"C'mon Harry, you got it!" Louis shouted from ringside. I was down from Seth performing a leapfrog on me and yeah...he has the upper hand right now. It started out with me throwing him over my shoulder many times and punching him. I even threw him into the barricade once. I also tried to end the match quickly by performing an armbar on him, but he was able to get to the ropes before I had him tap out.
He tried to Curb Stomp me and retain his title that way, but I kicked out at 1. Then he did a superkick and another curb stomp, but I still kicked out at 1. When he did a 3rd one, I kicked out at 2. He tried to do that same move again, but I moved out of the way at that time. Which brings us to right now. Louis came to me when I rolled out of the ring. I coughed a few times and Louis came to my side. I knew that because I could feel his gentle and soft hands on me.
"Are you okay baby?" He asked and he was lifting me up. When I saw Seth coming fast. "Run!" We both moved to the side and Seth crashed his body into the barricade. He groaned as he held onto his ribs. I grinned at the sight and I stood with my boyfriend. We mocked him and laughed at him before I took him and threw him into the ring. I pulled him to the center of the mat and I looked at the crowd.
"This is what a real Champ is! Now watch as I claim what truly belongs to me!" I shout and drop into an armbar. Seth yelled and I held it for a few seconds until I felt him tapping on my leg. The bell rings and the ref got me off of Seth. I smiled at Seth's pained body and I felt Louis's hand on my wrist. He lifted my arm into the air and he announced my victory. "The winner of this match, and still the Universal Champion, Harry Styles!" I open my arms wide and I felt my title being placed in my left hand while my right was being handed a mic.
"As easy as this match felt, I've got to say thanks to...Louis!" I laughed at their booing and I looked at Louis who was giggling. "You are also a winner for being by my side throughout this entire match. Thank you darling. Love you endlessly," I spoke with all love in my heart and I knew that he felt it. He smiled, stepped on his tippy-toes, and kissed me softly. I tossed the mic to the side and placed my hand on his hips as he kissed me. The audience booed us, but we didn't care.
We pulled apart and grinned at the crowd. I helped Louis out of the ring, walked him up the stage, and we turned to mock the audience a little more. "Oh, go cry in a corner!" Louis shouts with a smile. I had my hand on his side and we turned together. We walked to the back and we were congratulated by many co-workers. Even thought I was a heel, everyone knew how I pictured this night. Winning a match against another big superstar on the greatest show in the WWE was a goal of mine and I have been accomplishing that a lot lately.
"Oh my God, I'm so proud of you!" Louis excitedly chirps and hugs my side. I look down at him and I smile even bigger. "Wouldn't have done it if it weren't for you." He rolled his eyes. "Oh hush, you were fighting Brock at SummerSlam when we first met. Me being yours doesn't necessarily effect your work life." "Yes it has," I argued.
He sighed, "How Hazz? I know you're being all cute, but let's be serious." "Louis. I was serious out there. You are always at my side. When we met, I wanted to impress you, so of course winning meant a lot more then. You are my motivation babe. I always want to prove myself to you," I confess and he stares at me.
"You think being a wrestler is going to prove yourself to me?" "No, but it could be a plus I guess. Like, it shows that it's hard to get me to give up, you know?" "Yeah, but you always impress me Hazz. There will never be a day where you'll let me down. I'm proud to be your boyfriend and that's not going to change. I'm proud of you, and I'm absolutely proud of us. I'm happy and I love you. If you one day decide to leave this wrestling life, then I will still be there, loving you," he confessed and I can't help but kiss his cute face again and again and again. He lets out a cute giggle and that's when I stopped.
We went to my locker room and I got properly changed and when he saw that I was done changing, he walked up to me. "Let's cheer on our friend!" He exclaims. I smiled at his cuteness and sat on the sofa that was in my room. Louis grabs a water bottle from my fridge before he takes a seat on my lap. We watched as Roman's intro started to play and I saw him step out.
"Can you believe that I won a match against him?" I asked as I saw him enter the ring. "Yes. Like I said Hazza. You always push through with whatever you know you can do. You may shock me, but I always believe in what you're capable of doing. Besides, I always knew that I had a stronger boyfriend," he joked and I chuckled to his statement. "You and Dean have the weirdest bets..." I stated and he shook his head. "It's a very normal bet. He told me that Roman can beat any day of the week and I told him to prove it. You proved him wrong, but you proved me right."
I shook my head out of fondness. Dean and Louis got close almost instantly once Louis and I started dating. The two were acquaintances beforehand. They two became friends once they saw that Roman and I are friends. Even after talking, Louis would constantly remind me that I am the only one that he clicks with perfectly. I keep telling him I know, but he just tells me that he likes to remind the people who he loves how much he loves them. Cute, right?
We continued to watch Roman's match. Dean was at ringside and even though Dean was to slowly turn heel, he was going to be at Roman's side, cheering him on. The fans weren't against Dean yet, but he's supposed to turn to a full heel in a couple of weeks. Roman was planned to seduce/convince Dean about his insights on everything and how everything really looks. Then Dean is set to attack Kofi against their match in a few weeks.
The match went on for about 12 minutes before Roman had Big E in a guillotine lock. He had it locked in for about 45 seconds before the ref ended the match. Even though Roman was the winner, he didn't let go. Dean rushed into the ring to pry Roman off of Big E. "Stop it Roman! You won! What more do you want?!" "You better acknowledge me after tonight!" Roman shouts at an unconscious Big E. "Roman! Get off!" Dean continues to pry, and when Roman does get off, he looks at his boyfriend.
"You better acknowledge me too. Or else, this will happen to you," he stated as he was handed the World Championship. Dean looks shocked and he looks at Big E who was still not moving. "You need to see things from my perspective. Then you'll see why I do the things that I do," Roman then says. Dean slowly nods his head and he lifts his boyfriend's hand. Roman raises his title and the crowd boos him. Roman ignored it, and exited the ring with Dean slowly following right behind him.
When they reach the top of the ramp, Roman turns and so does Dean. Roman lifted his title again and fireworks went off. The two made their way to the back and we watched them do their little interview with Charlie. "Want to congratulate them?" I asked Louis, who was half awake at this point. "Sure, but can we get going after this? I'm tired." "I can see that and we will. I just want to say good job to Roman before we leave." He agreed to say just that.
We met up with the two and we did say good job to them. They said it right back and we each said goodbye.
While we were walking to the car, I gracefully swooped Louis up, bridal-style. He yelped out of shock, but he got comfortable fast. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and I smiled. He was already almost fully knocked out when we got to the car. I just placed him softly in the passenger seat and I quickly got to the driver's side. I started the car and thank God the radio was off.
"Love you baby," I said softly. "Mmm...love you too Hazza," he speaks sleepily. I backed out of our spot and I drove out of the stadium and I headed to the hotel that we were going to be staying at for the next Raw. Roman and I were going to celebrate tonight's victory on Raw, so I needed to stay in this town one more night before I had to head out to Las Vegas.
When we got to the hotel, I stopped at the front and I had security help get out things out. "Baby?" Louis only shifted a little. "Baby, want to get on my back so that I can carry you up?" I asked and that had Louis move. I turned and went low and when I felt his weight on me, I walked into the hotel with him on my back and I checked ourselves in. There were employees who helped us get our things to our rooms.
When we got the room, I carefully put our key in and unlocked the door. The two workers stood there and I knew that they were waiting on a tip. "Let me just put him in bed first," I tell them. They both nodded and I did what I said. I stepped out and handed both men $100. They thanked me after thinking that I was probably drunk. I waved them a good night and I walked back into our hotel. I unpacked out things and I was halfway to finishing when I heard Louis.
"You don't need to do that. We are only here for one night...I need Hazza." I turned and saw him in the doorway of the bedroom with tired eyes. "You're right. Coming babe," I responded, but he walks up and took my hand. "Need my Hazza now," he whines before he tugs me towards the bed. I chuckled and followed his request.
I got myself undressed and I set an alarm for tomorrow before I went under the covers with Louis. He instinctively cuddled into me and his face was completely hidden in my neck. I smiled at the touch and I kissed the top of my lover's head, closing my eyes, absorming the strawberry sent radiating from his hair.
I then went to sleep, dreaming of something completely random and weird...it was some dream that consisted of cats and dogs going to war. I think that this came from the time that I watched my cat, Sophia and Clifford play fighting. I filmed it and showed it to Louis who only went on a whole rant about how there was going to be a war between all cats and all dogs. We both fought about who would win that war, and we haven't really concluded that argument.
Because cats rule!
Dogs are cute and all, but with all of the shit that Sophia has jumped from, I have my beliefs.
Another reason as to why I love Louis. We joke and argue about the silliest things possible. We literally would just rant about random thoughts and we would have a whole dispute about it.
In my dream though, cats won!
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