chapter four
They all got teleported into their dorms all of our stuff was already unpacked and there was Furniture there decorated just our style Aaron look at the room and shocked surprised walking around the room and looking at every there was a kitchen where he can cook food there was a couch in front of a TV in the corner next to window it was his bed his in another corner of the room the bed was just his favorite color red he had a closet he loved his new room and he didn't even have to share he had no room beads it was just to his liking
Aaron: No way there's a kitchen here that means I can cook whatever I want I have my own TV too and the desk na man who cares about that
Aaron walked up to his closet and opened it revealing his clothes was already there and hanged
Aaron: my clothes is already hanged up and ready
Aaron walked up to his bed jumped and laid on top of his bed
Aaron: This is awesome everything is just my style and I don't have to unpack anything
Then Aaron hurt a voice it was the school principal doing announcement
Principal Piper: as you all can see from now all of your belongings are already unpacked and in your room that is doable Magic if you check between your counters in one of your desks you will see a paper where has your schedule* Aaron I look at all the desks and found the Dust next to his bed a piece of paper he looked at it having all his classes and all his schedule * now some of you will be heading out in a group to have a tour around the place but you also have a map where I could show you around the place some of you guys won't even need it because some of you have have your sense of direction so you mean know which is your class and where you're heading but towards those of you that need it we will make sure to send a guy to show you around the place if you need anything absolutely anything next to the door you can see there's button speaker just press on that and somebody will be asking you for what you need have a great day students and I hope you enjoy your new place
Aaron was a werewolf so he already had a sense of direction but she was so used to getting tours around the school buildings he walked over to the door and press the button he heard a voice
principal Piper: hello this is principal Piper what can I help you with
Aaron: hi principal Piper my name is Aaron and I'm a werewolf I do have a sense of direction around the place but I am so used to getting a tour around the place so I may not know how to use my sense of direction
Principal Piper: wait Aaron like Aaron
Aaron: yeah that's my last name how do you know me
Principal Piper: well Me and your mother are best friends when we were about your age we both attend to the school and we are still in contact with each other to stay I remember her telling me that she married a guy with the last name via
Aaron: you're best friends with my mother how come she never told me about this
Principal Piper: that's for you to discuss with your mother so do you want me to send a tour guide to show you around the place
Aaron: if you would that would be most appreciated
Principal Piper: no problem remember if there's anything absolutely anything that you need feel free to tell me
Aaron: I will thank you very much
Principal Piper: you're very welcome I will send someone to give you a tour around the place they should be there in a minute or so have a great day my dear boy and enjoy your room
Aaron: I already am
The car cut off and Aaron grabbed his phone and dialed his mom's phone number the phone started to ring mother answered the phone and then you could hear her mother's voic
Aaron's mom: Aaron what a miracle that you finally decided to call
Aaron: yeah sorry about that I'm pretty sure you're my sister already told you about everything hasn't she
Aaron's mom: yeah she has and did they already showed you the real or Oregon
Aaron: yep they already have and it's awesome the magic to teleport it all my stuff here into my room and it's already unpacked it's the best
Aaron's mom: oh I see they changed a few things because what I was about your age and I attended the school they didn't do that to us I'm pretty sure the magic evolved
Aaron: speaking of when you attended my school you never told me that you were best friends with the principal* he says it is in en angry and sarcastic voice*
Aaron's mom: * in a sarcastic voice* oh did I forget to mention I saw you already knew
Aaron: no no no you didn't
Suddenly somebody interrupted Aaron heard somebody knocking at his door
Aaron: mom I got to go Somebody's knocking at my door I'm pretty sure it's the person that's going to give me a tour around the place
Aaron's mom: way Don't You have you werewolf senses to tell you where to go oh wait that's right you are so used to getting tours around schools well bye honey have a nice
Aaron: Bye mom
Aaron hang up the phone and walked over to the door and opened it
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