the kitchen "IN A BIT HOLD ON- TOMMY PUT THE KNIFE DOWN WE CANT TRY TO STAB IT-" what the fuck.. the brown haired boy went into the kitchen. "What did you guys do no- WHAT THE- HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO MAKE A DAMN STORE BOUGHT CAKE INTO SOME LIVING SHIT-"
Back in the kitchen on the counter was a cake so bad it was moving around like if it was some sort of sentient jello. Its cake.. not jello. It bubbled a bit aswell. There was also a tall blonde Elytrian with cream colored wings trying to stab the cake and kill it. Behind him was a average heightened goat with brown hair holding the boy back. Man that goat is strong. Next to them was a terrified looking piglin brute who had brown hair with small streaks of pink in it.
The brute identified as Wilbur yeeted the shit out the window. Defenestration pog I guess. Thankfully they left the window open earlier. The boys walked to the sofa and all sat down. The blonde identified as Tommy, was teasing his brother that sat on the floor. He leaned on the arm rest of the sofa as he put his hands onto his forehead in a L shape. He was also sticking his tongue out of his mouth. Techno growled at him before attempting to bite him. Tommy nearly dodged that.
Redza just looked at the chaos confused. He was still cuddling steve. He pet the bear out of boredom. His friends back home were a lot different. He now learned to be grateful their not Philzas kids. His Tommy was more quiet and timid, he was also an elf. Tubbo was called Bee instead, he was indeed a bee hybrid. He had anger issues but was the sweetest boy ever when it came to Tommy. His Techno was a kind person. He loved to garden. He was an Elytrian along with his twin Will. Will was more of a piano type of guy. He had the same personality as this Wilbur tho. None of the boys were related to Redza in any way. They were just his good friends. Techno being his best friend. The one who helped him with his anger issues.
"Phiiillll" Tommy decided to bother Phil out of boredom. "Yeah mate?" "Can we know why this red bitch is here now?" "Rude." Redza was offended. How tf did he look like a dog to this bird brained fuck. "Shut up stranger." "Tommy be nice. Anyways this is me from another reality. Call him Redza while he's here." "How long will he be staying." Techno finally spoke up. "Till I can send him back!" Philza smiled at the boys before standing up. "Come along Red, ill be showing you your room." With that he got up and followed the green man. They walked into a room with lavender walls. There was a bed and a few dressers. (Wardrobe..? Idfk call it what you want.) A bee lamp was on the nightstand. Cool.
"You get to stay here till we can send you home." "Do I really have to?-" "Yes." He was not excited for this. Phil walked to the door before stopping. "Call me if you need anything." With that he left Redza to himself. Red looked around the room. It was comforting. The air smelled like fresh picked daisies. It reminded him of home. He misses home. His household was full of his chaotic friends. He could only imagine the sound of Tubbo and Wilbur arguing about somthing random as Tommy watched from the sofa. Techno would probably eats some cookies while reading a book about the art of gardening.
Of course hes not home. Home is too far yet it felt so close.
There will be a part 2 when i find the motivation
1628 words!
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