Gasp* Another mental health checkup? In my oneshot book!?
Heya you lovely folks! Hows everyone? I know this year has been pretty awful, especially with the way February and March went with CC's. How ya coping? I hope you're doing better than how you may have been when it all first started. Just know that even if your doing awful, thats as valid as if you were feeling great <3
Did you eat today? Drink water? If not, why don't you take a little break and get a snack. Something small is fine. Maybe a cookie and a bottle/cup of water. Gotta remember hydration is key! Helps prevent headaches and all, super great and amazing. Kind of like you! You're amazing <3
Hows school? Hope it's not too shit. Or maybe you're not in school right now, maybe you're out because of a break or graduation. Thats cool too, it's good to be away from it all. Good for the mind and the soul. Pretty toxic place if you ask me. Rant about your experience if you want, this is a safe space after all!
Hows your social life going? Good? Bad? Either way is fine. Hopefully nothing about it is bringing you down, you don't deserve that. You deserve the world and more, I hope you remember that always.
Has anything silly and/or positive happened recently? Do care to share if you wish! I love to know that theres something thats made you happy, even if it was just for a second. A second of your smile is worth more than money could offer.
I hope you're doing well! If you aren't then I'm sorry to hear, you don't deserve for things to be down. Just know that the skies are clear after the storm, the sun will shine through eventually. You're strong for making it through the thunder. Keep going warrior!
You working on anything? A hobby project maybe? I hope you have time to work on your passions. If it puts a smile on your face then whatever your passion is, is totally valid. Granted it isn't harming any one of course (don't stab people for a passion. murder is mostly not okay).
Anyways, if it's late at night right now, get some rest. Sleep is important, even if you hate it. You deserve the rest, so get some. And may you have pleasant dreams. I'll battle your nightmares for you, just to be sure of that.
And if it's daytime? I hope your day goes well, or is going well! Don't let awful people or things bring you down! Stand strong! Though if things do bring you down, that doesn't make you weak. You're still a strong warrior of course. Every warrior looses a battle every now and then, thats part of improvement yknow.
Love you all! /p
Your sibling, Ashe
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