... are money paid by a ...Subsidies
... is a letter that is written.....A reference
... is a situation in which..... free trade
... is the government..... Customs
... market research showed.... Although
... measures we take, unemploymen…Whatever
... their high metal content...... Thanks to
... traditional quality control,… Under
... you can guarantee prices As long as
...we find your trade..... Although
… are where trade…Protected markets
… candidates should send…Interested
… I’d read the manual, I….Once
… is the thing you.... Financial package
…I win the deal, my….Unless
…is the rate at which.....Staff turnover
A ...is a limit on the quantity....... quota
A large industrial…… For example
A large number of SMEs..... dominate
A lot of businesses need to… demand
A medical assessment is… conducted
A price increase is… raw materials
A successful......probationary period
A UScompany is accused of .. dumping
A(n)... is a list of topic to be.... agenda
A(n)... is an older, more...... mentor
A/An.... product fails to….. defective
According to the,…typical mistakes
After … a major ….winning/ to expand/ to attract
After a 3-month period…… redesigned
After the interview, a ……job offer
After you … enough….. have had
All companies should………. comply
All plastic components..... so that
All products which …. mass-produced
All the staff were asked…..relocate
All this equipment…. maintenance
Almost all IKEA...... themselves
An impor.... is a document.... license
An industry which is..... strategic
Apart from main barriers…. to
At a time when life….. well-known
At Miele we are always....... to improve
At present, our company is ….on
At present,… is based.... commission
At the meeting several…..be negotiated
Australia’s export….. unfavorable
Because of market feedback…..investigated
Brookfield Airport has...... budget
By producing robust...... last
By…enormous…… offering/ to work
Can companies do ........ competitive
Candidates.....psychometric test
China has decided to....... quota
Cole National … a surve…. conducted
Companies often.. the……..outsource
Considering that delivery.... order
Considering what attracts..... is
Could I ask you ….why you left your last job
Countries which open their......without
Countries which truly…. take away
Despite his.... not to leave
Developing nations want...... allow
Do you happen… what salary I will start on
Do you have any .....?experience
Do you mind … I ask…..if
Do you mind if I….what the time is
Do you mind telling…. what your strengths are
Does your company...... compensation
‘Dove’ has offered more free ....... feedback
Each part of the… by… is controlled/ correct
Employees are...What..‘take....... exploit effectively
Employees used…. what they enjoy about working here
Everyone was talking….the moment
Fair Trade comes into being.....tackle
For most US shop workers…..satisfaction
Globalisation increases…. to compete
Government spending......affect
Having received too....... recall
He found it very … work…… to get /resigning
He refused........... on what conditions he signed the contract
Her job involves..analyzing/ motivating
High performers….. .. special
Higher trust creates higher…..elsewhere
How many presentations….have you given
However, not all high.…… listless
I ...for the job if I ........ would apply /had
I … something very….. smell
I … to get in touch with…. tried
I am sure we ...our.....will meet/ maintain
I don’t mind ...talks..... giving /giving
I don’t need those…..by
I have been looking......vacancy
I think our boss is a .....determined
I wonder ….whether he will apply for the job
I wonder…. if they will accep
I would like to ….when the job will be advertised
I would like to….why we should appoint him our new branch manager
I would suggest…getting/ printing/ sending
I’ll make a note ...... to send
I’m an IT consultant….for
I’m not sure if I have....... making
If a company cannot…… business.
If an earlier delivery… production is required /will increase
If any of the goods......... faulty
If he went to a doctor....... would/be
If prices are rising more....therefore
If the …other… use/ may not be
If we ... a very large or... placed/ would
If we ...5,000 boxes..... order/ will you offer
If we don’t entertain….. might not place
If we keep … like this… working
If we…other…. place/ to be offered
If you …this.... can't deliver /will have to
If you decide … ahead … to go /to give
If you have the quality…. adaptability
If you have very……covering letter
If you plan… to buy /investing
If you want to become......meticulous
I'm afraid we won't be….unless
I'm expecting a fax from...... comes
I'm leaving now; I ...back.... will be/ isn't
I'm sure we ...this...... won't get/ offer
In 1973 the government......which
In developing countries.....protected
In June 1999 more than... . Subsequently
In June, new subscribers…off
In principle, free trade….to
In recent years,…..haven’t renewed
In the United States,… against
Industrial nations... negatively influence
Inspection is costly, in term ......... both
Inspection is sometimes...... leads to
It is important to find……persuade
It is impossible to break..... because
It took nearly 50 …… because
It’s a good idea...... to make/ to take
It’s had...parts for ... to find/. producing
Juran insists that quality:………….see
Keeping the…..all answers are possible
Labour conditions....contract
Last week, after.... shared
Lorenchy said clearly..... to/ on
Make sure you get these……signed
Managers must understand… advantages
Managers, not the workerd….take
Many business….. after-sales service
Many companies are… benefit
Markus Miele, co-owner........ against
Miele believes it can make….practices
Miele faces a tough few....... not just
Miele is committed to high...... but
Miele is renowned for its.... refusal
Miele is...to a high…self-sufficient
Miele machines were to..... long-lasting
Miele makes its plant in...... This
Miele was founded over...... Since then
Most of Miele…to be reprogrammed
Mr. Albert Burns was .....appointed
Mr. Honda is a terrific….has been given
Mr. Parker was very….. impressed
Multinational corporations…. approach
My colleague is a ... resourceful
My company has been........ since
My supervisor promises …. will get
New technology can help......lead to
Nokia has implemented…..results
Nowadays many businesses…..emphasize
Nowadays, too many employers….. to
Offering frequent discounts…to promote
Offering time for ...... keep
On top of our agenda…. on
One of my strengths is....... adaptable
One of the problems….to be headhunted
Open... ensure the free....... borders
Our profits are up this…… to be given
Our store has... moving down-market
People in all countries..... barriers
Philippine Vice President...... enjoy
Please have a sea…. wait/ will give
Please tell me.... if you understand or not
Producers in.......access
Protectionism is……on
Provided that you….. dispatch /covering
Quality is defined… attain
Quality means consistency.... rarely
Rankings for the….. standards
Roughly 50% of Miele’s……competitive
Service firms with large…. low-paid
She has a lot of experience….. handling
Some countries do not.... dependent
Some EU member states....... while
Some managers are.....astrological sign
Some of our staff in the…. make up
Some scientists…….equally
Some types of busines......for example
Sony is committed to….environmentally
South Korean carmakers…… support
Success in this job ….anticipating
The aggressive….play/changing
The applicant's….curriculum vitae
The assistant to Mr….. has become
The baggage-handling..... Consequently
The British have…. drinking/to buy
The busy…..makes it difficult for them to go
The Chief IT Officer is… performance
The company has built…. for
The conference room was ...... too
The employees have ......salary
The engineers were all in……of
The food provided through......... from
The French, who used ….to have/ eating
The ideal candidate will… knowledge
The International Monetary….economic
The interview panel will.....shortlist
The invention of computer.......... such
The manager spent half........... checking
The most successful.... to have
The new factory we’re….output
The over-the-counter…. where
The price of motorbikes ...... has fallen
The problem turned......... simpler
The purpose of the.. acceptable
the salesperson..... to replace/ sending
The shipping documents…. as
The slogan ‘Forever...... whether
The starting salary of.....candidate
The successful…. organizational
The US threatened to ………… impose
The weak demand for.......Moreover
The word ‘quality’ seems… depending
There has been a... in sales... boom
There’s a problem with…….standard.
These days many…..speculatively
‘There’s nothing wrong with.. servicing
They got the inspection…. By
They have ...us a very.....quoted
They hired a ......headhunter
This year we have .......... 2
Throughout the world....removing
To identify candidates….nominations
To limit the export of.. tariffs
To meet our..... monitoring
Typical problems....changing irregularly
Unfortunately, AC5.... confidence
Unlike a pirated ...... genuine
Until the 1960s, quality …. as
We are constantly looking….. to reduce
We are looking for....skills
We are sorry to inform you .... meet
We are thinking........ about /from
We avoid ...the…..launching/ to make
We can arrange ........... to supply
We can reach an….. provided that
We can’t launch our….to order
We cannot confirm the…. because
We have a policy of.... zero-defects
We need an experienced…. coach
We placed a larger order....... offered
We sent the new design... modify
We thought that your.....included
We will arrange ….to supply
We’ll continue to……as long as
We’re proud of the …….durability
We’re sorry we..... warranty
We….. how happy our…… measure
We're looking for an .... in case
What laws … if you…would you change /were
When developing new…..using /use
When products are....... before
When replying to...application form
When you... your staff.... inspire
Why are Denise and..... selling
With reference to your....advertisement
Would you mind…. how you react
You mentioned….. to market/ changing
You should apply .......... for
You should comply....... regulations
You should keep your…separate
You’d better .. come/ being interrupted
You’ll probably be…. handwriting
You'd better state your..... straight
‘I am not sure that’s relevant to the point.’ The speaker expresses that …she wants to keep to the point.
A chairman wants to summarize the:…Right, to sum up then ….
A customer complains: ‘You delivered?...We’ll send the rest immediately.
A customer phones in and says::….Oh dear! I’m sorry to hear that.
How would you respond to’…Could you just hang on a moment, please?
In the meeting, if you want to…The purpose of this meeting is...
To ask a customer to give mor…What happened exactly?
What do you say if you want people to slow down?...I think we should discuss a bit more.
What do you say if you want to end a?...I’m sorry. I really must get going. It was really nice talking to you.
What do you say if you want to slow down the discussion?...Hold on, we need to look at this in more details.
What do you say if you want to state the purpose of the meeting?....The aims of this meeting are…..
What do you say if you want to summarize the main points?...OK, let’s go over what we've agreed
What do you say to make a complaint about some defective...I’m sorry, but I’m not satisfied with these electric motors.
What do you say when you want to start the discussion?...OK, let’s get down to business
What would you say at a negotiation if you are not sure...You mean, if we offered ... would ...?
What would you say if you want to offer your customer a discount?..If you order now, we'll give you a discount.
What would you say to start a meeting?...Right, can we start, please?
What would you say to your colleague who has just been made redundant?...I’m very sorry to hear about what happened.
When a customer makes a complaint, you promise:…I’ll check the details and get back to you.
When a customer wants to get a replacement for a faulty product, you say:…I’m afraid it’s not our policy to replace items.
When a member of the meeting says: ‘I think we should move on now’, he/she wants to ..speed up
When someone says: ‘How do you feel about that model?’ He/She wants to ……………..ask for reactions.
You are now at a negotiation. What would you say if you want to explore your partner’s positions?...What do you have in mind?
You are the chairperson at a meting and you have to deal with interruption. What do you say?...Could you let him finish, please?
You cannot accept a 10% discount that your partner has just proposed. You say:…That would be difficult for us.
You have to turn down your partner's proposal for a 20% discount. You say:…That's more than we usually offer.
You need more time to consider your partner's proposal before deciding. You say:…I'd like to think about it.
You think the deal has been made and want to close it. You say:…I think we've covered everything.
You want a refund for a defective cassette you bought:…Well, that’s not really good enough.
You want to ask for reactions from other people at a meeting. You say:..How do you feel about ...?
You want to refer to further contact at the end of a negotiation. You say:…Please let me know if there are any problems.
You want to speed up the discussion. What do you say?....I think we should move on now.
You wonder if you have really understood your partner's idea. You say:…Have I got this right?
Your partner asks for free of charge delivery. You accept: …It might be possible, especially if we can...
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