Story Title: The Bad Time Hero
{Shantae Harem x Oc Insert}
Book Cover:
Trailer Plot: In another timeline, in another dimension, the Smg4 Universe, our brave and determined hero by the name Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori, fought his hardest on Anime Island. The battle was beginning to feel futile as Hiroshi got weaker and weaker, close to death, but he kept fighting on. He managed to save Meggy and everyone else from Francis, but his creation was out of control and got too powerful that Hiroshi couldn't beat him at his level. With no other choice, Hiroshi made sure to get his friends to safety and made the ultimate sacrifice, ending his life in the Smg4 Universe. However, his story didn't end didn't end just yet. Hiroshi suddenly awoken, still injured and in pain, on a beach somewhere. He was confused at first, considering the last thing he remembered was sacrificing his life and died protecting his life. He also met a new face, a girl by the name Shantae as she was the one that heard a loud crash from the beach, which was by Scuttletown, home of Shantae and others. Considering, that Hiroshi will be forever stuck in this new universe, he's gonna make a name for himself. Watch out evil villians, there's a new hero in town and he is the bad time hero, ready to give you all a very bad time.
Full Name: Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
August 30, 2024
Time: 3:22 pm
Words: 261
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