A Birds Eye (REQUEST)
Page set up is mid (trigger warnings will now show before they happen. I will only put warnings for things like gore, suicide, gun violence, and anything else yalls wan me me to.)
Philza wasn't an ordinary human, something thats obvious when you look at the massive noire wings on his back. Many have mistaken the man for an Avian, a Hybrid, an Elytrian, a Fallen Angel. Philza was none of those things, though the thought of being a Fallen Angel always seemed cool. See Philza was actually a shape-shifter, a species without an official name. He's heard folks call them 'Shifters' (uncreative as fuck in his opinion), 'Morphics' and even 'Mimics'. Philza didn't mind whatever title they gave him, but it was interesting to hear the regional difference of his species name.
Philza had about two favorite forms to shift into, one being the form of an Elytrian, for some reason he could only shift into a Higher One, the older, more powerful variation of the average Elytrian. Philza thinks its the gods taking a jab at his immortal bodies age. His second favorite form was one of a crow, being a small creature with the skills to still mimic the language of humans sure was useful. Also the bird was just pretty. While in the body of the corvid, Philza would travel the lands, soaring over valleys and spying in on random villages. Sure it was a little immoral to be an eavesdropper.. but like.. maybe they shouldn't have spoken near an open window.
On one of Phils many days of flapping around a town and being a minor nuisance to the local jewler, Philza heard a noise. One of a babies cry and a childs shout. He cocked his head towards the sound, his stolen piece of jewelry he had previously held in his beak now forgotten on the cottage's roof.
The child shouted again, and this time it sounded more loud and desperate. It was the middle of the night, the moon was already at its highest point, why would there be kids out? Phil huffed, his trinkets can wait, he had to check this screaming child out first.
Phil followed the wails down the streets of the village of L'manburg, ending at the alley between his favorite bakery to steal from, "Sweet Treat Station" (he claims to steal from it, but deep down he knows the owner, Niki, intentionally leaves out food for his bird form.) and the boring convenience store that doesn't deserve a name. As he approached the alleyway, he noticed a slight hint of an iron scent in the air.. blood. The shifter turned around the corner to a scene that made his feathers puff up in both anger and protective instincts. Two children, fledglings, were backed up against the alley dumpster, a large man (probably a drunkard from the casino down the road) loomed over them.
💜 Violence, Knife and Alcohol warning. Seek the purple heart to skip💜
He squinted his eyes a bit, vaguely making out the shape of a switchblade held in the drunken mans hand. Fuck. He was going to hurt them.
Phil shook his head and listened into the conversation. He could make out a few muffled words. "P-please! Leave us alone!" That was the older child, the one holding what Philza now sees is a toddler behind his back.
The drunk man mumbled before drunkenly shouting at the kids " 'ou fuckin' l'ft uss... fuck'n brats!" What? Were they related?
"You abandoned us! L-leave us alone! We aren't your kids anymore!" The brown haired child desperately shouted. Philza flicked his wings, wanting to rush in and attack the man. Maybe he could...? Not like this though.
The Morphic landed, only just realizing he was still hovering above the ground. He let his mind zone out from the horrible argument, instead focusing on the limbs on his body. A wing shifted to a leg, a talon to another. Feathers to fur, claws to paws. He allowed his face to morph into one with a muzzle and not a beak, his small bird teeth becoming long, sharp, canines.
He opened his eyes, the floor was now much further away than before, he was bigger than his crow form after all. Phil swayed his tail, forgetting what it felt like to have the furry thing instead of his feathered plume. He flicked his ear and huffed, go time. Philza began to bark and grown as he bounded into the alleyway, his canines were exposed and his claws were sharp as he caught up to the drunkard and what Phil figures was his kids. He snarled and howled at the man, who looked absolutely terrified at the dog. The man began to swing his blade at the dog, screaming things Phil could honestly care less about. Philza fought with folks like this before, he knew what to do. He charged for the mans legs and clamped his jaw onto them. The man screamed as his canines dug deep into the soft fabric of his clothing, and the delicate human flesh on his legs. The man dropped the knife and fell to the ground. He was mixed between screaming and slurring begging words, hoping the dog would leave him alone if he asked kind enough.
Phil was merciful, he leg go after a while of begging. Though it was more for the kids than the drunkard, he didn't want to continue to traumatize the poor things. He growled as the man drew back his leg, the man whimpered as he got onto his feet and ran off, forgetting the knife in the alleyway. Sweet! A reward. Philza sighed as he turned to the two terrified children behind him. He closed his mouth and sat on his hind, allowing himself to seem less threatening to the pups. The older of the two shook violently, the poor thing was probably petrified. He could only imagine what horrible things he went through.
💜Trigger warning has ended, enjoy your reading💜
"A-are you going to hurt us too?" The brunette mumbled. Philza only just had time to examine the boys features. His round glasses seemed to practically be nothing but a frame, one lense was missing, the other almost shattered. Philza barked in a friendly tone at the boy. One reason the Morphic never liked being a canine, they couldn't mimic the human languages as well as a Crow could.
Phil hadn't realized he zoned out, but he did. Next thing he knew, as he looked up to the place the children once stood, they were gone. The shifter huffed, shifting back into his crow form. He flapped his wings and lifted himself off the ground, ready to head to his nest and call it a night.
Guess he has something new to do in this strange town.
It was the next day, this time Philza wandered the streets of L'manburg in his semi-human form. A man adorned with large wings draped on his back. Wings that dragged across the wooden streets of the town, a choice that he always found odd.
He stopped by his favorite bakery again, greeting the pink haired Mer-folk at the counter. She was in her more 'human' form, where her legs were no longer a fish tail. Instead they were two human legs. She still kept all her other Mer-folk features, her gilled neck, finned elbows and cheeks, her long clawed hands, and of course her bright pink hair. When looking a little closer, one could see the blonde, black and white strands in it, a sign of which Mer-folk pod she originated from.
"Phil!" Niki called from her place behind the counter. His face morphed into one of joy, glad to be able to speak to one of his closer friends in the town (even though he constantly stole from the poor baker). "Long time no see!" She chirped as he made his way to the counter.
"Ah mate, its only been a couple of days." He waved his hand as he spoke in a lighthearted tone. He'd visited this bakery about four days ago in search for a sweet treat to satisfy his cravings.
"A few too many," she responded with a playful grin, she then leaned onto the counter, "so what can I do for you?"
"Hm, well I came looking for a snack, but i'm not sure which to pick. Got anything you think i'd like?" His eyes drifted over the glass casing full of baked goods, they all looked so delicious, he doubts he could choose just one.
The Mer-folk nodded at him. "I have just what you might want!" She quickly darted towards a shelf filled with pastry tarts. Oh? He wondered what the hyper Mer-Folk was grabbing him. He didn't have to wait too long of course, the quick pinkette returned with a bag in hand. "Here! I just know you'll love this." she grinned, handing the bag over to him. "Enjoy Phil!"
"Wait- how much?" He quickly asked as she was urging him away.
"On the house! Now go eat you old crow!" She shouted at him as she was making her way into the backroom of her shop. Her remarks made Phil chuckle, if she was only a bit closer he might've squawked about barely being over her age. But she was gone before he could fight back. Oh well.
Philza exited the bakery with the bag still in hand. He peaked inside to notice a tart of some sort, one in the shape of a fish. He hummed as he picked it out from the bag, holding it in his hand with a napkin. He took a bite as he bagan to walk down the wooden streets of L'manburg, minding his own business as usual. The only thing that changed his usual loner stroll down the town, was the sound of a familiar voice. It said things he couldn't quite make out.
Phil paused and tilted his head, in the way an animal would when confused. He looked around, hoping to see who the familiar voice came from. Perhaps it was Niki, coming to ask how he liked his fish tart. Or Quackity, the bar owner, inviting him in for the 50th time. Hell, maybe it was Puffy, the town mayor and Niki's girlfriend. Instead it was none of those voices.
"Tech- no we can't stay here!" The familiar voice whisper shouted. Times like this Philza was thankful for his surprisingly good hearing (despite his age). With the extra bit of dialogue, the bird-man managed to pin point who this voice belonged to. It was the Alley kid! Phil fluffed his wings and stiffled an excited chirp at the realization. He'd been hoping to find out where these kids lived anyways. If they weren't with their father, surely they'd be living in a second parents household. A mother perhaps? Or maybe another father? Or a parent? Philza doesn't judge, as long as theyre in a safe home that is.
Phil threw the final piece of his tart in his mouth before shapshifting into the form of a crow. He flapped up and onto a nearby roof to eavesdrop on the conversation the Alley kid was having. From his new angle, he could now tell who the kid had been talking to. Another boy, approximately the same age, if not slightly older. The boy has long, dirt and blood caked, strangely pink hair. He also had tusks, similar to the piglins he'd seen in the Netherlands. For a second the morphic swore he say the boy with hooved hands and pig ears. Perhaps the boy was a piglin hybrid of sorts? Those hybrids can change between a more piglin and a more human form... he thinks?
He'd fluff his wings and shake his head, deciding to listen in on the conversation in hand.
"Will, we have nowhere else to go!" The pinkette who he believed to be 'Tech' hissed. His facial expression didn't seem to angry, but judging by his hybrid features slowly appearing onto his body, the boy was definitely upset.
The alley boy- er- Will, held his head in his hands as he groaned. He then looked back up at his brother with a facial expression that read anger. "We aren't even welcome in this shitty town! Whatevers out there surely is safer than the fucking streets Tech!" The boy gave up on whispering, instead only shouting.
"Will, quiet-" Tech warned him.
Will groaned as he glared daggers at the pinkette, though he listened to his words as he did lower his voice. "Techno, just look at Tommy," he motioned his arms to the child who was resting near the dumpster at the end of the alley.. gross. "He cannot- no he wont survive out here. We wont survive out here like this! That drunk asshole is still trying to find us, and the last person in our fucked up family is DEAD Tech." The boy let out a shuddering sigh. "She- she's fucking dead.." the boy had a few tears run down his face, before he ended up collapsing into what Phil now gathered was his brother. The pinkette just held him there, before eventually moving them to rest by the sleeping toddler, dubbed Tommy.
The pinkette- er- Techno, separated himself from Will. Will let out a small whine at the loss of heat that radiated off Technos body. The piglin sighed as he watched his now asleep brother cuddle into the youngest. "I'll find a way to save us Wilbur, I promise." He whispered before turning around and stepping out of the alley. Phil hummed as he watched the boy begin to journey down the streets, and soon the crow followed suite.
Its been a couple of weeks now, Phil has been secretly bringing the boys bread, fruit, and occasionally some meat (jerky). The brunette seems to know that Phil, or rather when he is in his crow form, is the one doing it. He doesn't mind being known, it lets him know more about them easier, without being a creep.
Speaking of which, Phil has also been observing the pink haired boy for a while now, and one thing he figured out from all this watching is that the boy works, but not legally. Phil has seen him act as a bar back (which is highly illegal considering the boys age), as a messenger boy (but for what seems to be drug dealers), and sometimes a delivery boy (once again for drug dealers).
He shook his head and sighed. Things need to change, this trio of children shouldn't have to live out in the streets like this, they shouldn't have to be a set of three orphans struggling to survive. Thankfully, an opportunity to fix this came.
⭐️TW: Knife, Violence, Stab. Seek the star to signal the end of this trigger⭐️
At this point, the two have been walking to gods knows where for prime knows how long. Phil shifted his wings in discomfort at the excessive walking, he'd almost chirped as well but quickly prevented it when realizing what he was doing. Suddenly Phil heard voices come from somewhere below. They were muffled, but he could make out a few words. "Give.......Money...Brat!" He let out a low panicked trill as he turned to look down at where the pink haired boy once stood. Shit.
There stood the boy, holding his hands up as he was being backed up by two scrawny thugs. Oh great, these kids really can't keep themselves out of trouble now can they? He sighed and stretched out his wings, bringing down in a powerful flap. He began to fly off the rooftop he had once been hopping on, his new landing now being the face of the thug with a knife.
"Look man, I don't have anything." Techno spoke confusingly calm to the one with a knife.
"Sure kid, what about that gold tooth of yours? Maybe we can get that thing out and pawn it for a pretty penny." The armed thug cackled as he stepped forward. His friend on the other hand stood in place, seemingly uncomfortable with the situation. Not that the armed thug really cared.
"Wait watch out Dr-!" The second thug tried to warn the armed one, before being quickly cut off by a gust of wind brushing by him. Phil had finally closed the distance between the rooftops and the thugs, he was now clawing at face of the armed one.
"Ack- get off me you stupid bird!" The man tried to swipe at Phil with his hands, but couldn't seem to get a grip on the bird. Probably due to his eyes being blinded out by said bird. Phil just took it as an invitation to carry on, hoping maybe he could buy time to get the pink haired boy to run.
Techno, being Techno, did the exact opposite of what Phil wanted. Oh, great. The boy ran at the more nervous man and fucking tossed him. Phil was almost impressed, he would've stopped to congratulate the boy if he wasn't busy with the man with a knife. Oh wait- he has a knife.
Phils realization came a bit too late, as within seconds a knife found its way imbedded in his right wing. He screeched out in pain as he let go, falling to the ground with a weak chirp. Phil was lucky honestly, it could have been worse. The pair of thugs ran off, without their knife or without an earning.
"Uh- are you okay? Crow?" Phil blinked, realizing the pink haired boy was now standing before him, watching his wing.
"Uh- yep." He chirped before chuckling at the boys shocked expression.
"Get this knife out of my wing would you?" Phil asked before flinching at the pain.
"Oh- right sorry." Techno mumbled awkwardly before turning to the crows wing. He grabbed the blade and with a sharp huff, yanked it out of the wing. The damage wasn't too bad, but it sure did fuck up feathers and pierce some flesh.
⭐️Trigger END, enjoy the story!⭐️
Philza sighed in relief before shifting back to his avian form. "Much better." He sighed, shaking out his now massive wings. He then turned to face Techno, looking on at him with a worried gaze as he began to speak, "well, are you alright? They didn't harm you or anything right?" He found himself looking the boy up and down in search of any new wounds.
"Uh no.. i'm alright." Techno mumbled, adverting Philzas gaze. He then turned away and sighed. "Uh, thank you for helping me but I aught to get home now." He spoke in what Phil now realized must be his normal monotone. As he began to walk, Philza followed suite
"Er- you don't need to escort me home you know." Techno spoke. He looked over at the shifter behind him nervously.
"I'm aware. But I'd like to make an offer to you and your brothers." Philza replied cooly, as if it was normal to know a strangers living situation. Techno paused from where he stood and turned to face the 'avian'.
"How do you know about my brothers.?" Techno growled, though Philza could hear the anxiety in his tone.
"I mean no harm. But I met your brother a while ago, he may not recognize me though." He spoke, hoping his explanation would work for the time being.
Techno squinted at him in suspicion. "Whatever. But I'll have my eyes on you, crow."
Philza chuckled. "I don't mind."
The walk back to Techno's 'home' (or rather the alleyway they just happen to sleep in) was awkward to say the least. Not a word was uttered between the two. Phil fidgeted with the rings on his fingers to ease his anxiety. What would the boys say to his proposal? He hopes they'd accept, for his sake and for theirs. The man could use some companions, a reason to settle down even. And the boys sure as hell could use someone to look after them.
"Crow?" The pink haired boys voice interrupted his thoughts. Phil looked up from his rings, realizing that they arrived at the alley.
"Ah, sorry I zoned out." He apologized awkwardly. He could see from the corner of his eyes that Will stirring in his sleep, the toddler though was still completely knocked out. "I guess we should sit, this will be an interesting conversation." Techno nodded, sitting next to his brother and gently shaking him awake. Will woke up and Techno quickly filled him in on the current situation.
"You what-" He could hear Will whisper yell. Guess Techno just told him about the whole mugging thing. Eventually the boys grew silent, Will was fully caught up and now it was Phils turn to speak.
"Uh, this is going to be interesting but-" the paused and shifted into his crow form, stumbling slightly as he felt 'tiny' cut in his avian wings turn massive in his crow form, "uh hi, i'm the crow whos been like, bringing you food daily." Phil could see Wills anxiety lift off his shoulder, probably more comfortable with someone who's kept him alive for the past month or so. "My names Philza, or Phil." He chirped before looking up at the two expectingly.
"Wilbur," Wilbur pointed to himself, "Technoblade," he pointed to the one with pink hair, "Tommy," he gestured to the sleeping toddler in his arms. Philza nodded, happy to have an official introduction. Learning their names from their speech was hell after all.
"So why are you here? Did you want praise?" Techno huffed, glaring at the bird.
"Techno!" Wilbur hissed, elbowing his arm. "Be nice!" Technoblade rolled his eyes in response, mumbling something before letting his gaze settle back on Phil.
"Well, actually im here to offer you three something. Don't feel forced to accept, but just know my offer will stand even if you decline," He paused, shifting back into his avian form for comfort. "I uh, have empty space in my home and I was wondering if you three may want somewhere to stay and like live in? I'd gladly provide for you all, I have the money and space to do so."
He could see the two turn to eachother, looking at eachother as if they were silently having a conversation. Finally Wilbur turned back to him and grinned. "Yes, we'd love to!"
"And thats how we met dad!" Wilbur smiled, clasping his hands.
Ranboo looked up at him with wonder in his eyes and clapped. Tubbo joined in with a grin. "That was a great story!" Tubbo cheered.
"Thank you, Thank you." Wilbur stood up from his seat and took an exaggerated bow. "I do tell the best stories do I" Techno looked up from his book and snorted.
"I literally helped you tell most of it." He huffed, glaring playful daggers at his younger twin.
"Oh whatever Tech-no-blade! I told my parts much better." Wilbur spoke triumphantly.
"Mhm, whatever you say Will-I-am." Techno remarked back with a grin.
"Why you-" Much to Tubbo and Tommys delight, Wilbur launched himself at the pinkette, dropping him off his old man rocking chair becore wrestling on the ground. Tubbo and Tommy cheered for a fight, chanting the word several times. Ranboo in the meantime looked down the hallway anxiously, his heterochromic eyes meeting vibrant purple ones.
"Boys." A womans voice scolded from the doorway, though you could hear the amusement in her tone.
"Sorry mum!" Two voices replied from the ground, before the room broke out in laughter. Kristin sighed and Philza walked up right next to her. He hugged her from the side and pecked her on the cheek (must to Tommy and Tubbos dismay, as they both remarked "ew!" at the sight.)
"I'll never regret my decision." He smiled, resting into her side, his wings draping over hers. He meant what he said, as he stood there with his wife and watched over his three sons, one child and his youngest's best friend. Sure he misses the adventures in the skies, but he gladly would trade that a million times again if it meant he had a family.
"Wait so how did Phil and Kristin meet-?"
"Oh boy, here we go again.."
4081 words
Yall are so lucky, i was gonna end this with angst LMAO. But nah, i wont do that to a fluffy request.
I had so much fun writing this!! I actually got carried away and wrote so much more, but I decided to cut out all my unnecessary scenes. Er- well besides the last one. I thought it would be a cute ending though!
Things I chopped off:
-the adoption process (would've made the chapter too long)
-phil shifting into a horse (i may or may not elaborate, but ask and try your luck)
-more danger shit
-more backstory for orphan boys
-toddler tommy
-settling into the house (it wouldve made the chapter too long)
-more to the silly last scene :3
also the last two dialogues is Tubbo and then Techno btw
not fully proofread
long ass a/n, but wtv. Bye! Have a lovely day/night/wtv
posted:same day same time
finished: jan 28 19:44 EST
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