¤Ω¤ My Wife's Kisses ¤Ω¤
Time reads 12:40: midnight and Levi hasn't arrived from work. His wife seats in the comfortable couch – knees bent to her chest – fearing the worst. Her hands fiddle nervously with the phone. The white blankets resting over her bare legs leaving little comfort. He'll come home, surely.
She takes constant glimpses of the time. Normally, she'll shoot straight to bed to enjoy a wonderful sleep after a busy day at work. Levi on some occasions arrives during the late hours of the night.
This isn't the case this time. Levi hasn't called not once the entire day. Normally, Levi will detail her his plans through a call or text message, but he hasn't done so. Not even during lunch hour. Levi always calls his wife a few times per day to hear her beautiful voice and ask about her day. Yet it didn't happen today. For the first time after ten years of marriage, Levi hasn't called her once the entire day.
"Where are you, Levi?" She whispers after having called her husband thirty times the last four hours. Could it be he forgot because of work? She ponders, then shakes her head. No. He always calls despite his hectic schedule. So what happened?
She stares seemingly to the front door; the television turn on to impede the silence to invade the pleasant home both Levi and her bought before marrying. She's always disliked the silence when Levi isn't with her.
She switches channels to watch the night news. Let's see what they’ve got here.
"This is Jessica Reslan, reporting live from the city of Shiganshina in Wall Maria. " A beautiful middle age woman reports in a sidewalk in front of what it seems to be a large bank. Jessica's honey colored eyes look unusually tired for today's night news.
They still haven't captured those two criminals? Levi's wife frowns. Why do people like them have the cruelty to take other people's lives and menace the innocent lives as well?
The new’s report has been running since ten in the morning. Apparently two criminals decided to rob a prestigious bank. Seems their plan didn't go as predicted. They're currently holding fifty hostages and none have been let loose.
"After a long day of anguish coming from the hostages’ family members, the Special Operation Swat Team directed by Erwin Smith, successfully captured the two fugitives. Bertolt Hoover and Reiner Braun. Unfortunately, four members from the Special Operations Team died during the capture of the two fugitives. The fugitives are now being brought to custody and been sent to-"
The jiggling of keys are heard from the other side of the front door. Levi. She sprints to the door – blanket and remote laid forgotten in the carpet– and wrenches the door open. Levi stands exhausted with his Survey Corps Swat Bullet Proof vest. She steps aside enough space for her husband to enter.
"You didn't call all day," she says, trying to hug him to no avail. He swiftly avoids her love affection. Confusion sweeps her beloved face. Sadness and insecurity embellishes her automatically from his rejection. It's the first time he rejects her genuine hugs.
She grips her shirt atop her chest. Unknown to her, Levi's in despair and rage. His demeanor in solemn grief from today's mission. His wife watches Levi throw his keys on their designated place alongside the wedding portrait hanging on their living room wall. He swings his working bag onto the working closet located in the hall. He then trudges to the kitchen and halts in front of the dishwasher.
"Levi," she hesitantly calls out next to him. She grabs his arm in attempts to catch his attention. “Is everything alright?”
She scrutinizes his solemn expression. She's only seen it once after Isabel and Farlan died in an explosion whilst on a mission to capture four drug dealers in the Underground City back in the Wall Sina State.
She couldn't be positive this solemn expression has anything to do with work. Levi seems awfully silent today. He wasn't this silent with Farlan's and Isabel's unexpected death. What's wrong with you?
Could you be cheating on me? She stares at him in contemplation. "Levi." She rubs his arm with her thumb meanwhile Levi gazes at the curtains. He isn't listening.
Maybe I'll just leave him be and we'll talk about it tomorrow. She reaches up unconsciously to give him a kiss like always. He propels her away from him.
"Elizabeth, not now," he sighs.
"What's wrong?" She leans closer to him but gets nudged back.
"I'm not in the mood,” he warns, stepping away from the dish sink.
She grabs his hand. "Why are you so distant all of a sudden? Why didn't you call? I was worried you might be in danger. I thought the worse."
"I was at work. No where else." He slaps her hand away.
"Please tell me what's going on," she begs, her voice quivering in the process. Levi doesn't dare look at Elizabeth's beautiful concern eyes that want an explanation. Not after failing once again to protect his own team.
"Everything's fine,” be murmurs.
"No. Nothing is okay when you don't even let me give you a kiss on your cheek,” Elizabeth responds, in a hurt voice. She reaches for her husband's cheek in attempt to veer his gaze on her. He stops her short.
"What can't you understand?!" he bashes rudely and shoves her hand away. "Had that incompetent brain of yours not understand!?" he bellows in anger.
"I'm just worried about you." Frail Elizabeth feels like a fiber of her heart is being stabbed slowly into small fragments.
"Worried somewhere else." He turns to the dirty plate lying on the table. "What you should be worrying about is maintaining the house clean." He smacks the plate off the table. Broken ceramic disperse in all directions. She flinches. "You're my damn wife and you can't keep the house clean?!" He yanks her to him.
"I'm sorry,” she whimpers in fear. “That's no reason to get mad."
He snarls at her, "Get in the bed brat." He shoves her to the direction of the archway leading to their bedroom. She stumbles, then regains her footing. Not wishing for an argument she treads to their bedroom.
A solemn sigh escapes Levi's lips after his wife heads quietly towards their room. You really messed things up, Levi. He glares at the broken plate and snatches the broom.
Two months have past. He hasn't talked to Elizabeth as much since the day his four comrade's died. He felt ashamed for having acted in such rude way towards her beloved. He knew his unforgivable behavior lead her absence of kisses. Her cheerful personality has vanished.
She no longer cuddles in bed with him but rather sleeps with her back facing Levi. He had stopped hearing her nightmares and dreams she always talked about when having breakfast each morning. He was losing it without her touch and especially her soft innocent kisses that washed all fear from his world.
Her kiss was his medicine to remain strong; her kiss, an innocent loving gesture he longs to feel once again. The feeling of her wet skin colliding with his own at late hours of the night, where both lose themselves in ecstasy and emotional bond, has ceased drastically.
He missed the times she called him during the day before arriving home. He missed the addicting laughs she will produce whenever he made an unexpected joke. He missed his wife's smiles whenever he prode his lids open and when he arrived home from work. He missed those red kisses he will receive whenever she decided to wear red lipstick at today's work. He missed her advices whenever things began to get complicated.
Even though, he'll wake up in full marathon from a disturbing nightmare with his wife right next to comfort him, she no longer have given him those wonderful kisses to perish the fears away. I miss you Elizabeth.
Levi seats next to a window inside a coffee restaurant. He watches customers come and go until a familiar someone walks into the front counter.
"May I get black coffee with cream, please." Elizabeth orders politely to the young man sending her a flashy white smile.
"Sure will. It will be one dollar with twenty five cents." The young man who looks like in his early twenty's says. Elizabeth hands him the money but not before the young man comments on her appearance. "I have to say, you're really beautiful."
"Thanks." She titters, prodding a brown strand behind her ear.
"Do you live around here?" The worker asks as he prepares her coffee. Levi feels his insides boil in anger. His eyes screaming jealousy at the sight of his wife being hit on.
"I'm sorry. I'm married." Elizabeth raises her hand with the ring fashioning her finger.
"Oh. My bad." The young man laughs at himself. "I should have known." He pours black coffee to the cup. "That man is sure lucky in getting a nice woman like you?"
"Thank you,” she says.
"How many years if I may ask?"
"Ten years."
"Wow. Congratulations,” he responds genuinely. "You must really love each other." He adds cream to the coffee.
"We do." Her smile falters for a brief moment. "He's a hardworking man," she compliments.
"That's nice to hear." The young man hands Elizabeth her coffee.
"Thank you." She bows her head.
"You're welcome. It was nice meeting you. Have a nice day." He waves goodbye. Levi watches her leave the store and to her red 2016 Chevrolet Cruz. Elizabeth talked good about him. I should fix my mistake.
Levi wakes up to the smell his wife's cooking. His feet slide off the bed sheets and he rubs off his drowsiness. He frowns at himself remembering once again his situation. He rubs his face in realization. Two months ago, his whole Swat Team died during the capture of two dangerous fugitives Reiner and Bertolt. The worst part of all is the way he treated her loving wife who was worried about him. He knew she wanted to comfort him on whatever he was dealing with but his disappointment in himself washed inside him like a tidal wave he couldn't hide no longer. He snapped with harsh insults. He's never yelled at her in such way or has ever pushed or rejected her like he did two months ago.
The worst part is that she doesn't even know about my squad. Levi catches Elizabeth enter the room and halts her movements upon seeing him awake.
"Breakfast is ready,” she notifies, unhappiness lingering in her voice. Were my actions actually that severe to have heard my wife sound so miserable?
He nods at his wife's words to emphasize that he understood and will be coming in a few minutes or in a matter of fact, right in this instant. Levi rises in only his black pants and white socks. He follows behind her. She's much smaller than him.
She heedfully walks to the stove with a clean white square plate in hand. He stands next to her in hopes to receive a kiss of good morning for once but she ignores him completely once again. She places his full plate on the table.
"You should eat it quickly or you'll be late for work." She serves herself food and washes her hands.
Silence lingers between them while the television plays in the background. She takes a seat in front of him. Elizabeth always took a seat next to him while they ate in the morning. She begins to eat without saying a single word.
"Elizabeth" Levi breaks the silence.
"Yeah?" She lifts her head. Her brown soft hair cut short decorates her beautiful features. "Was the food not good for you?" She looks down at his food then back at him. "I have salad if you don't like it." She reaches in the middle of the table to open a plate of a healthy salad.
"Elizabeth.," Levi interrupts, waving his hand. "Are you mad at me?" He asks her.
"No. Why would I be?" She bite her lips.
"You haven't sat next to me for two months now. You haven't said anything this morning. You haven't talked about what you dreamed of last night like you always do...you haven't even kissed me." Levi points out the last part with disappointment and sadness.
"I'm sorry Levi." She scratches her head. "I'm just a bit tired. That's all.” She sighs, “I have some bad cramps and I don't feel like speaking today."
"Are you going to work today?" Levi asks her.
"No," She says softly like if her voice where to break.
"Me neither," Levi utters out.
"Why not?" Levi has never been absent to work.
"We need to talk..." Levi rises and drags his chair next to hers. "About that night." Elizabeth immediately gulps at the mention of that night two months ago.
"There's nothing to discuss. You were just exhausted from work." She shrugs it off, spinning her fork.
"I was wrong, Elizabeth." He grabs her hand resting on her lap, startling. "The truth is that that night... four of my comrades.... died while capturing some dangerous fugitives. I was disappointed in myself for not being able to save them."
"But why didn't you call me at least once that day?" She intertwines her fingers with his.
"I was sent by my boss Erwin Smith to-"
"Wait. Erwin Smith?" she gasps.
"Yes. Why?" Levi leans back in confusion.
"Those four members from the Squat team that died in that bank in Shiganshina City, were your comrades?" Levi nods sadly at her words. She shakes her head. "That doesn't justify your rudeness."
"I was disappointed in myself-"
"You scared me." She raises her voice, hand on her chest. "I was worried sick Levi and that's the way you treated me?"
Levi knows her wife experienced rejection from everyone around her. She never had parents unlike him and her ugly appearance made her the clown of the school. When Levi met her, she didn't look like how she does today yet he fell in love with her and decided to marry her. It was then after a year or two that he saw his wife's skin becoming smoother and acne free. Her beautiful features standing out more than the most hottest girl in the mall or work. She's perfection to him.
"I felt heartbroken.” her voice is thick with emotion. “I wanted to comfort you. I wanted to give you a good night's kiss if you weren't willing to talk about what occurred that night." Her tears began to flow down. "For a moment I assumed you were cheating on me after you started coming late from work after the incident. Her hands shake.
"No. I will never do that." He scoots closer to her as he slides his hand on her cheek. With his thumb he wipes off her tears. "You're my wife. I love you."
"I love you too." She chokes a sob and hugs Levi with all her might. Tears wet his naked shoulder and neck.
"I missed you." Levi whispers to her and presses her waist closer to his, smelling her addicting strawberry scent from her after shower.
"Me too." She whispers.
"I longed for your touch." He rubs her back soothingly.
"I hate you so much."
"I know." He presses his lips on top of her head. She leans back from him and gives him a peck on his cheek. The familiar feeling causes Levi's heart to swell in happiness. He cups her face and smashes his lips onto hers. Their lips passionately take each other with such longing for one's affection. "I missed your small kisses," he mumbles, a single tear falling down his cheek.
"I'm sorry for the misery I put you in." she caresses his cheek with her knuckles. "I was simply hurt from your rejection. Immature. I know very well of my selfishness but I was disappointed,” she explains.
"No. I shouldn't have yelled at you in the first place." He pecks her forehead before hugging her once again.
One Year Later...
"Hey you guys." A girl with brunette hair walks hurriedly to her friends in the large room filled with offices and small offices displayed in a pattern for their workers to work on.
"Oh, what is it Sasha?" A man name Eren says.
"Yeah, what is it? Can't find any potatoes?" Connie comments as Jean smirks at Connie's words whilst Mikasa and Armin watch Sasha in curiosity.
"No." She states. "Is our superior Levi Ackerman not married?"
"I think his single Sasha. Why you ask?" Armin responds from his chair.
"Well, I just saw Levi talking with this beautiful woman who appears to be pregnant and give him a kiss in the cheek."
"What?!" The groups yell whisper.
"Yes and guess what?"
"What?" They all say in sync.
"I saw him turn around and saw a red printed kiss on his cheek." She giggles.
"What in the world." Eren runs his hand through his hair.
"You're imagining things Sasha." Armin says to her.
"Sir." Everyone says as they see their superior and now captain of this Swat Team appear in front of them. All eyes watching with wide eyes at the red kiss implanted on his cheek.
"We'll be leaving in a few minutes-" Levi pauses at his team's faces. "Why do you all look like you're constipated?" Levi arches a brow.
"Sir. You have a red kiss imprinted on your cheek." Jean points out. Levi touches his cheek to see his fingertip stained with red faint lipstick. He hums at the information.
"Sir. If I may ask. Who's it from?" Sasha hesitantly asks as the whole group tells her to stop her inappropriate questions before Levi speaks up which causes the group to feel happy and in the same time shock.
"My wife's kisses."
~The End~
I hope you enjoyed this one shot. I apologize if it wasn't long. I just saw this picture on Pinterest and decided to edit this image and make a short one shot about it. I hoped you like it.
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