Who Will Protect Me?
For many years I have been
The one everyone came to
And continues to come to for protection
From bullies, stalkers, negativity
Because I always know just what to say
I have no filter and can put anyone
In their place in a fraction of a second
I often say, I eat trolls for breakfast
I don't fear them because I simply do not care
I wasn't always like this
I grew up before social media was created
Before the internet was in every household
Before many families even had computers
And school assignments had to be
Written out by hand
I grew up in the age of traditional
Bullying and stalking
Face to face
Many against one
Where sometimes teachers were worse bullies
Than the kids
My childhood for all intents and purposes
Ended when I was 6
At least the non-bullying one
I got hit by a teacher in the first grade in
Front of the whole class
I got tripped, shoved, pushed, name called
Rejected and refused until I graduated
High school
I kept asking silently,
Who will protect me?
Only once during that whole time
Did anyone stand up for me
In 8th grade drama club,
We were doing a musical
And a guy got tired of another constantly
Treating me like dirt
Because on top of it all,
I had low self esteem and was very shy
So he threatened the other kid with his life
And I was left alone
In college, I had a stalker who wouldn't take
No for an answer
About dating and would show up to
My classes and clubs
I had to ask male friends to walk me to my car
I'm not a short person either
But this was scary
Who will protect me?
Two male classmates stepped in on
Different occasions
Had had enough with the twerp and
Stood up for me
After that he left me alone before I got
Campus police involved
It's been over 15 years since,
I'm a different person
The fighter, the one that stands up for others
Hides them
Now in this age of cyber bullying
When no one is safe
I still wonder
Who will protect me?
Though I don't need it anymore
But people still unexpectedly do
And for that I'm eternally grateful
I will never give up fighting for others
But as I do, I will also teach them how to
Find their own voices
Like through years of practice
I found mine
Who will protect me?
Turned into
How can I protect others?
I have my voice
It is my power
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