Chapter 1
Hazel POV
I finished packing and changing before I walked downstairs where the twins were impatiently waiting for me. I looked at my father and siblings giving them a smile.
"Goodbye." I said giving them each a short hug and walked to the impatient and growling twins. We walked outside just to see a lot of people there with scared and worried faces.
"Hazel!" I heard and looked to the girl that was coming my way and one of the twins was about to step in her way but I moved in front of him bending down to get to the girls high.
"Who will protect us and teach us if you're gone?" She said burying her face in my chest as I patted her hair and more kids came surrounding me as the twins growled yet again and I glared at them.
"I assure you all, that there are a lot of soldiers more than capable of taking my place." I said smiling at the children around me.
"But it's not gonna be the same!" Cried another little girl as my eyes soften.
"I'm sorry. But I need to go. Please don't cry while I'm gone. Show me the little warriors I've been training." I told them with a big smile as they all let go of me and I put all of my things in the trunk of the car and took a seat in the car where the twins were already seating. We were all silent while the driver drove.
"So can I know your names or is that so much to ask?" I asked looking at them.
"I don't like your attitude." Said the twin the smelled like forest.
"Hmm too bad. If you didn't like it then you could've left me home." I said looking directly in his eyes as I saw them switch from brown to black trying to take control of his wolf but it was to no evade as his wolf took over.
"Hmm and what would your name be mr. Wolf?" I asked and the wolf just growl at me.
"What is it with you Alphas and growling is that all you know how to do?" I asked them annoyed by them.
"What gives you the authority to speak to us like that?!" He said as he tried hitting me but Lucine took over holding his hand.
"What do you think you're doing to Hazel?" She asked in a harsh voice and the wolf seemed to know who she was.
"You have no right to touch me!" He yelled at her and she laughed.
"I'm your mate. I have the right to do whatever I find necessary with my mate and to protect Hazel." She said looking directly in his eyes.
"So you ether stand down or there will be consequences." She said again.
"Those are my words to say! I am your alpha!" He yelled at her but her grip in his hand hardened causing him some pain.
"You may be the Alpha in your pack and even if you're an Alpha I'm your mate which means I have as much power as you do." She said letting go of his hand and letting me take over again.
'Thanks Lucine.' I said to her.
'No problem.' She said.
"Letting your wolf take over like that is not something you should allow to happen. No matter how powerful your wolves are you have to be the tamer and be in control not the other way around." I said to them.
"A lot of talk out of someone that just let her wolf take over." Said the one that smelled like a rain and I sighed.
"My wolves take over when they find it necessary. I knew I wasn't going to be able to talk sense into him so I let Lucine take over." I said as they both looked at me.
"Wolves?" They both said and I nodded.
"Didn't you find it weird that the both of you only have one mate?" I said and they nodded.
"My wolves are named Luna and Lucine. My name is Hazel. Now that I've told you the big secret that no one really knows about will you tell me your names?" I asked them.
"But how is it possible for you to have two wolves?" Asked the one that smelled like rain.
"I'll answer only if you tell me your names and the wolves names." I said and they both sighed.
"My names Damien. My wolf's name is Jaxon." Said the one that smelled like rain.
"My name is Damion. My wolf's name is Hayden." Said the one that smelled like a forest.
"Why would your names be almost the same?" I asked them.
"Our parents thought that since we're twins having similar names would be the best thing to do." Said Damien. I think he was the less dominant and impulsive one out of the two.
"Hmm they actually sound cool and dangerous at least." I said.
"Now answer our question how do you have two wolves?" Almost growled Damion and I sighed.
"If only she were here things would be different." I said looking at the car ceiling.
"Her?" Asked Damien.
"Yes my twin. Luna actually belonged to my older twin sister. It's a long and personal story to tell so I'll keep the details to myself but when I was young some men came to our pack and kidnapped girls and woman. Some of those girls and woman were me and my sister along with my mother. They took us somewhere and blah blah blah, in the end both my mother and sister died." I said not wanting to talk about it. Not wanting to talk about everything that we went through.
"So the one that was supposed to be my mate died?" Asked Damien and I nodded.
"But that doesn't explain how you have her wolf." Said Damion that's when Luna took over.
"And you won't find out. Non of us want to talk about any of it that being the reason why no one knows about me. For all everyone knows I died with her." Luna said and I heard Damien whine at her pain. The rest of the drive was silent.
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