Chapter 4
I rush up the stairs to my bedroom, my brothers and Kyle following right behind me.
"Where did you meet them" Andrew says frustration and angst seeping into his voice as he paces up and down my bedroom.
"In the forest" I turn my back to them as I haphazardly throw clothes into the suitcase waiting for their outburst.
"What were you doing in the forest at night by yourself" Kyle says anger colouring his voice, I turn and see that his eyes are flickering between the colour blue and black; his wolf was surfacing.
I take a moment and rest my hand on his shoulder comforting him, his eyes turn back to the beautiful bright ocean blue, unfortunately I can't change the angry expression on his face.
Even though Kyle and I weren't mates he and his wolf was very protective of me.
"Look I'm sorry" I turn facing them all, "But I love being in the forrest alone with Emma, it's the only time where I feel truly free.
Looking at my brothers their angry expression slips off their face replacing it with an expression of understanding and acceptance.
"I'm going to miss all of you so much" I say as tear escapes my eye, "But I can't stay with them. When I ran here they were still in the woods looking for a shirt for me to wear. I've got about a minute to leave this pack"
Andrew walks towards the bedroom door, "Let's go Flick" he says, gazing down at me sadly. We exit the bedroom, running down the stairs as we head towards the door.
"The rest of you stay here and create a cover story for Flick" Andrew says, Daniel, Harry and Kyle immediately start to argue with his decision, demanding that they come with me; but my brother sends them all a withering look which silences them all immediately.
Daniel and Harry hug me tightly, I know that I'm going to miss them dearly however I'm going to miss Kyle the most; he was my best friend, he loved and understood me better than anyone else.
Kyle doesn't say anything but embraces me with a warm hug which tells me that he loves me and that he will always love and care for me.
I give Kyle one last goodbye hug, when the door breaks open, the wood immediately shatters causing pieces of debris to fly everywhere.
Kyle automatically places me behind him protecting me from the onslaught of broken wood, however it's not the wood I'm worried about its the two angry alpha's standing in the doorway.
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