"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the WWE Universal Championship," I announced to the crowd and the lights were blacked out because of the entrances. "Tonight is Summer Slam, and Harry has a match with John Cena. It is for his championship, and even though Harry never tells me what the outcome is supposed to be, it is rumored for him to win, so I'm just praying that he does."
Harry's entrance went off first, and I smiled a little bit as I saw my boyfriend walk out with his championship on his buffy shoulder when he stood up there, he raised his title, his pryo of sparks went off as he did his gesture. He walked down the ramp and slid right into the ring. He turned to each side of the ring in order to face all sides of where the audience were and he rose his title into the air, making the fans scream and cheer for him.
"The greatest part of being a ring announcer is just seeing my boyfriend sweat and move around that ring in such tight pants. His ass is not as big as mine, but it is still very noticeable, and it's so...ugh! I just want to walk up it and bite it!" I watched Harry walk to his corner and he looked down. He only tapped his foot, making me smile.
"Harry always does a small gesture before his matches start. He does that because he wants to let me know that he notices me and it's sort of his way to say hi to me again. He's cute that way," I said, giggling softly. John's music then played and he did his thing before the two of them stood on opposite sides of the ring. I then started to introduce them.
"Introducing the challenger, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 251 pounds, John Cena!" I called and there was a very medium amount of people who actually screamed, and when he was done with his taunt, I moved onto my boyfriend. "And his opponent, from Redditch, United Kingdom, weighing in at 210 pounds, he is the WWE Universal Champion, Harry Styles!"
The crowd cheered when his name was said and he raised his title. I stepped out of the ring and walked down the steps. I walked to the small and opened box that the ring announcer and the other employees sit in. I sat in a chair and I watched the match go down.
"I like watching Harry wrestle. He has some skills that not a lot of wrestlers have. Before the WWE, he was in the UFC, and let me tell you that he's the fucking pro at Judo. His second greatest skill is boxing, so him in that ring is pretty awesome to see." I watched the two and it did look like as if John had the bigger hand.
15 minutes later...
"Is Harry supposed to win tonight?" I asked the guy who was in charge of the bell. "Yes, John is suspected to tap out in this match," The guy told me and I got a little excited. The crowd began to chant Harry's name and I tapped my fingers on my knee to the beat that I heard. When John went for the STF, I gasped. "That was not supposed to happen..." the guy said and I was even more worried.
"Harry! Harry! Harry!" The crowd chanted first, but then they relied on chanting, "Harry Styles! Harry Styles! Harry Styles!" I looked at Harry. He was bringing his hand closer and closer to the mat. "Harry! Harry! Harry!" The crowd chanted once again. "This match is a pretty big match in Harry's career, but if he looses tonight, then that will be a major drag for him..." Harry put out a fist and he started to drag himself to the closest side of the ring. "C'mon baby..." I whispered to myself.
He raised his leg and had his foot rest on the bottom rope, making Cena release his submission hold. The crowd cheered and I smiled big. Cena got up and frowned before he did his signature move 'Five Knuckle Shuffle', and it did hit Harry. He covered his head as he slowly stood up. "No..." I said as Cena picked Harry up and onto his shoulders. "No! No! No!" The crowd chanted, and that woke Harry up.
He started to elbow Cena in the face and the crowd cheered. Cena released him, and Harry gathered himself together. When Cena tried to punch him, Harry blocked it by grabbing his wrist and throwing Cena over his shoulder, his arm drag takedown. He did that three times and each time, the crowd chanted, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Harry then lifted John onto his shoulders and did a Standing Reverse Kata Guruma, making the entire audience scream. Harry dragged Cena to the middle of the ring.
He looked around the arena, but he stopped at me. I smiled and that made him smile too. He went for his arm-bar (his submission move). The position was absolutely amazing, and in only 3 seconds, John Cena tapped out and the bell rang. "The winner of this match and still your WWE Universal Champion, Harry Styles!" I exclaimed as his intro played again and Harry stood on the turnbuckle and was handed his championship.
He looked into the crowd and rose his title into the air before he pointed at the many fans in attendance tonight. He looked at me again, and I clapped for him as he pointed at me and nodded. He looked at the crowd again and shouted, putting his fist into the air.
"Harry and I are really open with our relationship, but we can't show so much of it when we are at work. Which is why we just act like as if we are really good friends, and nothing else. Just because of the fact that we don't want the fans to suspect anything. That's just what the WWE does. It's the same between Dean and Roman. Gay couples can't really show any romantic affection while on the job, but when we are off camera, then we can be ourselves.
Like on Ride Along, or on this very show is when we can be ourselves. Like we are open with it, but we can't be that open, you know? They'll only allow certain things, and there ate things that we just can't do while on the job." Harry was going to be interviewed by me, so I got up and walked over to the ring.
"This is going to be my very first time interviewing in the WWE. I've never done it before actually. Vince just told me that if I wanted to be promoted to something more involving with this business, then I can take my chance tonight. I really do hope that I don't fuck this up..."
"Now Harry, I want to start off by saying Congratulations on your impressive win over John Cena. It must be pretty great to have that victory over someone that is considered a legend in the WWE. How are you feeling about your match?" I said, and it looked like as if he was going to say something, so I moved my mic to his lips.
"Well Louis, tonight was a very big night for me. Sure, I am a fighting champion and I do accept any challenge that I face. With tonight being my 3rd month anniversary of being a champion, it was pretty amazing to be going up against someone so talented and dedicated, so not only do I want to say thank you to the fans for the love, but I also want to thank John for giving me this opportunity to wrestle with him." He answered.
"I'm sure that this is a pretty amazing goal to achieve. However we would all like to know, what is next for the Universal Champion?" I asked and moved the mic back to his lips.
"Hmm...I've never really thought about what's next. I was kind of set on getting to the next town for Monday Night Raw, having a few drinks, but not too much to get drunk, then I planned on having a really fun "celebration" with my lover, and sleeping...I guess...I guess that whatever happens tomorrow is what's next for your WWE Universal Champion," He answered with a smile.
"Thank you and congrats again," I said and he smiled at me. "Thank you Louis," He said and walked out of the ring. As he walked back up the ramp, he turned to face the crowd and he rose his title into the air once again and pointed at the title before pointing around the arena. "You are all champions!" He shouted as he pointed into the air and his pryo went off again. The crowd cheered and he smiled before he left the stage.
30 minutes later...
"We are actually participating in an episode of WWE Ride Along. I'm riding with Harry, Dean, and Roman." "How long do they take?" Dean asked as he sighed and looked at his phone to see the time. "They are always late..." I whined as I put my luggage into the back seat. "Are you and Harry good with this whole TV thing?" Dean then asked me.
"Yeah, Harry got used to it after the third day of having them around, and I got used to it after a whole week with them." "I really don't know how you do it...they are a huge cock block for Roman and I..." "We just told them that if we snapped our fingers, then that's their que to stop recording." I told him. "Still waiting on your men I see," Seth said as he walked by. "You mean our champs?" Dean asked with attitude.
"Seth, just go away...no body wants you here," I said with an eye roll. "Oh shut up Tomlinson. You know damn well that if Harry wasn't so into you, then I would've been next in line. The same for you too Dean. You know that I was Roman's first cho-" "Is there a problem here?" Harry's voice spoke. I looked to see him and Roman walking over to us with their luggage rolling behind them.
I started to run at Harry, and he stopped in his tracks. He put his stuff down quickly before he caught me as I jumped into his arms. "Seth is being mean to Dean and I..." I said as an innocent being. "Well if that's the case, then you do know that we could solve this problem in the ring Serh," Roman said as he walked up to his boyfriend and the two kissed. "Also...you aren't really my type. The only person that I'm into is this one," Harry told him as he kissed my cheek, making me giggle.
"I'm also more into lunatics than I am into bitches," Roman added and Dean laughed. "Now if you excuse us, we have to get to Little Rock for tomorrow, bye," Harry told him as he placed me back on the ground and picked up his luggage, bringing them to the car and loading it. "Who's driving?" I asked and Harry rose his hand. "I don't mind doing it," He said as he pulled out the keys and walked to the drivers side.
I walked to the passenger side and I got in. "Alright, seatbelts on, and positive vibes enabled. Let's go," Harry said with a chuckle as he turned on the car and started the drive. "Can we get pizza at some point?" Dean asked and Harry glanced at me. "Is that what you also want babe?" He asked and I smiled, "Feeling a bit Italian, so sure," I answered.
"Tonight was pretty rough...I had to fight Braun, and you had to fight John," Roman said and Harry sighed. "Still the champ though!" I cheered and I leaned over the glove department to kiss his cheek softly. He smiled wide and placed a hand on my inner thigh. "You did a great job as an interviewer by the way. I don't see why you won't get that upgrade," He complimented as he came across a red light.
"I won't lie, you were pretty good. I wish that you interviewed me too," Roman added. "Vince told me that I could only do it once, because he just needs to see if I'm worthy of that spot. I just picked Harry, because you know...he's my boyfriend and all," I replied and placed a hand on Harry's. "Now that we are doing this cross-over thing, we get to travel together. Isn't that amazing?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, but not in the same car, right?" Dean then asked. "No, why?" "Just wondering." "Hey I have something that I want to ask you all," I spoke. "What's up?"
"I have this vacation home set up in Miami and I was wondering if there was like a point to where we could take a small break and spend some time there?" I suggested. "Hmm...we could ask to take the next two weeks off, but I don't see why not," Roman answered. "I'm down!" Dean cheered and Harry chuckled. "Seems like fun," is all that Harry said and I smiled.
"It is going to be fun...very fun."
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