Beautiful Babies Part One
~Fast Forward to late October, Alexander's POV~
It was October 25th, Maria was 8.75 months pregnant. I would soon have BABIES! Life was pretty good. Lafayette and Peggy had gotten married last month. The wedding was beautiful. Susan was doing well. She did cry a lot, but Maria had began to breast feed her. Philip and Angie were doing well. Angie had just turned 8, god did I feel old. We were fast asleep, when Maria began to shake me awake.
"What?" I asked sleepily.
"I think the babies coming," she said. I shut up.
"I'll go get the doctor," I said. I threw on a jacket and grabbed a lantern. I ran down the road to the doctors house. I banged on the door. He came out.
"Mr. Hamilton, what is the urgency that you need me?" He asked, tired.
"Maria's gone into labor Dr. Smith!" I exclamied. The doctor ran inside, he came out with his wife, who was a midwife, his doctor tool box and a jacket and ran to my house. When we got there, I went next door the Peggy and Laf's. After the wedding they moved into a house right next door to ours. I banged on the door. Lafayette answeared.
"Mon ami, why are you waking me up at 1 am?" He asked.
"Maria's gone into labor!" I exclamied.
"Mon ami, stay calm, I'll get Peggy and Angelica, she is staying with us this week. We will be there in 15 minutes," Lafayette shut the door. I heard running. I ran into the house to see the doctor inbetween Maria's legs. I knew it was necessary to help the baby come out, but I was a tad mad that another man was going to be looking at her in that area. The midwife was holding her stomach. I ran to her side. Maria had never been in child birth before, she was probably really nervous and scared. I grabbed her hand.
"It's gonna be okay, Laf, Peggy, and Angelica will be here any minute. Angelica will help she knows how to do this. Deep breaths," I said. The doctor began to push me away.
"Her water broke unexpectedly early, you have to get out Mr. Hamilton. When Mrs. Lafayette and Ms. Schuyler get here they will be able to help. We must keep a close eye on her since the baby is coming early," he pushed me out of the room. I sat on the floor. Why was I so nervous? Sure I was nervous when Eliza was giving birth, but not this nervous. Maybe because this was because the baby was coming early? Who knows. I saw Laf, Peggy, and Angelica burst in. They ran up the stairs.
"Shhhhhh the children are sleeping. The doctor said her water broke really early, he wants your help. She's in the bedroom," I said. Peggy and Angelica burst in. Laf sat next to me.
"It'll be okay mon ami, she'll make it. When my mom gave birth to my brother, I was very nervous. She gave birth a whole month early. Luckily for Maria she's 8 and a half months pregnant so it's not that far off. Anyways my mother almost died, but she survived. She'll be okay, she'll be okay," He said, my head in his lap.
~Maria's POV~
God this really hurt. Why was the baby coming early?
"Okay, we are going have to get this baby out of you as soon as possible," the doctor said. The midwife stuck her hands up my vagina to see if I was dialated enough. This really didn't feel good. The midwife had a weird look on her face. Peggy was grasping my hand while Angelica was with the doctor. She'd done this before and had actually studied medicine before.
"I don't mean to alarm you, but I think you're giving birth to twins Mrs. Hamilton," she said. I gasped.
"T-t-twins," I gasped out as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I let out a cry like noise. Peggy only grasped my hands tighter.
"Yes," the midwife said, "now push!" I pushed with all my might. That really hurt. Tears were falling down my face.
"Pegg-y go t-tell Alexander it's twins, then please come back," I gasped out. She quickly ran to the door.
~Alexander's POV~
Lafayette and I sat there when Peggy appeared from the door and said "you're having twins, Maria's pushing." and closed the door. My jaw dropped.
"TWINS MON AMI! DOUBLE THE BABY! YOU LOVE KIDS!" Lafayette yelled, hugging me. He whispered in my ears "it's a sign."
~Maria's POV~
Peggy ran back in grasping my hand. I felt hands on my vagina. I did NOT like this, not at all. I let out a light scream, trying not to wake up the children. I was crying.
"You're doing great Maria, just keep pushing!" Angelica said. I pushed as hard as I could. This was going to be a long morning.
~Alexander's POV~
It was 6 am. Maria had been in labor for 4 hours when the midwife came out. I stood up.
"Mr. Hamilton would you like to meet your children?" She asked.
"Of course!" I exclamied running into the room. I saw Maria lying in the bed, one of the babies in her arms. Peggy was holding the other one. She came over to me and handed me the baby. They were both swaddled.
"Both healthy, boy and a girl," Angelica said. Lafayette walked in.
"Maria will need lot's of rest Alexander. She to stay in bed for 2 weeks, then I'll allow her to walk. Make sure to feed her and take care of her. Make sure to feed the babies. Contact me if the children or Maria aren't feeling well," and with that, the doctor and midwife left.
"We'll leave you alone and go check on Philip and Angie and tell them the news," Peggy said, leading Lafayette and Angelica out of the room. I sat on a chair next to Maria as she began to feed one of the babies.
"You're holding the boy," she said, clearly exahusted.
"They need names," I said.
"I know, do you have any ideas?" She asked.
"Well for a boy I was thinking Laurens," I said. Maria smiled and said, "to remember John?" I nodded.
"Well for the girl what about Holly?" She asked. I stood up and kissed her forehead and said "these are beautiful names."
A/N Sorry if I fast forwarded too far into the future, I just needed these babies to be born. I know child birth doesn't usally go this quickly, but again, BABIES! I hope you like the names. Laurens of course came from John Laurens and Holly came from Hamilton's daughter with Eliza who was named Eliza. When she married her last name became Holly and I thought it was so cute. Anyways I hope you enjoyed.
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