In the eye of the storm you'll find peace 2/2
Part 2 of "And just like that.. hes gone"
Ayy look at TimmyAintIts favorite Dis-Knee movie
CRY ):
Disassociation (?)
did I miss anything?
^+Tommy POV+^
Start crying now ig-
He was screaming his older brothers name as he walked down the hall. His hand brushing against the rails, the only thing keeping him from falling down to the first floor. He was a clumsy kid, dont tell Techno that he said that though. Now why was Tommy shouting his brothers name? Specifically his older brother Wilbur. Well you see, he wanted to annoy him. Why? Because he was bored and since hes bored, he decided its now going to be everyones problem. Wilbur hadn't left his room in forever and it annoyed Tommy. He wanted to bicker and laugh with him like they used to. He missed his older brother. Its unfair to Tommy that he never came outside. What happened to his happy social Wilby? Out of nowhere the sound of something falling could be heard. It didn't sound too bad, but he should check on his brother. He sped walk his way to Wilburs room.
"Will? You okay..? Sounds like something fell." "..." No response. "Will?" He stood there impatiently. A pit began to grow in his stomach. He had a real bad feeling about this. "Will if you dont respond im going to come in.." He began to feel awful. Something wrong, very wrong. He doesn't know how or why but its not good. "Im going in." He turned the door handle before stepping in. Immediately his heart dropped. His stomach began to do all kinds of backflips.
There he stood. His older brother. Hanging from the ceiling. He let out a sob. Wilbur was still making some sort of gasping noise, most likely his body trying to get air in. "T-Techno.." He tried to scream out his other brothers name. His voice just wouldn't let him. But he had to, he has to save his brother. "TECHNO-" He choked on a sob. Immediately his older brother came running to the room. "Is everything okay-" The pinkette looked at the sight before him. "Oh shit..." His eyes began to water yet no time for crying. He looked around the room before deciding to get a knife from the kitchen. They had to cut him down.
He ran downstairs ignoring the burning feeling in his eyes and the heartbreaking sobs of his little brother. He made his way to the kitchen to get a knife. A sharp one. He grabbed one from the holder and ran with it upstairs. (Dont run with knifes kiddos-) He cleared his voice a bit in order to hid how scared he really felt. He kept his serious and emotionless persona intact, if Tommy saw his panic then he would feel even worse. "Toms get the stool." He ordered his little brother to held get Wilbur standing as he climbed up to cut down the rope. He placed the sharp end up to the rope and began to cut his way through it. Little by little it began to tear.
In what felt like hours (but was only a few minutes.) The rope snapped. Wilburs limp body flung forward into Tommys arms who was ready to catch it. Tommy lowered his brother down to the ground, his arms wrapped around the olders torso as he cried over him. His older brother, the one who kept he calm through the bad nightmares, the horrible school days, the cuts and bruises from random injuries, his protector, was now laying limp in his arms. Tommy buried his face into his chest as he held him tight. Techno was on the phone calling someone but the words were all so very blurred to the blonde. All he could focus on what the slow beats of his older brothers heart.
His mind was a blur, all he could hear was ringing in his ears. He couldn't focus on the medics as they rushed his brother into the vehicle. He couldn't hear it when his father came home, rushing the two into his own car so they can see his older brother. All he could focus on was the memory of seeing him hanging there. The words playing over and over in his head. He. Was. Hanging. The thoughts running wild in his head. Was it his fault? Surely not?
He didn't notice how they got wherever they were but it was definitely a new change of scenery. He blinked quite a bit and looked around. A hospital.. Makes sense. When did they get here? All he knew was that one moment they were in a blue waiting room and the next his brother was pulling him into once again a new place. This time it was all white. A bed standing in the middle of the room. Around were plain boring walls. The floor made out of ugly tiles. (Im just roasting my local hospital. Yeah fuck you guys. I want to punch half the people there in the face.) There wasn't a door, just a large curtain. Weird... Tucked beneath the covers of the bed was a body. The body being his brother who was hooked up to tons of wires. A mask was on his face pumping oxygen in and out of his system. Monitors all around making loud beeping noises. A televisión was above playing some fake crime show that was honestly just pure dumb. (Im adding a lot more decor to said room-) A few plastic chairs were by the bed. Phil and Techno sat in the two on Wilburs right side. He took a seat in the one to the left.
He sat there and watched as his older brothers chest rose and fell. The shaky and unstable breaths he took. The annoying yet somehow reassuring beeps coming from the monitor. He held his brothers hand tightly hoping to never have to let go. He didn't want to loose his older brother. No one would want to have to go through such a horrible thing. Did he blame Wilbur for making him go through this? No. Of course not. Did he blame himself? Kind of, he wishes he knew what he could have done to help. Could he have helped? He'd like to imagine it was possible. He might never know why it happened. Thats alright with him. For now he'll just sit here, rubbing his thumb up and down his brothers knuckles hoping he would wake up.
Eventually he did just that.
||Wilbur Pov||
He opened his eyes to a bunch of bright lights blaring in his face. He immediately closed them right after. Where the hell was he? Why did his throat burn so much? What the fuck was on his face. He attempted to move his arm to take the mask of but it was being held down by something. He looked at it only to see a blonde haired boy snuggling into his hand. "Tommy..?" The boy rubbed his eyes as he was just waking up. He looked up confused before realizing, his big brother was awake! He immediately hugged the older. His head buried into the others chest. He mumbled out something. "Your alive.."
Uh. Might need a part 3?
Idk I didnt feel like finishing this but I dont wanna starve yall of content. Here lol
Eat up
1258 words
Posted and finished april 4? (Idk when I finished it ngl lol) 15:50
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