"Welcome to Monday Night Raw!" Stephanie spoke into her microphone. Harry, Dean, Roman, and I were watching her from the TV in the catering area. I ate a few of Harry's fries as he was paying attention to the screen. "WWE wants to promote the LGBTQ+ Community, and we want to let you all know that the WWE loves you," She said and that made me smile.
"And to make this extra special for our wrestlers, we would like to welcome our wrestlers who are a part of the LGBTQ+ Community down to the ring."
"Oh shit!" Dean exclaimed as we stood up really fast. Harry took one more swig of water before he lowered himself. I hopped on since I knew that he was going to run. I had his title on my shoulder as he held me tight.
I held onto him as he started running. "You know...with no one telling you about a promo...it makes things a lot more crazy." Harry stopped at the curtains and he put me down. "Wish that she would give us a heads up about things..." Harry said as he caught his breath. Good timing too, because his music played first. He smiled at me before taking my hand and guided me through the curtains.
"I have the best boyfriend! I don't think that people understand how that made me feel. That smile just makes me sure of everything, you know? Plus, he's really cute whenever he shows that pretty smile and dimples. Lucky for me, huh?"
We walked out and we stood on the stage together. Harry took the title from me and raised it in the air with one hand. Then he took my hand with the other, intertwined our fingers and lifted our collided hands in the air.
I smiled at the audience as I raised my free hand (that was in a form a fist) into the air. We walked down the ramp together, but before entering the ring, we walked around, hugging the audience and talked with them for a little bit before we had to get in. "Its pretty serious being a part of the LGBTQ+ Community," Dean said as we were together in this confessional room.
"I agree. There are people who are supportive, and there are scary people who don't support the actions in this Community." "It's really scary to be a celebrity, a wrestler, being a part of LGBTQ+ Community." "Like at any moment, we could get hurt by anyone in the crowd. It's hard to be a celebrity who's also gay or something like that."
"However, I will say, that we are doing pretty well right now," Dean smiled. "Having sexy and hot ass boyfriends who can beat a person's ass who does their lover wrong is great!" I exclaimed before Dean and I laughed. Roman's music started playing and we waited for them before Sonya came out. Harry had me in his arms in the meantime. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me.
"Love you Hazza," I spoke with a gleaming smile, and Harry returned it with his dimples showing before he kissed me and said, "Love you more Lou." I giggled and we waited until everyone was in the ring.
"Well, we didn't really know that you were going to do this Steph, but thanks. It does mean a lot, and we are happy to be acknowledged by the WWE for pride month," Sonya spoke first and Harry clapped his hands.
"You are very much welcome. Now you guys may have your moment with the WWE Universe to celebrate pride month," Stephanie said before Hunter helped her leave the ring. We clapped because of how thoughtful she is. "Well happy pride month everyone!" Roman announced and that made the arena roar with cheers. "Beautiful flags and signs by the way," Harry then pointed out.
"This is a very beautiful sight to see. All of you with your pride merchandise and all of you that I see with your girlfriends or boyfriends. Love is all around right here in this very arena and we can't be anymore grateful," Roman then spoke next.
"Love is always beautiful to see happen. Even though it may have a few hurdles. Love always wins at the end," I spoke when Harry lowered his microphone low enough for me to speak into it.
"Today is the start of an amazing celebration, and there shall not be a moment where we are down. Everyday shall be like popping a champagne bottle!" Dean cheered. "Him with his beverages I tell you," Roman spoke with a chuckle.
"I'm looking forward to this month's pride festival, aren't you guys?" Sonya asked and that got the crowd to start chanting 'PRIDE! PRIDE! PRIDE!' We smiled and we chanted along with them.
"Today is a beautiful day. The first day of pride month is actually starting off pretty well," I said and smiled at the camera. "I mean everyday with my man is beautiful and absolutely glorious, but today is like adding a lot more sugar to the sweetness."
"I stand corrected..." We stopped our chants and looked to see Seth, J&J security, Dolph, and Lacey walking out. I heard Harry sigh and I rolled my eyes, massaging Harry's arms that were wrapped around my front. "Can we please cut this disgusting piece of crap out? I mean look at you 5," Dolph said and I did exactly that. "And what's the problem exactly?" I asked with a sassy tone.
"What's the problem? Lewis, your boyfriend and your gay friends are nothing but weak pieces of trash that are only a disgrace to this com-" "First off, it's Louis, so get that right before you start rambling on about some dumb shit," I spoke, cutting him off, making the crowd go 'Ooh!'. "Yup, the sass masta from Doncasta is about to make a comeback."
"Secondly, you said that these people are weak? These 4? These 4 right here?" I asked spreading an arm towards the superstars in the ring. Yes, I saw him word out. "Okay...well this is weird because...well let me remind of some things that you may have forgotten..." I saw Harry smiling and that just made me want to talk some more.
"Now I'm not saying this because I'm his boyfriend or anything, but as I remember very clearly, every time that you were in a match with Harry, you either backed out like the little bitch that you are. Or, you tapped. Then the next Monday night, your arms would always be seen in a slinger, and you couldn't fight for so many weeks.
Dolph, you experienced that just last week, so I wouldn't really attack Harry if I were you.
Now there is the mere fact that my boyfriend was able to pin 2 people that are very big in this business. Even though we don't like him, we can't lie that Brock is a good fighter, but Harry was able to beat him. Something that both Harry and Roman have in common.
Then Harry pinned John Cena not too long ago. Harry did fight many more people, but those two are the biggest matches to happen in anyone's career." I pointed out and Seth looked mad.
"Roman...well Roman did beat all of you up there. Speared you Seth, speared J&J, and speared Dolph. He did beat Brock Lesnar, and he did beat John. However there is also something on the tip of my tongue that I'm forgetting..."
"I love being on this microphone. Gives me so much energy and confidence! I just love it!" "Oh yeah! If they are so damn weak, then why is Harry your WWE Universal Champion? If they are so weak then why is the WWE World Championship on Romans shoulder? Which kind of proves that no one up here is weak."
"But you didn't even mention Dean or Sonya? What about them, huh? Don't have enough evi-" Dolph mentioned and I sighed.
"Dolph...I'm surprised that Dean didn't break your skull after the amount of times that he Dirty Deed your ass in this ring, or around the ring in fact. J&J are still shit, so I'm not going to even bring them up. Seth...well Seth has so many bitches that fight for him that I have not seen them two fight in a fair match.
Sonya...I don't need to speak for her. All I do know is that she can beat little miss Sophia the First wannabe over there." The crowd laughed and I heard my friends and boyfriend laughing. "Damn Louis, you're a feisty one aren't you?" Sonya asked and Harry chuckled. "One of the many reasons as to why I love him," Harry said, loud enough for it to be heard in the mic
"What? When someone messes up my name and starts talking shit about my man, then the claws are officially out and I will tear their ass apart. Not lying in any way, shape, or form. I will sass the fuck out of you if you talk crap about my man."
"Lacey, we did fight before, and you were pinned, and I've beaten you time and time again. Which makes me wonder: when is it time for you to finally accept the fact that you should stay at home and take care if your family? I respect who you were before the WWE, but I definitely don't respect you now," Sonya then said.
"Now if we are done here, we would like to get back to celebrating pride month with the WWE Universe and I would like to have some time with my boyfriend, Roman, so..." Dean spoke before making a shooing motion. They stood up there, livid as Deans music started to play. Then it faded into Sonyas, then to Roman's, and then right to my mans.
I looked at Harry and he smiled down at me. He then cupped my face before bending a little low in order for his lips to press against mine. "Kisses! I love kisses with this man. The softness and the hot feeling that surges through my body is insane. I love it!
This just proves to me that I shouldn't have been so insecure of being so open with my sexuality before Harry came around. However, I'm glad tat I was because thanks to that, I'm now with my man, my love, my sun. Harry Styles," I spoke before giggling loudly and covered it up with a sweater paw.
"I know you ate my fries earlier," Harry whispered as we were walking up the ramp so that the next segment could begin. "Oh?" "Yeah, you could've just asked you know? I don't mind sharing?" "Okay, I heard fries and sharing? What's being said?" "Harry just said that he doesn't mind sharing his food." "With Louis and only Louis."
"Why not us?" "Well if I really want a cheesecake, then I wouldn't be able to have one because Roman would take it from me. If I had fries, then you would've taken my whole plate. Louis is aware of knowing what sharing means," Harry pointed out. "What about Sonya?" "Sonya doesn't take people's food," Harry said, shrugging.
"Hey guys, nice promo out there," Renee said as she was backstage with a mic in her hand. "Thanks," Dean said. "Now Louis, that was your first serious promo while being the manager for Mr. Styles. Many thought that you were going to be nervous, but obviously you were not. What made you so confident out there?" She asked and pointed the mic at me.
"I think that having Harry around will always make me feel relaxed, and I feel very confident thanks to him. Then there are the fans who are so very lovely and supportive. My close friends were also out there, so that gave me a lot of help, but um...I know this may sound silly but Harry tends to call me 'The sass masta from Doncasta', and when Seth messed up with my name, I was kind of ready.
However, he started to speak some crap about my man, so I was more than ready that time, so...that is how I was able to deliver so well." "He's feisty I tell you. It's best to stay on his good side, but he's lovely that way, so I'm definitely not complaining," Harry added on and I giggled before we walked off, letting Roman, Dean, and Sonya have their interview with Renee on their own.
"Thank you Harry!"
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