Dad....- tommy and philza angst 1/2
{ Phil is tommy's only son he doesn't know technoblade or wil yet}
I'm crying while making this chapter, that's not how it works.- Chrisgobrrr
I needed a break while writing this.
If you don't cry I guess it's just me being sensitive B).
Phil's age:21
Tommy's age:7
Tw// depression, anxiety, Attempted suici!de. {People who suffer from this, it gets better don't worry someone out there cares for you, and I care for you<3 even if I may not know you.}Not in this chapter yet tho
tommy woke up in his father's arms, as philza's wings made a sheild around them so they could be safe, even though they where in a safe and secured castle, tommy didn't want to wake up his father so he decided to play with his wings, he always wanted to be just like his father, because he was such an idol to him, he knew how to make him stop crying and d he knew when he needed him the most, he was so glad to have a dad like him, tommy heard phil wake up "Good morning buddy." Philza said picking up his son while he got out of the room and flew downstairs until he accidentally dropped tommy.
But good for him tommy knew how to glide at his age, as the blonde slowly fell down phil was waiting for him, tommy got right into his arms once he went down, "how about we get something to eat okay, I can make you some pancakes!" Phil said as tommy smiled got out from phil's grip and ran over to the table drawing as he silently waited for his pancakes, after a couple of minutes of waiting phil finally got the pancakes ready and handed the orange juice and pancakes, tommy thanked his dad and dug in, which made phil chuckle abit while he was making his coffee,once tommy was done he put his dishes and walked over to philza.
"Dadddd, can you show me how to fly like you" tommy asked yanking on his dad's light blue robe,"Of course tommy" philza said with a chuckle as they both went outside philza spread out his wings, he looked at tommy to do the same, he did and phil started to flap his wings as tommy tried "Tommy just put force just relax, okay?" Philza said putting his hand on his sons arm as tommy nodded. The blonde relaxed and his wings started to flap, phil was proud now he jumped and he started stay steady flying, as tommy did the same. "PHILZA MINECRAFT I AM FLYING POG!" He yelled as phil just laughed, as philza kept training tommy how to fly the sun was setting.
Phil grabbed tommy's arm and flew up holding tommy, they both starred at the sun set in awe, they stayed up there after awhile before phil and tommy glided down, and went inside the castle, "Good evening king philza, and prince tommy." A guard said "Good evening, you can just call me philza, please I don't mind." He said with a warm smile as the guard nodded.
As tommy was walking upstairs to his room philza stopped him as he was holding onto his shoulder, "yes phil?" Tommy said confused, phil got on one knee to be at his height and took off his necklace and put it overs tommy's, the blonde looked at his father before hugging him, "Sleep well tommy." Phil said kissing his head before walking off to his room, tommy smiled and walked to his room and got into bed.
Tommy heard something around 2 or 3 am he couldn't really know, it sounded like yelling, tommy slowly went downstairs of the castle to see his father and three men, one had a white bandana and another had goggles, and the last had a mask with a smiley face, the one was putting a sword to his father's neck, before he heard a quick slit he heard his father fall on the ground, "NO DAD PLEASE, DON'T LEAVE ME." Tommy said running over to his dieing father holding him in his arms, "He had A CHILD?!" The one in a bandana said, "We have to go" the masked one said the three men left the child and his father.
Tommy cried in his crook of the father's neck, running his hands through his hair, tommy took off philza's light blue robe and his white and blue bucket hat and put it on himself so he could feel closer to his father's even after his death, tommy quickly ran upstairs grabbing a book bag putting his discs and more of his father's stuff in there before leaving the castle tommy closed his father's eyes and kissed his head crying, leaving the castle,"These guards suck at there job..." Tommy muttered walking in the woods before he started to flap his wings and flew up flying around while fiddling with the necklace phil gave him before his wings randomly stopped working which made tommy start to glide with his head wings.
"That's weird.." tommy said while trying to figure out what happened before bumping into a tall brunette man, tommy got scared and backed up because from behind it looked like the man with goggles but it wasn't, he had a beanie and a yellow ish orange sweater on him, the sweater man looked behind him, "uh hey child, why and how do you have the king's things?" The brunette said concerned. Tommy sniffled up. "This is my father's, I'm his son..." Tommy said quietly but the brunette could hear him,"if you're his son, why aren't you with him?" He said, tommy whipped his tears, "he's dead.." tommy said before looking down and gripping on his father's light blue robe, the brunette was shocked, and picked up the young "Uhm, well I will take care of you for now with my brother technoblade." He said "also my name's wilbur-" he said stopping his tracks as he noticed that the blonde was sleeping in his arms, he smiled and teleported him and the child home.
Wilbur yelled technoblades name as he walked down the stairs looking at his brother holding a child."Is that an orphan you're holding?" Technoblade said looking at wilbur, "Uh it's hard to explain." He said going to the living room setting down tommy and putting his bookbag next to him and signaling technoblade to the kitchen to talk.
"So basically that kid is the son of king philza." Wilbur said as technoblade looked some what shocked,"wat-" the pinkette said, "yeah that's what I thought, but figured out his dad got assassinated." He said " how do you know that's how he died?" The other said."The way he phrased it seemed like it happened, poor kid he's probably scarred for his life." Wilbur said looking over at the living room at the blonde. "Well looks like we have to take him in." He said smiling as technoblade rolled his eyes and smiled and nodded along. "Guess so.." the pinkette said.
To be continued because I want to add more angst B) later on in the next chapter.
Yeah I actually did cry while writing this chapter B)
Well good bye my minecraft gamers
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