Ciggaretes and Liqour are weaker then bandages (angst)
Wow everyone loves this one. Guess your getting this blank page filled first. I apologize for any mistakes its late at night and im bored.
Tommy is a birb.
💘 don't recommend but feel free to
(Ha bet you didnt expect that)
Did I miss anything?
^+Tommy POV+^
He knows it's unhealthy. He knows he shouldn't. But he cant stop it. Every bottle he tosses to the recycle bin. (RECYCLE YOUR GLASS FOLKS. WE LOVE MOTHER NATURE) Every flick of the lighter as it meets paper tips. Every stick put out in the ashtray. His house smelled awful, no wonder no one visits. Then again no one comes by anyways. That is, except Purpled.
The boy would come by every now and then with a concerned look hidden behind his eyes. They would talk casually as if Tommy didn't smell like Schlatt. They would talk as if Tommy didn't cough all the time, his poor lungs withering away like the soft petals of that deadly flower. Purpled was who kept Tommy most of his company. Its not like he had friends anymore. No one could care about the poor child. His name left unspoken for many as it left such a bitter taste on their tongues. The last time the boy saw the sun? Probably the last time Purpled visited. The alien boy would always have to try and drag Tommy out of his dark home.
Now it was a normal day like any other. He sat in his living room drowning in his sorrows as one does. Out of nowhere a pair of knocks filled the room. Sober Tommy would know, maybe he shouldn't open the door. But of course this Tommy was not sober. Not a single inch of sobriety could be found in his broken body. He stumbled his was to the door before opening it. Outside stood a worried goat boy. The boy was definitely much shorter in height. He looked at the fluffy friend outside his door. His tall figure slumped over, leaning on the doorway. "Haai Tubboooo" The now identified Tubbo looked at Tommy. "Hey Toms.. what are you doing right now?" "Ooh jus.. hm. Oh! Juss having a lil drink. Wanna siip?" "No thank you.." Tubbos nose wanted to loose its ability to smell. The toxins reminding him much of his past home, or specifically his old man. Tommy stepped aside to let him in. Tubbo smiled politely and walked in. His nose was clogged with the smell of smoke and achohol. (SOMEONE HELP AN AUTHOR OUT. HOW FDO I SPELL IT??)
Tubbo looked around, this was worse then he was told. You see Purpled came to Tubbo with a look of concern one day. He knocked on the goats house door and explained to him about his friends problem. Tubbo expected it to be like Wilbur. Wilbur would smoke when things got stressful, atleast thats what Tommy told him after the whole L'manburg go ✨boom✨ thing. The problem is, Wilbur ONLY smoked when it got too stressful. If that was the case with Tommy then he probably wouldnt have gotten that knock on his door during that cold night.
Tubbo grabbed Tommys hand. "Thats it. We're going to my place." Tommy was too drunk to stop Tubbo as he was dragged away to the lambs house. He gently places his smaller jacket over the stumbling wobbly tall figure. They walked through the snow. The only noises that could be heard was some breeze and Tommys drunken mumbling. That was at least before the taller spoke up. "Mmm.. wherz my pack?" Tubbo sighed, he shot him a sad glance before responding. "Its at your home Toms." "Oh.. we go get it pleassss?" "No not right now Tommy."
The walk was once again silent. Tommys stumbling has gotten worse as he lost more speed. Eventually, he collapsed. Tubbo could barely react at his body collided with the cold snow. Tubbo sighed as he sat down. He let the boys head rest on his lap. He reached into his pocket and opened up his communicator. He scrolled through his contacts till he saw a familiar name "Boo my beloved🖤🤍". He tapped on the icon and listened to the annoying buzz that came from the device. "Hello?" "Hi Boo.. uh can you teleport over here? I need you to bring me and Toms home." "Sure! Send me the coords ill be right there." Rustling could be heard as Ranboo began to clean up whatever he was doing. Michaels hooves could be heard stomping around the mansion. "Im sending it right now. Thanks Boo." "Of course." Suddenly a beep rang through the device signaling that Ranboo had hung up.
Tubbo sent the coords and waited calmly. He brushed his fingers through Tommys matted hair. It felt like one of a doll that hadn't been touched in forever. It probably hadn't been brushed in months. Another thing to add to the list of stuff to do he assumed. Eventually the noises of an Enderman filled the air. Tubbo looked up to be met with heterochromic eyes. (Is that even a word?) "..Whats wrong with him?" "Ill explain later Boo I promise. Just take us home please." Ranboo nodded understandably and he grabbed Tubbos and Tommys hands. And they were off again.
Timeskip✨ havent had these in a while lmfaoo.
Tommy woke up surrounded by soft cushions. His head felt like it was being beat with a hammer. (Same tho mate. The pain ):) The walls spun around him as his world grew dark. It eventually became the same bright world he was used too. Note to self, dont stand up so fast. (I SEE YOU, LOW IRON MFS) He looked around at the wooden room. He could only assume this is Tubbos place. He is definitely sooo fucked. A note was placed down on the dresser besides him. "Take tbe pill, driuk the water and met us downstars! ~ Tuhbo <3" Next to the note there was a glass of said water and a pain tablet.
He drank down the tablet and began to head down the giant stairs. The glass was still in his hand as he struggled to make his way to the floor below. He eventually tripped but managed to catch himself. He began to head to the livingroom where Ranboo and Tubbo sat. Ranboo had a worried look while Tubbo looked angry. No, pissed. He was obviously frustrated maybe it was the wrong time to go? He could come back later. He turned around only to here "Come here." Well shit. Tubbo saw him. He stumbled into the room and sat in the empty area between the two. He picked at his feathers, it was a nervous habit he kinda just gained one day. He felt a colder more sharp hand hold his own, preventing him from plucking out his silky yet dirty feathers. He turned to see Ranboo who gave him a gently smiled before looking worriedly back at Tubbo.
Tubbo sighed. "Tommy." He winced at the harshness used in his name. Did he do something wrong? Did he finally ruin their friendship for good? Finally. They realized he was a waste of space. A freak. A wimp. No one likes him how could Tubbo be different? "When was the last time you ate something..?" He thought back. When was the last time? He never really had much of an appetite anyways. He promised himself he'll eat later. But he breaks all his promises so who cares. "I- uh.."
Tubbo sighed. He was disappointed obviously. Tommy was always a disappointment. He knows that. Now Tubbo does too. Ranboo probably pities him. "Look Toms. Im not angry. Im just.. worried." How could he not be mad? Everyones always angry. Thats the way it always goes. "Why.?" "Because. Tommy look at yourself! You drink more then.. that awful ram ever could! You smoke more then a forest fire!" "Its not even that bad!" Tommy scoffed, rolling his eyes. Ranboo piped up. "Uh.. I dont want to butt in or anything but like.. it kind of is?" Tubbo gave him a look as he smirked. His point being proven by the oreo boy. A quiet mutter could be heard leaving the blondes mouth. "Fuck off Ranboob."
{Time skip brought to you by Michael. Everyone's favorite little piglin :)}
Tommy doesnt know how he got here. But now hes on a kitchen counter waiting for Tubbo to be done with the stew chicken. Ranboo was trying to get Michael situated. The little pig was squirming around in his seat trying to get out. Poor Ranboo was just trying to get him to stay still for at least a few seconds. Tubbo began to serve them their food.
He hopped off the counter and sat in the furthest seat of the table. Michael began to nibble at the food with his hands. Ranboo sighed before digging into his own meal. Tubbo wasn't eating. He was just watching Tommy as he poked around the food in the plate with his fork. He just didn't feel like eating. Which was very strange in his opinion. A few minutes ago he was starving, now even smelling the food makes him nauseous. Sure the food was amazing looking. He bets it tastes just as good! He's probably just overreacting. Just take a damm bite, its not that hard. And so he lifted the food up to his mouth and bit it. It was delicious.
He began to munch away at the meal. How long was it since he ate something good? Who knows at this point. The food gave him a nice warm feeling as he ate. Steam was still falling off the chicken but he didn't mind. (My auto correct changed chicken to mf-ing chuck ennard and I am so damn confused why-) Tubbo smiled as he watched the blonde enjoy the meal. It was nice to know he can help his best friend. He began to eat away at his own plate.
Eventually everyone finished. Ranboo got up to wash the dishes. He collected the plates and made his way to the sink. Tubbo on the other hand picked up Michael from his high chair and held him against his waist. He made around the table and whispered to Tommy. "Meet me in your room." He them headed upstairs to put his son to rest. Tommy felt shivers down his spine. The anxiety that sentence gave him was unreal. He shook as he stood up. His arms rubbing up and down his arms. They brushed against the scabs that covered them. His arms sometimes reminded him of the tigers stripes. Sure it was unhealthy but hey, atleast it looked cool?
1840 words
May 8 2022
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