giant or tiny maia
U can pick to have a tiny maia or giant maia. But their are rules :
- if u are gonna be sans , he is always giant , even when I'm tiny.
- when u have giant sans , u have to show him ripping cloths and he has to be growing , he cannot be always big , something has to happen to him
Ex - blue stuff was going thru his ribcage and he was growing , his clothes ripping.
- if u choose tiny maia , u have to be taller then her
- if u want to be giant , that's fine
- if giant maia , then u have to be in a lab.
- if u giant sans , he has to show him in pain
Ex - sans : it...hurts ! * groans and he clutched his stomach
K , here is giant maia -
This is tiny maia -
Giant Sans is the same but has rips in his clothes.
Have fun !
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