~Maria's POV~
It had been a week since Holly and Laurens were born. I was getting floods of letters. I hated being bed ridden. I couldn't do anything. I had to sit in bed and do nothing. It was late at night. Alexander, Philip, and Angie were at a party with Aaron Burr, Theodosia, Thomas Jefferson, George and Martha Washinton, Lafayette, James and Dolley Madison, and of course Angelica and Phil. It was some type of congradulations to Alexander. We were having the baby shower next week when I can walk. Peggy knocked on the door. It was about 9:35 pm and very dark outside.
"Come in," I called. She was holding a tray with a pot of tea and two cups.
"The kids are asleep," she said pouring me a cup.
"Thank you," I replied, "oh god I knew being a mom was hard, but it's extra hard not being able to get out of bed!" I exclamied sipping my tea.
"It must be hard," Peggy said, looking glum.
"Peggy, what's wrong?" I asked sitting up. Peggy got up and left the room and came back with her coat. She pulled out a letter.
"I found this on Lafayette's desk," she said handing me a letter. I read it aloud.
Dearest Lafayette,
For I am very upset that you did that you did not tell me of your marriage to Ms Margarita Schuyler. For I thought we were friends! I am not angry of course I am just mad that you did not inform me that you were to be married, and didn't even invite me! Not to be rude, but without me you wouldn't even be in America. I know you regret everything you did with me, but please try to understand I still care for you. I know you regret our multiple one night stands. But what really pisses me off is that you had sex with me the day before you proposed to Ms. Schuyler. Isn't that just rude. In your letter from last week you said "I'm sorry you heard of the marrriage from the papers, but I love her more than anything. I love her more then life it self." So why did you inform me you were single when you had a girlfriend. I might have to write Ms. Schuyler herself before bad things happen. You wouldn't want to lose her would you? That's not a threat, it's a warning to be careful. I want you to live your life of course, but I hope you get what you're dying for. Ms. Schuyler lost her sister, mother, and father all on one way a little less than a year ago. Her heart is like a package with a fragile lable on it so be careful. (A/n Cardi B refrence anyone?)
Your Beloved,
Abi Lionheart.
Peggy was crying.
"He c-cheated on me with who ever the Hell this Abi Lionheart woman is," she sobbed. I rubbed her arm.
"You should talk to him about it," I said, "I know how much he loves you this has got to be some mistake." She smiled softly. That's when we saw a flash of light pass by the bedroom window.
"What the Hell," Peggy said getting up. Then we heard pounding on the front door.
"OPEN UP FUCKERS!" A voice called. Peggy grabbed a fire poker a shoved a blanket on top of me. I heard her leave the room.
~Peggy's POV~
Who was hear? Probably a robbery. As pissed as I was at Lafayette, I had to protect Maria and the kids. I snuck into Alexander's office. I knew he had to keep a gun somewhere in here. I heard talking.
"We're going to steal all of that whoreson's money and prized possesions, maybe even one of his kids," a voice snickered. I opened one of the drawers to find a pistol. It was pre-loaded. Alexander was always prepared.
"I'll try the back," a second voice said. Oh shit. I heard someone burst through the front door. I bolted the door to the office. What was going to happen?
~Maria's POV~
I knew I was bed ridden, but there were people in the house. I got out of bed, my legs like jello. I looked under the matress to find one of Alexander's pistols. He had two from the war. One of them was John Laurens's. It was loaded, thank god. I quickly also grabbed the sword hanging above the fireplace in our room.
"Where are you Hamilton whore's!" A voice called. I knew who to shoot a gun, Alexander had taught me years ago. My children were at risk. Luckily all the babies sleep in one room, but it could only be locked from the insid so I had to either stay with my children, or fight. I had to get out of the house.
~Peggy's POV~
Shit oh shit! I'm locked in. I had to do something. I heard a voice say, "I'll go check the basment, Rodger is keeping watch outside. So there were three of them. Luckily even thought this house did have a big ass basement. All that was down there was old shitty books (Alexander kept the good ones in his office) wine and dust. I quickly shoved the pistol into my jacket pocket and grabbed the largest book I could find. I opened the door. I saw a man run towards me, but I hit him over the head. I saw Maria. She ran down the stairs.
"Peggy!" She whisper yelled, "Thank god you're okay! What do you know?"
"There's a guy keeping watch outside and there's another guy in the basement, but it'll take at least 7 minutes to serch the basement," I said.
"We have to get next door to your house. There's a ladder that goes to the nursery. Go get the kids. I'll lock that guy into the basement. Come find me when the kids are safe!" She said, running down the hall. I quickly climbed up the stairs into the nursery and opened the window. I grabbed Susan first. I careful climbed down the ladder. This was really hard. I quickly snuck to my house and opened the back door. I put Susan on the kitchen floor. I know that's not the best idea, but they'll be safe. I quickly grabbed Laurens and Holly. I cared each under one of my arms as I slid down the ladder. I put them in my house. Now to find Maria.
~Maria's POV~
I quickly ran to the basement door a bolted it. It had three bolts on it. You could lock it from the outside and inside, but to unlock it from the outside you need a key, which is kept hidden under Angie's bed. I also pulled a chair up to the knob so he couldn't get in.
"Maria!" Peggy came up behind me.
"We must go now. The back door to my house is unlocked and the kids are safe. Go to the police. I'll run to Burr's," She said pulling me up the stairs. We climbed down the ladder.
~Peggy's POV~
I ran as fast as I could to Burr's. I ran through the gates and pried open the oak doors. Everyone was in the living room. They all looked at me. Angelica ran up to me.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Alexander's house is being robbed, Maria's going to the police the kids are in my house and one of the robbers is locked in the basement, one unconsious, and the other pacing around the front door," I said out of breath. Alexander grabbed my arm and we ran.
By the time we got to the house we saw cops. Two men unconsious of the ground, another bleeding to death. Alexander ran up to Maria giving her a tight kiss.
"ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" He asked.
"I'm fine," Maria said, "But I can barely stand." Alexander picked her up. The rest of the party guests came around the corner.
"I'll go make sure the kids are okay in my house," I said walking away.
~Alexander's POV~
I was carring Maria bridal style. She was crying.
"Mr. Hamilton, your house is safe. One of the robbers we shot because he tried to get away. We are going to serch it and then you can go inside. It'll only take 10 minutes," One of the officers said.
"Thank you," I said.
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