Chapter 26
Nobody's POV
Bakugou was looking at Aurora in shock as she said that to him, he didn't know what to do as she said that to him. "You do?" He asked her.
She looked at him a bit and nodded her head, faint blush on her face. Bakugou looked at her without saying anything, he hugged her and kissed her on her cheek. "yeah me too." He said to her.
Aurora was shocked when he said that to her she looked at him and smiled as she hugged him back tightly. The both of them stayed like for what seemed a long time. The both of them let go of eachother and looked smiled at eachother too. They walked in and then said their goodnight, to eachother.
~time skip to day before Valentine's day~
Bakugou and Aurora have been dating in secret for a whole month now, but now it's coming up to valentine's day, it was actually the next day. Bakugou was with his squad as they was sat there with eachother at lunch time. He was looking over to Aurora every now and then and noticing she was sat with some class B student it pissed him off but he just let it be.
That's when he turned to his friends and looked at each and everyone of them. "What do you get someone on valentine's day?" He asked them.
They stopped and looked at him in shock, "what did he just say?" Mina asked.
"He asked what to get someone on valentine's day. ." Sero answered.
"Bakubro why do you want to know that? Do you want someone to be your partner? Or do you already have one?" Kirishima asked.
"Just fucking answer the question!!" Bakugou shouted at them.
All of them sweatdropped and then started to think about what he should do. "Well flowers." Denki spoke up.
"That's too cleché." Bakugou answered.
"How about a card?" Kirishima asked.
"That's not enough." Bakugou said begining to get annoyed again.
"How about a dinner?" Sero suggested.
"That's lame." Bakugou said back.
All of them looked at eachother not knowing what say next they was all out of ideas. Since Bakugou kept rejecting the other ideas, they had to come up with more. "oh I know why not make something for them that you know they will like?" Kirishima asked. "You can put all the ideas into one and make it a big event?" He continued.
Bakugou looked at him, his curiosity spiked as Kirishima suggested that which made him start to think, his eyes went back on Auroras frame and looked at her for just a second and then gave a small smirk.
She deserves the best, I'll just do something big for her. Like shitty hair said.
That's when Bakugou started to plan everything in his head for later on. When he got to class and everyone was doing something that they wanted to. Aurora was reading a book that Bakugou got her two days ago and only now is reading it since she had other presents off him.
So Bakugou was writing down everything he wanted to do for her.
Candy flowers,
Fake flowers,
Taking her out to an amusement park,
Making her dinner,
Buy her some more books,
Get her chocolate.
Bakugou looked at the list and then looked at aurora some, then back at the list. This type of thing would normally annoy me but because it's for her I'm not annoyed. I actually want to do this. . Why?
Bakugou then hid the notes he made and looked at the front, feet on the desk as he relaxed. "Hey Bakugou get your feet off the desk!" Iida shouted.
"Oh shove it." Bakugou said back.
Aurora looked at Bakugou having a smile on her face, when Bakugou noticed that he had a faint blush on his face and looked away out the window. Aurora looked back at the book as the whole class was arguing with Bakugou.
When the bell rang signalling it's the end of the school Bakugou and Aurora was the last to leave, they was holding hands as they was walking and Bakugou looked at her. "Aurora tomorrow we have no school, you haven't got any plans right?" He asked her. When he saw her shake her head he smiled a bit more. "Well now you do the whole will be with me. So we can celebrate." Bakugou said to her.
"Celebrate what?" Aurora asked.
"Valentine's Day. It's where couples express their feelings for eachother." He explained.
"Thought that type of thing is lame." She said to him.
"It is but your my girlfriend and I want to do something for you and I already planned it so it's happening." Bakugou said to her.
She started to laugh and nodded her head, Bakugou gave a small smile to Aurora as she was laughing. That's when Bakugou pulled her into a hug and kisses her. "Cute." He said to her.
Aurora smiles and shakes her head kissed his cheek and then went to her dorm. Bakugou however went to the kitchen and started to make the things he needed to make. Then left to get the fake flowers.
Once everything was sorted he left to go to sleep.
~Next day~
As the sun was brightly shining in the sky, Bakugou knocked on Auroras door when she opened it she smiled as she saw Bakugou. Bakugou held out the candy flowers to her.
"What's that?"
"Candy flowers." He said to her.
She took it and age one, she smiled and when Bakugou held out his hand she took it. The both of them left the dorms holding hands none of them caring when everyone looked at them.
Aurora was eating the flowers the whole way and when they got to the entrance Aurora looked at it and then at Bakugou in shock. "Wait really? Your taking me to an amusement park?" She asked shocked and confused.
Bakugou smiled and nodded his head at her as they walked in together, Aurora looked around the place smile on her face and holding Bakugou's arm. "Thank you." Aurora said to him.
He smiled and the both of them started to go on many rides and playing games, Bakugou won her so many toys and both of them was so happy the whole day. When they got back Bakugou gave her more books and some chocolate. "Don't eat the chocolate I'm going to make you dinner. And I have something too." Bakugou said to her.
She looked at him confused and nodded her head at him smiling. "Thank you, you did all this for me and I didn't even do anything for you." She said to him.
"You didn't even know what this day was so it's fine." Bakugou said to her.
He left and got the food ready but also the fake flowers to give to her after the meal. Bakugou called her down and had her sit down with him as he gave her the food. "Wow this looks so good!" Aurora said to him with a huge smile.
Bakugou gave a small smile and started to eat with her, after they finished however Bakugou held out the fake flowers. Aurora was confused and took them. "what are these for?" Aurora asked her.
"Consider them a symbol as soon as they start wilting I'll stop caring about you." Bakugou said to her.
She was shocked when he said that, but smiled then passed him a box. This time Bakugou was confused. He took it and looked at it and then looked back at Aurora. "I actually lied I asked people what you do for valentine's day and when they told me I got you that." She explained.
Bakugou was shocked and then looked inside the box, it was a crown he smiled and looked at her. "a crown?" He asked.
"You want to be number one, right? So what's better then a king?" She asked him.
Bakugou smiled and put the lid back on the box as he walked with her back to her dorm. "Thank you Katsuki." Aurora said to him.
This took him back as he looked at her shocked. "you said my first name?" He asked her when he saw her nod smiling at him. He looked at her smiling, hugging her tightly. Aurora hugged back. "Say it again. ." He said to her.
Bakugou was really happy at this point that he hugged her even tightly and then picked her up bridal style carried her to her bed and layed her down, kissing her forehead after moving her hair out the way. "goodnight Aurora."
Yeah, yeah I know valentine's day was ages ago, but again better late then never, right?
Thanks for reading everyone, and I appreciate your patience and support.
Hope you all have a lovely day, afternoon, evening or night 😊
Bye for now
To be continued!
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