A/N In the story it's been about a month since Philip's birthday, I'm going to say it's the 21st of Febuary. I just like to have established dates in my stories soooo. Also while writting this all I could think was "Corruption's such an old song that we can sing along in harmony and nowhere is it stronger than in Albany" From Non-Stop so I have issues, but that's okay, we're all obsesed with Hamilton down here. (I watched IT this weekend so.)
~Maria's POV~
It had been four weeks since Angelica had sent that letter and she was freaking out. We had decided to come to Albany with her since she could hardly sleep.
"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!" She said, pacing back and forth in the parlor of her massive house in Albany. I sat there helping Angie learn to sew.
"Angelica, deep breaths, you know how mail is to London, it could of just arrived," I said. She looked at me.
"I know, I'm just worried about Phil," I stood up and put a hand on her shoulder.
"It will be okay," She smiled. Alexander got up and gave her a hug.
"C'mon, let's go have dinner," He said. We got up and went to have dinner, laughing, smiling, the closest thing I've had to one in my whole life. Watching Philip and Angie bicker about who got to use the salt first. It made me laugh, it made me smile. Alexander saw this and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"I love you," he said, kissing my cheek. Then there was a knock at the door. We all turned pale. I got up and opened it. I saw a tall man with light brown hair and a tan suit. He was accompanied by a young boy, about 14. Oh god it must be John and Philip.
"Excuse me, may I help you?" I asked. He looked at me.
"You must be Mrs. Reynolds, Hamilton's fiance. Angelica has written to me about you, speaking of which, where is she?" Angelica stepped out.
"John," She said. He quickly marched in and slapped her, which caused Alexander to tackle him to the ground. John had a height advantage and pushed Alex off him. Angelica was beggining to cry.
"YOU WANNA DIVORCE! YOU COULD NEVER GO THROUGH WITH IT AND BESIDES, YOU DIVORCE ME PHIL WILL BE HURT!" I saw the look in Phil's eyes. One of fear, he was scared of his father. I recognized the look, since I had it in my eyes whenever I saw my father. I took the young boy in my arms. He was quaking.
"DON'T DRAG PHIL INTO THIS! HE'S ALREADY GONE THROUGH ENOUGH!" Angelica yelled. John just laughed. To him it wasn't a threat.
"I won't hesitate to hurt him." This made Phil and Angelica cry more.
"Sir, please leave," I said. He turned to me.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GONNA DO! SCARE WE WITH YOUR LOOKS!?" He yelled. I straightened up and slapped him.
"Angelica will see you in court now please leave or I will not hesitate to more damage." With that, John marched out.
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